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214 apology

Chang Sui Ning stopped when he heard the sound, turned around and looked at the group of more than ten people.

She recognized one of the middle-aged men walking at the front, and the rest was easy to guess, so she asked, "Is everything going well, everyone?"

"Lady Chang, everything goes well!"

"Today I can see that beast being executed with my own eyes, all because of Mrs. Chang's help!" Although the middle-aged man was not tall, he had thick limbs and was dressed as a warrior. His eyes were full of tears at this moment.

Chang Suining met him once and asked at this moment: "In that case, Master Lu should be reinstated to his original position, right?"

"Yes, Dali Temple has reviewed everything, and the commissioning document from the Ministry of Civil Affairs has arrived." The man lifted up his robe and knelt down: "Lu Chong will definitely remember Mrs. Chang's kindness and will repay her in the future!"

He was also a seventh-grade military officer.

A few years ago, the only daughter in his family committed suicide after being raped by Ming Jin. He failed to seek justice for his daughter and instead lost his official position. He has been making a living in a bodyguard agency these years.

His desire to seek justice for his daughter has never changed, but he also knew that it would be impossible to do so until that day, Chang Ren found him.

"Master Lu has resumed his official position now, so it is not appropriate to kneel down on me." Chang Suining motioned to Ah Che to help him up.

"What's wrong with kneeling down to my benefactor!" Lu Chong insisted and kowtowed to the girl again: "My benefactor is above, please accept Lu Chong's bow!"

A couple also knelt down.

This couple is the most luxuriously dressed of the group.

They come from a family of merchants. When they brought their 18-year-old eldest son to Beijing for business two years ago, the eldest son who was socializing with people in a restaurant was beaten severely by the drunken Ming Jin on the grounds of "disrespect" because he did not recognize the eldest son of the Ming family.

After a meal, he became disabled and is still paralyzed in bed. His temperament changed drastically and he committed suicide several times.

They have been doing business in Jiangnan for generations and have no shortage of money, but all this is not worth mentioning in the face of the overwhelming power.

The couple insisted on going to Beijing several times and sent a lot of money to various places for management. However, those people refused to do the work after receiving the money. They repeatedly shied away. When pressed, they only said: "I advise you to stop talking nonsense, so as not to cause trouble again."

Upper body".

"When I return home this time, I can finally give Quan Zi an explanation..." The woman's eyes were filled with tears: "If Quan Zi hears that the villain is punishing him, maybe he can cheer up..."

The rest of the people also bowed and thanked him one after another.

Ah Che gradually became confused.

He was just being helped up here, and he was kneeling down again... He couldn't be helped, he couldn't be helped at all.

"You really don't need to do this great gift." Chang Suining said frankly: "At first, I asked people to look for you because my brother was in a crisis. I knew who the real culprit was but I didn't have any ironclad evidence, so I tried to gather his past crimes and mistakes.

, put them in front of others, and work together to put pressure on the government——"

She made many secret plans at that time, and this was just one of them.

But during the process, she gave up the plan after thinking twice.

Firstly, this plan was too roundabout, and secondly, she was afraid that after she made things worse, she still failed to bring Mingjin to justice, or that it would cause these people who were already suffering their own hardships to be targeted for revenge later.


Therefore, this plan was shelved.

It was not until Ming Jin was taken to Dali Temple on the day of the memorial ceremony for Confucius that these victims came forward together to report Ming Jin's old crimes.

As they just said, everything went well with this report and they were treated fairly.

This is of course a good thing, but Chang Suining thinks: "I am just doing it out of selfish selfishness, and I really can't afford such a big thank you gift from you."

"Lu Chong is a martial artist and doesn't understand these things. I only know that without Mrs. Chang, I won't be able to see my enemy being beheaded!"

"Yes, Madam Chang had people protect us before, and also searched for evidence and witnesses for us... It was all out of selfishness, but it is a fact that we have been favored by Madam Chang."

"As for Mrs. Chang's previous plan, she made it clear to us early on. This was a matter of mutual support between you and me... On the contrary, Mrs. Chang changed her plan midway, saving us from taking half the risk.

And you have benefited from it all. Based on this alone, you deserve to be called a benefactor!"

On the day of the memorial ceremony for Confucius, it was the girl who single-handedly sought justice for her brother and them.

"...We, the old couple, have nothing and no descendants in our family to repay you, and we have received your help. If you are not willing to accept even this simple sentence of gratitude, how can our conscience be at ease?" A pair of clothes beat each other.

The old couple wearing patches cried.

Having said this, Chang Suining smiled and said: "Then I will accept this gift from you all shamelessly. Please get up quickly."

What she said just now was not a pretense of refusal. She only needed to honestly state her original intention. After she made it clear, if everyone felt that she still deserved to be thanked, then she would accept it calmly.

This is the true love between you and me.

Everyone finally stopped resisting and was helped up by A Che. When A Che retreated to his girl's side, the faint soreness in his arms made him realize that he still needed to practice more.

