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612 Just send it here

Li Suining looked at A Dian, who was carrying a big bulging baggage on his back. He was obviously well prepared and had a guilty conscience and worry about lying written all over his face, so he deliberately didn't answer his words.

A Dian became even more anxious when he saw this, and said, "Your Highness! I didn't mean to be disobedient!"

"But you are going to Beidi again!" He said, "I don't want to go back to Xuance Mansion and wait anymore!"

A long time ago, His Highness secretly went to Beidi without telling him. It was very far away and it took His Highness a long time to walk back. He didn't want to miss His Highness again for so long!

"Do you know where Beidi is?" Li Suining asked.

A Dian shook his head, then nodded, his expression was innocent and firm as a child: "I heard them say that it is very dangerous there, but wherever Your Highness goes, there is A Dian's home. A Dian is not going anywhere, he just wants to go home with His Highness.


This was the recognition that was firmly engraved in A Dian's mind when we met for the first time on the dirt roadside at the entrance of that small village.

"That's it." Li Suining looked forward and said loudly: "Okay, then when we go, I will turn that place into A Dian's home."

A Dian shouted with joy: "Liu Huo, His Highness has agreed to take us!"

Luohuo seemed to understand, and the horse's hooves galloped quickly. He quickly passed the return date and ran to the front of the team, just like a soldier leading the way, his majesty was still the same as before.

"Yes!" Beidi secretly marveled, dismounted and followed.

As the fence fell to the ground, frightened horses galloped out, neighing and rushing into seven places. Even fewer fled into the night and scattered away.

"Yes, I obey your orders!" Yuan Xiang led his troops and rode away.

By the stream, a group of Cui Jing soldiers who were patrolling the camp suddenly became alert. One of them clenched his sword tightly and turned to look across the stream. What responded to me was a sharp arrow piercing the night.


But Beidi quickly cut off that thought, because you suddenly felt like you were looking at a mirror... you might as well punch the mirror into pieces.

Shengjun ordered people to collect the remaining supplies in the camp and asked them to leave important and practical things for you to take with you, Shepherd's Purse.

Sheng Jun concluded: "If I, General Cui Jing, commanded the army, he might have been defeated after this defeat, but Shi Deyuan and Yuanli will."

The discipline of the Renya people is much stricter than that of the Han army. After Shi Deyuan Yuanli gave the order, no one fled alone or led their own tribesmen.

As soon as Beidi responded, he saw Luohuo on the side shouting and rushing out with his hooves raised, as if this order was given to him.

But we actually thought that we would be attacked tonight.

The roaring flying fire that fell to the ground at this moment minimized Cui Jingren's fear.

The roars and explosions continued, the fire spread slowly, and the pungent smoke filled the mouth and nose, making people open their eyes.

Before Ren Yahong came close, you looked at Cui Jing's small camp with smoke rising into the sky from a distance, and promptly issued an order: "Take advantage of the chaos to find where our horses are."

Even though these patrolling and vigil soldiers who fell one after another only had time to send out short calls, they inevitably alarmed the army.

There are also many Cui Jing men accompanying them in the military camp. On weekdays, you are responsible for feeding horses, cooking, sewing, and taking care of trivial matters, but have never been close to the rear line. At this time, you were suddenly attacked at night and saw this strange thing. You were scared to death.

, when you ran away in terror, you who have never had any faith shouted that this was a punishment from the gods!

The Cui Jing people who live chasing water and grass and live on horseback are the most keen falcons in that land. We have always lacked vigilance.

The shallow stream was filled with sparkling dark light, and the shadow of the crescent moon fell quietly on the water.

Ten miles away from the military camp, they encountered a group of Cui Jing soldiers patrolling at night. Yuan Xiang and his party, who had first explored the route, silenced them all.

The advantage of a night attack lies not only in the offensive and defensive opportunities brought by taking advantage of people's preparedness, but also in the fact that when people are suddenly awakened from their sleep, they often become conscious and confused, and fall into psychological fear.

Before arriving here, based on the size of the camp, it can be judged that the number of troops here is obviously one hundred thousand. Shi Deyuan Yuanli must have divided the small army into camps.

As the order to evacuate was given, a small group of Renya soldiers ended their flight.

The cavalry stepped into the ankle-deep stream, splashing crystal cold water droplets on the pale moonlight. When the stream water splashed and fell again, it aroused murderous intent in the night.

The durian fire seems to be able to smell where the same kind gathers, and runs behind to lead the way.

When we fell down with eight arrows one after another, the water plants on the opposite side of the stream were suddenly knocked apart. Horses of iron cavalry suddenly appeared from the night. The seven leading people were all riding horses with one hand and holding bows with the other.

Along with the crossbowmen.

As a result, what was thrown out were single fireballs and special earthen jars with huge mouths. Some of the jars contained kerosene, and some of them were filled with gunpowder and fuses.

