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Chapter 327 There should be silence here

At the same time, in the alley in the distance.

Three people wearing knitted hats, covering their faces with scarves and sunglasses were sitting in a commercial vehicle, holding up a telescope and looking in the direction of the Acupido Building.

The leader of the robbers quickly locked onto his target and pointed in that direction: "Here he comes, that man from TWO MIX. You get out of the car and go around and approach him from behind. Sugita, go pick him up."

With that said, Miyahara Satoru opened the door and got out of the car, and headed to the other side of the street on the pretext of watching the wind.

Although the north gate of Aipido Complex is much more secluded than the south, there are still occasional pedestrians coming and going. Kidnapping on the street carries a certain risk, so he decided to pass the risk to his younger brother and only appear in safe places.

Miyahara Satoru is an experienced robber.

But this time, he kidnapped not only for money, but also to eliminate evidence - last New Year's Eve, when he killed his accomplices at Shoenji Temple, TWO MIX who was passing by heard the noise. After that, the singing group unknown

In the case of love, I wrote lyrics related to the clues in the new song.

Miyahara Satoru was listening to the radio for a while, and he happened to hear TWO·MIX playing the demo tape on the show. After Miyahara Satoru was shocked, he felt that both the demo tape and the singer knew too much, so he planned to join him.

Things are extinguished together.

Therefore, he planned today's kidnapping.

The robber's younger brother stayed in the car, picked up the telescope that Miyahara Satoru dropped before getting out of the car, and looked in the direction pointed by the boss.

As soon as the telescopes were connected, the original field of view shifted a lot.

The younger brother took a quick glance based on his impression, and his eyes quickly passed over a passerby wearing a mask, and stopped under the tree. Standing under the tree was a well-protected man with a well-proportioned figure who looked very much in line with his impression of a "male singer."

"The definition of a person. This "male singer" even deliberately stood beside an inconspicuous tree, using the thick trunk to block himself... It must be to prevent fans from recognizing him.

After confirming the target, the robber handed the binoculars to another accomplice, pointed him in the direction, then got out of the car and entered the alley next to him.

Jiang Xia was playing with her cell phone when she suddenly felt murderous intent approaching.

Although it felt like the murderous aura was of average quality and quite thin, he still couldn't help but raise his head and take a look.

On the asphalt road sprinkled with fallen leaves, I saw a commercial vehicle sneaking along the street. The speed was very slow, and the rear door was still open a crack, and it looked like it could be opened at any time.

There was also a murderous aura that seemed to be behind him, approaching him in a roundabout way.

After Jiang Xia was stunned, he suddenly thought of something.

...so lucky.

He didn't look back, he just casually looked at the roadside as if to relax his eyes, then withdrew his gaze and continued to look down at his phone leisurely.

At 11:28 in the morning, Vodka drove his car to the place agreed upon by Ginjiu and Jiang Xia.

He was looking around for someone when he suddenly heard an engine roar.

Looking around, I saw a commercial vehicle in front of me suddenly rushing onto the roadside and heading straight under a tree. There were two people standing under the tree. As the vehicle approached, one person suddenly pushed the other person into the car.

Then he climbed up too.

As soon as the car door closed, the car with the dark black window paper drove away.

Vodgar lowered half of the car window, rested his elbows on the window sill, and looked at the excitement: "Haha, it turned out to be a kidnapping. I just thought someone was going to commit murder in a car accident."

I originally thought that the elder brother would follow this topic and mock the incompetent police.

Unexpectedly, Ginjiu just glanced at him and said in an unclear tone: "Are you happy?"

"!" Although Vodka was a little confused, as soon as he heard this talk, he immediately put away his smile sensibly, "No, I just said it casually..."

Gin withdrew his gaze, turned to the direction the car was leaving, and snorted: "Follow me."

At the same time, he took out the gun and loaded it with a click.

Vodka was startled, and asked as he started: "Aren't you waiting for Uzo?"

A person climbed up in the back seat.

Belmode rested her elbows on the back of the front seat and narrowed her eyes. Her aqua eyes first looked at the tree, then turned to the end of the road: "Uzo was in that car. I've seen some of his interviews.

The features of videos and programs are easy to remember.”

His tone was quite gloating, as if he was looking forward to what happened to Uzo.

Vodka took a moment to realize that "that car" she was referring to was the car that kidnapped people on the street just now.

His first reaction was that Uzo had changed his career and instead of planning murders, he started planning kidnappings.

The second reaction was that this kid didn't listen to the advice. I told him not to break the law and commit crimes, and pretend to be a detective to infiltrate the upper class. Now he is blatantly breaking the law again. Ha, the eldest brother hates this kind of subordinates who are difficult to command.

It wasn't until the car drove half a street that Vodka suddenly felt something was wrong from the reactions of Gin and Belmode.

...Wait, Uzo was the one who was pushed into the car?


Vodka suddenly came up with a bold idea, hoping that the kidnappers would be killed in a professional manner and get rid of this unstable hidden danger.

But reason told him that Uzo couldn't be kidnapped by passers-by so easily. This might be Uzo's conspiracy.

When the commercial car passed the intersection, it stopped briefly and picked up Miyahara Satoru.

Miyahara Satoru sat in the passenger seat, taking off his sunglasses and casually glancing at the dimly lit rear compartment.

I saw a stranger lying in the carriage, and Brother No. 2 was searching the person.

He nodded with satisfaction, looked away, and reminded: "Give me his bag." You have to look for a demo tape in it. If not, you have to find the female singer again.

My brother quickly sent me a satchel.

Miyahara Satoru opened the zipper and rummaged through it, but couldn't find the video tape, but later realized something was wrong.

This bag is different in style from the bag he saw on the male singer just now...

Miyahara Satoru stared at Bao for a few seconds, and suddenly had a bad feeling in his heart, suspecting that his two idiots had kidnapped the wrong person.

He turned on the light on the inside of the vehicle and turned around to look at the rear compartment separated by the dark window paper. Before his eyes could focus, he heard a muffled "dong" sound.

Looking carefully, he saw his No. 2 brother rolling his eyes and falling to the ground in the car with the back seat removed.

But the hostage who was supposed to be tied into rice dumplings and left in the car to die was now holding the gun belonging to Brother No. 2, looking at it and playing with it.

Immediately afterwards, the gun was aimed at them in the front row.

"Go to Yamahira Town." The "hostage" pointed his gun at Miyahara Satoru and said calmly, "Or I will kill you."

Miyahara Satoru: "...?"

He was stunned for a moment, then his expression darkened.

This hostage who was kidnapped by mistake looks young. He probably has some skills. He was lucky enough to get rid of his men, and then he got the upper hand, thinking that he could turn against the host with a gun. Ha, there is really a lack of social beatings...

This chapter has been completed!
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