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268 Dare you take a gamble?

Chang Sui Ning Zhanxin.

It's a letter from the teacher.

It is a letter from the teacher in his capacity as a teacher.

So, her teacher finally saw the painting she left at Dayun Temple.

It was just as she expected. As long as the teacher saw the bamboos and stones she wrote, he would definitely find clues - the current letter confirms this.

But on the letter paper unfolded in front of me, there were only three lines and nine characters.

The three lines written above are the three questions -

Is it safe?

What do you want to do and where do you want to go?


As a high-ranking official and scholar who is truly knowledgeable and admired by literati all over the world, her teacher is naturally good at handwriting with beautiful handwriting. Even if it is said that no one in the world can match it, it is not an exaggeration.

But for such a great Confucian, the short nine characters at this moment, upon closer inspection, cannot be called correct and pleasing to the eye.

He seems to be writing too hard and too slowly. He seems to be indecisive and undecided, and he seems to be burning the cauldron and burning the boat regardless of everything.

And underneath all these complicated and contradictory emotions, what is hidden is just the word "expectations" that I dare not express too much.

He seemed to be questioning every word, eager to get her personal confirmation, but the first thing he asked was her safety, whether she was safe, whether she was safe...

What do you want to do, where do you want to go... I am worried about her future and want to know her plans.

The word "why" confirms with her "truth and falsehood", "virtuality and reality".

Her teacher was very good at getting angry, and he was very good at scolding people when he was angry. He would never do it again even if he scolded her for three days and three nights, but now when faced with her possible lies and concealment, he only had these nine words.

On the other side of the letter, there is an old man's careful inquiry, which is the timidity of the hometown between life and death. He dare not speak loudly for fear of frightening the heavens and the people, the flowers in the mirror, the moon in the water, lest the glimmer of delusion will be shattered.


Chang Sui Ning looked at it quietly for a moment and sighed softly.

Suddenly I felt that I, as a student, was really nothing.

How could she, a mere short-lived ghost, have caused the teacher to worry about her like this for more than ten years?

She did not rush to read other letters, but first laid out the paper and picked up a pen to reply.

In the past, when she made mistakes and made the teacher displeased, she liked to say "There is no way, who can let the students follow the teacher?" and other words to criticize her.

Students should follow the teacher to the end. When the teacher writes a letter with three questions and nine characters, and the student replies with a letter, he should also answer with nine characters.

Chang Suining finished writing nine characters, put down the pen, gently dried the ink, folded it carefully, put it into an envelope, and told A Che: "Have someone send you back to the residence of Taifu Chu in the middle of the capital. Remember, don't take the bright road...


The Empress of the Ming Dynasty has determined that she is Li Shang, and the living Li Shang has already given the Empress of the Ming Dynasty "mixed joys and sorrows." If the living Li Shang has close correspondence with his former teacher, the current Minister of Rites, then the Empress of the Ming Dynasty will have such mixed joys and sorrows.

It means that only the word "worry" is left.

Now that she is far away from the capital, she has nothing to fear, but as the teacher is old, she should pay attention to safety.

Chang Suining thought this way and decided to be more cautious: "Let's secretly send it to Dayun Temple to Master Wujue."

Let Wujue turn his hand and it will be safer.

But since Wujue has been asked to help change hands...if she didn't write a letter to Wujue along the way, it would seem that she is too careless as a "confidant".

So Chang Suining wrote another letter and wrote it to Wujue alone. He also asked some questions about the military formation - the military formation was small, so that every subordinate could feel equally valued and needed.

, is also one of the virtues that every lord must practice.

After Ah Che sent the letters to these two ancestors, Chang Sui Ning went to open the remaining letters.

Most of the letters from those with Duan family contained some words of concern, and also talked about some matters in Beijing. In addition, there were also some insinuations, temptations and confusions.

But these temptations are so good that people can see through them at a glance. It would be really damning if she could really test something out.

This time she has made great achievements in battle, and in the eyes of others she is a "general star descending from the sky", but in the eyes of old people who are familiar with her and are also familiar with Li Shang, they will inevitably have some associations and confusion.

Duan was just one of them, and Qiao Yang also sensed something was wrong, but instead of writing to her, she wrote quietly to Chang Kuo, first asking Chang Kuo if he thought there was anything wrong with the matter.

Chang Kuo replied - I don't think anything is wrong. You have caught too many fish and your brain is flooded, right?

Chang Kuo's conscience didn't hurt at all about this. Can he call it a concealment? Oh, he just did what Wujue did to him before.

Don't ask, just ask "It's for your own good. The time has not come yet, and knowing too much in advance will not do you any good."

Compared with Qiao Yang's stupid suspicion, Duan Zhenyi still stayed at the superficial level of "How can this child be so destined to His Highness? It's strange. Let me ask again."

