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Chapter 800 It was Uzo who stole your cat

Moreover, judging from the situation in the surveillance, it is indeed a worry-free cat - he never messes with potted plants or pushes things off the table. His favorite entertainment seems to be playing with the air, maybe chasing.

Dust in the light...

Looking at all the clips, the only behavior that can be called "troublesome" was a few nights ago. After Okiya Subaru fell asleep, the cat came over and circled around his face, and accidentally stepped on the pillow.

The lighted up screen of the mobile phone seemed to attract the attention of the black cat with white claws, so it began to focus on pulling the phone. The phone was quickly pushed to the corner of the bed, and the cat followed, and the two disappeared from the surveillance screen.

...If humans and mobile phones disappear together in a blind spot, it may cause observers to be alert, for example, worrying that the mobile phone has been tampered with.

But if a cat does something like this, it will only make people worry about breaking their mobile phones.

Subaru Okiya's mobile phone is obviously very sturdy and is still alive today.

Seeing Akai Shuichi's eyes lingering on this piece of surveillance for a while, Subaru Okiya explained to the cat in a low voice: "It was just that the phone happened to light up, so it couldn't help but push it. This is already much better than other cats."


Akai Shuichi nodded silently. He just saw "the phone was pushed away" and instinctively paid attention. After he came to his senses, he didn't think much about it. No matter how vigilant and cautious he was, he would not suspect that a cat would steal it.

Look at your phone.

Okiya Subaru looked at the precious cat video on the screen and couldn't help but miss it: "I don't know where it went. I'm too busy these days. I just selected the embryo for the customized cat tag and haven't started carving it yet.

, what if it runs out and someone else sees that there is no brand and picks it up and takes it home."

After a pause, his tone couldn't help but become firm: "It must have been taken away by someone else - who wouldn't want a cat like this? Maybe it's too smart and found that I didn't take good care of it, so it took the initiative to find someone else...


"..." Shuichi Akai looked at the cat supplies piled up in the corner of the living room, and remembered Subaru Okiya's words about "not taking good care of them", and fell silent for a moment.

"It's a good thing to run away." Shuichi Akai thought for a moment and comforted, "With a boss like Usa, any disagreement between you and the organization may be exposed at any time. It would be troublesome to move with a cat. And this

Cats with distinctive patterns and colors can easily become clues for organizations to find you even after you change your identity."

Okiya Subaru: "..." These words did make him less interested in raising a cat. But for some reason, he felt even more uncomfortable... It always felt like he was not far away from lying in the grave.

When two people were exchanging useless clues in a serious manner.

the other side.

Jiang Xia returned to her main body and first dealt with the accumulated cats at Dr. Ali's house.

After sending cats to the clients, chatting for a while, and sending them away, he also cleaned the mailbox of the detective agency.

Not finding any valuable commissions, Jiang Xia bundled up the waste paper and put it aside.

Then I brewed a cup of health tea that was recently added to the office, and took a sip. While I disliked the wolfberry and ginseng being too much, I thought about the task I had assigned to "Jiang Xia" as "Uzuo".

Like several other tasks, since the tasks are sent to peripheral subordinates, the difficulty is not high. All of them can be solved in neat ways commonly used by organizations.

Although the organization advocates secrecy, as a behemoth that exists in the shadows, it still has to deal with all kinds of people. These include not only outstanding groups in various highly specialized fields, but also some gangs hiding in the shadows of society.

For example, this mission involves a local organization that is not very popular - the Ghost Tiger Society.

The Ghost Tiger Society seems to have some cooperation with an organization affiliated with the organization, and has mastered a batch of rare materials that are prohibited from being imported. The members of the peripheral tool people have no right to know what the specific items are. The task of "peripheral member" Jiang Xia is just to bring the materials

Got it.

——That batch of goods is now stored in the safe of the Xidian Branch of Dongdu Bank.

If you want to take it out normally, you need to verify the seal and signature.

Previously, the transaction method agreed between the Ghost Tiger Association and the organization was that the second-in-command of the Ghost Tiger Association kept the seal, and the organization's transaction person was responsible for signing. When the money arrived, the second-in-command would send the seal to the organization.

Originally, this was going to be a peaceful transaction that went smoothly.

However, just before the official transaction, the Ghost Tiger Society was caught with illegal evidence. Overnight, the leader and a large number of cadres were arrested. The situation of the Ghost Tiger Society changed from "okay" to "difficult" in an instant.

To continue".

The second-in-command was lucky enough to escape, but when he came to his senses, he couldn't help but be furious. He proposed to the organization's dealer that the supplies could be given free of charge, but the organization would help them assassinate the prosecutor who caused the demise of the Ghost Tiger Society, and conduct a smear campaign.

Bloody revenge.

Unfortunately, the organization did not want to have a direct conflict with an official agency such as the police, so it decisively rejected his request.

Since then, the second-in-command of the Ghost Tiger Society and several of his cronies have disappeared to this day. They are hiding somewhere and plotting his revenge. The agreed deal was also interrupted.

The seal used to withdraw the materials from the safe is still on the second in command.

This matter should originally be the responsibility of the organization's handover person.

But this man was a weak civilian, not very good at violent...solving problems quickly. In addition, his signature might still be useful, and it was best for people to stay alive, so this task was handed over to others.

Eventually it fell into Jiang Xia's hands.

Jiang Xia briefly recalled the details of the mission. Several solutions quickly emerged in his mind.

According to the organization's preferred method, the simplest way is probably to rob a bank - no matter how many procedures there are to pick up the goods, they can't stop someone from blowing open the safe to pick up the goods. At that time, there is no need to worry about any seals and signatures, and you can still carry extra money.

Get some cash back to subsidize your family.

...But this is against the law.

Even if a law-abiding detective becomes a peripheral accomplice of the organization, he should not do such a self-destructive thing. The method of solving the task should indeed be more gentle.

For example, try to find a way to find the second in command.

Or DIY a fake seal.

——The latter is the simplest and most low-key. Just use puppets and ghosts to sneak into banks and corresponding institutions, observe the procedures, and then retrieve the seals and deposit them as certificates.

In this way, although the details are a bit fanciful, it is only a marginal task after all, and the organization will not care about the specific method of completion.

Even if some curious cadres have questions about how to achieve it, Jiang Xia will only have to imitate Belmode and smile slightly and say something like "A secret makes a man man"... Since in their eyes, "Urban"

"Zuo" can unknowingly control each murder case, so wouldn't it be very reasonable for him to recruit a few moles from within the organization to help him coordinate internally and externally.

This chapter has been completed!
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