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236 Like a pearl, like a tree

Most of the yard in the governor's mansion was cleared out to temporarily house the wounded soldiers brought back this time. Almost all military doctors and doctors from the city gathered here.

Chang Sui Ning also ran back and forth to help. He was busy for most of the day, until it was almost dusk, and Chang Kuo, who had arranged various affairs, came over.

"Okay, let's take a rest and wash your face."

Chang Kuo ordered a basin of warm water to be brought in. Chang Suining washed away the dried blood on his hands and face, as well as the powder on his face that was used to conceal his skin color.

The girl wiped the water droplets off her face neatly, while Chang Kuo stood aside and watched, with thousands of thoughts in his mind.

Along the way, and what he saw when the two armies faced each other, he had an intuitive feeling that this girl had everything at her fingertips.

He has seen martial arts prodigies, and he has also seen people who use weapons like gods, but he has never seen anyone face the blood and fighting on the battlefield for the first time, and yet he can do so without changing his face, or even showing no emotion when killing the enemy.


He has seen too many recruits who collapsed ferociously when they killed an enemy for the first time. Under the bloody impact, they even trembled and vomited uncontrollably.

Of course, there are people who are born with the desire to kill, and when faced with blood and mutilated bodies, they will show excitement that is different from ordinary people, but his daughter is obviously not this type of person.

So, how to explain all this?

Although Chang Kuo's temperament seems to be as lively as his beard, he has never been a careless person.

It's just that there are some possibilities that are beyond the scope of ordinary people's cognition. It has stood like an insurmountable mountain for a long time, blocking all imagination.

The change in the girl in front of her was not so much a change, but more like she had no intention of continuing to hide it and revealed her original appearance.

Like a bead, it brushes away the distant and old dust, and a trace of brilliance shines through.

Like a tree, it suddenly spreads its branches and leaves in this winter, growing rapidly along a familiar trajectory, strange and eye-catching.

So at this time, he had to use this big tree that seemed to grow overnight to look up at the mountain and try to touch the truth hidden behind the mountain.

Chang Kuo's heart was turbulent, with many mixed emotions, but his face became increasingly dull.

"Thank you." Chang Suining took the kettle handed by a deputy general and drank.

The deputy general looked at her curiously and said: "Are you a soldier under General Chang? How come I haven't seen you before? You, a kid, look like a little chicken, but you are very smart and powerful when killing enemies!"


Then he said curiously: "After the dust on this face is washed away, he is still a fair and beautiful boy."

A few soldiers also gathered around, and being fair and beautiful is naturally the next best thing. Human beings naturally admire the strong, especially in the army.

Listening to them standing around and boasting about their superb shooting skills and how good they were with spears, Chang Suining screwed on the kettle and said immodestly: "Want to learn? I can teach you."

The way the "young man" spoke was also a bit arrogant and arrogant as when he was killing the enemy. In the eyes of everyone, he was full of boyishness.

The lieutenant general laughed, and some of the soldiers nodded seriously.

After chatting for a few more words, Chang Suining walked towards Chang Kuo carrying a kettle.

She was presentable, standing upright, clasping her fists and saluting him: "General."

Chang Kuo looked at her, with thousands of thoughts in his mind, but he hid them all at this moment and didn't ask any more questions.

"Thank you for your hard work." He raised his hand and patted the head of the girl in front of him, with a mixture of unclear emotions in his eyes: "Thank you for your hard work, Suining."

Yun Hui, who was walking towards this place, saw this scene and felt a little thoughtful in his heart.

General Chang seemed to be very kind to the little cavalry. Did General Chang love his soldiers so much?

General Chang Da's demeanor was very much like how he treated his own children... When his father was still here, he also looked at him with this attitude.

The young man felt a dull pain in his heart. He didn't dare to let himself get immersed in it. He took a breath of the cool winter air and walked towards Chang Kuo.

"Yun Hui kowtows to General Chang for his help today!"

The young man was about to kneel down, but Chang Kuo caught him in time.

"That's the opposite." Chang Kuo said, "Chang wants to thank Mr. Yun Erlang for guarding Hezhou City before Chang arrived."

When Yun Hui heard this, his eyes suddenly became wet.

"How is your brother doing now?" Chang Suining asked.

On the battlefield at that time, both brothers had linen tied on their heads, making it easy to identify them, so she knew from the beginning that the child who was hit by the arrow was Yun Gui.

"I haven't woken up yet, and I'm still in fear of my life. The doctor said... I'm afraid this test won't be easy." Yun Hui looked at her and said, "But the doctor said that A Gui's injuries are in important places, and he can still breathe to return to the city."

I'm lucky again, thanks to my little brother's medicine."

"No need to say thank you." Chang Sui Ning said: "Your family is full of loyal and heroic souls, and you are blessed with profound blessings. My brother will be able to escape safely."

Yun Hui nodded to her: "Thank you."

