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351 The best allocation method

The official surnamed Qi considered it and said: "A few days ago, the governor mentioned the idea of ​​building another academy in addition to the government school... What the governor meant is that both men and women can enroll! That's it.

, why not build more schools so that girls of school age can also go to the schools to study and receive education?"

The other officials had different expressions upon hearing this. Luo Guanlin also frowned immediately and turned to see Chang Suining's reaction.

Chang Suining smiled.

The official surnamed Qi also smiled: "I wonder what the governor thinks of this humble opinion?"

"What do I think..." The smile on Chang Sui Ning's face turned into a half-smile: "I think Mr. Qi should be very good at making children happy."

The official surnamed Qi was startled for a moment, and he didn't know whether to close or let go of his smile.

"If I were no more than three or five years old this year, when I heard this, I would definitely applaud and nod happily." Chang Sui Ning said, "But I am more than three or five years old, so I know some of the stakes."

"I know that Mr. Qi said this with 'good intentions'. He just wanted to go along with my wishes and make me happy——"

The girl looked at the young official with a pair of bright eyes and said: "But with the current scene in Jiangdu, I don't have the extra financial and material resources to build a school that can accommodate all girls of the right age, and what they need most at the moment is not


"Studying is a good thing, and it is a long-term good thing. But if everyone gives up their livelihood to study, how can we support reading? What is the use of reading?"

Although everyone yearns for the beauty of books, for someone who has no money to eat, giving her a book and asking her to start from a young age can be called naive hypocrisy that is both glamorous and harmful to others and oneself.

"At the beginning of the gentry clan, it was known to plant good land first, feed the clansmen, and then go to study and stock up on books." Chang Sui Ning said: "You can read books, and you can read them slowly, but you can't put down your job to read, otherwise it will become a

Big, nothing, flashy things.”

The official surnamed Qi's face suddenly turned red and white, and his back was covered with cold sweat. He stood up and bowed and saluted: "Your Excellency, the governor, this official is just not thinking well for a moment, and he definitely has no other intention to deceive you into doing something..."

"Master Qi, there is no need to panic. I am just discussing the matter." Chang Sui Ning said with a smile: "It's understandable that you want to make me happy. I am also easy to coax. As long as your suggestions are meaningful, they will be of practical benefit to Jiang.

, I will naturally be happy.”

With that said, she raised her hand to signal the official named Qi to sit down.

Other officials have their own concerns.

Luo Guanlin felt relieved. Even though she had shown extraordinary skills in these days, some of these officials were still testing her, or trying to take advantage of the fact that she was a woman, or even misleading her.

heart of--

But the good thing is... she is sober and sensitive, and can distinguish between the real virtual and the real.

Luo Guanlin looked at the calm and relaxed girl, and silently brushed away some of the dust covering the bright mirror in his heart.

Chang Suining took two sips of tea.

Regarding the issue of "benefit lies in women", Chang Suining believed that it would be difficult for her to be led by these people.

She herself is a woman, and she knows best what women need most at the moment. Although these officials are used by her, they are still fundamentally beneficiaries of patriarchy. In a sense, she is still in opposition to them.


Is what the official named Qi Jia said just now really true to what he said and that he had no other intentions?

Will it really bring about any practical and effective good effects if all girls of school age are allowed to study in large educational centers everywhere?

Before they could get up and stand firmly, they were suddenly promoted to a higher position than men, spending countless manpower and material resources just to let them receive the most generous treatment... This is basically the same as flattery.

And this kind of unconvincing preferential treatment will also make them bear greater responsibilities and even trials. When they cannot change this change and fall from the high platform they were held up to, it will be the moment when this farce collapses.

Then, those people have enough reasons to draw a "conclusive conclusion" - look, women are born useless, so they should go home and give birth to children.

At the same time, she who has given them privileges will be questioned as she should be.

The impact of a wrong move that goes too far will nail the prejudice even more firmly, causing you to retreat instead of making progress, and the gains outweigh the losses.

Whether Qi Jia has thought about the above consequences, Chang Sui Ning has no intention of delving into it. It doesn't matter to her whether the other party has "other motives" or not.

She still needs these people to do things at the moment.

