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567 He is not allowed to make any mistakes

But Wei Shuyi also thought that she must have been in pain a hundred times more than he was now.

The snow in Beidi is snow from a foreign country. It is definitely colder and more unpleasant.

But he believed that when she lay in the snow, she would have no regrets in her heart.

She drew her sword outside the pass back then, and now he has settled inside the pass without any regrets.

Knowing that it was not a wise move, he still chose to surrender his life... At this time, he could finally truly understand such a person.

In the past, he considered himself the most perceptive person in the world, who could always easily detect everything. He also regarded those retrograde people who did not know how to adapt to the world as stubborn incarnations who did not know how to adapt to the rules of the world.

Now he understands that the self-reliance in the past is just a kind of arrogant wandering.

He has always been outside the world. Although he has been an official for many years, he finally has the "consciousness" of being an official until today.

This feeling is painful. Pain comes from the cruelty of this world and the suffering of all living beings. Pain comes from the vastness of the world and the many ruthless people.

At this moment, he felt affection for this world, only to realize that he was also one of the heartless people in the past.

He wandered around for half his life, and finally began to try to take root in this world. However, it happened to be snowy and frozen in the middle of winter, and he was destined not to survive the next spring.

How can we not regret that we have been greedy for growing vegetation, but there is no chance of spring.

Heavy snow fell on the young man's quiet and relaxed face, and his brows and eyes were like snow covering green mountains, gradually covering up the original clear color.

The sound of fighting on the official road began to subside, and the outcome of this no-suspense battle was already clear.

Changji staggered over, and the snow was dyed red wherever he passed.

"Mr. Lang!"

"Let's go!"

Changji tried to pull his husband up, but he was unable to do so and fell to his knees.

Wei Shuyi did not move, but asked: "Changji, is the sword still there?"

Changji's voice, with blood spilling from the corner of his mouth, was still strong: "Changji still has a sword!"

Changji said, holding his sword in the snow with one hand, biting his red-stained teeth, and still trying to help Wei Shuyi stand up with the other hand.

"Then use the sword in your hand to show your husband my dignity."

Changji's blood-covered hands froze, but he cried with sadness and anger: "...Lang Jun is indeed seriously ill!"

"Good luck." Wei Shuyi closed his eyes: "Thank you."

The snow is falling more rapidly, and the deadly rebels are approaching behind them.

Changji, who was seriously injured, felt that he was hallucinating. In this hallucination, the sound of approaching horse hooves came not only from behind, but also from the front.

In the chaos of despair, Changji raised his head and looked forward. However, in the next moment, his expression suddenly changed, he lowered his figure and fell into the snow.

Arrows flew overhead, stabbing at the pursuing rebels.

For a moment, Wei Shuyi thought that the husband of the Yue family was too soft-hearted and chose to leave and come back. He was afraid that his death would be in vain today.

But this thought lasted only a moment.

Although he did not move in a hurry, as the sound of horse hooves got closer, it could be seen that the arrows above him became denser and denser, like a heavy rain.

The large pieces of snow that were falling straight in his sight became broken in the rain of arrows, dancing messily.

When the arrow rain stopped, the upper part covered by the arrows was still unknown, replaced by a huge cavalry team.

Strong war horses are galloping, and the cavalry on the war horses are all wearing ink cloaks.

This thick ink color suddenly appeared in the vast snowfield, like splashing ink on white paper, splashing out the most natural and heroic shape.

Those dark-colored iron cavalry rushed past in a steady stream, and the sound of horse hooves made the snow on the ground tremble slightly. Wei Shuyi's heart and spirit were also trembling along with the heaven and earth.

A group of black cavalry surrounded him, and not long after, a striking black and white appeared above his sight.

On top of the horse, the person wore a cloak with a black base and white fox fur. The hood attached to the cloak covered her head and face. Her small face was half hidden behind the fox fur on the edge of the hat, and her chin was also covered.

Live, only a pair of eyes can be seen most clearly.

The owner of those eyes stared at him, somewhat surprised: "This piece of dry food is almost moldy."

Wei Shuyi finally blinked tremblingly, shaking off the snow flakes from his thick eyelashes, and regained his thoughts.

There were still cavalry passing behind her, but she reined in her horse and asked him: "When we first arrived in Lingzhou, we were so anxious to die, why didn't we try to delay it for two more days?"

Wei Shuyi looked at her and slightly curved his lips: "I didn't know that the Changjie Envoy would come, so it would be better to choose a day that coincides with the sun."

He calculated all the possibilities and tried his best to adapt to the time, place and people, but he never expected that she would suddenly appear.

She has always been outside of his plans, even outside of this world.

This was the first time the two of them met after he knew all about "her" identity.

She was sitting on the horse, and he was lying in the snow, looking at each other closely with the line of life and death.