Then he asked, "I don't know my little brother's name yet."

He wanted to thank the other party not only for the life-saving medicine, but also for the arrow that saved him in the first place.

That arrow was the beginning of turning the tide of today's battle and turning defeat into victory.

Chang Sui Ning was about to answer, but she heard Chang Kuo next to her smile and answer for her: "Chang Sui Ning."

His daughter is so powerful, so of course people must know who she is.

Chang Suining looked at Chang Kuo with some surprise, then smiled and nodded: "Yes, my name is Chang Suining."

Yun Hui was a little surprised: "My little brother is also named Chang?"

"Of course." The "young man" turned around and looked at Chang Kuo, as if he was proud of him: "This is my father."

Yun Hui was extremely surprised. It turned out that he not only loved his soldiers like his own son, but also his own father and son... That's what he said!

He looked at Chang Suining: "...it turns out to be General Chang Xiao. It turns out that the father of a tiger has no son!"

Seeing that he was solemn and respectful, Chang Suining reflected for a moment. It seemed that her reputation, Chang Suining, was not loud enough and had not spread to Hezhou.

Realizing this, Chang Kuo also laughed: "It seems that we Suining still need to continue to work hard!"

Yun Hui said hurriedly: "General Chang is already very outstanding!"

The young man doesn’t know the true face of Mount Lu, and what others say about heaven is what others say about earth.

Chang Sui Ning only seriously corrected another point: "There is no need to call him that, I am not a general yet."

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! Yun Hui looked at the "young man" who was humble but not at all modest. So, if it's not now, will it be in the future?

Then, the other party asked: "How is the governor's wife? Are you awake?"

"My mother has just woken up and is fine for the time being. She was just stressed and weak for days and worried about Ah Gui, so she fainted. She is still unable to get out of bed and move around, so she asked me to come first to say thank you to General Chang."

Chang Sui Ning felt relieved. The mother and son of the Yun family were all respectable. The fact that respectable people were alive and well was the greatest comfort to others and the people of Hezhou.

Chang Kuo looked at Yun Hui's hands wrapped in injured cloth: "How is Mr. Yun Erlang's injury? Is it important?"

"The kid is fine, it's just superficial injuries."

"Okay." Chang Kuo nodded, "In that case, let's go talk about the business."

Yun Hui said "yes" and led the way, and went with Chang Kuo to the study room in the mansion where affairs could be discussed.

Also called over were several of Chang Kuo's trustworthy subordinates, as well as Peng Canjun from the governor's office.

The door of the study room was closed tightly. As the conversation deepened, Yun Hui looked shocked: "...So, General Chang only brought more than 10,000 people?"

He subconsciously looked at Chang Sui Ning standing next to Chang Kuo.

So, when the opponent is facing off, their arrogant words and deeds are a bluff, to make the enemy believe that they really have a hundred thousand troops to back them up?

After thinking about this, Yun Hui felt a little scared when he recalled the situation at that time.

No wonder General Chang Da didn’t continue to let people catch up!

Peng Canjun was also startled and broke into a cold sweat, and quickly asked: "When will the remaining reinforcements arrive?"

"The rest won't come." Chang Kuo said calmly.

Peng Canjun and Yun Hui could not calm down.

"What does General Chang mean by this!"

"I ordered my troops that day and led the cavalry and some of the front troops to leave the camp first. But after I left, Li Yi changed the strategy." Chang Kuo said: "I sent people back to the Shouzhou camp to inquire about the message.

Having just received the 'explanation', Li Yi claimed to his subordinates that he thought it would be more appropriate to let the main force of the army take the opportunity to attack Yangzhou. After the army took back Yangzhou, they would then rush to Hezhou and then attack with us from both inside and outside to wipe out Xu's rebellion in one fell swoop.


Both Peng Canjun and Yun Hui were shocked to the point of bewilderment.

Will this work?

Da Sheng’s writing is profound and profound, so why can’t people understand even a single word at this moment?

At first glance, this statement seems to be a bit complicated, with attacks from the east and the west, and attacks from both inside and outside... But if you look carefully, you will know that the most subtle point of this method is not here, but in its whimsicality.

There was an eerie silence all around.

Peng Canjun frowned tightly. If he had only doubted Li Yi's ability to lead troops after hearing about Li Yi before, then at this moment, he couldn't help but even began to doubt Li Yi's mental state.

Yangzhou was the place where Xu Zhengye raised his troops. How could he take it back just as he said?

Okay, forget it!

Even if he can take it back, how many days can Hezhou resist? Once Hezhou is defeated, the entire Huainan Road will fall into the hands of Xu Zhengye. By then, Xu Zhengye will have conquered the Huainan Road, and grass will grow on their graves. Who can resist?

You can attack him from both inside and outside! How to attack him and whom to attack!

