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381 I discovered your secret

Faced with Yun Hui's shame, Chang Sui Ning said: "People's evil thoughts cannot be cut off. Especially in these troubled times, people's hearts will inevitably become more unstable and more likely to despise the legal principles."

Yun Hui looked solemn: "So more warnings and restrictions are needed to maintain order and people's hearts...I will pay more attention to this matter in the future."

Chang Suining nodded to him first, and then said: "You have done a good job. I have passed through several counties along the way, and I have seen that your rule is stable and peaceful."

Like what happened just now, it is an exception after all.

After Yun Hui was stunned for a moment, he blurted out and asked: "Do you really think so?"

After asking this question, he himself felt that he seemed very unsteady and calm, but he still unconsciously looked forward to her answer.

Chang Suining nodded: "Of course."

Meeting those affirmative eyes, Yun Hui couldn't help but smile happily, but he was afraid that she would think he was proud and complacent: "...I can't even say "very good", I still have a lot to learn."

While he was talking, his eyes averted for some reason. When he saw the tea set on the small table in front of him, he remembered that he hadn't given it to her and the people around her... Let's call him the poor fellow for now. He poured a glass of water and couldn't help but

Regret my rudeness.

Yun Hui hurriedly poured tea, handing one cup to Chang Sui Ning first, and the other to the poor senior.

When he handed the tea, he took the opportunity to ask: "I don't know if this senior is..."

Wujue held the tea bowl pitifully and did not answer without permission - when he went out, his identity was given by His Highness.

"This is the elder in my family." Chang Suining said casually: "The surname is Wu."

Yun Hui nodded clearly and shouted to Wu Jue: "Uncle Wu, you were shocked today."

With that said, he made amends with Wujue alone.

The young man's attitude was sincere and very polite, which made Wu Jue, who had received so many cold looks along the way, very uncomfortable. While being flattered, he couldn't help but look at Yun Hui - this young man, despite his age, is quite capable.

Forbearance, monsters can act.

But after Wujue carefully observed it for a while, he realized that the other party's attitude didn't look like he was pretending.

Is it possible that the result is really as His Highness said, that His Highness's "efficacy" is equivalent to a second finger? As long as he stays by His Highness's side, the disgusting atmosphere will be diluted again?

Or is it that this young man... has reached a certain level of love for his wife and children?

After Wu Jue finished drinking tea, he continued to wrap himself in his cloak and hood, huddled next to Chang Sui Ning, his small eyes darting back and forth between the young man and His Highness.

Yun Hui had a lot to say to Chang Suining. He would also write letters to Chang Suining on weekdays, but in the end it was not as good as face to face.

On the way, he talked about the affairs of his mother and younger brother at home, the official affairs of Hezhou Governor's Office, and the changes in Hezhou in the past six months.

Most of the time he was the one talking, and Chang Sui Ning listened carefully.

Therefore, the impression I have on this young man is that he is a very talkative person.

Amidst the young man's overly dense conversation, Wujue yawned silently, put his hands into his tattered sleeves, curled up to the side, and fell asleep peacefully.

It's been a long time since he had a peaceful sleep.

One was due to the situation, and the other was the physical pain and suffering, but at this moment, the uneasiness caused by both of them was mostly eliminated by the people who came to take him home.

In his dream, he dreamed that he had become a wandering dog, with knotted hair and wounds all over his body, hiding everywhere with his tail between his legs...

Until someone finally came to take him home.

In the dream, Wujue, who transformed into a dog, stretched himself comfortably in the downward dog pose.

In reality, he was sleeping more and more peacefully, until he heard the sound of unrestrained snoring in the carriage.

Yun Hui was stunned for a moment, and when he and Chang Suining looked at each other, they both couldn't help laughing.

This smile at each other made Yun Hui's slight sense of unfamiliarity disappear when he faced Chang Sui Ning, whom he had not seen for a long time.

He no longer talked about official matters, but spoke from his heart: "A year ago, I never thought that one day I would become the governor of Hezhou..."

At that time, his father was in his prime, and he was the most respected and beloved governor of Hezhou in the hearts of the people of Hezhou. Below his father, there was his eldest brother, who was more knowledgeable and steady than him, and had a good heart.


Although the position of governor of Hezhou was by no means a private inheritance of his Yun family, if he had asked who was most suitable to take over his father's position, he would have thought of his eldest brother without hesitation, just like everyone else.

But Xu's army first broke through Jiangning and then attacked Hezhou. He suddenly lost his father and eldest brother.

"I am far inferior to my father and brother. Therefore, in this position, I often feel that I am not worthy of it, nor am I worthy of the trust of the people of Hezhou." Yun Hui confided this to others for the first time.

Wait for the words "feeling guilty".

