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335 A lot of money

"I've thought about it." Chang Suining took the tea from Xi'er and said, "It's the price of salt."

For the common people, salt is an indispensable thing, but for the Dasheng court, the salt administration and salt tax are a huge financial revenue. Therefore, salt is related to the foundation of the country, both from above and below.

Dasheng imitated the official salt system of the previous dynasty, and made many improvements and supplements based on the previous dynasty, but the general direction remained the same. It also set up salt farms and supervised the salt production by salt households. After the imperial court purchased salt from the salt households,

, and then sold to major salt merchants, who are responsible for selling them everywhere.

Private salt dealers are those who go beyond the government and secretly obtain salt from salt households, or even make their own salt privately.

They often sell salt at low prices, which not only disrupts the order of the salt market, but also violates the tax interests of the court. Due to the lack of supervision, the quality of salt sometimes varies - this is a drawback when the situation is stable.

, the role played by private salt dealers in troubled times is mostly linked to the word turmoil.

But as Luo Guanlin just said, the reason why illegal salt has become popular in recent years is not just because of the rampant illegal salt dealers.

There are two words for buying and selling, and the word buying comes first. There is buying first and then there is selling.

"Since last year, the price of salt has risen again and again, even staying high. Especially when Xu Zhengye occupied Jiangdu and caused chaos, the salt policy was full of chaos." Chang Suining took two sips of warm and suitable tea to quench his thirst and said:

"When I went out the morning before yesterday, I bought a basket of steamed buns from an inconspicuous morning market stall. The taste was very bland."

There are always people who cannot afford official salt and dare not buy private salt frequently, so many people are forced to choose light food.

Hearing Chang Suining talk about the chaos that Xu Zhengye left in Yangzhou, and hearing her talk about going out incognito to buy steamed buns, Luo Guanlin was silent for a moment, feeling indescribably complicated.

When he spoke again, he said seriously: "Since Governor Chang intends to rectify the salt affairs of Jiangdu, he must deal with the salt merchants. The top priority is to get them to lower the salt price as soon as possible and restore stability to the salt market... Has Governor Chang seen those things?

A big salt merchant?"

Chang Suining shook his head: "I don't plan to go see them. If I take the initiative to beg them, wouldn't it seem that my new governor is too mediocre and too easy to talk to?"

She put down the teacup: "I want them to come see me."

Looking into those smiling eyes, Luo Guanlin finally understood that the reason why she killed those private salt dealers in such a big way and hanged their heads in protest was not only to kill chickens to scare the monkeys, but also to take the "monkey's" neighbors with her.

"Today is different from the past. I haven't gone to see them for a long time. It's them who should be worried." Chang Sui Ning said.

In peacetime, these big salt merchants who controlled the salt market were all very proud, but things are different now. In this world, just having money in hand is not enough.

No matter how wealthy they are, if they take a wrong step when war is imminent, the salt and gold in their hands will disappear in an instant. Those gentry who disappeared overnight are bloody examples. The gentry and other old forces

The collapse has also forced many people to rethink their survival.

And after some exploitation by Xu Zhengye, the salt merchants in Jiangdu who were still able to survive were all excellent people, and their ability to see what others were doing and to act according to the wind was not a problem.

The reason is to do something stupid like not seeing the coffin and not crying.

They had been watching in private these days, and at first they were thinking - what was known was that the new governor, who was famous for his military exploits and dared to publicly ask for an official position from the emperor, was by no means a weakling who could be bullied, and he was now concurrently serving as

The anti-Japanese marshal held military power in his hands and was by no means just an empty show.

But the advantage is that he is young and has little experience... I wonder if he is easy to fool?

I'm not afraid that she doesn't understand the salt policy, but I'm afraid that she understands it too well.

However, after waiting patiently for several days, the other party did not wait for the other party to express their intention to see them. The other party asked each trade to elect a speaker to express their opinions, but only "missed" their salt merchants... Among all the trades in Jiangdu,

Even if they are added together, how important are they, the salt merchants? Don’t their opinions matter?!

Does she understand or not?

After the news about the killing of hundreds of illegal salt dealers yesterday spread, some salt dealers have begun to feel completely unable to sit still - they are afraid that she knows too much, and they are also afraid that she does not understand at all and will only kill indiscriminately! What if they meet a scholar?

Where are the soldiers?

King's Law? Nowadays, in Jiangdu, which has changed hands one after another, there is no sound King's Law anywhere!

After all, the new governor was very short of money. Hearing that he was going to rebuild business roads, he was already preparing to write a large pile of IOUs to Princess Xuan'an... The reason why they knew these inside information was, firstly, because of their flexible connections, and secondly,

Come on, Chang Suining is not strict with his words.

She just wanted to yell out, just to let everyone know that she is very short of money now, and she is going crazy thinking about money. This is what she said in public when she was discussing matters with a group of officials the morning before yesterday: "Everyone, I did this last night."

I had a dream, and I dreamed that a lot of money fell from the sky, including yellow and white money. It would be great if it were true. This is why.

There was a brief silence in the hall at that time, most of them felt overwhelmed by the new governor's frankness.