Therefore, it is extremely easy for the latter to reply to the letter.

The next letter is from Yao Xia and the others.

The handwriting looks like it belongs to a girl from the Wu family.

The content of the letter occupies half of the page, and the remaining half of the page is used for signature.

Looking at the names of the familiar girls one after another, Chang Sui Ning was surprised. She had never seen such a long signature in her life. It was more like a joint petition than a letter.

And upon closer inspection, we can see that the order of the names of these girls is actually arranged according to the rhyme, which somewhat means "the rankings are all arranged according to the rhyme of the surname regardless of high or low."

It can be said that it is fair and open, and it is very thorough.

No need to think, it must be the girl from the Wu family’s idea.

This is indeed the case. Originally, Yao Xia and others wanted to write letters to Chang Sui Ning, but the Wu family girl was moved and responded with affection - "How can I not know how you sisters are feeling? However, it should be noted that Mrs. Chang is currently busy

During the war, dozens of letters were sent, which was too much of a burden. It also showed that we were in disorder, noisy and noisy, with no progress at all. How could this be in the eyes of Madam Chang? If things go on like this, Madam Chang might be disgusted."

When the girls heard this, they broke out in a cold sweat. They were so busy that they stopped at the edge. When they got home, they tore up the half-written letter and burned it.

Hence, this "joint letter" was created.

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! Chang Suining looked at this well-ordered letter and couldn't help but smile: "This sister of the Wu family is really talented."

It sounds like it's just a play between ladies, but it should be noted that these ladies have different family backgrounds and different styles and temperaments. However, under the leadership of the Wu family girl, they are so well-behaved and lawful. She dares to say that many officials in the DPRK may not be

Have this ability.

From the small to the big, you can see his talent.

Moreover, this sister of the Wu family, whose name is Wu Chunbai, is known to everyone in the capital, and she is also a talented woman with a good reputation.

In addition to this letter, Wu Chunbai also sent a pamphlet.

It contains Chang Sui Ning's deeds in Jiangnan. She specially sent it to Chang Sui Ning for Chang Sui Ning to take a look and see if there are any errors or omissions.

Chang Suining opened the booklet and read it, feeling amazed.

The narrative is detailed and thrilling, and it gives her the protagonist the right apotheosis.

Chang Sui would rather look through it carefully without feeling blushing, and he has no intention of being humble and declining. How can a person who achieves great things lack a thick skin?

She just wants to make great achievements and become famous all over the world.

Her utilitarian heart had been preserved as early as when she entertained people with poems in the Dengtai Tower.

It’s because she knows very well that throughout the ages, if you want to achieve something, the word reputation is really important. If used well, it can be used without hesitation. If it is supplemented by strength and prestige, at the right time and place, it can even be used to spread the word.

The world.

Therefore, Chang Suining's attitude towards these phenomena that promote her good deeds and reputation is very clear - she likes and loves her very much, the more the better.

Looking at this handwritten booklet, I feel warm in my heart. These girls are pure and beautiful. The reason why they are so "sought after" her is not only admiration and love, but also a yearning.

Previously in Beijing, she had done many so-called shocking things. All of this can be traced back to the first time she beat Ming Jin.

She did a lot of things that girls have never been able to do, didn't dare to do, and didn't know they could do.

These girls who are attracted to her have a heart that yearns to break through the constraints of worldly etiquette.

Therefore, she is one person and more than one person.

So even if it was just for the hands holding her up behind her back, she had to work hard to make herself more promising.

You have to make progress.

Chang Sui Ning smiled in her heart and encouraged herself.

In the next few days, Chang Sui Ning ordered Yuan Xiang to secretly lead people to secretly explore the movements of Xu's rebel armies.

On the seventh day of the lunar month, when Xiao Min and Chang Kuo were discussing, they mentioned whether to take the initiative to send troops. Xiao Min vaguely reminded Chang Kuo: "...Since Li Yi's execution, an army of 170,000 has been camped here for two years.

More than ten days..."

However, they never sent out large-scale troops to attack Xu Zhengye. They only came to block Xu Zhengye and guarded each road, but never took the initiative to attack.

Xiao Min sighed: "Although the court and the saints have not stated it explicitly, they are somewhat dissatisfied with this..."

Before the group of imperial eunuchs left, they asked when they planned to send troops to attack Yangzhou directly.

Speaking of this, Xiao Min is actually a little confused. It is said that Hezhou was victorious at that time, and the morale of Xu's army was frustrated. General Chang should have taken advantage of the victory to pursue it. Why did he only defend but not attack? This was not for Xu Zhengye and the others.

A chance to regroup?

When Xiao Min was about to express his confusion, he heard Chang Kuohun say nonchalantly: "What do they know? About war and how to fight it. Naturally, only those who fight understand it!"