He didn't dare to mention it to his mother for fear of worrying her. He didn't dare to mention it to his subordinate officials for fear of being looked down upon and questioned.

He often believed that he was able to win the love and respect of the people of Hezhou mostly because of the good foundation and reputation left by his father and brother; and that he was able to defend Hezhou City because of the help of the Chang family's father and daughter... Therefore, he

I'm very afraid that I won't be able to hold on.

Hearing him admit that he was "not worthy enough", Chang Suining felt strange: "How could you not be worthy? From the moment you refused to abandon the city and fled, but decided to stay and defend Hezhou, you

He is worthy of all the trust entrusted to them by the people of Hezhou."

"If you hadn't led the troops to defend Hezhou and delayed the support time, even if my father and I arrived, it would have been too late." She said: "Even if you have received help from others, you still have many problems.

Outstanding. No one in this world can achieve anything alone. There is no need to think that you are worthless just because of other people's strengths."

Yun Hui looked at her, hesitant for a moment.

Chang Suining finally told him: "Self-examination is essential, but it is not advisable to underestimate and doubt yourself."

"It's my ability that's not enough." Most of the self-doubt in Yun Hui's eyes disappeared: "I will make myself capable of no longer having self-doubt as soon as possible."

Chang Suining smiled at him and said, "Yeah," "That's good."

"Actually, I know that when the imperial court asked me to take over the position of governor of Hezhou, it was more to stabilize the hearts of the people of Hezhou." Yun replied.

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! Chang Sui Ning nodded, this is indeed true.

At that time, because Li Yi did not send troops to support Jiangning, the Xu army fought all the way to Hezhou. Later, Li Yi was unwilling to send troops to rescue Hezhou, so the people of Hezhou were somewhat resentful towards the court.

At that time, in order to protect Hezhou, she used ordinary people as soldiers in Hezhou City to conduct drills. Those people went to the battlefield and killed the enemy like soldiers. If they were instigated later, they could quickly gather together.

Become a rebel army that cannot be underestimated——

Therefore, the imperial court chose to make an exception and appoint Erlang of the Yun family, who was the most prestigious among the people of Hezhou, as the new governor. The son inherited the father's position. Firstly, it showed the loyalty of the Yun family, and secondly, it was a means of comforting the hearts of Hezhou.

"And if I prove to be useless and incompetent in the future, unable to take on this important task, and fail to govern Hezhou well, the court can naturally replace it with others, and there will no longer be any worry about me using the Yun family's reputation to cause trouble." Yun Hui said.

Said: "So at first I was very afraid of ruining the reputation of the Yun family. I was afraid that as those people said behind their backs, I would not be able to hold the position of governor for a few days and would hand it over to others... I'm not afraid to say that.

You're joking, in the first few months, I often couldn't sleep."

At the end of the sentence, the young man smiled sheepishly.

"But now Hezhou City is getting better and better, and you are becoming more and more popular." Chang Suining asked with a smile: "You should be able to sleep well now, right?"

Yun Hui subconsciously glanced at Wujue who was still snoring, and said in a more relaxed tone: "Occasionally I still can't sleep, and I have new worries. I worry that if I don't do well, I will live up to my father and brother's legacy and Hezhou."

The trust of the people will also be worried..."

He paused and then said: "I will also worry about dragging you down."

Hearing that he actually used the word "drag", Chang Sui Ning looked at him slightly surprised.

"Don't you know? Nowadays, many people compare you and me, saying that Huainan Road has produced two fledgling governors..." When Yun Hui said this, the young man's dissatisfaction appeared on his face.


"This..." Chang Suining nodded: "I've heard some."

"But it's nothing." She said nonchalantly: "There are many more unpleasant curses."

Yun Hui nodded: "It's true that as a woman, it's much more difficult for you than for me."

"It's more difficult for them." Chang Suining put down the tea cup and leaned on the pocket behind him, saying, "They will be scolded in the future, but I'm afraid they will get angry."

Those people scolded her for being ambitious, ignorant, and arrogant. They said that she was even more ambitious, ignorant, and even more arrogant. Things were yet to come. As long as they were not tired, they could scold her.


Listening to what she said, Yun Hui couldn't help but laugh.

Seeing how relaxed she was, he seemed to feel relaxed too. The burden on his shoulders was still there, but it didn't seem as heavy and difficult anymore.

When Yun Hui thought about it carefully, she felt that she always seemed to have the ability to make a very difficult thing very easy, and turn everything passive into active. Upon further investigation, it should be a way to deal with any difficulties in this world.

A firm courage that is not afraid of any obstacles.

This determination and unwillingness to admit defeat in her bones even gave him the feeling that "if fate dares to try to play tricks on me, I will definitely beat this fate over and over again until it behaves obediently and satisfies me."

The feeling was very clear, and Yun Hui was convinced that this was something she could do.

