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Chapter 659: Lend me a subordinate

However, the development of things was different from what Conan imagined.

Toru Amuro didn't let the police continue to suspect "Jiang Xia is the murderer".

He testified: "The deceased died in the early morning. When Jiang Xia came to my room, it was just before ten o'clock in the evening, and he never left after that."

"Haha!" When Yamamura Cao heard this, his eyes suddenly sharpened, and the finger pointing at Jiang Xia suddenly changed its direction.

He turned and pointed at Amuro with great force: "You must have been scammed! - How do you know the specific time of death? Huh, it must be because you have been to room 207 before and after the death of the deceased... huh? Wait a minute

, are you the murderer?!"

Jiang Xia: "..."

He glanced at Toru Amuro: Are you not risking murder? You can vaguely see the veins on the boss's forehead...

Toru Amuro clenched his fists and his knuckles clicked.

Then he showed a polite smile: "Why do you know... Of course you can see it, I am a detective after all."

Jiang Xia was very considerate and said: "Mr. Amuro is the boss of the detective agency where I work."

"Detective..." Yamamura Cao couldn't find the real murderer quickly. He lowered his hand pointing at the "murderer" with some disappointment and reluctantly accepted this statement. "No wonder you guys go out together. Oh, by the way, Jiang Xia is here.

That agency seems to be called 'Amuro Detective Agency', I've seen it in reports."

However, Yamamura So did not simply give up his "reasoning".

He quickly thought of something, stood up again, and looked at Toru Amuro:

"But even so, your words cannot be used as evidence - if Jiang Xia's reputation is damaged because of 'killing people', you, the boss, must suffer even greater losses.

"After Jiang Xia committed the murder, he must have run to you in a panic to tell you about it, and then you and he disposed of the body! Or, Jiang Xia just told you that he wanted to surrender, and you stopped and took the lead in the fake 'suicide by hanging'?"

- I'm sorry to tell you that there is nothing wrong with self-defense, but treating the remains like this and trying to deceive the clever police is a crime! Admit it early! In view of your contribution to the police, I can fight for you.

A 'turn yourself in' reputation."


Jiang Xia secretly glanced at Toru Amuro again.

Then he looked away in disappointment.

It looked like he wanted to knock Yamamura Soo down and beat him up, but the boss didn't dare to take any murderous intent... The boss had such a bad temper, it was really a frustrating thing.

at the same time.

Yuya Kazami, who was wearing a baseball cap and mingling low-key among the crowd, glanced at Toru Amuro's smiling expression from behind his lenses and shuddered silently.

"..." What on earth is this Gunma County Police Department talking about?

Before finding clear evidence, if the detective points to someone so arrogantly to "reason", he may be accused. Not to mention the police who are civil servants...

And just now, when Yamamura Soo was facing the "ghost" and Jiang Xia, he was dizzy and crawling, and he didn't look like a policeman on duty at all... If this continues, he and his colleagues will not be in trouble and send out some death-inducing things.

Mission or training. After all, their performance during this trip was actually very average...

Feng Jian Yu also thought of the time when he was lost in the woods. Thinking again about the camera that Jiang Xia casually pulled out last night, he felt a sense of despair in his heart.

Yamamura Soo knew nothing about his colleagues' worries.

The more he talked at this time, the more he felt that this reasoning was very reasonable - and the words of Toru Amuro and Jiang Xia were indeed full of loopholes: "-Also, if the room is really unsuitable, why not find a hotel to change it?


"Okay. I didn't want to say it before, but since it's related to the case..." Toru Amuro didn't know what he thought of, and suddenly regained his composure.

He crossed his arms and swept the crowd with his peripheral vision. He paused in the direction of Kazami Yuya for a moment, then looked at Yamamura Cao and explained: "It's because someone secretly took photos - last night, Jiang Xia was in the room.

Found a hidden camera."

"It was very windy and rainy last night, and there was no signal. And if this is a shady store, if you say this rashly, you may be in danger. We can only pretend that nothing happened and make do with it for the night." Toru Amuro took out the video.

Regarding the mentality when dealing with strange guests, "That's it."

Yamamura Cao: "..." It barely makes sense.

He touched his chin, a little disappointed: His reasoning failed to hit the mark?

——The wise genius policeman exposed the conspiracy of the high school detective and sent the teenagers who had gone astray to reform. After a few decades, the policeman retired with gray temples, glorious scars and legends, and he was forced to get back on track.

The detective re-entered the society. After many hardships, he understood the hard work of the police and took over the baton of justice again...

Could it be that such a tragic and tragic life full of reincarnation has to be cut off after just a few minutes?

"..." Well, if you think about it carefully, even if the person was really killed by Jiang Xia in self-defense and he was underage, he would never be able to survive when he retired. Unless Jiang Xia entered the juvenile detention center and was there

Mass murder; or being imprisoned may lead to a large number of cases hidden behind it, like a terrifying iceberg under the sea...

Yamamura Cao secretly sighed.

At this time, the criminal policeman who was working hard suddenly discovered something: "Police officer Yamacun, the deceased did not have a mobile phone on him. It may have been taken away."

"Oh." Yamamura Cao was woken up from the drama in his mind when he was shouted by other detectives. He was a little confused and briefly forgot the idea of ​​solving the case just now.

Just as he was racking his brains to think, a voice cut in from beside him.

——Jiang Xia naturally used his subordinates:

"Let's check the staff in the store first. If the deceased really wanted to pretend to claim the box, then he should have someone who knew about the hotel, knew that the hotel owner had poor eyesight and couldn't recognize people, and even knew about the hotel owner's plan.

Invite me to study the accomplice of that box

"——People who possess these characteristics at the same time are likely to be hotel staff."

"Indeed..." Yamamura Cao nodded reluctantly, intending to praise, "Okay, since what you said makes sense, I'll give you a chance to prove your innocence."

However, before he spoke, several criminal police subordinates said "Okay" to Jiang Xia in unison, followed the order and ran out without looking back, preparing to scrutinize the employees in the hotel.

Yamamura Cao looked at the backs of the criminal policemen: "..."

...whose subordinates are you?

The hotel owner also followed out, intending to help gather the staff.

But I've only been out for half a minute.

He jogged all the way again, turned back, held his mobile phone high in his hand, and said in surprise: "Mr. Jiang Xia, look at this email! It seems to be in this room!"

This chapter has been completed!
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