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628 Invite King Rong to inherit the throne

In the early autumn of last year, Li Suining led four thousand cavalry deep into Beidi.

At that time, under this bold decision that was almost not optimistic, these four thousand cavalrymen all had the heart to face death and decided to walk into the sea of ​​fire, taking a dangerous step to drain the fuel from the cauldron for their family and country.

In the end, they did it, extinguishing the sky-scorching fire at the cost of thousands of casualties, and brought great success and peace back to their homeland.

Some military advisers said that this battle deep into Beidi saved tens of thousands of soldiers and civilians from casualties, and cut off the bloody and evil path that should have lasted for several years.

It is of great significance. The names of those soldiers who sacrificed their lives for this will be entered into the annals of history together with this glorious achievement and will be remembered by future generations.

The same goes for those who enter Beidi, and the same goes for those who die while guarding the pass.

Cui Jing led his troops halfway, and the Beidi Army camped on the front line began to retreat back north in an orderly manner. Soldiers and horses from both sides occasionally brushed against each other, and the Beidi Army bent its arms and saluted from afar. This salute had the meaning of life and death to prevent countless flesh and blood from turning into bones.

The queen asked Yuan Li to dispatch a thousand cavalry to escort Li Suining out of the country. They drove the cattle, sheep, horses and gold and silver utensils that had surrendered as tribute in the rear, heading south in a mighty manner.

The road after the snow melted was not easy to walk, and there were several rains. The return march was inevitably delayed, and there was no need to rush.

On this slow return journey, the further south we go, the warmer the weather becomes and the gentler the wind becomes.

In that conversation, Beidi mentioned the late late Prince Xiao, saying that he was worthy of being his nephew. However, due to the current situation and the country's petty plan, he had to accept this order. He knew that he was content, so he invited Tai Fu accompanies me on both sides, teaching and admonishing me. I can do my best, but I only hope to fulfill Ah Xiao's ambition after he was born.

"Besides, it is true that Wu Hong's army is dangerous and the fighting in the north is tense." You said: "The small Tibetan army in front is still coming one after another. There are more than 80,000 troops facing the rear. Does your Majesty have nothing to fear?"

Cui Jing, who had been ill for a long time, was assassinated and fell into an icy lake with his driver. His body was found.

The official enthronement ceremony is on the eighth day of August.

It was November at that time, and the battle between the Northern Territory and the Empress had not yet given any sign of ending.

Did he say that he would stay in Taiyuan, or did he claim that "I will return with the crown prince"?

Therefore, you hope that the other person will still die, at least take a breath, and return here... You will wait there and personally send the other person on his way.

I made a deal with that man. You open the gate of Tuyuhun for me, lead me to attack Xiaosheng, and capture half of Xiaosheng. Before that, I will make you the king.

All I know is that the man has no internal intelligence in Xiaosheng, and he is a very powerful internal intelligence. The other party did provide me with the defense map of the western border of Xiaosheng. If so, I could have attacked and retreated so smoothly...

Taiyuan is unlikely to be captured by the Tibetan army at any time. Beidi's move is a sign of benevolence.

The resentments of the past festivals have turned into smoke. You have a way to forget how you were abandoned and thrown into a barbaric place like Tuyuhun.

The eldest princess Chongyue who married the empress was not the first prince...so Chongyue could kill the empress' coach behind the battle array!

Li Suining's move had little impact. After hearing the news, famous people in heaven also came to Beijing.

Watching the King of Tubo leave, Mingluo calmly retracted his gaze and continued to read the official documents and letters behind him.

Although it was early spring, the city of Jiangdu was desolate.

However, halfway through the hurried journey, something unexpected happened.

It is said that the prince died after the empress...

That answer made everything make sense…

In such a small situation, these officials who returned to Luoyang from Taiyuan were invited by Beidi, and none of them returned to Beijing one after another.

Thinking of the words "biological man", Mingluo murmured sarcastically: "You should have thought of it earlier..."

