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579 Breaking the Capital

The imperial army died bizarrely without a fight, which seemed to completely declare the fact that the imperial court was now exhausted.

Without the deterrence from the imperial army, the people and forces near Daozhou no longer had any scruples, and the voices of resistance from the bottom came out like a vast ocean. There was no need for Bian Chunliang to incite them, and those shocking voices had already

They spontaneously surrounded him and pushed him to the highest place.

Almost overnight, the people's support and manpower were strong, and the war horses and fodder had been collected. At this time, one of Bian Chunliang's lieutenants accidentally discovered an unguarded mountain in a mountain within the boundaries of Hengzhou.

's armory.

The weapons stored therein are of complete types, considerable in quantity, and of high quality, and are in no way comparable to the crudely made items among the people.

This "accidental" harvest was regarded by Bian Jun and the people as guidance from heaven, and they increasingly believed that Bian Chunliang was the reincarnation of the gods and Buddhas, coming to save the people. The public's voices rose to the point of excitement and madness.

Bian Chunliang did not stop the spread of this statement, but he knew very well that this was by no means a providence or accident.

He and his staff found traces of the words Yue Wangfu among the weapons...

Two years ago, the King of Yue failed to prepare for a rebellion, but his home was stolen by the Japanese army. The King of Yue's rebellion was exposed. He later led the remaining troops to escape from Yuezhou and was never heard from again. Therefore, it is reasonable to say that the King of Yue secretly forged weapons and did not have time to use them.


But it makes no sense that this armory appeared out of thin air in Hengzhou, which is thousands of miles away from Yuezhou.

Bian Chunliang didn't expect that someone was secretly manipulating all this, trying to use his hand to achieve a certain purpose, but he didn't care -

Now he has more popular support than before, and the imperial court that he cannot understand is already dying. He has already staked all his wealth on this great cause, has experienced success and failure, and even lost two sons... At this moment, such a person

The perfect opportunity for revenge is right in front of him, and he has no reason to refuse it as he has almost nothing!

Whether the conspiracy is true or false, what he holds in his hands now and what he will get in the future are all true!

This time, Bian Chunliang did not publish any more propaganda to solicit support and recognition from more forces. He did not even hesitate for a moment before heading north to attack.

The place where Bian's army passed was like a prairie fire, the sky was scorching with smoke, the hills were bleeding, and the rivers were all red.

Every time they passed a place, Bian Jun's power would increase exponentially, and they would rush forward without stopping.

This rapidly growing team was made up of countless people's anger and grievances. In the name of God's justice, it swept towards the capital like a roaring wind; it also gnawed forward like countless insects and ants, carrying them with them.

The violent energy that destroys the world swallows up everything along the way, turning it into bloody nutrients, and keeps growing its body.

When Xiao Min learned the news, Bian Jun had already passed Yuezhou.

At this time, Xiao Min had secretly gone deep into the Qianzhong Road and was secretly carrying out a major event with the Changsun family.

After the camp roar broke out, Lou Jingshan tried his best to maintain order and awaken people's hearts, but failed. Although he failed to prevent the disaster, under his command, nearly a hundred generals and 8,000 soldiers escaped from the military camp.

Lou Jingshan repeatedly told them to go to Lingnan Road to look for General Xiao.

When he received this letter and learned about Lou Jingshan's death, Xiao Min's eyes turned red.

That was a young general who he was willing to seriously support and teach regardless of his position. However, he died in this way at the sword of his own soldiers.

But are it really the soldiers who went crazy and hurt others or themselves who were at fault?

Endless wars, unjust killings, rulers who never reflect, and decay with no end in sight... It has been the soldiers and the people who have been responsible for all this for a long time, and it is the soldiers and the people who have paid the price.

Now, these two groups, like ants, unable to decide their own destiny, have finally launched a full-scale revenge against the imperial court. Even if it is in the form of self-destruction, they will drag the aloof imperial court into purgatory together.

This is an inevitable backlash in public sentiment.

There may be tens of thousands of dead people contributing to it, but it cannot be caused by one person, nor can it be stopped by one person.

But even if this riot will end in the capital, it does not mean that the world will usher in a new life...

The ambitious ones are still gathering momentum, and the aliens' swords are all in sight. The catastrophe of the common people may have just begun.

Xiao Min looked at where Jiannan Road was, suppressing all the deep sorrow and anger in his heart. He recalled in his mind what Chang Suining had said to Li Xian after he had dealt with him in Yuezhou.

She said that once you see the suffering of the people, you should not turn your back.

She also said that those who hold the sword should resist the catastrophe for the people. If the fate of the world is in danger, they should do their best to change the fate of the people instead of accepting their fate——

Because it is the duty of the strong to help the weak. And extending a helping hand to fellow humans in distress is the greatest significance of human beings, which is different from ordinary animals and plants.

