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457 Happiness is a bit vicious

Chang Sui Ning took two steps forward, his surprise evident in his expression: "Please get up quickly if you're tired!"

"It's not too late, why is it too late!" Shepherd's Purse said with a loud smile: "It's better to come back early than to come back in time. We are about to hold a celebration banquet. Tomorrow we will discuss merits and reward you, and your share will be indispensable!"

He Wuhu and others all echoed.

Tang Xing had a smile on his face, his eyes were shining brightly, and his fists were clasped harder and harder: "Then I'll be bold enough to ask you, sir, to grant me the next position based on merit!"

Before this, he had never mentioned his preferred position or future plans to Chang Sui Ning.

Tang Xing, who was called "the prodigal son of Mount Wutai" by Luo Guanlin, had wandered for half his life and was never willing to be bound by anyone or anything.

Therefore, when he returned to Wutai Mountain to visit relatives, he really wanted to never return.

That life-and-death experience in the military was exciting and novel, but he felt it was just an experience. He had had too many experiences in his life, and this one really left a deep impression on him, but for him, the most novel ones were always

In the next experience full of unknowns.

But he forgot one thing - the specialness of some things will only be truly revealed after they are lost and abandoned.

The farther he got from Youzhou, the more obvious the feeling became, almost like quitting drinking.

On the way back to Wutai Mountain, what he saw and heard along the way made him not interested at all. He liked to stop at will along the way, find a teahouse or a wine shop, have a pot of wine, three ounces of meat, and listen to the comings and goings of living beings.

Talk about your own experiences.

But this time, he felt bored all the way through.

He gradually understood the reason.

He has seen the most novel people and the most novel things. Just by that person, he can see the most vast and novel scenery in the world. What she has done is the wonder of the ages. She can be as powerful as thousands of troops.

, thousands of mountains and rivers, where else would he go to seek the so-called novelty?

Those who have seen such scenery are destined to feel gloomy when they look elsewhere.

After realizing this, that night, Tang Xing suddenly sat upright from the bed.

It was the fifth day after he returned home. His parents tried their best to persuade him to stay, marry and have children, and then he settled down.

This time, his parents were so strong-willed that they even locked his door from the outside.

So the next day, the servant who came to deliver the meal found the empty room and the windows that had been removed.

The two-sided window that had been removed was placed neatly and neatly on the ground, as if instead of a letter, it was transformed into two big words - Gone.

Tang Xing left over the wall late at night, got a new horse, and took the sword box on his back on the road.

It was completely different from the past. Although this journey was far away, he no longer had the mood to appreciate the scenery along the way. Firstly, what he saw was so difficult and separated, and secondly, his heart already had a destination, and it was as fast as an arrow to return.

After spending half his life wandering around, he finally found a place he was willing to return to.

He wanted to find a job, stay by the side of "the most amazing person in the world", and follow her experience!

Chang Suining helped Tang Xing up, with an undisguised smile in his eyes: "I'm very happy to see you come back from sleepiness."

When he left, she never sent him off with disappointment or retention. When he returned, she did not hesitate to welcome him with the most honest respect and joy.

That night, after Chang Suining settled down, he talked with Tang Xing for a long time.

The celebration banquet will be held in the evening of the next day.

Early the next morning, Fang Chao led people to conduct military exercises and set up military formations on the military exercise ground.

The military formation is huge, with offensive and defensive lines standing in separate rows. War horses pulling chariots drive between the formations. There are soldiers waving formation flags above the chariots. The formation flags point to orders like mountains, and the formations change in coordination.

Amid the beating of drums, one could see at a glance that the soldiers in formation were no longer separate individuals, but that the formations of heaven and earth had merged into one, forming an astonishing axe.

The sound of drums, orders, and shouts were overwhelming. Although it was a military exercise, the morale was as high as a rainbow.

Kang Zhi looked at it and felt that the blood all over her body was boiling and rolling. After several attempts to suppress it, she couldn't help but wave her arms and shout.

Chang Sui Ning stood on the high platform and looked down, Wujue sat cross-legged beside her, with silk spread in front of him, watching the formation change, and drawing something with a pen from time to time.

These military formations were all used by Chang Sui Ning in his previous life, but many people imitated them later, so the method of breaking the formations has gradually spread. Although there were changes before after discussions between Chang Sui Ning, Fang Chao and his generals,

But when it comes to formation formation, Wujue is a master - he is best at using the Five Elements Feng Shui to enter the formation, so it is most appropriate for him to come and see if there are any other ways to improve and adjust it.

This military exercise must have been prepared for a long time. Each army took turns to go into battle, and the exercise lasted for most of the day.

Moreover, each army refused to obey anyone and wanted to show their best. The further the performance went on, the more morale they had, striving to compare with those who came before them.

Fang Chao also took off his clothes very thoroughly to show off his tendons and flesh. In the end, he actually commanded the formation with his arms bare, sweating like rain, and his voice was hoarse.