She seemed a little tired. She was leaning there with her eyes closed and concentrating. She folded her arms in a leisurely posture. Her black and soft hair was spread around her shoulders. She didn't have any accessories on her body, and she even looked a bit different from this mortal person.

Before meeting her, Yun Hui never thought that there would be such a woman or person in this world.

He was unconsciously looking at it, until the girl suddenly opened her eyes, her almond-shaped eyes were dark and bright.

Yun Hui was stunned for a moment, trying to dodge but it was too late.

"Why are you always staring at me?" The owner of those eyes asked him puzzledly: "If you have something to say, just say it."

"..." Yun Hui didn't know that she had been aware of it all along. He coughed twice and said casually: "You... do you want your hair to be tied up?"

As he spoke, in order to cover up his panic, he hurriedly pulled out a box from the side, took out an unused jade hairpin for men, and handed it to her.

This carriage is commonly used by him when he travels privately, so the servants have daily necessities in the carriage.

Looking at the hairpin handed to him, Chang Suining said "Thank you" and took it.

When Yun Hui wanted to hand her another jade comb, he saw that she had already pulled up her hair. He lifted up the thick black hair in a few moments and began to pull it up skillfully.

Her hair was very black, and when she pulled it up, her ears, neck, and entire face were exposed. Yun Hui felt that his eyes were burned for no reason, and he hurriedly looked away.

He suddenly felt that the space in the car had become cramped, and he regretted that he should not have mentioned calling her Wanfa. It seemed a bit rude. But then he thought again, she was not the temperament of an ordinary boudoir daughter, and she acted informally.

She has been on the battlefield and killed enemies, and now she is the governor of a state and the anti-Japanese marshal. Obviously she does not care about trivial matters...

Yes, this is just a trivial matter. What is there to care about? But... why does he care so much? Why does he feel uncomfortable everywhere?

Yun Hui held the comb tightly with one hand, and suddenly opened the car curtain with the other hand. Using the car curtain to block it, he slowly exhaled hot air, looked out of the car, and said: "We should be approaching Nanhe County soon."


"Yes, sir, it's just ahead!" the coachman responded, turning his head subconsciously and suddenly seeing the young man's red face, he was startled for a moment: "Sir, you are not feeling well..."

Before he could even finish his sentence, he forcefully swallowed it back under the nervous warning from the young man with his eyes wide open.

The coachman turned his head and concentrated on driving, but various voices exploded in his head - it's over, he seems to have discovered the secret of the Lord!

After returning to Nanhe County, Chang Sui Ning immediately asked a doctor to see Wu Jue's injuries and called back all his subordinates who were looking for people elsewhere.

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! The case of the villager in Zhengjia Village is also under the jurisdiction of Nanhe County. The magistrate of Nanhe County is a man of justice, and he heard that the matter was related to the governor Chang,

He didn't dare to neglect it.

After all the cooking was finished, it was already dark.

Yun Hui, who was helping out, invited Chang Sui Ning to Hezhou City. Chang Sui Ning thought about it and heard Yun Hui reply: "...my mother and sister-in-law heard that you came to Hezhou, and they told me to be sure to bring you to Hezhou."

Please go have a meal at home, otherwise you will blame me for neglecting my savior."

Hearing the invitation from Mrs. Lou and Huo Xin, Chang Suining finally nodded: "That's fine, then I won't bother you."

Shepherd's Purse and Zeng Huan were both in Hezhou City, and Meng Lie was also there. She originally wanted to wait for Shepherd's Purse and others to return tomorrow before leaving together. This place was only twenty miles away from Hezhou City. She went there with Shepherd's Purse and the others.

The same goes for the rendezvous. It won't delay tomorrow's departure. It's okay to drop by to see Mrs. Lou.

Putting aside their personal friendship, she and Hezhou also wanted to have a long-term friendship since they were both on Huainan Road.

While Chang Suining's subordinates were packing their things and preparing their horses, Yun Hui found an excuse and hurried out of the inn. He quickly summoned his closest confidants and whispered: "... you go back to the city quickly and tell me

Mother, Madam Chang is coming to the house, please ask her to get ready as soon as possible!"

He immediately responded and went to lead the horse.

"Wait, there's more..." Yun Hui lowered his voice: "Tell mother again that she invited Mrs. Chang to be a guest at home!"

Follower: "Huh?"


I nodded. Although I didn’t understand, I remembered it!

When Chang Suining followed Yun Hui back to Hezhou City, the sky had completely darkened, but the lights in the city were high and pedestrians were constantly passing by, so it was still lively.

Chang Sui Ning was driving his horse slowly while he was feeling deeply different from Zhoucheng. Suddenly, he vaguely heard a "buzz" about shepherd's purse from the mouths of several flower sellers on the street.

This chapter has been completed!
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