Chang Suining looked at the faces that looked different in age, but had experienced pain and injustice, and finally said: "The perpetrators have been punished, and this matter is over. There will be a new life in the future. I wish you all the best, and go to your own country."

Take care of yourself."

"Mrs. Chang, you should also take care of yourself."

"I hope Changlang-kun can recover soon..."

"Mrs. Chang will definitely be protected by the gods for performing this great act of kindness, and General Chang will surely return victorious as soon as possible!"


Looking into those grateful and sincere eyes, Chang Suining raised his hand and gave a salute: "I would like to lend you your kind words."

Everyone returned the gift one after another, and then watched the girl's carriage leave from where they were.

The young man in plain clothes who witnessed this scene not far away also subconsciously looked at the carriage that was going away.

After a while, the young man seemed to have made up his mind and asked his servant to lead the horse, then he got on the horse and rode away.

"Girl, someone seems to be following us."

The attendant driving the carriage lowered his voice and said.

"It's okay, just follow if you want." Chang Sui Ning said in the carriage, "We'll just go back home and wait."

The attendant responded without hesitation.

After the husband's incident, outsiders still treat girls like this. Their obedience to girls has changed from the original status and rules to true loyalty and trust.

Speaking of which, I have to mention the comparison conversation they had last night when a group of brothers gathered together -

In order to show his loyalty to the girl, I don’t know who made the first move, saying that even if the girl asked him to pick up a thousand kilograms of dung, he wouldn’t even blink an eye!

Another said, let alone pick it, let him eat it!

Another person said not to be outdone, even if the girl asked him to strip naked and run around Suzaku Street, he would think that the girl must have her reasons for doing so!

Before more explosive remarks appeared, Chang Ren came over and slapped each subordinate equally on the head - showing loyalty must be done well, and it is impossible for a girl to have such ridiculous habits.


All in all, they are now very loyal to their girls.

As for someone following someone, the girl just let him follow, which must be the girl's intention.

The entourage drove the carriage back to Xingningfang smoothly. When Chang Sui Ning got off the carriage, he saw two carriages parked outside the house. Apparently there were guests arriving.

Recently, people come to visit the Chang family almost every day.

Today we have Cui Lang, Hu Huanxi and the others.

Cui Langzheng regretted that he could not make it in time to watch the execution. He had made a scene that was too conspicuous some time ago. After he cried all the way back to Chang's home from Dali Temple, his father was so angry that he was not allowed to go to the Imperial Academy.

, and punished him by being grounded at home for many days.

Today he sneaked out, intending to go to the execution ground to join in the fun, but halfway he heard that the beheading had been completed - he was unable to see Ming Jin's head fall to the ground, and his father was fully responsible!

Cui Lang was disappointed and went directly to Chang Mansion.

Seeing Chang Suining returning at this moment, Hu Huan asked Chang Suining about the details of Ming Jin's execution in order to make up for Cui Liulang's regret.

But unexpectedly, Cui Liulang pinched his arm hard.

Why do you want to do such a bloody thing in such detail?

What if I scare Miss Qiao?

Cui Lang looked at Qiao Yumian subconsciously, and saw the fair and delicate little girl's face full of curiosity: "Yes, Ning Ning, how did you cut that head off? Was it cut off with just one knife? There was not much blood. After the head fell to the ground,

Can that head really be able to blink briefly and speak?"

Cui Lang's expression was dull for a moment.

The little girl was curious and showed an amazing reserve of knowledge in this area.

Cui Lang: "Yes... Master, just tell me!"

Hu Huan rubbed his arms and looked at him in confusion - what did you mean by pinching him just now?

Chang Sui'an, who was sitting on the bed, also looked at her sister curiously.

He could only lie down for the first seven or eight days, and it was only these two days that he was allowed to sit up.

He thought he could try to get out of bed and walk around, but his sister refused and told him to follow Dr. Sun's instructions and lie down for half a month before trying to get out of bed.

In order to be able to mount a horse and carry a gun in the future, he lay down.

The day when Chang Suining left Beijing was roughly after Chang Sui'an was able to get out of bed and walk around. Before that, her brother's injured body really couldn't withstand even the slightest bit of torture.

But to this day, except for the Chang family and Yao Jin, she has not mentioned her plan to leave Beijing to anyone else.

At this moment, looking at the familiar faces of the Qiao family brothers and sisters, and Cui Lang, thinking that they would be separated soon, Chang Sui Ning responded to his request and seriously talked about the details of Ming Jin's execution.

Mrs. Wang, who came in with a tonic soup, suddenly heard this and was so frightened that she almost spilled the soup, but she was surprised that the group of children listened with gusto.

"Girl, a guest has arrived." Following closely behind Wang, Xi'er came in from the outside and said, "It's the young man from the eldest grandson's family. He said he came to visit him."

She still remembers the husband who cursed and injured her husband.

Chang Suining's tone was very friendly: "Since I'm here to see my brother, please invite me here."