This too straightforward statement naturally could not escape the ears of those salt merchants who were always paying attention to the attitude and trends of the new governor.

For a person who started his career in the military, is so young, and has never lived a hard life, if he is short of money and urgent, it is normal to do something, right?

There are wars raging inside, and Japanese pirates are coveting them outside. Now if you still want to survive in Jiangdu, and still want to survive under her Chang Suining's hand, what else can you do?

Who is a man or a woman, old or young? Whoever holds the lifeline of Jiangdu's safety now is the boss... Those who try to despise the other party and get through the situation should be put aside. If you think too much, you will waste your life!

Since we no longer have any luck, we must express our stance as soon as possible. They all understand that beautiful words should be said as early as possible. Otherwise, when the knife is put to the neck, no matter how much you say, they will only be your last words!

So, after some urgent discussions, the salt merchants expressed their position last night——

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! "The salt merchants sent me a list last night." Chang Sui Ning said: "Maybe it was sent to those salt merchants yesterday.

When I was going somewhere, I accidentally passed by their house and frightened people so much that I came to deliver the order in the middle of the night."

Luo Guanlin: "..." What a "pass by accidentally".

Luo Ze felt a chill running down his back. This "accident" was so scary.

"They realized how difficult it was to rebuild Jiangdu and volunteered to donate generously to help Jiangdu overcome the current difficulties as soon as possible. Some even promised to donate their entire family fortune."

Chang Suining said, and asked Xi'er to get the list: "Sir, please take a look. It's a lot of money."

Luo Guanlin took the list, looked at the considerable sums on it, and then raised his eyes to look at the girl sitting in the chair, his eyes changed slightly.

Without any effort, she didn't even meet the salt merchants, and got them to take out so much money in a short period of time... There was indeed some trick.

And after so much blood has been released, agreeing to regulate the price of salt is just a sideways matter.

Luo Guanlin deeply felt that for Jiangdu at this time, there was no right or wrong method. As long as she could stabilize order and prevent turmoil and killing from happening in this land, that was her skill.

Luo Guanlin was about to speak but stopped when the young girl smiled at him: "Mr. Luo, if you want to praise me, just do it."

Luo Guanlin, who seemed to have his heart read through at a glance: ...I don’t want to think about it now!

Just as Mother Luo, who had never interrupted, was about to praise the emperor on her behalf, Ache walked in from outside and said: "Girl, Wang Changshi is here."

Chang Suining: "Please come in quickly."

As soon as Wang Changshi entered the hall and saluted, he heard Chang Sui Ningna say in a tone of sharing a happy event: "Chang Shi came just in time -"

She explained the behavior of the salt merchants, and asked Wang Changshi to quickly look at the number on the list, while sighing: "It's not in vain that I call you poor every day, calling you poor is really useful, and the sky will really come down to it."

It’s silver.”

Wang Changshi took the list from Luo Guanlin in surprise, and couldn't help but look curiously at the man wearing a half-mask in front of him, and the four people behind him——

Wang Changshi had a kind and polite smile on his face, and asked thoughtfully: "I wonder if your Excellency is..."

Luo Guanlin: ...This is a wonderful question. The best part is that he doesn’t know “who” he is.

So, who should he be? In what capacity should he stay with her?

The moment of naming came unexpectedly. Mr. Luo looked at Chang Sui Ning.

Chang Sui Ning said: "This gentleman is a knowledgeable person I specially invited. He will live in the mansion forever in the future."

Wang Changshi clearly knows that he is a new guest.

Also, the governor's official duties are really heavy, and he will be busy with the war later, so he should have a few more retainers to solve the problem.

Wang Changshi's tone became more polite: "I wonder what your surname is, sir?"

Luo Guanlin folded his hands and remained silent. He didn't know this either.

Wang Changshi was a little embarrassed in his heart. He asked his master to help him with everything. This guest was wearing a mask and had a really big air.

Chang Suining randomly pulled out a word from his mind: "Mr.'s surname is Qian."

This was too impromptu and made Luo Guanlin stunned in his heart.

She only thinks about money, right?

If he had known earlier, he would have chosen one at random!

Sensing her son's dissatisfaction, Mother Luo pinched him lightly. "Qian is a good surname. It brings wealth and prosperity! And people who have died once, don't they have to seek good luck?"

"Mr. Qian..." Wang Changshi thought for a while and tried to ask: "Mr. Qian, is he from Wuxing?"

"Exactly..." Mother Luo smiled and nodded.

Luo Guanlin: "?"

Why is it “exactly”!

Why do you really have a Wuzhong accent!

As everyone knows, although Mother Luo has not thought deeply about it, she has foresight - a person like Chang Jishi will definitely have many followers in the future. If he does not have a serious background, he will be ostracized and his status will be unstable!

The Wuxing Qian family is also a large family with many branches. Who can investigate them one by one?

Sure enough, Wang Changshi stood in awe and saluted again.

Luo Guanlin reluctantly returned the courtesy, his heart was weaker than his kidneys.

This chapter has been completed!
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