She will be able to judge whether a proposal is feasible or not. She cannot cut off the confusion of people's hearts under interests. She only needs to sit firmly in this position and hold on to her power as a decision-maker. Then everything will be controllable.

"What the Governor said is right, and everyone is good at different things, and not everyone is suitable for studying." Wang Changshi said at the right time: "The Governor will take care of the enrollment of another school in addition to the government school later.

Show the regulations, enroll at different ages, and both men and women need to pass different assessments. It is not easy in Jiangxi now, and the best way is to achieve the best allocation of manpower and material resources everywhere."

Chang Suining nodded: "That's right. Next, everything must follow the four words of optimal distribution."

She said: "Therefore, it is impossible for me to grant great privileges to Jiangdu women and ask them to drop everything and go to study and paint -"

The official who just proposed to encourage childbirth was very pleased and said: "The governor is wise..."

The next moment, I heard the voice continue: "However, I don't plan to encourage marriage and childbirth for the time being."

The official who had just felt relieved was choked by the words he was about to say: "Your Majesty's intention is..."

Chang Sui Ning looked at him with a smile: "You must all be familiar with history, so you should know under what circumstances most of the significant population growth recorded in history books occurred for thousands of years.


While some officials were thinking about it, Chang Suining already said: "Although there are many measures taken by the imperial government to encourage marriage, there are only two situations where the real substantial and sustainable population growth can occur. The first is a stable environment with less war disasters.

, and the second is after grain output and the output capabilities of various industries have been greatly improved."

"Therefore, I think that instead of using both soft and hard policies to urge women to have children, it is better to put more thought into both."

Chang Sui Ning said: "If there is enough food and life is stable enough, the population will naturally gradually prosper."

"In today's situation, just to promote birth, not to mention the number of women who die in childbirth and the number of babies who die every year due to insufficient conditions in various aspects... Even if it is just to let these women in their prime years waste their energy and time

On top of constant feeding, it is equivalent to tying up the hands that could have been used to do work, and creating so many more mouths that need to eat out of thin air——"

"The purpose of encouraging childbirth is to increase the population, and the purpose of increasing the population is to increase labor output. However, compared with those babies who will be born in a year at the earliest, these women are already ready-made production manpower. Why should we

What if we seek the far away instead of the near and reverse the cause and effect?"

After Chang Suining said this, he looked at the officials below.

Some officials exchanged glances, and some officials tried to use a kind-hearted tone to tactfully remind: "You may not know, but officials from various places have always been assessed, and the issue of increasing households has always been an unavoidable political achievement..."

The girl at the head was unmoved: "I don't care about good political performance, I just want real manpower to do the work."

There are a bunch of babies waiting to be fed and countless women lingering in the delivery bed. What is the use of these two apart from superficial political achievements?

And why should the political achievements of local officials depend entirely on the stomachs and lives of these women? At present, many people are still hungry, and medicine cannot keep up. Under these conditions, women are suffering one after another.

Childbirth will greatly increase the number of maternal and infant deaths.

Jiangdu is hers now, and she doesn't want such political achievements that have no practical use.

Another official hesitated and said: "But even if they don't get married and have children, there are only so many things that women can do, which is nothing more than farming and housework..."

In other words, marriage and childbirth are the greatest value that most women can provide. Isn't this also the "best allocation" that the governor himself said just now?

Chang Suining: "Then let them get out of the house."

The official was stunned immediately.

Chang Suining glanced at Qi Jia with a smile: "Women can go out to study, and naturally they can also go out to work. However, most women are not as physically strong as men, but they can still do ordinary physical work if they are strong enough.

Another example is the many textile and embroidery workshops, tea-making workshops, carving craftsmen's shops, shops and restaurants, etc. No matter whether the work is rough or fine, there is no need to select men and women."

Qi Jia glanced at Chang Suining and forced a smile, but the sweat on his back became even thicker.

Most officials are also excited. The impact of this move is far greater than studying for anything...

An official said: "As far as I know, many trades are very sophisticated and women have never been involved in them. Many workshops and merchants may not be willing to accept them..."

"When a certain number of female workers are recruited, they can be given corresponding tax exemptions." Chang Sui Ning said: "Of course, the exemptions will not be too large, and there is a cap, so they will not just recruit female workers just to reduce taxes.