Beidi did not allow it.

Those secret reports always passed through Cui Jing's hands first and then were delivered to Li Suining's car.

At this moment, I am questioning whether anyone leaked the news of my march in advance. Otherwise, if I had delayed my attack all the way, I would not have had time to deploy troops everywhere. How could there not be such heavy troops guarding and intercepting me here? That's not it.

It seems like it hasn’t been deployed long ago!

It rained lightly one day. The Beidi army was shaken by the biting rain and still knelt in the rain.

Why did your aunt leave? It's because you no longer doubt that the prince's son, your biological son, can come back alive from the empress, right?

Except for Huainan Road, Henan Road, and Hebei Road, which were under the jurisdiction of the Crown Prince, there were no signs of surrender.

It also takes time for Tubo to assemble a small army. When we first mobilized, the battle between Xiaosheng and Wu Hong was at its most difficult and dangerous juncture. In every dangerous battle to guard the pass, there was no possibility of the pass being breached. Troops from all over the northern border came one after another.

Go to support later.

Ma Xingzhou was seriously injured and fell into coma while trying to protect him. He knew whether he would live or die.

On the eighth day of the eighth month, Xuanyuan was born, and it was the right time for the king to ascend to heaven.

History books are usually written by losers. A hundred years ago, history books would probably deny your Li family identity. Even whether your achievements could be recorded in full would depend on the magnanimity and mood of the person in power.

These delayed reports that had been sent earlier, spread out, seemed to form a picture of a vast country that was being burned by wildfire, and each situation in the picture was gradually shrunk in front of Wu Hongkang's eyes.

On Jiangnan West Road, which is adjacent to Huainan Road, the residence of the eldest princess Xuan'an is already preparing to leave for Beijing - people here see it in their eyes and understand that it is forced by the situation. Even the eldest princess Li Rong has to do it.

Follow the trend.

Facing my question, the man sitting in the tent raised his eyes slightly and asked me: "Having already attacked the Eight Prefectures, will your Majesty lose your patience after being blocked here for half a month?"

In the past half a year, Beidi has been committed to recruiting various forces, and now it has begun to bear fruit. As the edict that I will be crowned Xiaobao spreads, people in the internal affairs are gradually losing signs of being united.

In the eyes of the world, Prime Minister Wei did not want to return to Beijing, but it was necessary to return.

Such people have no pride, and they are willing to put themselves into embarrassing situations. At most, they can't maintain any dignity if they stick to Luoyang.

Very slowly, the officials followed and knelt down.

After everyone tried to persuade him, Taifu finally went to meet him later.

The King of Tubo walked behind your case, holding back his anger and asked: "I want to ask the princess whether the cooperator can be trusted?"

The Taifu was still moved.

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! The news spread quickly everywhere. The Li family clan members had no objections, and many Jiedu envoys and generals also bowed their heads in agreement.

Tubo's sudden attack made the already shaky situation in the northern border worse, and the whole country of Xiaosheng panicked.

None of the accompanying officials had any other intentions, and they cooperated with the assassins who had set up a secret ambush to assassinate the emperor.

Especially for the soldiers of Shuofang, all the downward pressure has to do with us. We resisted the small Tibetan army and did not dare to slack off at all. We were only filled with resentment, resentment of the invading alien race, resentment that they were about to ascend the throne but had no blood feud with us.

The hypocrite Li Yin.

Chang Kuo has not been seen in person for a few days. It is said that he is ill. His heart is filled with grief and anger, and he has violated an old illness. He is very ill.

At this point, it has been less than half a year since Beidi killed Bian Jun and took control of the capital. Today, the emperor passed away. There is still news that this is the crown prince whom I deny. At this time, I ascended the throne in the name of "accepting orders in times of danger", which is already justified.

Wu Hong was not unprepared for the Tibetan invasion. There were no troops left to guard and patrol the border between Longzuo and the north of Tubo. However, the small Tibetan army did not invade from the north, but "borrowed" from Tuyuhun in the east.

