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177 Wait until next time when you are curious

In front of the two meditation rooms behind the Tiannv Pagoda, Mingluo frowned when he heard this: "Has he been here?"


"Is he here to see Chang Sui Ning?" Although Mingluo was asking, his tone was determined.

"Exactly." The monk lowered his voice in the darkness, "The pagoda door is closed, and the Chang family girl did not alert us. She jumped out of the window to meet Governor Cui."

Mingluo's tone was slightly cold: "The saint ordered her to pray here, but she had a private meeting with people here late at night. It can be said that she has no sincerity or shame at all."

But it happened that the person who came to look for her was Cui Jing. Even if this matter was reported to the saint, the saint would not say anything, let alone spread it to make a fuss about it.

It's always like this...

Every time Chang Sui Ning makes a mistake, she always feels helpless and unable to do anything, and can only watch from the sidelines as the other person acts recklessly without having to bear the consequences... This is a life and way of life that is completely different from hers.

One of the reasons why she grew to hate Chang Suining.

Mingluo suppressed his reluctance and asked the monk seriously: "What did the two of them say?"

According to her understanding of Cui Jing, no matter how much he likes Chang Suining, he shouldn't come here late at night to look for her for no reason... Could it be related to her aunt's guess?

She was not a person who would get confused because of some emotions. Based on the speculation about her aunt, she did not dare to be careless in public or private matters.

But I heard the monk say: "It seems that Governor Cui is here to say goodbye to the Chang family girl."


"Yes." The monk's voice was even lower: "Admiral Cui claimed to be following the sage's secret decree and will leave Beijing soon."

Mingluo was a little surprised, secret order?

She thought of the scene tonight when Cui Jing finally came out alone from the study of the Holy Book Emperor.

"Ming Dynasty female history...don't you know this?" the monk asked uncertainly.

Mingluo's face condensed slightly: "I just didn't expect that Governor Cui would now casually leak the secret decrees of the saints——"

The monk responded in agreement, but did not elaborate further.

He was working for the saint, not the Ming Dynasty in front of him. If the Ming Dynasty did not know the existence of the secret decree, he should keep silent if he accidentally heard it.

Faced with the monk's cautiousness, Mingluo didn't notice it on his face, but he knew it in his heart.

She didn't know the existence of the secret decree, and what her aunt was willing to give her was too little...

Because it is small enough, it can be taken back at any time.

That trivial thing that can be easily taken back will not affect my aunt in the slightest, but it is everything she depends on for survival...

This was the source of her long-term tension and uneasiness.

Without revealing any of these emotions, she simply asked, "Is there anything worthy of note in their conversation?"

The monk roughly recounted some of what he heard, and finally said: "...for fear of being noticed by Governor Cui, he did not dare to get too close. As far as these conversations are concerned, there is nothing strange about it."

Mingluo sneered silently in his heart.

There's nothing unusual about it.

It’s just that Chang Sui Ning can be seen saying something different...

Saying rejection, but meeting each other late at night, talking to each other for a long time, and watching Cui Jing leave... What is this if not playing hard to get?

Thinking of this, she couldn't help but think of Cui Jing's words: "She just comes to use and fool me, I don't care"——

Chang Suining's thoughts are so superficial that he doesn't even know how to hide them, but Cui Jing clearly sees through them and doesn't care at all...

The aunt seems to be the same way. She clearly sees Chang Sui Ning's many superficial and inferior qualities, but she still wants to believe in the possibility that Chang Sui Ning and Princess Chong Yue are the same person...

Is it just because Chang Sui Ning could copy the eldest princess's handwriting and the words of the Imperial Master Tianjing that the aunt insists on this point?

This doubt lingered in her mind countless times, and her intuition told her that the answer might be hidden in the secret she didn't know.

Her longing for the secret truth grew deeper and deeper day by day.

Mingluo couldn't help but think of the deal that Chang Suining mentioned in her ear before the fire broke out in the tower during the day - the other party said that he was willing to use the secret she wanted to know in exchange for the secret hidden in the Goddess Tower.


At that moment, she actually had a momentary heartbeat.

However, let alone whether Chang Suining has other purposes, once she leaks the secret of Tiannv Tower, it will be equivalent to betraying her aunt. Once her aunt finds out, the consequences will be self-evident...

Should she take the risk and agree to Chang Suining's deal?

Early the next morning, Changsui Ningtian got up at first light, did morning prayers in the pagoda, and listened to the monks chanting sutras.

Hearing that Chang Sui Ning wanted to stay in the pagoda for three days, Xi'er asked the monk to bring the baggage she had brought to the pagoda yesterday. Today Chang Sui Ning changed into a light mist blue embroidered white orchid jacket, said nothing and closed her eyes.

When he knelt on the futon, he seemed very peaceful and calm.

Mingluo looked at that face for a moment, then subconsciously looked up at the statue of the goddess, making a silent comparison in his mind.

