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116 The father-in-law

As soon as the word "tiger" spread, it caused waves in the world.

This does not mean that women cannot draw tigers.

The way to draw things is to have both form and spirit. The form comes first and the spirit comes last. This means that we must first have the form before we can talk about the spirit.

The word "shape" requires observation - but has Mrs. Chang ever seen a real tiger?

If you have only seen it in paintings, followed other people's works, or just relied on your imagination...even if you are destined to only be able to draw the skin, it will be difficult to draw its bones.

After talking about the form, let’s talk about the spirit. The tiger is the king of beasts and has an extraordinary momentum. This is not something that women in the boudoir are good at.

And let’s not just talk about women, we can count the number of people here tonight who are really good at drawing tigers on two hands.

It’s not that they are harsh on Mrs. Chang, it’s that this painting is already a masterpiece, and the standard is really too high. If this tiger is not enough to suppress the painting, then it will really be superfluous!

But precisely because of this, everyone's expectations at this time have been pushed to the highest point.

Just as they didn't even think much of Mrs. Chang at first, but the other party overturned their perceptions one by one... Who dares to say that she can't draw this tiger well?!

"...are you really drawing a tiger?" the young man in front of the ice basin asked in surprise.

After receiving a nod from his friend who had just stepped forward to take a look, the young man finally abandoned the ice basin, stood up, and quickly squeezed into the crowd.

Relying on his good strength and thick skin, which he had honed from doing farm work since he was a child, he pushed his way to the front and was able to peek out of his head and see the desk and the drawing paper on it.

His gaze moved slowly from one end of the drawing paper, and every time he moved half an inch, his expression became more shocked.

Until he saw what the girl was describing, the shock turned into a different kind of silence.

Like many people at the front, he stopped talking and speculating, and even held his breath, not daring to disturb him in the slightest.

Time seemed to stand still, the lamp shadow did not waver, only the pen in her hand moved.

The tiger in the painting is gradually taking shape.

It was a giant tiger with black and brown fur stripes. Its fur was shiny and seemed to quiver with movement.

Looking at its back, limbs, and then to the tiger's tail, it seems that there are bones under the skin, strong and flexible.

This is a fierce tiger.

Or rather an evil tiger.

It was leaping out of the grass, making a pounce on food. Its forelimbs had already revealed its sharp claws. When the tiger's mouth was wide open, the tiger's whiskers, which were as thin as steel needles, seemed to be vibrating.

This quiet mountain forest was instantly filled with danger and murderous intent because of this evil tiger that "suddenly appeared".

But if you take a closer look at this moment, you can see that this murderous intention is not just at this moment, but has been there for a long time——

The frightened birds in the sky all looked at the apes in one place.

And the mottled reflection by the water stream that people couldn't see clearly just now. Looking at it again now, I realized that it was the corner of the tiger's shadow...exactly!

And it was the girl in black clothes that this evil tiger pounced on.

The moment the girl painted the fangs in the tiger's mouth, it seemed like a tiger's roar shook the forest!

The man surnamed Tan looked trembling as if he had really heard the whistling. As he tried to steady his mind, he subconsciously looked at the hand holding the pen.

Those white and white wrists are slender. If you don't see it with your own eyes, you really can't believe that this evil tiger that looks like it will jump out of the painting at the next moment was actually made by such a slender girl...

But the man surnamed Tan soon discovered another key.

Although it looks slender, the girl's fingers stained with colored ink are extremely powerful when holding the pen.

This so-called power does not mean how heavy the strength is when writing, but the power to balance the weight and weight - he looked carefully and found that her fingers never trembled in the slightest from beginning to end.

It should be noted that she has been painting for nearly an hour.

Even if an ordinary person just bends down and stands in front of this book desk for an hour, most of them will be unable to stand.

What's more, she has been painting all the time with almost no rest.

Although painting is a literary job, it is also a real physical job.

After standing for a long time, people will get tired, and the hand holding the pen will become unstable. With such physical exhaustion, the pen will inevitably be weak——

Therefore, the reason why many large paintings take several days or even longer to complete is not only the painter's tendency to procrastinate, but also the above reasons.

The man surnamed Tan subconsciously looked at the girl's forearm - although it was a bit rude, he dared to conclude that under the little girl's rolled-up sleeves, although her arms were thin, they must be very strong...

Therefore, whether it is beating people or painting, in addition to talent, they also rely on real skills!

But this little girl is so talented, yet she works so hard...

And the most enviable thing is that the network background is so wide!

If the other party is a man, what will happen to them in the imperial examination next year?