Also hoarse was Kang Zhi, who didn't even play.

At the end of the day, Kang Zhi, who was shouting, was not only hoarse, but also the bones and muscles in her body were sore from being too tight. The last time she was so tired was when she was twelve years old, and she beat her brother for chasing after him.

, ran nearly twenty miles and climbed two mountains.

Although she was very tired, Kang Zhi's eyes became brighter and firmer.

During the celebration in the evening, merit awards were discussed together. Shepherd's purse and He Wuhu were both promoted to the rank of flying cavalry captain from the sixth rank for their merit, while shepherd's purse still led the female soldiers in the army. Bai Hong, who had more outstanding qualifications, was promoted to the rank of Guidelang general from the fifth rank, and Tang Xing was appointed

It is in the middle of the seventh grade.

Hao Huan, Qinghua, Liuhu and other meritorious deputies were all appointed as school lieutenants or deputy lieutenants.

The remaining generals and soldiers were all rewarded and promoted according to merit.

As for Deputy General Jin, Chu Xing and other Chang Kuo's old troops, they were also promoted one level from their original ranks. When generals above the fifth rank are promoted, they can divide the rewards themselves. All of them need to be drafted in advance by the imperial court.

The document was issued along with the imperial edict of the reward before Changsui Ning returned to Jiangdu.

The rewards for each individual, as well as the list of pensions for the casualties and casualties, were repeatedly checked and approved by the upper and lower levels of the army with Chang Kuo to ensure that no meritorious soldier was left out.

In addition to the military ranks and rewards given by the imperial court, Chang Sui Ning also took out all the rewards he received from this time and divided them among them. The purpose also included pensions for the families of the wounded and wounded soldiers.

In addition to the soldiers, Lu Xiucai and others also received silver rewards in addition to their salaries. Although the imperial court did not delay in deducting this reward due to the considerable amount of tribute paid by the Japanese for peace, the Ministry of Household Affairs, who were living in difficult times, also rushed to deliver the rewards. The money given on the list, such as military scribes and teaching positions, were not included in the rewards.

But their hard work is obvious to all.

Chang Sui Ning had no intention of taking away the silver rewards from the meritorious soldiers as a favor, so he decided to share his own rewards.

Regarding this, Lu Xiucai was both moved and felt sad for his master.

In addition to the rewards from the top and bottom of the army, A Dian, who was instrumental in saving Chang Kuo, also received a heavy box, which Chang Suining gave to him alone - A Dian originally belonged to Xuance's army, and due to the special circumstances, it was not appropriate. After holding an important position, Chang Sui Ning gave him a double reward of silver.

A Dian didn't have a clear understanding of money, but he knew it represented a compliment, so he happily accepted it and held it in his arms.

Yuan Xiang, who also received a double reward of silver, was under Cui Jing's command, and Chang Suining was also unable to reward him with a position.

Yuan Xiang refused several times at first. In his opinion, he was acting under the command of the governor and there was no reason to claim credit.

Chang Sui Ning was completely opposite to his idea. No matter who Yuan Xiang was or who he came from, she could not take Yuan Xiang's following him for granted regardless of life and death.

The blood of her army officers cannot be shed in vain, so should Yuan Xiang's blood be shed in vain? There is absolutely no such reason.

Seeing that he couldn't refuse, Yuan Xiang accepted it with a smile and joked to himself: "That subordinate is saving it for his wife!"

Like the Grand Governor, he wants to save a lot of money and use it as a dowry for himself... No, it's a betrothal gift!

After the reward was over, A Dian turned around and handed the heavy box to Xi'er for safekeeping.

Xi'er smiled and agreed: "When the general needs it, he will come to find the maid and get money."

Seeing this, Yuan Xiang followed suit and handed his box over with a smile: "Please, Miss Xi'er, please keep it for me!"

There was no convenient place for him to hide his money.

"..." Xi'er looked at him with difficulty, was General Yuan Xiang a three-year-old child like General A Dian?

On the other side, shepherd's purse and Hao Huan were laughing and discussing as they walked. They planned to use the silver reward and the money they had saved to build a small house in Jiangdu City, buy another piece of land, and adopt two or three girls from the charity hall in the city. Placed at home.

Shepherd's Purse smiled happily and said: "Our Hao family is about to become a big family!"

Hao Huan smiled and nodded, and discussed with Shepherd's Purse where it would be better to buy the house.

"Sister Shepherd's Purse wants to buy a house? Where do you plan to buy it?" He Wuhu came up from behind and said with a grin: "I also want to buy a small yard. Why don't we become neighbors so that we can take care of each other!"

Shepard's Purse refused without thinking: "You group of people can be heard snoring clearly from five miles away. Who dares to be your neighbor!"

With that said, he continued to talk to Hao Huan with a smile and walked forward.

Just as He Wuhu was about to catch up, he was blocked by a group of brothers.

Liuhu, who had received the silver reward, even wiped his tears emotionally: "Brother, this money is not as expensive as the money you robbed!"

