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Chapter 661 One hundred ways to commit murder

Conan always felt that there were some very crucial coincidences hidden in this.

At present, combined with other factors, the causes and consequences of this murder can be roughly sorted out.

——The ghost in the hotel, Shenbao Daxiong, learned that the hotel owner wanted to ask a detective to check the suitcase, so for some reason, he became interested in the suitcase and asked someone to pretend to be Jiang Xia to defraud the suitcase.

However, Toru Amuro "happened" to bring Jiang Xia here and took the suitcase in advance.

That night, Shenbao Daxiong and the deceased entered Jiang Xia's room one after another and killed each other over the suitcase. Afterwards, Shenbao Daxiong took away the mobile phone of the deceased, which in turn proved that the two were accomplices in order to avoid the leakage of communication records.


All in all, it looks like this is just a tragedy of evil people fighting each other.

But if you look closely, you can find that there are some crucial coincidences hidden in it.

...Why did Jiangxia and Toru Amuro come just as the hotel owner wanted to invite a detective?

...Why is it that only Jiang Xia's house happens to have a camera? Just now, Conan randomly sneaked into a few nearby rooms and looked around, but he didn't find that anyone else's houses had been tampered with.

In addition, there is Jiang Xia's changed style of clothes - when the fake "Jiang Xia" comes, he should be wearing a cap and a mask. It is normal for celebrities to cover their faces with these things. In this case, it is not an acquaintance,

It will be difficult to distinguish the real Jiangxia from the fake. People in the hotel may think that the person in black is the real Jiangxia.

After Conan thought about it carefully, he discovered that when these factors are mixed together, it can lead to countless unfavorable possibilities.

For example, the fake "Jiang Xia" arrived a little early, took away the box, and then threw the blame to Jiang Xia after doing bad things;

Or after someone kills Jiang Xia, they use the existence of the fake "Jiang Xia" to obscure the time of Jiang Xia's death and create an alibi for themselves... Although Jiang Xia is not easy to control, if there is a mole who poisons the drinking water, things will be different.


Of course, among the countless endings, the current situation is naturally included.

Compared with the previous ones, when someone is behind the scenes, the current situation seems to be the result with the highest probability of being achieved.

So, just look at the current words: Jiang Xia's travel route was decided by Amuro Toru, and the clothes were also ordered by Amuro Toru. After discovering the camera, Jiang Xia was told to keep quiet and stay quietly in his room, leaving room 207 vacant, 80% of the time.

Toru Amuro...

Conan touched his chin, lost in thought.

Maybe his thoughts went astray from the beginning. The purpose of Boss Amuro was not to murder Jiang Xia, but to use Jiang Xia's reputation to appear here naturally, and then use these conditions to cleverly kill the deceased and alienate himself?

"..." Are you using various murder cases to achieve your true goals... If it is true, such a method is really hard to detect. And it is also extremely difficult to expose.

Finding the physical evidence of the murder was already a troublesome part. But now, there is no evidence that Toru Amuro broke the law or instigated it. Everything is just speculation.

I really hope this is just my overthinking...

Conan sighed inwardly. On the one hand, he hoped that this was just a coincidence, but on the other hand, he had to prepare for the worst - Amuro Toru controlled the murder case to avoid falling behind due to lack of preparation at the critical moment.

After all, when facing vicious gangsters, opportunities often disappear in a blink of an eye.

The other people present did not think as much as Conan.

Although Toru Amuro also felt that the murder case was solved very quickly and by coincidence, it was hard for him to be alert to such coincidences all the way through.

What's more, he himself plays a dominant role in these coincidences, and the choices he makes "by himself" are not easily suspicious. Few people will suddenly feel that the decisions they make independently are actually controlled by others.

...Of course, the most important thing is that Toru Amuro was not controlled in the first place, and he was indeed acting completely according to his own will.

Yamamura Cao failed to deduce the murderer just now. Seeing Jiang Xia now, he inevitably feels guilty.

At the same time, he slowly realized that this was a powerful detective, so he simply followed the police instinct and approached: "Speaking of which, what is in that box? It's worth them killing each other."

Although the fake Jiang Xia opened the box last night, he happened to have his back to the surveillance camera at that time, covering the inside of the box.

Relying only on the surveillance video transmitted by "passing eyes", the truth is still unclear.

Jiang Xia turned to look at Yamamura Cao. Although this confused police officer failed to extract the murderous intent from his boss and did not work hard enough. But on second thought, Yamamura Cao also seemed to have the physique to summon cases, and he encountered many serial murder cases.

So he spoke in a friendly tone and said patiently: "It is an old newspaper from September five years ago. The Kumamoto Sports Newspaper, the title is "The First Victory of the Akagi Maru". You can go to the local library to look for it. There should be a backup there."

"Hurry up and contact the people over there and send them a photocopy."

Upon hearing this, Yamamura Cao turned his head and sent one of his subordinates to look for him as if passing a microphone.

Then he belatedly wondered: "Just put a newspaper?"

"That's right." When the hotel owner heard this, he suddenly said.

He was deeply impressed by the "unparalleled reasoning" that Yamamura Cao had just said, and he didn't want to experience it again, so he hurriedly interrupted: "I was also there at the time. After the box was handed over to Mr. Jiang Xia, it never left my hand until it was opened.

From what I've seen, the only thing inside is an old newspaper, which has never been swapped."

...The hotel owner originally thought that this confused policeman would continue to use force.

Unexpectedly, after hearing this, Yamamura Cao looked at him with condemnation: "Of course! How could a detective like Jiang Xia leak the contents of your box! Speaking of which, you entrusted him with the investigation, and you still stared at the box the whole time...

…What about trust between people?!”

"..." The hotel owner rolled up his sleeves unconsciously, "*&#¥%..."

Jiang Xia glanced at him subconsciously, and almost at the same time, two transparent shadows flashed across his eyes.

——The mermaid and Ms. Spider rushed out indiscriminately and bounced towards the hotel owner. When they came back, they brought with them a very weak but real murderous aura.

This kind of murderous aura, although the amount is very small and does not matter when one is full, looks like a wisp of misty gauze.

The two monsters and Miyano Akemi got together and began to murmur and gesture at it, like several fashion designers surrounding a piece of rare fabric.

Since there was too little murderous aura, and there were too many people around him at this time, Jiang Xia could not reach out to push the ghosts away to save the murderous aura. From a normal person's perspective, the way he interacted with the air was really strange.

This chapter has been completed!
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