Thinking of this, the man surnamed Tan felt happy for a moment, but after that short and shallow feeling of happiness, he fell into unspeakable regret.

When I looked at the evil tiger again, I had a different feeling.

At this point, the tiger is almost finished, except for a pair of eyes that remain unfinished.

There was no longer any suspense at this point, and everyone almost had a consensus - once the pair of tiger eyes were painted, they would definitely be worthy of the finishing touch.

Under the attention of everyone, the girl holds an ink pen and draws tiger eyes.

When he finished writing, the onlookers were stunned.

The girl actually painted a black pupil on the tiger!

——Is this a writing mistake?

But in the next moment, the girl quickly filled the other tiger's eye with the completely black color.

After that, there was no further modification or coloring, so I just put the pen down.

Seeing that the girl had picked up a wet cotton towel to wipe her hands, someone slowly came back to his senses: "May I ask Mrs. Chang... what are these tiger eyes?"

It is clear that the entire tiger is painted realistically and vividly, but these eyes... are really puzzling.

Facing the eyes of those pairs of people who were either confused or regretful that she had "destroyed" the tiger or even the entire painting, Chang Sui Ning wiped her fingers slowly and said: "You don't know, this is

The tiger has lived in this dark mountain forest for a long time, and has not seen the sun for a long time, and its pupils have gradually turned black."

Everyone was stunned when they heard this.

Is there any other way to say this?

Will a tiger's pupils change due to living environment?

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! "I know!" Chang Kuo vowed: "This kind of tiger is called a black-eyed tiger!"

My daughter says she has a pen, so she must have it!

Everyone immediately showed a curious look.

"Dark-eyed tiger?"

There are all kinds of wonders in the world, and General Chang is well-informed. If he says there are, then maybe they really are?

Chang Kuo, who had misled his disciples, had no psychological burden and was satisfied with trimming his beard - it was indeed him.

However, everyone was still skeptical, and when they looked at the tiger in the painting, they found that the black eyes were not a failure, but even more sinister and sinister, with murderous intent.

Their minds were drawn into the painting, and some people couldn't help but ask: "Can the girl in the painting... escape this disaster?"

Chang Suining put down the cotton towel: "The answer is already in the painting. You will know if you look closely."

Everyone was surprised when they heard this, and they were busy looking at the painting.

"Sister Chang, has the painting been finished?" Yao Xia slowly came back to her senses.

Chang Suining nodded and looked at them with a smile: "Thank you."

As early as when she didn't know how much she weighed, these girls gathered around to encourage her, grinding and spreading paper.

The girls shook their heads quickly.

No need to worry, they are just in luck... Not everyone can have this opportunity to witness the birth of a masterpiece!

When you get home, you can say - Dad and Mom, I'm going to be successful. The painting that Madam Chang painted in the Den Tai Building today was the paper laid by her daughter!

After Chang Suining confirmed that the painting was finished, Yao Xia hurriedly leaned down and blew on the wet ink marks on the paper.

At this time, Chang Sui'an also lowered his head and blew over.

The two looked up at each other, staring at each other.

Yao Xia looked at the young man with guarded eyes and rejection - this brother of the Chang family looked as strong as an ox. Don't blow Sister Chang's drawing paper if he came in one breath!

Seeing another girl coming to play painting, Chang Sui'an was embarrassed and straightened up in a sullen manner.

Seeing Yao Xia and others fanning the paintings with their hands and blowing the paintings with their mouths, Wei Miaoqing inexplicably wanted to grit his teeth.

Damn it, they are obviously trying to take advantage of this opportunity to steal their talent!

Chang Sui Ning raised his eyes and looked at the crowd: "My work is now complete, so I'd like you all to take a look at it and make a distinction."

When everyone heard this, they either shook their heads in shame, or laughed and sighed, everything goes without saying.

Chang Sui'an didn't get the painting job, so Chang Sui'an saw the right opportunity this time, picked up one end of the painting, and subconsciously looked at Yao Xia with a confident expression - he was taller, so he would display his sister's painting.

In the eyes of everyone, it couldn’t be more suitable!

The next moment, the other end of the painting was also picked up.

Chang Sui'an looked over: "?"

Is something wrong with Yao Tingwei?

Yao Xia was also surprised when he saw his uncle picking up the painting seriously.

The uncle really doesn’t avoid it at all!

But, since Sister Chang doesn’t seem to dislike it...

Then just go to school with your uncle and become the rumored father-in-law.