He Wuhu said to them: "Each person brings out twenty copper coins and goes back to buy wax for burning paper for the brothers."

Upon hearing this proposal, everyone nodded and immediately started to collect money.

At this time, Dumpling passed by. He Wuhu took two steps forward and stopped the person with a smile: "Dumpling, what are you doing?"

Dumpling has always been afraid of him, so he subconsciously took two steps back: "I'm looking for my mother..."

"I saw her just now!" He Wuhu bent down, showed a smile that he thought was kind and friendly, and generously took out a piece of silver and handed it over: "Take it, buy some fruit to eat!"

The dumpling hesitated for a moment, then saw He Wuhu passing it forward again, then he dared to take it and whispered: "Thank you, Uncle He!"

He Wuhu laughed loudly and nodded repeatedly: "Good dumplings!"

At this time, Amang ran over with bright eyes and showed admiration to He Wuhu: "Uncle Wuhu, you are so generous!"

He didn't ask for money, but when the subject came up, He Wuhu happily smiled and gave him a piece of silver.

The next moment, Xiao Duan Xiao Wu smelled something and it came out of nowhere.

He Wuhu couldn't help but feel a bit of pain in his heart - he was really making money in the army and spending money in the army, and he hadn't even covered his head yet.

The children who got the money for free laughed and chased away.

To the naked eye, the dumplings are much more cheerful than before.

When he first came to Jiangdu, Dumpling didn't dare to say a word for the whole day. Later, A'che asked him to explain, and he whispered the reason: now that he has no father, he is afraid of being bullied and laughed at.

As soon as these words came out, A Che and others were all stunned - what is dad?

Amang said: [My father died long ago, and my mother also died of illness...]

Xiao Duan Xiao Wu, who was born as a beggar, said: [We don’t even remember what our parents look like!]

Ache was silent and said: [I have never met my parents. I was captured by human traffickers since I was a child. I was beaten and starved every day... Fortunately, the girl rescued me. 】

Dumpling was dumbfounded and couldn't speak for a long time.

He suddenly no longer felt pitiful, he was even extra confident... No, it couldn't be said to be confident anymore, he simply felt that he was a bit viciously happy.

After that tragic competition, the distance between a group of children was inexplicably narrowed. Together with Amang and the others, Dumpling has followed Shen Sanmao in and out of the workshop to study. It was not until shepherd's purse came back that Dumpling, who was so eager for Si Niang, was able to play wildly for a few times.


Amang followed Dumpling, and Xiao Duan Xiaowu also came over. After Shen Sanmao got Chang Suining's permission, he followed them.

That night, the atmosphere of celebration in the army was high. It was not until midnight that the burning bonfire began to dim.

Chang Suining stayed in the army for seven or eight days before returning to Jiangdu city.

There were many things waiting for her in the city, including the list of clan members sent by Gu Yu and his family. This time they were already very skilled and took the initiative to write down each person's strengths for Chang Suining to choose.

This chapter is not over, please click on the next page to continue reading! Put together the lists of several companies, there are as many as a hundred people.

Chang Suining held the list in his hands and said with emotion: "With this list, I can finally make it in Jiangdu."

She handed it to Wang Changshi and asked him to make arrangements for the selection.

There is another matter. Another imperial edict of praise was sent from the capital - thanks to Cui Jing, Chang Suining's plan to "plan to kill Kangding Mountain and outwit Jizhou City" has been widely spread.

Naturally, it is inevitable to also praise and praise.

Another thing is that Chang Suining took over as the Jiedushi of Huainan Province. The newspaper has been delivered to the other twelve states, but at this time, only three states sent people to deliver the letter to respond. Among these three states, Yun Hui led Hezhou.

, the Yun family even asked Huo Xin and Yun Gui to deliver the letter in person to show their support for Chang Suining.

As for the remaining Kyushu...

"The distance between each state and Jiangdu is different. Maybe they are still on the way. Or maybe they are discussing in private whether to give me this face." Chang Suining said casually: "It's not urgent, no need to press, wait for them for another half month.


During this half month, she will be able to talk very well, but that may not be the case after half a month.

"Your Excellency, you don't have to ask questions openly, but you must have people secretly pay attention to the actions of each state and ask people to carefully inquire about the news, so as not to fall into passivity." Luo Guanlin reminded.

Chang Suining nodded: "That's exactly the reason."

During these days, she had a general understanding of the situation in each state and the officials she could speak to, but it was far from enough. This half month was just enough for her to get to know the people.

After the matter was settled, Yao Ran said: "Sir, there is one more thing that was just reported back to Jiangdu this morning..."

After writing the book, Chang Suining raised his eyes and looked at Yao Ran, already anticipating Yao Ran's next words.

This news has now reached the capital.

Upon hearing this, the Holy Emperor was furious on his face, but his heart was cold.

Yu Zeng and other imperial envoys were assassinated on their way back to Beijing.

This chapter has been completed!
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