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658 Everyone and everything

Hezhou doesn't care what the people of Jiangdu think of them - it's a fact that His Majesty is kind to them and Hezhou.

At this moment, a group of people were surrounding the official road outside Hezhou City. Among them was a man who had broken an arm due to a battle injury. He pointed forward and said proudly: "Back then! That's the road your Majesty came to help from."


He added: "His Majesty was only sixteen or seventeen years old at the time. He came with a horse and a gun and shouted - The traitor shall die!"

The people were excited and noisy.

The man's companion had a complicated look on his face. He tugged at the man's robe and whispered, "His Majesty didn't shout like this back then, right? How can we hear clearly when we are so far away?"

The man glared at him: "You didn't hear clearly, how did you know you didn't shout!"

The companion scratched his head: "That's right..."

Many businessmen passing by also stopped to listen to the man's story about the past, and bought a bowl of tea at a nearby tea shed to quench their thirst.

There are only a lot of voices like this "reminiscing about the past" in the city.

"We and Zhou are also blessed by God...otherwise how could we be saved by His Majesty."

"Isn't that right? The immortal masters from Shangzhen Temple outside the city say that our Hezhou has good feng shui and can have peace and prosperity for a hundred years..."

"Did our Lord Governor also go to the capital to pay homage to the Mian Saint?"

At the end of a street, people gathered around and talked. A woman sighed to another woman with a sallow complexion and said, "Speaking of which, it's such a pity that your Ah Huan would have left earlier.

Maybe he will become a great hero now... and your family can follow him to Beijing to enjoy the blessings."

Hearing this, the woman tightened her grip on the basket in her hand and said, "What great fortune can she have? She has a poor life and a poor fortune... Even if she is alive, there is no hope for her."

"That's not what you said... I heard that the shepherd's purse of Ji Heimian's family has been awarded the title of general! They all followed the nobles together. Ordinarily..."

"Go...home!" The woman carrying the basket suddenly shouted to her grandson to go home, interrupting the neighbor.

There are some words that I cannot listen to or think about. The more I listen to them and the more I think about them, the more heartbreaking it becomes, as if I have missed the opportunity to climb to the clouds, but I can only lie in the mud.

The woman grabbed her grandson's hand and walked back, gritting her teeth and saying: "I told you not to let you go, but you refused to accept your fate and didn't even want your home... It would be clean if you died.


That year, someone from the army returned to Hezhou and came to her home to tell her that her daughter Zeng Huan had died on the battlefield.

She was stunned for a moment, and just when she was about to say something, the man handed over a box of silver.

Seeing the money for the first time, she wiped her hands and quickly took it, thinking to herself that it was not in vain, and she might not be able to get the money when she gets married.

So she held the box in front of outsiders and wiped her tears.

That night, her son took the box and counted it again and again.

She originally wanted to save the money for her grandson to marry him, but her son was dragged into drinking and gambling, and he squandered it all within six months.

She hugged the box and cried, because the box was empty, so she really cried this time.

What's even worse is that after six months of squandering, my son developed many bad habits and his temper became even more irritable. He would get into arguments with his wife from time to time, and even scolded her as a mother-in-law after drinking.

Life was already bad enough, but as the new emperor ascended the throne, the neighbors all sighed with regret for her family, saying that if Zeng Huan was still alive, their family would have reached the sky in one fell swoop...

When people are in a difficult situation, hearing about the beautiful tall buildings that are just out of reach makes them feel even more uncomfortable.

The one who was even more uncomfortable than the Zeng family was naturally Ji Heilian.

The reason why the Zeng family cannot reach it is because "Zeng Huan is dead", or it can also be explained that the family has bad luck.

But Ji Heilian's situation was different. Shepherd's Purse was living well and had built great achievements, but he couldn't reach the tall building because he jumped down halfway.

So no one comforted him, only sarcasm and gloating behind his back.

One time, when a group of people were making fun of them, Ji Hei Lian listened intently.

Those people who were ridiculing were the same group of friends who had encouraged Ji Hei Lian and Shepherd's Purse He Li. They mocked Ji Hei Lian as a fool who could not seize his blessings and would live in poverty all his life.

Ji Hei's face was full of hatred and annoyance, and then he came to his senses - these people didn't like him at the beginning, and they deliberately instigated him and wanted to see his jokes!

Ji Heimeian picked up a piece of broken tile and rushed towards it to vent his anger.

As a result, there were many people on the other side, and one of his legs was broken.

If you fight in Hezhou, you will be punished, not to mention that he was the one who made the first move, so he did not dare to report it to the official, so he could only swallow his cowardly anger and lie at home to nurse his wounds.

There is no money, the pot cannot be opened, and the bed cannot be lifted.

Ji Hei lay on the bed with a hungry face and groaned, shouting again and again: "Steamed buns, steamed buns... give dad a bowl of water."