After all, Mrs. Chang’s father is General Chang, who has a serious surname. He also has three fathers who are like concubines. Naturally, the eldest uncle looks like a concubine with no reputation and no reputation.


This is what Yao Xia and his brother Yao Gui have secretly summarized recently.

The painting was held up by Chang Sui'an and Yao Yi, one on the left and the other on the right, unfolded and displayed in front of everyone.

Previously, it was laid flat on the desk, and the viewing angles were not perfect due to different positions. But now it is unfolded like this, and when you look at it again, the feeling of shock is only a lot more.

And when you look at it as a whole, you can better understand the subtleties.

The layout of the whole painting is far and near, thick and light, sparse and dense, dry and wet, the blending of objects and scenery...all of them are wonderful.

These extremely exquisite details are integrated into one place, creating a well-ordered world, which makes people feel as if they are walking into the deep mountain forest and witnessing the thrilling attack of the evil tiger.

And above the mountain forest, the wisps of clouds and mist seem to be floating out of the painting in the next moment.

"This isn't painting at all—"

A girl's voice sounded.

Everyone looked at it subconsciously.

Wei Miaoqing's eyes trembled: "The method is pretty much the same!"

Chang Suining: "..."

It's hard not to suspect that this little girl took her money to lighten the mood for her.

The little girl's mother also nodded with deep approval: "It's exactly what we did..."

And as the saying goes, it's not like a family doesn't stay in the same house. The next person to speak was Wei Shuyi, who had been silent for a long time. He said with emotion: "Today I can be regarded as witnessing a god casting a spell. I am truly lucky."

"It's the same painting method...this painting is only made by nature!" the young man surnamed Tan agreed.

Seeing more and more people joining in this outrageous agreement, Chang Sui Ning couldn't help but look at the painting seriously. After a moment, he couldn't help but nodded lightly - well... there is indeed some suspicion in this regard.

Since Yao Yi and Chang Sui'an had already displayed the painting, the crowd who had been watching before did not feel comfortable eating alone, so they consciously moved away to both sides and made a way in the middle.

Cui Jing, who had been standing quietly outside the crowd, suddenly had a wide field of vision. When he looked around, he saw the girl looking at the painting, nodding in self-approval.

Cui Jing found it a little funny, but it wasn't the kind of funny that meant making fun of her.

He did seem to smile a bit.

Immediately, he also looked at the painting that caused a stir.

Although he is a military commander, the Cui family's roots cannot be more upright——

He can easily tell whether a painting is good or bad, not to mention that the painting in front of him does not require good eyesight to see that it is a good painting.

Not far away, looking at the painting, Mingluo slowly stood up.

Hidden by the gauze, no one could see her expression clearly.

But she didn't need to lift the veil to see clearly the true appearance of the painting.

Just now, when she was listening to the countless compliments in her ears, she thought of a key question...

She knew that there was one thing about Chang Suining that was different from ordinary people - she was good at copying other people's handwriting, to be precise, she was good at copying the handwriting of Princess Chongyue.

Chang Suining used two handwritings to copy Buddhist scriptures in Dayun Temple, but it was almost impossible to tell that they were written by the same person.

Calligraphy and painting are one body. If one has the ability to copy other people's handwriting, does the same apply to painting?

This exists objectively and is not something she made up.

So, should she raise this question based on the facts?

She hesitated.

But now she realized that her hesitation was meaningless.

Although the two characters she saw in Dayun Temple were completely different in style, in terms of height, they could be compared to gravel and fine stones, and the difference was not obvious.

But at this time, the gap between the two paintings... seems to be separated by an insurmountable natural chasm.

There is no need for any comparison at all.

This picture of a tiger emerging in the forest has shocked everyone so much.

This shock is enough to silence all doubts.

At this time, anyone who doubts that these two paintings are by the same hand, no matter from what angle, will only be regarded as a joke.

Naturally, she would not do such stupid things that would make herself a joke.

Mingluo looked at the painting again and slowly pursed his lips.

How could such a flamboyant person have such an amazing talent as a painter and hide it until today...

Her eyes gradually shifted from the painting to Chang Sui Ning.

Chang Suining looked at Mrs. Xie at this time.

It was Mrs. Xie who suggested that she paint on the spot for comparison. She should ask this question, both emotionally and logically -

"I would also like to ask Mrs. Jie to take a look and tell whether these two paintings were painted by the same person."

After saying this, everything became quiet.

Many people looked at Mrs. Jie.

Taifu Chu was once again woken up by his old servant.

For the whole hour, Mrs. Jie, who had been silent, met the girl's calm eyes.

This chapter has been completed!
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