In addition to visiting Chang Sui'an, Changsun Ji also came to apologize and express his gratitude.

He should have come a long time ago, but he hesitated for many days just because he couldn't wipe away his dignity. Now that Ming Jin is dead, he should come no matter what.

But Changsun Ji soon felt that he had arrived in a hurry.

The moment he walked into Chang Sui's house, he looked at the room full of people and couldn't help but be stunned.

...Why are there so many people here?

What's even more deadly is that among them is Cui Liulang, who has a very bad mouth: "Changsun Langjun came here today. Is he here to fulfill his promise and come to apologize?"

Changsun Ji's expression froze.

This was indeed his original plan, but when the other party said this, he found it difficult to say it. Who understands this feeling?

However, when he saw Chang Sui'an sitting on the bed with injuries all over his body, Chang Sun Ji finally overcame the arrogance and self-esteem of a boy from a young Xinxing family, and raised his hand to salute solemnly: "Before the truth was unknown, I treated Chang Lang Jun a lot.

There were misunderstood remarks, and I was impulsive and hurtful...I am here to apologize today."

Chang Sui'an shook his head at him: "It doesn't matter, it's just a trivial matter!"

He also showed sympathy in his eyes: "At that time, something happened to Lady Qi, the eldest grandson, and the evidence pointed to me... You are still four or five years younger than me, so it is human nature to behave like that."

Changsun Ji: "..." Stop talking. The more he talks, the more he feels that he is not a human being.

When Chang Sui'an was about to say something more, Cui Lang said from the side: "I seem to remember... Mr. Changsun also said that day, if my master can help your Changsun family find out the real murderer, Mr. Changsun will work with me.

Master, do you want to kowtow and say thank you?"

The young man who was already ashamed of Chang Sui'an's attitude suddenly blushed.

He said...

But the idea of ​​kowtow is just negative words that have been carried away.

"I should say thank you to Mrs. Chang..." He looked at Chang Suining, and was unable to get off the tiger: "I..."

The girl also looked at him, and when their eyes met, Zhang Sunji suddenly flashed before his eyes the scene of her standing in the abandoned library with her hair disheveled on that day at the Confucius Temple, with blood beads rolling down her arms.

At this moment, the young man gave up all thoughts in his heart, lifted up his robe and knelt down.

But the next moment, the girl reached out and held one of his arms, stopping his movement.

Changsun Ji raised his eyes and looked at her in astonishment.

"There's no need to kneel down and say thank you." Chang Sui Ning said: "That day when Mr. Changsun came to visit, my brother had done something kind to save me. The two should only be offset by each other, how about that?"

Changsun Ji was stunned.

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! She actually knew this.

He said: "That's just a little effort..."

Chang Suining smiled: "I helped your government bring the real culprit to justice. It was just a matter of effort and I did it smoothly."

Changsui Anbian also expressed his gratitude to Changsun Ji.

Changsun Ji didn't say anything, but he felt guilty in his heart.

Afterwards, Chang Suining personally sent him away from Chang Sui'an's residence.

"...Mrs. Chang, can you blame my family for not coming forward in time to help your brother out of trouble after receiving the witness sent by Mrs. Chang?" The young man thought about it again and again, and asked in a low voice.

Chang Suining: "It's not surprising."

The eldest grandson was silent.

Not surprising means not surprising that she did not answer his question, or that his question was indeed childish and meaningless.

She didn't seem to care, but chatted with him casually: "I think there are quite a few similarities between the eyebrows and eyes of Mr. Changsun and the Seventh Lady Changsun."

"Yes, everyone in the family says that I look the most similar to my sister-in-law." The young man's tone was a little downcast and sad, and he was also ashamed: "But I am not as good as my sister-in-law. My heart and mind are good, my mind and temperament... I am not as good as my sister-in-law."

Chang Suining nodded: "Indeed."

Changsun Ji turned his head: "?"

But the girl smiled: "I see you are sad, I'm just joking."

Changsun Ji: "..." Why doesn't he feel like it?

Until the other party said to him: "My eldest grandson is also very good-natured, but now he is still young and his temperament is undecided. When he grows up and experiences a lot in the future, he will definitely become a wise man who makes people ashamed."

Changsun Ji was stunned when he heard this, and looked at the girl who looked calm and smiling under the afternoon sunlight.

When he came back to his senses, he was about to say something, but he had already left the yard. Chang Suining stopped and said, "Grandson, please go slowly."

Changsun Ji nodded: "...I will come see Chang Langjun another day."

Watching the little boy leave, Chang Suining felt that this "different day" would be hard to come by.

As the Yangzhou War and the Ming Jin Incident spread, the gentry courtiers headed by the Changsun clan and the Ming Dynasty empresses were at odds with each other, to the point where only one of them could survive.

No one can predict what will happen tomorrow.

At the same moment, Yuanxiang, who had finished his errand and quickly went to find his governor, had arrived in Bingzhou.

This chapter has been completed!
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