She asked him: "You can't die if you lie down so gracefully and freely, right?"

He replied slowly: "The Changjie envoy has come, and Wei will not die."

"Then sit up, and I'll have someone look at your injury and stop the bleeding." Chang Sui Ning trailed off and drove off to check the situation ahead.

The direction in which Chang Suining's army appeared was opposite to the direction in which those Shuofang rebels appeared, and overlapped with the direction in which Yue Chunyan fled.

Therefore, the group of soldiers protecting Yue Chunyan had not gone far when they encountered Chang Suining's army.

At that time, Yue Chunyan and his party looked at the overwhelming iron cavalry, feeling that they were as small as ants and would be trampled to pieces in the next moment.

But those people did not hurt them. After asking about the situation, they took them back.

On the way back, the young Yue Chunyan was more surprised than happy. He was surprised at how these at least 50,000 cavalrymen could suddenly and silently rush to Lingzhou... When they entered the pass, why was there no one along the way?


What do they want to do when they come to Lingzhou?

The cavalry led by Chang Suining on this trip indeed numbered 50,000.

Fifty thousand cavalry, even if they are not heavy cavalry, is an astonishing number anywhere. Only 10,000 of them are Chang Sui Ning, and the rest are from Bingzhou.

Dasheng war horses are mostly produced in the north, and Bingzhou and Jizhou are the largest horse herding areas in the north. Bingzhou cavalry was known as "Wolf Cavalry" in ancient times——

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! Cui Jing knew that resisting Beidi and cultivating cavalry were the top priority. Since taking over Bingzhou, he has never let anyone slack off in raising horses and training cavalry.

However, it has always been rare for the Bingzhou cavalry stationed in the important area of ​​Taiyuan to come out of the Hedong Road together. Many people in the outside world are not even aware that there is such a large cavalry force in Bingzhou today.

Fifty thousand cavalry rushed towards them. At this time, there was no suspense when facing the thousands of Shuofang rebels.

If possible, Chang Sui Ning would try his best to keep everyone alive, including the full surnamed school captain.

After all, you are interfering in other people's family affairs. It is basic ethics to restrain yourself. Whether you want to kill or not, it is best to leave it to Shuofang's army to deal with it afterwards.

Furthermore, the living mouth is the evidence.

When the soldiers were counting and tying up the rebels, Chang Sui Ning, who had dismounted, walked over to Wei Shuyi.

The arrow in his arm has been removed, but fortunately no arm bones were broken.

But it took a lot of effort to stop the bleeding. At this moment, the bleeding was barely stopped and the bandage was completed. Wei Shuyi's entire face looked pale and weak as never before. Two soldiers helped him stand up, one on the left and the other on the right.

The young man Yue Chunyan stepped forward, knelt down to Wei Shuyi, and kowtowed his head: "The grace of Prime Minister Wei who sacrificed his life to save me will never be forgotten by Chunyan!"

Seeing this scene, Chang Sui Ning felt even more settled.

While she was hurrying here, people were always paying attention to the itinerary of Wei Shuyi and his imperial envoys, and it was estimated that Wei Shuyi had just arrived in Lingzhou today——

According to Wei Shuyi's intelligence, he might not be able to think of a way to delay entering the city. Chang Sui Ning originally thought that after seeing Wei Shuyi, she would discuss a plan with him... Who would have thought that when she arrived here, she saw that this guy was already there.

Lying in the snow and waiting for death.

But this does not mean that Wei Shuyi's decision is meaningless.

On the contrary, the "goodness" of the situation at this time greatly exceeded Chang Suining's expectations.

Wei Shuyi used his own body to get into the situation and lured those with different intentions into taking action.

A true counselor often even plans his own death as part of his plan.

The danger he encountered allowed those who had not lost their original intention to clearly see the face of those who had different intentions. Once this matter was exposed, the stalemate and containment situation in Shuofang's army could be broken.

In this way, the next step will be easier, and everything will be done in a familiar way.

Chang Suining came to Wei Shuyi and asked, "Can I still enter the city?"

The pale-faced Wei Shuyi nodded to her without hesitation.

Chang Suining turned around and told Shepherd's Purse: "Send the order, order 20,000 cavalry, and follow me to escort Prime Minister Wei into Lingzhou City."

Wei Shuyi tried to raise his hand to salute and thank him, but Chang Suining turned around and said, "Save your strength."

Wei Shu Yi Qingbai twitched the corner of his mouth and smiled.

Yue Chunyan felt a little uneasy, and subconsciously looked at a soldier beside her - this Changjie envoy had brought 50,000 cavalry, and wanted 20,000 to escort Wei Xiang into the city. The remaining 30,000... she planned to use

What to do?

The feeling of having a strong knife-wielding man suddenly break into your home is really hard to relax.

"Don't worry, Mr. Yue Lang." Wei Shuyi's voice was weak, but with a hint of smile, he looked at Chang Suining's back: "She is a good person."