Immediately afterwards, the Beidi army came out and knelt down to ask Beidi to inherit the throne and put heaven first.

Beidi had previously sent medical officers to see the Taifu, and they had repeatedly invited him to return to the capital to take charge of the affairs. This was because they had cared about the old man's support for the crown prince in Taiyuan.

The King of Tubo left with a gloomy expression.

Li Suining was still living in Luoyang. On the day the Emperor was assassinated, the Grand Tutor fell ill due to fright and running around.

Before entering the country, the small Tibetan army did not attack Gyeonggi, which was not heavily guarded now. Instead, they chose to go straight to Taiyuan. The purpose and trade-off was obvious - we wanted to take advantage of the opportunity when all the northern troops were used to resist the empress.

Taking advantage of the weakness, they entered and captured the northern territory of Xiaosheng.

In the middle of the twelfth lunar month, as the Tubo army approached, Li Suining made a decision to "escort" the emperor to leave Taiyuan, but not to return to Beijing, but to return to Luoyang for temporary refuge.

Everyone was focusing on the enthronement ceremony on August 8, but the soldiers and people in the northwest went to inquire about the quiet news of the capital.

A young man ago, he activated the art of hiding from the sky and brought this man back from the dead!

For several days, officials led by the Beidi Army knelt down in the Beidi Mansion.

The King of Tubo looked at you steadily: "I only hope that Princess Gu'an will not hide anything——"

Not Tuyuhun opened the door of convenience for the Tubo army.

But the thing that is a thousand times more embarrassing is the "Prince's Prince".

"Your Majesty, it is now important whether I can be trusted or not." The man wearing a lake blue cloak looked at me quietly and said: "You haven't arrived here yet. How much territory can you take next?

Your Majesty’s ability and ambition are beyond compare.”

So amidst the emotions of the world, and with regret and cherishment for his late student, Li Suining finally recognized Beidi and left for Beijing.

During a court meeting, an official named Cui Jingpisu came out to lament the current situation of the country. He only said: "During the Taiping years, the country could have a king for one day, but now?"

Beidi finally endured and held an umbrella and came out. The Beidi army was still willing to stand up. It was not until Wu Hong sighed and nodded and said, "I am willing to obey the teacher's wishes and be ordered to calm the country and the people in times of danger" that the Beidi army stood up and bowed with tears in his eyes.

You should stay in Taiyuan. Your nephew originally wanted to go to Taiyuan to pay his respects.

It was early July. It was very slow. There were only a few courtiers left in Luoyang City, and one of them was Wei Shuyi.

It was originally a bad situation, but you had to go to death alone. Such courage and determination are admirable and must be remembered. But compared with those names before death, you had no hope of competing with Wu Hong...

But that man always made his identity as a collaborator clear to me, which left me with less doubts.

The time when you set out to become the empress was earlier than when Beidi took over the capital. There is still no news. I am afraid that Wu Hong was really buried.

This time the retreat from Xiaosheng was carried out by the Tubo King himself.

And these officials who were still determined to wait and see no matter how hard they persisted, glanced in the direction of the northern border, and finally left in tears.

From Tubo's perspective, it was undoubtedly a golden opportunity.

The late Prince Xiaonai was Wu Hongkang's favorite student.

The Tubo army was blocked in the area between Guannai Road and Hedong Road. Seeing that Taiyuan was about 800 miles away, the small army was unable to retreat even half a step for half a month. The one who resisted us was Shuofang's army and horses, but it was Zhi Fang's army.

Shuofang Army.

None of the news was expected, and none of the changes were within common sense.

Besides, does it mean that today’s northern Xiaosheng is already in a vulnerable situation?

It's a pity that people who are resurrected from the dead are still mortal bodies, will be injured and bleed, and will die again...

Until Wu Hong, who was worried about his own safety during his busy schedule, went to hundreds of places in Luoyang City in person, just to see the Taifu.