Female workers and businessmen are shrewd and good at calculation, and they will be able to grasp the balance of interests regardless of whether they are particular or not."

Looking at the officials who were hesitant to speak, she said: "You all need to be clear about one thing. These women are not here to seize the men's livelihood. You must know that the biggest shortage in Jiangdu is manpower. There will be no one who can't find something to do.


"In this way, the best way to allocate people is to make the best use of them and mobilize manpower to the greatest extent."

Some officials want to object, but they don't know what reasons to give.

He also heard the leader say: "All of you sitting here at this moment are all people I truly trust, and you are all capable and intelligent people - so you must know that in this situation, everything must be in the interests of Jiangdu."

First of all, the benefits of Jiangdu will benefit all the people of Jiangdu, as well as all of you here."

The implication is that those small disputes between men and women should not become an obstacle to the overall benefit.

The people sitting here at the moment seem to be the same person, but in fact there is more than one person behind them. Previously, with the encouragement of Chang Sui Ning, most of them recommended their clan members or close relatives, whose brother-in-law went to a wealthy household.

Cao, someone's nephew got the job of guarding the city gate, or even someone's home village had a very brave dog, so he was dragged to the Yamen as a gatekeeper...

In short, everyone with some ability was appointed by Chang Suining.

Therefore, Chang Suining's words, "The benefit lies with you", are absolutely weighty.

As a result, someone quickly nodded in approval of Chang Suining's proposal.

For men and women, those short-term impacts are too insignificant after all. Compared with the slight discomfort in their hearts, it is most practical to seize the immediate benefits.

And the governor seemed to have already planned it, so why should they confront her head-on over such a trivial matter... No, it's just a matter of striking an egg against a stone.

Even though she is sitting there drinking tea, she seems to be very talkative, but she is always trying to kill people. In the past few days, she has tried several new cases of theft, rape and murder. Her methods are harsh and she is a ruthless person who believes in using heavy laws to control chaos.


After the first few people nodded, Chang Suining looked at the remaining people expectantly. How could those officials withstand her seemingly expectant eyes, which were actually called death stares? They all nodded one after another.


Chang Suining showed a satisfied and kind smile: "I know that you are the ones who understand the great right and wrong and the great disadvantages and great benefits."

Then he said: "I don't have detailed regulations on this matter yet. I just mentioned tax reduction for those merchants. It was just a vague idea. I haven't had time to think about whether the pros and cons are comprehensive or not -"

As he said that, he looked at everyone expectantly.

After nodding, it was time to help her work and make plans together.

The officials suppressed their complicated feelings and could only discuss various strategies to promote women's work.

Chang Suining carefully screened it, feeling at peace in his heart.

Rather than giving up their livelihood to go to school, she wants these women to take this opportunity to go into various walks of life, use their own hands to create tangible benefits, realize values ​​that can be recognized by the world, slowly prove themselves, and then slowly

to occupy a place in various industries.

If a person wants to walk steadily, he cannot be supported by others, he must stand up by himself.

And having a skill is the foundation for a person to gain a foothold in the world.

She gives them the opportunity to develop their skills and the soil to display their skills. She will try her best to maintain this soil, block resistance for them, and give them time to thrive.

This matter is not easy, especially considering the old customs of the world, but now that she is in control of Jiangdu, she might as well take advantage of this power and use Jiangdu as a starting point to give it a try first.

Reading, being a female official... these are too high, and are destined to be accessible only to a few people. Most people will only live this life as ordinary people. Since she has always believed that in the prosperous times, one must look down on the low, then she will start from the low.

Make the change and let it slowly take root.

Luo Guanlin, who was listening to all this, said nothing, but his expression under the mask was always a little gloomy.

But Yao Ran was still responsible for finishing the copying of the book collection. At this moment, he could only listen and draft the regulations for this matter.

Luo Guanlin kept writing. As a staunch supporter of patriarchy, he never thought in his life that one day he would be the first person to write these regulations that were very promising to improve the status of women.

Nothing in the world can bring bad luck to people more than this...

Moreover, those people spoke so fast and messily that his hand was sore every time he thought about it!

This chapter has been completed!
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