Xiao Min did not get overly immersed in his emotions and quickly went to meet the Changsun clan members again to continue the original plan and prepare for the upcoming changes in the situation.

Ten days later, Jingzhou was defeated by Bian's army.

This vital strategic location once stopped Bian Chunliang from advancing. After a long attack, he was defeated again and again, and even retreated to Daozhou. He repeatedly fell into desperate situations and saw that everything was about to come to nothing.

But in the blink of an eye, the situation turned around, and he survived the desperate situation and captured Jingzhou effortlessly.

Bian Chunliang once made a bold statement and wanted to "take Jingzhou and destroy the royal court." This ambitious statement once ended up as a scrawled joke. However, with his comeback this time, these six words are already within reach and will soon become his sword.

A judgment written for the imperial court.

After breaking through the barrier of Jingzhou and heading towards Gyeonggi, it was almost as if we were walking on flat ground.

Jingzhou is the largest barrier on the terrain between Shannan East Road and Gyeonggi Province, and it is also the last barrier for the hearts of Shannan East Road. Its collapse and destruction at the hands of Bian Jun gave many people a fear of despair.

Facing Bian's army like locusts passing by, many local officials and forces in Shannan East Province chose to prostrate themselves and beg for surrender. This made Bian Chunliang's approach to Gyeonggi even more rapid and unstoppable.

This chapter is not finished yet, please click the next page to continue reading the exciting content! Due to the changes and deployment of the war situation over the past year, there are no heavy troops guarding the east of Gyeonggi Province at this moment, and almost all the elite troops are deployed in the battle on Shannan West Road


The imperial court hurriedly summoned a large army to rush back to protect the capital. However, before Chai Ting and his party could carry out the attack, they were surrounded and intercepted by Shannan West Road and Qianzhong Road, who suddenly took the initiative to attack.

The imperial army was delayed in returning to Beijing. All the officials were like ants on a hot pot. They even rushed to send an urgent order to Xiao Min. Not long ago, the news that Xiao Min had killed the imperial eunuch was sent back.

Shi did not care about pursuing the case, so they promised Xiao Min a generous reward and asked him to lead his troops back to Beijing to protect the emperor.

But most officials also knew that Xiao Min and his 100,000 troops were far away in Lingnan at the moment. Even if Xiao Min rushed back after receiving the military order, he could not avoid the Central Guizhou Road controlled by King Rong...

The road is almost impossible!

The imperial court could only try to mobilize troops nearby. However, many civil unrests broke out near the capital. Everyone was too busy to take care of themselves, and there were many people with dissident intentions who did not want to die in vain for the imperial court. After all kinds of maneuvers, they finally reluctantly mobilized 40,000 troops.

Used to protect the capital.

Seeing that it was impossible to raise a force that could compete with Bian's army, after receiving the emperor's instructions, the imperial court finally sent a message to Luoyang and ordered Chang Suining's troops stationed in Luoyang to send troops to assist the capital - for the imperial court, this was a last resort.


They are well aware of Chang Suining's ambitions. Letting Chang Suining's generals enter the capital openly at this time is tantamount to attracting another wolf into the house. Otherwise, they would not be able to make a decision at this last moment, but the court has already left.

No choice.

If two jackals can be allowed to fight each other, it would be better than letting the imperial court be eaten up in one bite!

However, what they did not know was that Chang Suining's troops stationed in Luoyang were less than 20,000 at this time. The rest of the troops were scattered in Henan and Hebei provinces, and it was impossible to mobilize a large number of troops in a short period of time.

Chang Sui Ning is currently far away on the front line of Yinshan Mountain and does not know the specific situation in Gyeonggi. The person in Luoyang City who can really make the decision is Luo Guanlin.

Luo Guanlin made a compromise decision after repeated consideration and discussions with the sergeants and staff.

Luo Guanlin looked at the overall situation, and it was extremely clear at this moment that this menacing catastrophe caused by public anger was no longer something they could stop. If they had to intervene at this time, they would fall into a trap... designed by King Zhongrong.

This incident happened so suddenly that no one was prepared, and Bian Chunliang's journey was so smooth. Luo Guanlin would never believe it if there was no handwriting from King Rong.

The empress fell into a trap.

From the moment she decided to send troops to Shannanxi Road, the empress had already fallen into the trap.

And if Luoyang sends troops on behalf of the envoys at this time, it will be equivalent to fighting Bian Jun and the people's hearts head-on. The outcome is unpredictable, and at least it will end up with a lose-lose outcome... At that time, only the fisherman will benefit.

Prince Rong's Mansion.

Whether to send troops to aid the capital is not a test of moral bottom line, but a huge bait.