Tuyuhun rebelled.

Beidi returned the favor deeply and personally invited all the officials into the mansion.

The emperor, whose majesty was inviolable, died in such a dignified way in his twilight years while on the run.

You still feel a little dazed when you think about it, your aunt died like that.

Quickly, without being distracted, you looked away, fell under the candlestick, and suddenly let out a sneer.

No literati has ever found the "Essay on Commemoration to Nephew" written by a young queen from Beidi. Reading it still brings tears to my eyes even after I was a young man. I feel that my uncle and nephew have a deep love for each other, and they share the same thoughts.

One night, you woke up from a nightmare that had nothing to do with the Tiannan Tower. Thinking of all the clues, you finally had no answer in your heart.

At this opportunity, Beidi Li Yin once again sent officials to the crisis-ridden Taiyuan to welcome the emperor back to Beijing for safety.

Tuyuhun is located to the north of Jiannan Road. The defense line in this area has always been taken care of by Beidi Mansion of Yizhou, which is stationed in the western border. However, the troops left behind by Wu Hong Mansion failed to resist for two days, and the small Tibetan army invaded the territory of Xiaosheng with overwhelming force.

It is really sad that he is a rare talented person and a pillar minister, but now he is in such a situation.

When the news of the emperor's death reached the capital, Beidi, the governor of the country, sighed. It was because of the approval of the courtiers who had recounted Wu Hong's faults that they still respected him as Emperor Xiaosheng, drafted a posthumous title for him, put his clothes in the imperial mausoleum, and the whole country mourned him.

There was no trace of Mingluo's mocking eyes. The one who had no time to vent was Gan. Of course you are Gan. You can make your aunt take a look at how your abandoned child returned to Xiaosheng... I abandoned you in the first place.

My aunt should have seen it with her own eyes.

There really is no resurrection in this world, so how could someone like my aunt choose to bring a useless man back to life? My aunt should choose your "son" to be the prince.

I used to be Cui Jing's confidant, and I supported the crown prince before. What's more important is that my sister-in-law is the deposed prince Li Zhi... A young man who has dominated the officialdom has come back with a clear stand.

That remark finally moved Li Suining, and it soon became a good story.

In the middle of winter last year, a small Tibetan army entered the country.

So, when I was young, my aunt told a big lie and deceived the people in heaven!

During the war, the transmission of messages between different countries was extremely convenient. In order to ensure the transmission of messages, many secret letters were repeated, and the earliest content mentioned was more than two months ago. It was not until later, as the difficulty of transmitting distances was shortened, that the letters

Only then did the content of the events conveyed gradually become relatively timely.

At the same time, the news that the prince's son had been buried by the empress became more and more intense. In this situation, people everywhere in Huainan Road, especially in Jiangdu, could often hear the cries of the people at night.

But after Guanshan, a series of sealed reports came from the territory of Dasheng, but they were full of restless restlessness and noise.

If so, wouldn’t it be very noisy and interesting to be able to meet even an “old friend” when I return to my hometown?

Mingluo smiled slightly: "Your Majesty, it is only a matter of time. You and Your Majesty are closely related to life and death, and share common interests. It is natural for you to think about Your Majesty."

During the mourning period for Cui Jing, reports of the battle in the north slowly reached Beijing.

Before going to Tuyuhun, I heard that Mrs. Chang became General Ningyuan, and then became the governor of Jiangdu, and the governor of Huainan Province...

The seven people were not wary of each other, but they all needed each other at this time. The King of Tubo was short of time, and it was time for them to quarrel.

Although the crown prince died at the hands of the empress, the deposed prince is still alive. Even if the Prime Minister of Wei returns to the capital, it will be difficult for him to win the trust of the new emperor. He is afraid that he will not be able to escape the fate of being liquidated.

Many officials visited the governor's office in Jiangdu repeatedly, just asking for news about the safety of the prince's son.

This chapter has been completed!
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