These words of comfort are very simple, like coaxing a child.

Yue Chunyan felt at ease inexplicably. He also looked at Chang Sui Ning subconsciously, and saw that the black and white figure had walked to the side of his father's coffin, stopped slightly, but raised his hand to tie the hand on the coffin.

Two arrows were pulled out.

Several generals behind her followed suit, and she lifted her feet and continued forward. Without saying a word, she got on the horse.

The arrows on the coffin were quickly cleared by her generals. Before those generals mounted their horses, they folded their hands in front of their foreheads and bowed towards the coffin.

Then, the cavalry began to line up in an orderly manner.

Chang Suining rode lightly in front, protecting Wei Shuyi and the injured Yue Chunyan and others in the middle, while the captured Shuofang rebels were dragged at the rear.

However, the one at the front is still Yue Guang's coffin.

Before Yue Chunyan followed Wei Shuyi onto the carriage, he looked at the Rumo cavalry in front of him, tears flashing in the corners of his eyes.

The young man suddenly thought in a childish way that no matter what the Changjie envoy wanted to do during this trip, he would be willing to obey her arrangements as long as it did not harm the soldiers and civilians of Shuofang.

Because she would pull the arrows from his father's coffin and clear the way ahead to send him, the injured soldiers, and his father home.

The heavy snow outside the car finally showed signs of slowing down.

However, there was no telling whether he was alive or dead in the carriage, and Changji's eyes were still tightly closed as Yuan Xiang led others to carry him into the carriage.

The rest of the journey was exceptionally peaceful.

But Wei Shuyi and others, even Yue Chunyan, clearly knew where this calmness came from.

Division Nobita's ambush was lurking on the side, but with 20,000 majestic cavalry here, they had no choice but to stand still.

Brutal killings can only be suppressed by stronger forces.

What can be expected is that those ferocious sights lurking in the dark must be on their way to report the news to Shi Daxiong at this moment.

Faintly, Yue Chunyan seemed to understand the whereabouts of Chang Suining's remaining 30,000 cavalry.

As the cavalry approached the gate of Lingzhou City, they slowed down in an orderly manner.

Even so, it brought great shock and panic to the guards of Lingzhou City.

But seeing the coffin hanging with white silk at the front, most of the guards remained calm.

Yue Chunyan quickly stepped forward and explained to them the story of the Daxiong incident in the city's outer division.

The guards had different reactions.

Yue Chunyan knew that among them there were also those who knew Daxiong, but the reason why the military could form a restraint on power meant that the distribution of forces was roughly equal, and the informants of those who knew Daxiong did not dare to act rashly.

What's more, there are 20,000 cavalry just below the city.

Yue Chunyan asked the guards to open the city gate and welcome his father's coffin into the city.

The guards knew that they could never block the envoy's coffin from outside the city, but they still hesitated.

No matter where the city is, if it is not a war, most of the army will be stationed in the military camp outside the city. There are not many guards in Lingzhou City at this time, and the number of these cavalry under the city is too large.

At this time, Chang Suining asked people to come forward to express her position. She only asked a thousand cavalry to escort Wei Shuyi into the city.

Following Chang Suining's order, the remaining cavalry troops withdrew to a safe distance to the rear.

In this way, the gate of Lingzhou City was finally slowly opened.

The coffin entered the city first. Wei Shuyi and others took a step back. Chang Sui Ning sat on the horse and said to Wei Shuyi: "The city will be handed over to Prime Minister Wei."

This time, Wei Shuyi's intelligence, boldness and better character than before convinced Chang Suining that as long as he could successfully enter Lingzhou City, he could calm people's hearts to the greatest extent.

On the way into the city, Chang Suining had learned that the three deputy envoys of Shuofang's army were all waiting in the city for Yue Guang's coffin to return to the city today.

But at this time, only two of the three deputy envoys were still in the city.

Therefore, Chang Sui Ning smiled and said to Wei Shuyi: "Prime Minister Wei, go and convince the two deputy envoys in the city, and I will try to convince the other one."

Wei Shuyi smiled knowingly and said to her: "Wei will definitely live up to the entrustment of the envoy."

He entered the city at this time, not only to live up to the court, but to live up to her.

Wei Shuyi, who came for the imperial court, should have died in the snow at this time.

Chang Suining looked at Yue Chunyan and the injured Shuofang soldiers beside him, and said: "Everyone, I saved Prime Minister Wei's life today. I will not allow him to make any mistakes in Lingzhou City."

She didn't say any threats, but she made everyone's hearts tremble. The young man immediately clasped his fists and said: "Please rest assured, Chang Jie, Prime Minister Wei is also my savior. If anyone dares to hurt him, he will do so only if he steps on my body, Yue Chunyan!"

This chapter has been completed!
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