Seeing that Peng Canjun and Yun Hui were hesitant to speak, Chang Kuo promptly clarified their doubts: "Don't worry, he's not crazy. He just wants me to die in Hezhou with you all."

Yun Hui was shocked.

The deputy general beside Chang Kuo said, "Why send troops to attack Yangzhou? If he has the courage, I dare to cut off his head and smash it into a manure pit! In my opinion, the attack is fake, and the attempt to hook up with Xu Zhengye is real!"

Chang Suining: "..." The words are rough and the reasoning is not rough.

This is indeed a major concern, so Hezhou's troubles need to be solved as soon as possible and Li Yi should be dealt with promptly.

Peng Canjun's face turned gloomy and defeated. He originally thought that Chang Kuo would lead an army of 100,000 to drive Xu Zhengye away, but now...

Yun Hui also fell into a state of nervousness again: "Xu Zhengye should be able to find out the truth soon, and then he will attack Hezhou again..."

"The soldiers are coming to stop them." Chang Suining, who had not interrupted until now, said: "They have an army of 100,000, and if we put it all together, we can only have 20,000 -"

Yun Hui looked at her: "Twenty thousand versus one hundred thousand, the disparity is still too big..."

"The 20,000 I said are 20,000 elites." Chang Sui Ning said: "In addition to the 20,000 elites, don't we have many soldiers like them?"

Yun Hui remained unsolved for a while.

"There are 150,000 people in Hezhou City. Excluding the old, weak, women and children, there should be 50,000 men available." Chang Sui Ning said: "Even if we add another 10,000, there are still 40,000. Most of Xu Zhengye's troops are

We came all the way by force, and now Hezhou is trying to protect itself, why can't the young and strong men do it? How do you know that they are not willing to put on armor and fight back the enemy together?"

Yun Hui's eyes widened and he subconsciously looked in the direction outside the study.

At this moment, many people were still gathered outside the governor's mansion who were unwilling to leave.

After the agreement was reached, a temporary conscription order was issued in Hezhou City overnight.

In just one night and one day, more than ten thousand soldiers were gained.

This number and speed are both rare. Even the lieutenants around Chang Kuo lamented: "Hezhou's land spirit, there are so many loyal and righteous people."

After obtaining the troops, they had to train. Time was tight, and they needed to be taught the most basic ways to defend themselves against the enemy and protect themselves. Chang Suining drafted a military training regulation that was suitable for the current situation. After Chang Kuo looked at it and nodded, he handed it over to Chang Kuo.

The clouds returned.

Other people in the city are also busy with their own affairs. Those who are educated and literate have taken temporary positions in the governor's office, drafting documents, or traveling around to convey orders. The old, weak, women and children are busy weaving armor. Grain depots and armories have been opened in the city, and every household has

They also donated farm tools, copper and iron to make weapons.

There is hustle and bustle, there are disputes, what is available is limited, and an ordinary old woman is destined to be unable to sew indestructible armor, but one stitch and one thread can gather people's hearts, all of which are enough to make the city's public opinion indestructible.

The molten iron in the casting furnace boils day and night, enough to awaken the blood of more people.

There was no forced conscription, but the number continued to grow.

On the third night, Hezhou City was still brightly lit.

Chang Suining was temporarily appointed as a supervisor by Chang Kuo, and he was busy supervising the city defense all day long.

They take turns doing things in various places, and they don't stop during the night.

Chang Suining sat at the highest point of the tower to take a break. Her ears were noisy all day long and everything was busy. Sometimes she needed to stay away from the noisy crowd and calm down to think carefully about any mistakes or omissions.

The night wind was cold, so she sat quietly for a long time. Looking up at the night, she could still faintly hear the sound of craftsmen knocking under the tower.

She let her mind wander for a moment, and when she looked towards the north, she suddenly thought that she was repairing the city defenses in Hezhou, while Cui Jing was building border defenses in the north, and they were coincidentally doing the same thing.

I wonder if Cui Jing is as diligent as her, working all night long?

After thinking about it for a moment, he realized that Cui Jing was no better than her. In this season in the North, the water was already freezing, and it was extremely cold at night. He probably couldn't rush to work. Even if he wanted to compete with her, he still had to ask the person under the roof.

The ice skater, who was half a man tall, said no.

Well, then he should have laid down and slept by now.

Chang Suining was tired from sitting, so he simply lay back, put his arms behind his head, and continued to think about things in the city.

Suddenly, she sneezed loudly.

Two thousand miles away in the north, Cui Jing was indeed unable to work overnight, but he did not fall asleep either.

While he was dealing with official duties, he occasionally looked south through the cracks in the frost-covered window lattice.

This is the origin of Chang Suining's sneeze.

When Chang Sui Ning returned to the Governor's Mansion, it was already the time of his son.

When she returned to the temporary residence that Yun Hui had arranged for her and Chang Kuo, she saw someone standing outside the hospital waiting for her.

This chapter has been completed!
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