At this time, Bian Jun was only one step away from the capital. The turmoil and casualties caused along the way were irreparable, and Bian Jun did not leave anyone a chance to stop him.

At this point, it is almost a foregone conclusion that the capital will change its owner. If we send troops at this time, it will definitely have nothing to do with morality, let alone loyalty, but only for one political purpose - to take advantage of the chaos to seize the capital!

This was a huge temptation. The imperial power was within reach, and Luo Guanlin was tempted for a while, but he quickly calmed down...

Because the envoys have taken away most of the troops and are still deploying troops to the north, Luoyang does not have many troops to mobilize at this time. If the troops dispersed and stationed in various places are summoned, the troops that have just been pacified will be

The states are in empty defense, and once they lose the deterrence of their troops, those who have not yet developed a sense of loyalty will definitely take the opportunity to start an uprising... A single mistake will make the situation that the envoys have worked hard to calm down return to turmoil again.

Throwing countless people into misery and displacement again.

Even so, without the envoy personally leading the troops, they rushed to the capital to face Bian's army, and there was no chance of an easy and sure victory.

At the same time, King Rong would never be able to watch them successfully seize the capital. Even if they repelled Bian's army, King Rong would definitely raise his troops to "Qingjun's side" at the next moment. By then, they, exhausted from the battle, would face King Rong.

The army could only end up being slaughtered by others.

Therefore, when King Rong set up a trap for the emperor, he had already included their envoys in his plan. Bian Chunliang was just a pawn of King Rong - what King Rong was most happy to see was that these three people fought with each other to the greatest extent possible.

consume each other.

In this fight, the capital was both a bait and a slaughterhouse, while King Rong was the reaper standing quietly on the outside.

History books have written countless tragic endings for ambitious people who lack patience and determination.

Now, in Luo Guanlin's view, his lord's talent for managing the world should be like a towering tree that stands proudly, rather than appearing in a hurry like an epiphyllum.

Therefore, before Chang Suining's reply was delivered to Luoyang, Luo Guanlin decided not to get involved in this situation.

But in the face of the letter from the capital, Luo Guanlin did not intend to ignore it.

"His Royal Highness Prince Rong has put so much effort into setting up the situation. If we don't do anything, wouldn't it be in vain for all the efforts of those who set up the situation -" Luo Guanlin said in a reciprocal tone: "Send a message to the capital, the situation in the capital is over, and Luoyang is short-lived."

Since we cannot mobilize sufficient troops within a day, we ask the Emperor and the Crown Prince to condescend to move to the Eastern Capital! We are willing to wait for the Emperor in Luoyang!"

As long as the emperor and the prince moved away, the capital would be nothing more than an empty shell.

Even if Bian Chunliang proclaimed himself emperor by force as a rebel, as long as the emperor and the prince were in the hands of his family's envoys, and Li Yinruo still wanted the honor and legitimacy of the Li family, he would not be able to successfully ascend the throne!

By then, the one who really takes the initiative will not be Li Yin, but the one who holds the emperor and the crown prince hostage!

Attack and defense are completely different. By then, they will be guarding Luoyang. They have Henan Road, Hebei Road, and Huainan Road as their retreat. They can also mobilize troops from other places in the name of the emperor and the prince. Bian Chunliang needs to reconsider again if he wants to take the initiative to attack.


In this way, we can preserve or even increase our strength without damaging the reputation of the envoys. We will not fall into the dirty situation set by Li Yin, and then we are expected to become the main players in this orthodoxy battle!

Luo Guanlin had made up his mind, and a bold and treasonous idea emerged in his mind. For a moment, Luo Guanlin even felt that he was crazy, so crazy that he almost didn't recognize himself... However, after calming down, he still felt

For the sake of the common people in the world, there is nothing you can’t do!

On the same day, in addition to sending a letter to the capital, Luo Guanlin wrote another handwritten letter to his lord, which was secretly sent to the north. In this secret letter, Luo Guanlin made it clear that he was treasonous.

At the end of February, Bian Chunliang led an army of 200,000 with overwhelming momentum and approached the gate of the capital.

Following a spring rain, a spring thunder sounded above the capital.

This spring thunder struck a side hall in the palace, causing a thunder and fire. The palace people were in a panic and felt that this was an ominous sign.

The rain failed to stop Bian's army from attacking the city.

It was night, and the rain had not stopped. In the Manna Palace, the empress sat quietly on the dragon chair. Below her was the pale-faced Crown Prince Li Zhi, and a group of anxious ministers who looked outside the palace from time to time.

Until a figure of a chamberlain who was soaked by the rain quickly ran into the palace, knelt on the ground, and cried tremblingly: "Bian Jun has broken through the city gate... Bian Chunliang led more than 10,000 troops and is coming towards the palace city!"

This chapter has been completed!
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