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1980【New member of the firm】

Jiang Xia pointed to the fish tank: "So if you look carefully, you can see that there are some tiny red threads wrapped around the water plants, and there are also some in the cracks between the rocks - those are the fibers that fell off the hiking socks."

When everyone heard this, they couldn't help but look at the fish tank.

The water in the tank is quite clear, with a layer of beautiful landscape stones at the bottom, and two small fish swimming around in it. The scenery was originally beautiful. The two fish looked relaxed and leisurely, but after learning the truth

, they looked at the fish again, but they could see that they were bearing the burden of humiliation. Fortunately, these were not those delicate tropical fish, otherwise they might turn their stomachs again now.

Maya Hashimoto looked at the fish in the fish tank in front of her, and recalled the tropical fish that had been poisoned to death in the previous fashion design company, as well as the frightened canaries that were beaten by birds and eggs, and couldn't help but become distracted.

"Uzo seems to be particularly fond of persecuting these small animals recently. I'd better try to go around a house with pets when I pass by it in the future." After saying this in his mind, he suddenly felt something was wrong and quickly corrected:

"No, I will try my best to meet Jiang Xia and increase the chance of meeting Jiang Xia! After all, they are doing unscrupulous work in the organization, who are they not doing it with? Mr. Ireland can do it, but that evil... Mr. Uzuo, why can't he do it?"

Maya Hashimoto: "..." The only thing about killing Jiang Xia made his conscience hurt a little. But then he thought about it, he was just here to make a plan, and he wouldn't actually do it - just pretend that he was rehearsing for an acting performance.

.And there is no need for their backup Watson to worry about the matter between Holmes and Moriarty.

Next to it, a circle of police officers failed to realize that there was an outlaw who was having a fierce inner struggle. They were still listening to Jiang Xia's reasoning.

In just a few minutes, Jiang Xia has pushed the progress bar to the end: "After the sock is turned over, the side that is not stained with the blood of the deceased will be exposed to prevent it from being seen by the police. But obviously this also has a disadvantage -

—The blood stains are on the inside, so you can’t pretend that they were accidentally rubbed on your feet while checking the scene.”


The police department looked at the sock silently.

He wore such thick clothes in the summer and broke out in a cold sweat. He didn't like this kind of physical evidence.

But as a police officer, he could only say: "Do you mind if we check it?"

The owner of the house clenched his fist tightly and finally stopped struggling: "No need, I'm the one who killed that bastard."

The Megure Police Department temporarily escaped the disaster, and secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and quickly asked: "Could the motive be the accident that Mr. Shimizu mentioned?"

The owner nodded angrily: "As I said just now, mountaineering is a dangerous sport, and death is inevitable during the challenge. You can't resent your companions for this. I kept reminding myself like this, and tried hard to suppress my resentment towards Ikuta.


"But one day when I went to the tavern, I accidentally bumped into him and Kusaka having dinner together. The two of them were drunk. That bastard Ikuta actually laughed and said - it was because Keiko ignored him that day, so he broke it on purpose.

Keiko's legs, dropped her and left!

"What happened on the snowy mountain was not a climbing accident at all, but a murder! I can't forgive the guy who killed Keiko, and I can't let go of the guy sitting next to him who chimed in and talked about it as a joke.

...What happens next is what you see."

A sad case.

After watching the police car escorting the owner of the house away, Jiang Xia sighed and suddenly turned his head to look at Maya Hashimoto and Shimizu Yo, who happened to be passing by.

The two people were startled: "What's wrong?"

"If there were detectives on the snowy mountain at that time and found out from clues that it was a murder, there would not be today's tragedy." Jiang Xia patted their shoulders one by one, "This society needs detectives, you must work hard.


Qing Shuiyang: "..." But my major has nothing to do with being a detective. I'm just better at providing information about my teammates.

However, the recognition and encouragement from celebrities still made his face flush with excitement. He shook hands with Jiang Xia and decided to try to develop in this industry when he had time.

Soon he left with several other classmates.

Jiang Xia looked at Maya Hashimoto again, her eyes full of expectation, and everything was unspoken.

"..." Maya Hashimoto suppressed the strange thought of running away and showed an energetic smile, "Actually, I have been thinking about it for a long time these days. People like me who always travel back and forth between the two countries always have a fixed job.

To ask for leave is really not responsible to the employers - I will also try to develop into the detective industry in the future."

Jiang Xia was so considerate. He was worried about how to find an excuse to stay with Jiang Xia to complete the task. Unexpectedly, Jiang Xia took the initiative to extend an olive branch to him - maybe this kind detective noticed his intentions and felt him.

troubles, so I made this decision.

Maya Hashimoto discovered bad news: Oh no, my conscience hurt even more.

But at the same time, he also has good news: as a qualified member of the organization, there is no such thing as conscience.

Jiang Xia nodded, quite satisfied: "You can come to Jiang Xia more often if you have nothing to do... Oh, Amuro Detective Agency, the address is on the business card I gave you before.

"You can start by helping me deal with the letters in the mailbox, and filter out the commissions you think are necessary to deal with. If there are cases in the future, if you are nearby, I will try to contact you. As for the salary, I will give you the standard of a trainee detective.

?In addition, there will also be corresponding commissions for completed commissions."

Maya Hashimoto: "..." Jiang Xia is too efficient, right? This has already been arranged? How come it seems like it has been prepared...

Oh, he understood: Jiang Xia has been trying to give people an advantage in the detective industry, but the success rate seems to be low - even if it were not him today, someone else would have received the same treatment.

...Not only do they plan to harm Jiang Xia secretly, but they also need to collect wages from Jiang Xia. Although Jiang Xia is a famous detective and is not short of money, her conscience hurts even more. Is this really good?

Maya Hashimoto was polite for 0.1 seconds and planned to agree.

Unexpectedly, at this moment, a voice suddenly intervened from the side.

Conan: "But I remember that this mixed-race uncle seems to be working for that Mr. Edward." He stared at Maya Hashimoto, "Where is that Mr. Edward? Doesn't it matter if you switch jobs?"

Maya Hashimoto was shocked: ...How did this kid know that I had switched jobs?! Was it an accident, or was he too trusted by Uzuo, or was Uzuo deliberately revealing the news because he thought his career was too smooth?

Adding fire to the already intense infighting?

And this first-year primary school student actually took the opportunity to ridicule him. Did he want to use this to tell Jiang Xia that people like him who change jobs from job to job are not loyal enough and are not worthy of trust?

This chapter has been completed!
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