But she didn't know if it was because of her thoughts, but she actually felt an indescribable similarity between the two...

Is it her imagination?

Mingluo's heart tightened slightly, and his eyes fell on the girl's face again.

Sensing the probing gaze, Chang Suining, who closed his eyes, indulged himself and yawned.

When Mingluo saw this, his condensed thoughts were interrupted, and he felt that the sense of similarity that had no basis in the first place suddenly dissipated.

After a morning class, she watched the girl secretly yawning a dozen times.

Mingluo's eyes were sarcastic.

It turns out that I was really busy meeting people secretly last night and didn't get a good rest.

After morning classes, Chang Suining's vegetarian meal was placed next to Mingluo's, and they sat across from each other to eat.

When Chang Sui Ning was about to pick up her chopsticks, she heard a cold voice from the person opposite her: "Prayers require sincerity and concentration. Mrs. Chang is tired and sleepy after her morning class. She keeps stretching, which is inappropriate and disrespectful."

Chang Sui Ning did not raise her head when she heard the words. She just picked up the chopsticks and said casually: "Sleepiness is really uncontrollable, and since concentration is important, the female history of Ming Dynasty kept staring at me. Isn't it more disrespectful to be so absent-minded?"

Mingluo frowned.

"Or -" Chang Suining held the bamboo chopsticks and then raised his eyes to look at the opposite side: "The role of the Ming Dynasty female historian is not to pray for blessings, but to monitor me?"

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! Mingluo's eyelashes moved slightly.

Did Chang Suining guess something...

There was no emotion on her face: "Since I was ordered by the saint to be responsible for praying in the pagoda, I should pay attention to all the people and things related to praying -"

Changsui Ning Hun nodded casually and put a piece of wild bamboo shoots into his mouth.

Mingluo frowned again when he saw this.

Chang Sui Ning didn't wait for her, and quickly finished his portion of the meal, leaving nothing left.

She already has a big appetite, and years of military life have made her accustomed to it, so she doesn't see food being wasted.

Mingluo looked at it, but felt that this move gave off an aura of being unworthy, as if the person sitting opposite him was not a noble lady from the capital at all, but a person who was used to being hungry.

Perhaps the blood of poor and impoverished people flows in his bones, and he grew up in a family of rude military commanders, so his behavior can be considered excusable——

This "clear distinction between high and low" calmed down Mingluo's mind. She put down her chopsticks calmly, and when Chang Sui Ning was about to get up and leave, she whispered: "Ms. Chang, do you still want to do a deal with me?"


After hearing the words, Chang Sui Ning seemed to recall it, and indeed recalled it for a while, before he remembered what the transaction Ming Luo was talking about.

After thinking about it, he said: "I don't want to anymore."

Mingluo: "?"

There was no way she was so innocent that she wanted to exchange secrets with the other party sincerely. She just wanted to test Chang Suining to see if Chang Suining really knew anything, but the other party actually said bluntly... that she didn't want to anymore?

In sight, the young girl stood up and said to her casually: "I am not curious today. I will come back to find out the history of women when I am curious someday."

Mingluo let out a muffled laugh.

What is this nonsense?

Who does she think she is, someone who can come and go when called upon?

Do you really think everyone should revolve around her?

Chang Sui Ning doesn't care what Min Luo thinks.

Not to mention that her intention to exchange secrets yesterday was just to facilitate arson. She only said that even if she wanted to know the secrets of the Heavenly Lady Tower, she would not be naive enough to choose to make a deal with Minluo - Minluo was on guard against her and was afraid of her.

Yu Minghou's pressure, combined with her to tell the truth is damning.

The remaining answers must be known in more detail.

Speaking of endless...

"Why don't you see the abbot master coming today?" Chang Suining walked out of the quiet room where he was having a fast meal and casually asked the monk who was guarding outside.

"Amitabha, return to my usual benefactor. The abbot and the abbot are ordered by the saint to be in the Hall of Heroes today and tomorrow to preside over the sacrifices to the heroes."

Chang Suining nodded understandingly.

It turned out that he was separated by Minghou.

Empress Ming had no time to visit the Tiannv Pagoda in person, so Wu Jue could not get away.

Sacrificing sacrifices to heroic spirits...

There is a Hall of Heroes built in Dayun Temple, where memorial tablets are established for the meritorious generals who died on the battlefield in the past, and they receive incense and worship here all year round.

The purpose of this visit is to pray for the soldiers who are fighting against rebellion outside. This reason is quite appropriate for the time.

But now that the formation eye has been destroyed, it would be better to be gone. She only needs to stay peacefully in the tower for three days, and she will make plans for the rest after leaving the tower.

When Mingluo came out, he saw Chang Suining going to the screen and copying scriptures.

