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446 Reward Decree

When Chang Sui Ning entered the city for the first time, the road was relatively smooth, but as the news of her return spread, more and more people came to greet her, and the road began to become blocked and difficult to travel.

The news reached a teahouse, and the guests drinking morning tea were overjoyed and left the teahouse one after another.

The waiter's heart also flew, and he said to the shopkeeper who was dozing at the counter: "...Shopkeeper, I want to pay!"

As soon as the voice fell, he hurriedly ran out.

The shopkeeper hadn't yet reacted: "...What's wrong? I won't allow anyone to do business!"

A customer who walked slowly reminded: "Didn't the shopkeeper listen? It's the governor who is back!"

The teahouse owner trembled violently, his eyes widened, his beard trembled in surprise, and he immediately ran out.

——What kind of business are you doing? What kind of debts are you chasing? Today’s tea money is completely waived for him!

Outside the teahouse, there was a bustling atmosphere.

The old flower seller carrying the basket of flowers was snatched away before he could reach the flower market.

The old man was holding the money to sell, and looking at the basket in front of him that had been robbed of not even a single leaf but was still shaking, he suddenly came back to his senses and said, "...you should leave one for me too!"

As he said that, he picked up the basket and quickly joined the crowd rushing in the same direction.

Changsui Ning entered the city at first light without making any announcement in advance, but she did not expect that she would still "disrupt the people" to this point. The scene at the moment made her understand that she had underestimated the diligence and enthusiasm of the people of Jiangdu.

Shortly after entering the city, Chang Suining realized this, so she ordered a temporary delay. While letting He Wuhu lead the people to evacuate as much as possible, she asked Hao Huan to go back to the governor's office to send a message, and asked the governor's office to send out officials to maintain the city.

order to avoid crowding and stampede chaos.

Halfway through the journey, the situation in front was already under control. Officials came all the way and dispersed the crowd to both sides.

In the midst of the commotion, a slender woman wearing a dark green robe and her hair tied with a hosta rode towards him on horseback, with a group of official officials behind her.

The woman dismounted from her horse and brought her official servant to Chang Suining, raising her hand and saluting: "Come here to welcome the Governor back to your home!"

Chang Sui Ning sat on the back of a white colt and nodded to people who came by.

We haven't seen her for more than half a year, but Ran Nu Shi in her house seems to be more and more able to take charge of her own business, and she has the aura of an official in her every move.

Yao Ran raised her head, revealing a face full of smiles - she was not a person who liked to laugh, and usually showed herself calm, but at the moment her eyes were full of joy, and she was even so happy that the corners of her eyes turned red without even realizing it.

After receiving Chang Suining's signal, Yao Ran remounted his horse, turned the horse's head, came to Chang Suining's side, and followed two steps behind.

Soon, Chang Ren and Deputy General Jin also came to greet him, and they all followed Chang Suining and walked slowly to the Governor's Mansion.

He Wuhu was bathed in the cheers and rain of flowers, and his face was almost broken with laughter - this time, he didn't steal it, and he no longer had to feel guilty!

But this guilt did not disappear, but was transferred to another person.

Looking at everything around her, Kang Zhi sat on the horse, her back straight and her big, deep eyes with thick eyelashes not daring to blink, as if she had become a doll.

This was her first time coming to Jiangnan, and she couldn't take her eyes away from everything she saw.

The charming spring day in the south of the Yangtze River, coupled with the elegant buildings, prosperous streets, and enthusiastic people... made her feel like she was in a fairy painting, and saw the fairy's brush bringing up the colorful ink to her.

Comes swaying.

At the same time, there were goose-yellow flowers that she couldn't name that fell on her body.

Kang Zhi subconsciously took it in her arms. When she raised her eyes, she saw a group of ladies pointing at her and saying to Yourong: "...Look, those are the heroines of our Chang Governor!"

Kang Zhi almost felt guilty and said: "I, I'm not..."

"It will be!" Shepherd's Purse turned his head and smiled at her.

Kang Zhi's eyes flashed, and her dark cheeks were rosy under the shining golden sunlight.

She originally had a wild and brave temperament, but when she came to this warm mountain and soft water place today, she became a little embarrassed when she saw this scene. Only then did she speak and asked shepherd's purse: "Commander, what do those ladies do?"


She saw women of various ages, most of whom had their arms tied with various colors, some even rolled up their sleeves, exposing half of their forearms, and their hair was neatly tied up, making them look very neat.

Their clothes are very ordinary, and some of them wear coarse cloth and are patched, but they are all washed clean. Even if some people have paint on their hands and faces, they can't hide the look in their eyes - those eyes give people a sense of beauty.

A feeling of vitality.

"You can do anything!" Shen Cai said: "In our Jiangdu city, all women can go out to work!"