Following Luo Huo all the way, we found the stable location very slowly.

"The raid tonight was really fun." You looked at the remaining camp and said, "It's a pity that Xiaoyue only has one of Ren Yahong Yuanli's eight troops here."

Asted said: "Follow the pomegranate fire."

There was only one stable. Under the leadership of Luo Huo, Ren Ya and others slowly released the horses outside the seventh stable. During this period, after Luo Huo charged forward, he stomped and knocked away two sword-wielding blockers.

Cui Jing, a man on the road, was so brave that it opened Beidi's eyes.

Cui Jing's current Khan is in his prime and ambitious... Therefore, this man must die.

Chang Kuo sighed and let it go.

Asted looked at Tui Geng and Mei and stood up: "Cui Ling'an, it's time for you to go."

The sky gradually became brighter, and the firelight faded away, leaving only white smoke floating below the ruined camp.

Beidi's eyes were cold, and he turned the tip of the knife and pointed it at another prisoner on horseback: "But I am referring to the other one!"

Chang Kuo knew about this and knew that Luo Huo was arrogant and less intelligent than an abnormal horse. If he was allowed to follow him, he would be afraid that it would become more depressed and its 40% life would be over.

"Eight of them answer at the same time. If their answers are correct, they will all die!" Beidi drew his sword and said with a warm smile: "But don't expect to die in an uncomfortable way. I'll wait for you to chop off all their hands and feet and leave them here to feed the wolves!"


Sheeps purse pointed the long knife in his hand at the eight forks. When you pointed at the seventh, the prisoner nodded and said in Chinese: "There is a mistake!"

Ren Ya pointed the knife at a Cui Jing prisoner who had his hands tied behind his back and was lying under the horse, and asked me to show the way.

This time Asted decided to push back Cui Jing from the front just to disturb the minds of Cui Jing's young soldiers at the rear.

After that, you have already arranged for Tang Xing to sneak into Cui Jing secretly, but that road is very risky, and it even depends on your gambling luck, so you can only place your hope on it.

You turned to look at Sheng Jun, your tone as tense as ever: "His screen was very wrong, just send it outside."

In addition to the "engine flying fire", the craftsmen also discovered that if the gunpowder explodes in a sealed condition before being ignited, its power is dozens of times greater than that of fireworks bombing.

In the early morning light, the young general wearing black armor corrects you: "I have worked so hard to avoid you, making you feel that you are not useful yet."

It has been more than ten years since the Han people created gunpowder and used it on the battlefield. Although we Cui Jing people do not have gunpowder for the time being, Ren Ya and Hong Yuanli know that the primary role of gunpowder is to support combustion. Kang Zhi often uses rockets when guarding the border.

Ren Ya and Hong Yuanli had seen the fire wall ignited with kerosene to block our retreat, and thought it was something worth being afraid of, but... what was the roaring flying fire at this time?!

Otherwise, the war will never really stop.

Until the "fireball" landed, an unexpected roar suddenly sounded!

Before leaving Guanshan Mountain, the small army passed through nearly a hundred sandy areas and stopped behind an eight-way road cut by rocks.

After passing through the desert barrier, a small patch of greenery slowly appeared behind.

Panic slowly spread in Cui Jing's camp, and almost everyone was asking what the flying fire "falling from the sky" was.

The fewer and fewer Cui Jing's troops finished dispatching, and seeing these fireball-like things coming towards us, a small number of us knew what they were.

Shi Deyuan Yuanli witnessed the chaotic battle situation, realized that in that situation, there was no possibility of counterattack and victory, and immediately ordered to advance.

If you evacuate in a hurry, you are destined to abandon many people, but if you delay any longer, the losses will only be more severe!

Through the smell of burning in the air, Ren Ya Hong Yuanli quickly analyzed that at least half of this thing was made of gunpowder!

The two prisoners who were quarreling with each other were slowly wiped on their necks, spitting blood, and thrown onto their horses.

When I was young, Sheng Jun came over. Ren Yahong smiled slightly and said, "You are lazy here. You have worked hard for everything, General."

Thinking of the 20,000 tribesmen who were followed by Niennu but were completely annihilated by Kang Zhi, our anger at this moment overwhelms everything, and we vowed to make sure that Kang Zhi, who was becoming more and more arrogant, never came back!

Shi Deyuan Yuanli, who stood up in a hurry, was also asking, but someone can give me the answer.

Asted held the reins in one hand, raised the other hand, and lowered his fingertips.

The surprise attack is real, it is real to try the power of "engine flying fire", it is real to frighten Cui Jing's army, and it is real to take the opportunity to cover your actions. It's just that you didn't take advantage of Ren Ya and Hong Yuanli's small army to fall into chaos.

Opportunity to go deep into the territory of Renya.

What is surprising is that from Jiangdu to Taiyuan, the old horse ran behind me from beginning to end, never slowing down the journey.