At this time, a chamberlain came forward, saluted Mingluo, and said: "Mrs. Ying Guogong is outside. She said that she needs to see the female historian for something. Please come out of the tower to talk about it."

The Chang family is looking for her?

Mingluo's face remained calm and he nodded slightly: "Let Madam wait for a moment."

The chamberlain went out to answer the question.

Mingluo took his time and arranged all the trivial matters before going out to meet Mr. Chang.

She didn't explain, she just saluted Mrs. Chang and said, "I've kept my mother waiting for a long time."

Mrs. Chang smiled gently, showing no sign of impatience or blame behind the long wait: "You are busy with the business assigned by the saint here. It would be inappropriate for my mother to come here rashly."

This little concubine should have been firmly controlled by her like the other two concubines in the house, but who knew that God gave her a piece of good luck, and she cleverly caught it and gave birth to wings?

Fly away...

Therefore, now she, as the legitimate mother, is actually needed to smile at her.

At this time, he was not cowardly and flattering when he spoke to her, and even had a sense of aloof indifference: "I wonder why mother came here in person?"

Mrs. Chang's face was troubled, and she motioned with her eyes to Mingluo to go aside and talk alone.

Mingluo followed her slowly to the bodhi tree.

"Mother came to find you... because of Ashen's injury." Mrs. Chang whispered: "Although the doctors have tried their best to treat these days, there are still some obstacles left..."

Mingluo sneered in his heart.

Some obstacles...

It's really subtle to say that.

There was a hint of sympathy in her tone: "A Shen is my younger brother, and I can't bear to see him like this. But I'm not a doctor, so I can't help... I wonder what my mother wants me to do?"


"The doctors in the palace have all looked at it, but there is no good plan...My mother was thinking, can I ask the saint to send people to the people to find good doctors who are good at this?"

Chang said: "My mother has recently heard about a miracle doctor in the Western Regions, who has the ability to regenerate dead wood..."

She had secretly found many doctors for her son these days, and she got the news from one of them.

I heard that the miracle doctor could cut off eunuchs' roots and regenerate them... If there really was such a person, then there would be hope for her Ashen.

But in the vast Western Region, trying to find such a person is like looking for a needle in a haystack. It would be great if a saint could come forward to help.

Min Luo only found it funny when he heard it.

Now that the Chang family even believes such rumors, it seems that the situation of mother and son in Duke Ying's mansion is probably not good now.

"Why doesn't mother go and talk to the saint in person?"

Is it because I went to seek an audience but could not see the Holy Face?

Faced with this knowing question, Mrs. Chang smiled. Instead of showing any sign of anger, her tone became more kind: "The saint has been busy with government affairs recently, and it is inconvenient for my mother to disturb him rashly. But you are different. You serve the saint all day long, so naturally you can

Find a good time to speak..."

He added: "Besides, looking at the entire younger generation of our Ming family, the sage treats you the most favorably. If you can speak up, the sage will definitely pay more attention to you."

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! Mingluo smiled slightly.

Her aunt is really flexible and flexible, and in order to impress her, she did not hesitate to praise her so highly.

If she had not had a good memory, she would not have believed that the loving-eyed woman in front of her was actually the aloof, cold and harsh aunt of the past, who looked at her as if she were a humble ant.

Although I know that the love and even flattery shown by the other person at the moment are all fake, the fake ones are also good and better than the real ones.

She really liked seeing the other person's expression of having to please her.

This is one of the reasons why she doesn't want to go back to the past.

The more this happens, the less she can go back.

"A Shen's business is my business." She said slowly, "Don't worry, mother."

Since the other party begged her in this way, of course she had to be more generous.

Anyway, it was just a word. She was not a god. After all, her brother, who had everything but no brain, would not be cured just because she said a word.

"Then Mother will entrust this matter to you." Mrs. Chang gently held Mingluo's hand and whispered: "Mother knows that it is not easy for you to walk alone in the palace. If Ashen recovers in the future,

He will definitely be grateful to you as my sister... From now on, if you two siblings work together, our Duke Ying's Mansion will also be your supporter."

Mingluo nodded with a smile: "That's the truth."

Then he began to make promises to her, lest she would not do her best.

It really shows that her aunt is really worried, worried about her son, and even more worried that her position in the Duke Ying's palace will not be guaranteed.

"Madam, do you think the county master is really willing to help?" On the way back, the confidant of Chang's wife said uncertainly.

"Of course I know what she is thinking, but whether she is willing or not, I will try my best to try everywhere now. The more I try, the more hope..." Mrs. Chang frowned and said, "The sooner Ashen is treated, the better his chances will be."

It is possible to recover, and we must not be careless in finding the miracle doctor from the Western Regions."

A servant girl should say "yes".

Chang: "Come with me to see him first."

Her original intention was to comfort her son out of concern, but when she came to the Zen room where Ming Jin was staying and saw the situation in the room, her face immediately darkened.

This chapter has been completed!
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