Kang Zhi was a little surprised. She had never heard of it in Guandong, a place with strong folk customs. Moreover, this was Jiangnan, the Central Plains where Confucianism was prevalent... This was different from what she had heard before.

But she soon understood and subconsciously looked up at the girl in green robe in front of her.

Soon, her eyes were drawn to a group of people in front of them. Those people were wearing uniform green and white gowns, and they were both men and women. There were older and calm people, and there were also young men and women with energetic faces.

Kang Zhi couldn't help but ask: "Commander, what do those people do?"

Shepherd's Purse was also a little unsure. Yao Ran in front turned around and replied with a smile: "They are the students from Wuer Academy."

Kang Zhi looked at Yao Ran who turned around.

The young woman has a beautiful appearance, and the long scar on her cheek is a bit eye-catching, but what is more eye-catching is her calm and calm demeanor.

"Wueryuan...I've heard of it!" Kang Zhi came back to her senses and nodded hurriedly.

At this time, they happened to pass by the group of blue and white people. Kang Zhi looked at the long robes on those people and praised: "Their clothes are so beautiful!"

It was a material she had never seen in Kanto. It was as fluttering as a fairy, as soft as a heavenly garment, and elegant and elegant.

"It's a new material that came out of the silk weaving workshop last month, just in time to make spring shirts for the students." Yao Ran said with a smile: "There is still a lot left in the house. I will give it to Commander Hao to make clothes for you."

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! Yao Ran does not recognize Kang Zhi, but to her, as long as she is a female soldier under the command of an adult, she is worthy of her friendly treatment.

Kang Zhi gave a rare embarrassed smile and whispered: "I don't have to..."

She had already received a lot without doing anything, so much that it made her feel ashamed... Since she was born, she had never received so much kindness and been treated with kindness by so many people.

Yao Ran has turned his head, and hastened his horse two steps to catch up with Chang Suining: "Sir..."

Chang Suining looked at the scene ahead and nodded lightly: "Very good."

"It's better than I imagined." Chang Suining turned his head and smiled at Yao Ran: "In the past six months, what you have done has been more careful than what was written in the letter."

Along the way, she has seen a lot, but these many new scenes can be summed up in two words: progress.

The special current situation and government orders, combined with the hard work of a group of dedicated people, have created an amazing enterprising spirit in this already nutritious and fertile land.

Chang Suining breathed in the vibrant breath in the air, infinite hope arose in his heart, and his eyes became more determined.

After the war, Jiangdu could be reborn, and she believed that Dasheng would be able to do the same.

"Why haven't you arrived yet?"

Outside the gate of the Governor's Mansion, where everyone was waiting, Chang Kuo walked around on a crutch, stretching his neck even further: "It's already noon!"

What's the matter with these common people? They don't care if they don't go home to eat, but they don't care whether the governor wants to have lunch or not?

Chang Kuo said, stood still, tapped the crutch in his hand anxiously, and then held the crutch in front of him, as if holding a knife.

Wang Yue advised from the side: "Master Hou, please be patient and don't be impatient. This is exactly what the people want..."

Luo Ze also gave a few gentle words of advice and diligently held Chang Kuo's arm - this was his grandmother's instructions, so that he could be more discerning and not let Wang Wangshan steal all the limelight...

There was no way, in the eyes of my grandmother, my father was not living up to expectations, and in such an occasion, it was inconvenient for his unsatisfactory father to even show up, so my grandmother could only place her hope on him.

If you ask grandma, why doesn’t she come to greet you in person?

When my grandmother received the news, she was planning to go to the silk weaving workshop. The news that the governor was about to return did not interrupt her from going to the silk weaving workshop. In my grandmother's words: "Doing what you are doing well as usual is the best way to do it."

The best way to welcome someone!】

After his grandmother said this, she gave him a look that said, "Young man, go ahead and get enlightened." Then she went to work diligently.

As for his sister Luo Xi... she now has food and accommodation in the shipyard. She seems obsessed with the construction drawings every day, and there is no one around her at all.

At this time, Chang Kuo, who was being supported by Luo Ze, suddenly beamed with joy: "...I'm back!"

Everyone looked around after hearing the words, but still didn't see any movement.

Chang Kuo, who vaguely heard the sound of horse hooves, was very determined and walked forward to meet him on crutches.

Not long after, as expected, an official messenger came to report that the governor was coming.

The whole place suddenly became excited, and a group of officials who had been waiting for a long time rushed forward to greet him.

Most of them were subordinate officials of the Governor's Office and Jiangdu bureaucrats, and the remaining few were imperial envoys from the imperial court.

These imperial envoys were still the same ones who came with Yu Zeng in the late autumn of last year. They originally came to supervise the army, but soon after arriving, good news came back from the sea frequently, so they could only stay in the governor's house and stare.