Ren Ya was immediately startled.

Ren Yahong nodded and looked towards the direction Shi De Yuanli was escaping from: "What's more, there is no Khan in front of me who is determined to take charge of the battle."

Sheng Jun led his troops into the camp from the front and side, bringing with him two gunpowder chariots.

The place where Shi Deyuan and Yuanli's small army camped was a land with abundant water and grass, surrounded by mountains and rivers, and intertwined with lakes and rivers.

Cui Jing quickly caught up with her, and the two rode horses side by side and led the army away.

You are a barbarian and a prosperous person, and you are a member of your palace! Since you are a person and horse in the palace, you have no bloodline!

While the injured and frightened Cui Jing people were able to escape, the seven chariots quickly approached the military camp. Very slowly, clouds of flying fire flew straight into the small camp. With the roar, each tent was set on fire, and the small camp was set on fire.

Thick smoke rose from the fire.

The two prisoners had their backs to each other, and they both knew in advance that no one else was guiding them. At this time, their expressions suddenly changed, and one of them defended: "I'm talking nonsense!"

Beidi shot and killed Cui Jing's soldiers who were guarding the stable or trying to lead the horses to escape, and slashed open the fence of the stable with his sword.

Asted put his hands on the stone at his side and smiled relaxedly. He looked like someone who was about to go into danger.

Since it is an adventurous path, it is best to try a few of them. Maybe none of them will work. Just like the bet above, you can only bet on one place.

No man cries and begs God to forgive us for our killings and mistakes.

Along the way, Luohuo was always leading the way.

Very slowly, Sheng Jun ordered eight more prisoners to be escorted to the rear.

There were no soldiers slowly running out of the military camp, and the sound of trumpets accompanied our footsteps.

The soldiers distributed the fixed chariots in an orderly manner, then filled the gunpowder, lit it, and threw it——

As a battle-hardened war horse, after reuniting with his old owner at Furongyuan Racecourse, Luohuo had already spent his retirement years. He had traveled long distances again for a long time, and Astad had never thought of letting him go to the battlefield again.

Shi Deyuan Yuanli tried to tell everyone that this object was "only" made of gunpowder. It was not a divine object, but a punishment from the gods. However, the situation fell into unprecedented chaos. Qishang screamed and screamed in chaos.

There is basically legal control.

At this time, it was like a loyal and proud veteran, leading the small army all the way out of Guanshan.

This new type of gunpowder was prepared by Shen Bamao and other craftsmen, and the gunpowder was thrown by a modified trebuchet, which we call "engine flying fire".

"--call out!"

The soldier let out a short scream and fell to the ground. The others were alerted and drew their swords, but the arrows flew slower than the swords.

In the night, nearly ten thousand cavalrymen poured into Cui Jing's territory.

Beidi led the people to follow Luo Huo, and suddenly thought, Judging from Liu Huo's body shape, he must also be of Huma blood... In this way, he didn't feel like a traitor who led the enemy to fight back his own family before surrendering to the enemy?

This chapter is not finished yet. Please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! Yuan Xiang asked himself to lead his troops in pursuit. Sheng Jun put his sword in its sheath and said: "We must go deep. If we chase for seventy miles, we will enter and return."

Meet here."

The chilling air swept away with the water waves, swept across the surrounding vegetation, and finally roared towards Cui Jing's military camp, which was half hidden in the night.

That time, the eight prisoners rushed to answer, and their answers were exactly the same, and they all pointed to the same way as the seven people who had been killed just now, which was the eighth way.

Asted sat under a stone by the stream, with Lihuo and Guixi drinking water in front of you, while you watched Ren Ya busy arranging various matters.

When they were about to go to a stable, Beidi was blocked by Ren Ya's army, and the two sides started fighting.

At the same time, the hidden arrows used by the crossbowmen were replaced by less powerful rockets.

Densely packed sharp arrows temporarily blocked our steps. At this time, the cavalry in front of Asted had slowly lined up on both sides, and seven chariots pulled by eight horses were pushed to the rear.

The bottom of the vehicle is equipped with something similar to a trebuchet.

What Beidi speaks is Cui Jing. Your mother-in-law, Yuezhi, is originally a Hu, and you are not half of a Hu. Pinglu is separated from Cui Jing’s eastern territory by hundreds of miles. You have been able to speak some Cui Jing since you were a child.

It was just that he was often teased in the Kang family for being a Hu Ji's man, so he took the initiative to talk about it.

Beidi sheathed his sword, and before dismounting, he severely kicked one of the prisoners who was still alive.

Li Suining gave a clear shout and chased after him with a smile, his hair tied with a copper hairpin fluttering in the night.

A familiar weapon that suddenly appears brings fear to people far less than its own lethality——

But when Jiangdu dispatched troops to Taiyuan, it became uncharacteristically restless and insisted on following the army north.

This chapter has been completed!
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