"..." Xiao Min felt an arrow in his eyebrows.

That, even people who fight don’t understand... Is it normal?

He didn't want to make his ignorance too obvious, so he could only ask politely: "Does General Chang have other plans?"

Chang Kuo pondered for a moment and said, "I have already discussed this matter with Sui Ning. Let's discuss it in detail when she comes over."

Xiao Min then agreed.

Not long after, some soldiers opened the curtain of the camp tent, and the figure of a girl wearing armor walked in.

The three of them were sitting around the sand table as usual.

Chang Sui Ning had just returned from the martial arts field. He was sitting cross-legged now, holding a teacup brought by the soldiers in his right hand. He touched a pen with his left hand, and the tip of the pen fell lightly on the sand table. He first talked about the distribution of Xu Zhengye's army.

This is the latest news and trend brought back by Yuan Xiang and others.

Xiao Min frowned slightly: "Is Xu Zhengye... gathering troops?"

Chang Suining: "Yes."

Xiao Min looked solemn: "He wants to gather an army and attack Huainan Road?"

"Not necessarily." Chang Suining said, "I guess he has other plans."

Any other plans?

When Xiao Min was about to ask, the girl asked first: "Is the warship borrowed from the Shouzhou and Guangzhou officials now ready?"

Xiao Min then replied: "It's almost the same. It's just that some warships are in disrepair and still need to be repaired."

"We need to hurry up." Chang Sui Ning said: "We must let them finish this matter before the Lantern Festival."

Xiao Min nodded and couldn't help but ask: "Why does Mrs. Chang hold on to the warship issue so closely?"

If Xu Zhengye wanted to attack Huainan Road, he would naturally not take seriously the "suggestion" of Princess Xuan'an to "swim from Chaohu Lake". Chaohu Lake is not that easy to swim, and the possibility of Xu Zhengye taking the waterway is very small. Ordinarily both parties

It is difficult to have a large-scale water war.

But as early as half a month ago, Chang Suining had already proposed to borrow warships from Shouzhou and Guangzhou.

At this time, facing Xiao Min's inquiry, the girl did not try to be mysterious. She turned the tip of the pen in her hand to two concave lines not far apart on the sand table, both representing the river, and said: "Because, I want to cut it here, or here.

Kill Xu Zhengye."

Xiao Min looked at it and couldn't help but be stunned: "Bianshui...or Surabaya?"

Chang Suining nodded: "Yes, but 90% of the time it will be in Bianshui."

Xiao Min was silent for a moment.

The words are all simple and easy to understand, but: "...Why does Mrs. Chang think that Xu Zhengye would take these two waterways that run counter to the Huainan Road?"

Xu Zhengye was attacking Huainan Road, intending to lead his army into the capital, kill the empress and support the prince.

"Because I guess he will abandon the capital city of Xijing." The girl's pen tip was hung above a city with a small yellow flag, and she said: "And he wants to take advantage of our unpreparedness and change the route to Luoyang, the east capital."

From Yangzhou to Luoyang, they have to pass through the Bianshui area. Xiao Min naturally understands this, but how could Xu Zhengye suddenly change his route to take Luoyang City?

Xu's army never showed any signs of coveting Luoyang!

This guess seemed too wild and unreasonable. Xiao Min couldn't say anything to question Chang Suining, so he subconsciously looked at Chang Kuo.

"Well..." Chang Kuo stroked his beard and looked at Luoyang City on the sand table: "I think so too!"

"..." Xiao Min couldn't tell who was the backbone of the father and daughter, and couldn't help but ask: "But if Xu Zhengye attacks Luoyang, how can he support the prince?"

Chang Suining: "Perhaps he never thought about really supporting the prince?"

Xiao Min was silent for a moment, and after all, he couldn't refute.

"It is naturally the best choice to capture the capital in one fell swoop. But now he has suffered repeated setbacks. With our 170,000 troops here, he can't get even half a step closer to Huainan Road -" Chang Sui Ning said: "These days,

Although we only defend but do not attack, and seem passive, the most anxious one is Xu Zhengye."

"I bet he has now seen clearly the fact that he is unable to attack the capital directly, so he has no choice but to retreat and do the next best thing. While we are guarding the Huainan Road, he unexpectedly changes the route to attack Luoyang, seizes the eastern capital of the Central Plains, and then uses King Qin to

in the name of responding to all directions and amassing more troops and fame."

After Chang Suining finished speaking, he looked at Xiao Min with a smile: "Of course, this is just my guess. Does Coach Xiao dare to make a bet with me?"

The girl smiled in a harmless and friendly manner. Xiao Min smiled unconsciously and asked casually: "What are you betting on?"

At this time, he did not know that this casual joke bet would become a crucial turning point in his life one day long after.

This chapter has been completed!
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