Afterwards, after the war ended, a decree came from the capital, asking them to hand over the details of the war to Chang Suining before returning to the capital. However, who could have imagined that Chang Suining was unable to return to Jiangdu years ago due to ice on the sea.

As soon as the details of the battle have been handed over, both the names of those killed in the battle and the lists of meritorious soldiers have been truthfully submitted to the capital after Chang Kuo's approval, and even the rewards have been issued one after another——

With such delay, back and forth, they had been staying in Jiangdu for four or five months.

Jiangdu is stable, and although life is not difficult, it is really difficult to feel comfortable. But if the saint does not speak, they cannot return to Beijing without permission, and they dare not express their dissatisfaction in the governor's mansion. They can only grit their teeth and continue to wait patiently.


Half a month ago, another group of eunuchs from the imperial court arrived. This time it was Eunuch Pan who had secretly vowed never to come to Jiangdu again, and they brought an imperial edict to reward Chang Sui Ning.

The peace negotiations between Japan and Dasheng have come to an end. The DPRK and China are extremely satisfied with the results of this battle, but it is not appropriate to continue to delay the reward for the greatest contributor to this battle.

This imperial decree of reward has been handed over to Yu Zeng by Eunuch Pan, and at this moment, Yu Zeng is waiting quietly in the front hall of the Governor's Mansion.

Chang Suining dismounted outside the governor's office, and all the officials came forward to salute.

"I've asked you to wait for a long time." Chang Suining looked at Chang Kuo first as he spoke. Seeing that he looked very good, he felt relieved.

Just when Chang Kuo was about to speak, he saw a navy blue figure rushing forward, about to kneel down and salute, but Chang Sui Ning quickly held him back with quick eyes and hands: "Mr. Wang..."

"... I have been looking forward to it day and night, and finally I am looking forward to your return!" Wang Yue burst into tears with joy.

Luo Ze was stunned for a moment. He wanted to follow him and kneel down, but the governor only had one pair of hands, and Mr. Wangshan had already taken them all...

He wanted to cry too, but he couldn't cry...

Forget it, he'd better wait for his grandmother to poke him in the nose and scold him.

The introverted Luo Ze gave up, followed his heart, raised his hand and bowed deeply to Chang Sui Ning.

Chang Suining nodded to him with a smile, and then looked at the others. Some of the faces were familiar and some were unfamiliar. She had been away for too long, and there were more officials everywhere. Most of them only knew the origins of their names in the letters sent by Yao Ran.

But I haven't seen him in person yet.

In the next few days, she will try to match these faces with those names as soon as possible.

The imperial envoys also came forward with smiles on their faces: "My lord, the governor has been traveling and traveling all the way. It's really hard work..."

After Wang Changshi reminded him in a low voice, Chang Sui Ning, who knew the identity of their imperial envoys, said with a smile: "It's hard work for all of you, my lords, to wait in Jiangdu for so long."

"Okay, let's go in and talk!" Chang Kuo urged with a smile: "Servant Yu Chang and the eunuch who delivered the order are still waiting!"

"Preaching the message?" Chang Suining showed an expression of discriminating and thinking for a moment.

Seeing her reaction like this, the imperial envoys felt a mouthful of blood in their throats - for such a big achievement, who wouldn't be thinking about receiving the reward all the time? She still had to think about it and react!

Chang Suining quickly walked into the Governor's Mansion, followed by the crowd, and went straight to the front hall.

Hearing the movement, Yu Zeng subconsciously raised his eyes.

During these few months in Jiangdu, he thought a lot.

As the sounds of voices and footsteps came closer, he soon saw the girl returning from afar.

She walked in the sunlight outside the hall, tall and straight, wearing a green robe and a sword on her waist. Accompanied by Chang Kuo, Chu Xing and others, she crossed the hall door.

For a moment, before Yu Zeng could see the girl's face clearly, the first thing he saw was her sword and her aura, so he suddenly fell into confusion, and there was a roar in his head.

The hall had become noisy, but Yu Zeng remained seated and did not move.

He has always been famous for being cold and mean in his dealings with others, and he was used to it. Eunuch Pan, who had already exchanged greetings with Chang Sui Ning, did not notice much difference. He only smiled and reminded: "Shi Yu, the governor Chang has arrived. It's time to

The decree has been conveyed..."

Yu Zeng stood up slowly and took the imperial edict silk held by the servant beside him.

Chang Sui Ning took off his sword and handed it to shepherd's purse. He put down his robe and knelt down. He lowered his eyes and raised his hands in a neither humble nor arrogant manner: "Your Majesty, Chang Sui Ning, I respectfully listen to the holy will."

This chapter has been completed!
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