The boy sitting outside the house already looked a little like a teenager. He had a bare upper body and was wearing straw sandals. He was gnawing on a piece of hard pancake. He was annoyed by the shouting. He frowned and stood up. He rushed into the room and said, "Why are you shouting?"

"If it weren't for you, I would be in the capital like Dumpling!"

As Steamed Bun said, he suddenly made up his mind: "I want to go to the capital to find my mother!"

"You little beast...you can't ignore your father!"

Steamed Bun ran out regardless of Ji Heimian's scolding behind him.

But he soon discovered that his idea was unrealistic. He had no money, couldn't read, and didn't know the way. How was he going to get to the capital?

Steamed Bun sat down at the base of the wall dejectedly, pulled his hair hard and beat his head.

After calming down a little, he told himself: "I am also my mother's son, and my mother will not ignore me..."

He has to wait for his mother to pick him up and take him to the capital... If he can't wait, he will find a way to get to the capital!

A young man wearing coarse clothes but with good appearance passed by and glanced at the boy sitting there talking to himself, without looking too much at him.

The young man walked past here, humming a tune with his hands behind his hands, walked through two alleys, stopped in front of an ordinary small courtyard, and pushed open the ajar door.

There is a wicker chair in the small yard, and a fat middle-aged man is lying in the chair, using a cattail leaf fan to drive away mosquitoes: "I'm back just in time, go make a fire and cook quickly, I'm starving as a father!"

The young man pursed his lips: "You can't do anything on your own, how can you expect anything from your son? I'm not a domestic slave!"

The middle-aged man held out a hand: "I would like to buy two house slaves. Where is the money?"

The young man did not quarrel with his father, nor was he in a hurry to cook. Instead, he came closer and asked in a low voice with a longing look on his face: "Father, I heard everyone talking about the new emperor's ascension to the throne! I heard that the capital was very lively at this time.

Very, don’t we really go and take a look? I also want to fight with Cui Liulang with crickets!"

"I think you look like a cricket." The middle-aged man didn't even look at his son, and lay back on the wicker chair: "We haven't even been useful, how dare we show up and rush to make decapitated crickets?"

Li Yin's defeat was sudden, and her entry into the capital was also sudden. Someone must have arranged the situation for her... so she didn't have time to make use of this waste like him.

It doesn't matter, it's not useless at all, and I came here specifically to kill him, after all he is also a member of my family.

It turns out to be my family.

The middle-aged man narrowed his eyes, thinking that before leaving Luoyang, Tang Xing had said that there were three reasons why he was spared from death, but he only made two clear to him: [Jie Shidao, for this third reason, the prince will naturally

You will know.]

Only when he heard the news that she recognized her ancestors and returned to her clan in Taiyuan did he realize the third reason.

Because she is from the Li family, she reluctantly treats him with some mercy.

Hearing what his father said, the young man Li Yun sighed and had to ask: "Since we are no longer needed...then should we stay here on Huainan Road?"

"Where is not the king's land? I'm afraid of walking the most... Just stay here for the rest of my life, it's good." Li Fu shook the cattail leaf fan and made a plan: "Since the world is amnesty... I will think of something when I turn around. See

Let's see if there is any way to bring your mother and sister here together. Then the family can reunite, rent a slightly larger yard, and start a small business."

Li Yun nodded, agreeing very much, but soon realized something was wrong: "But how can we have any money?"

Looking for new opportunities, renting a large yard, and doing business?

Li Fu: "If you agree to the Tang family, won't you get it?"

Li Yun's face twisted for a while: "You really want your son to be the Tang family's son-in-law!"

"What's wrong with the door-to-door son-in-law? In the future, our Dasheng can be without a door-to-door son-in-law?" Li Fu said: "If you come to the door alone, our whole family will not have to worry about food. There is nothing more cost-effective than this."

The Tang family is a wealthy family in Hezhou. They have an only daughter, one year older than Li Yun. This girl has a very picky and vicious eye when choosing a husband. Last year, she fell in love with Li Yun, who was dressed in civilian clothes.

Li Yun kept complaining: "You are selling your son!"

Li Fu took it for granted: "If you don't sell it now while the surface is still fresh, you won't be able to get a good price if you want to sell it in the future!"

"You are confusing the bloodline of the Li family!"

Li Fu pointed at the sky with his cattail leaf fan: "Then you should first ask the ancestors of the Li family and the current one if they recognize us! If you want to live safely, the more confusion you have, the better!"

After that, he beat his son with a cattail leaf fan and said, "Stop talking nonsense and hurry up and cook!"

Li Yun reluctantly went to the kitchen, still savoring in his mind the wonderful days of eating, drinking and having fun with Cui Liulang fighting crickets in Luoyang.

Of course, even if he really went to the capital at this time, Cui Lang would not have time to accompany him.

After the new emperor ascended the throne, he began to comprehensively reorganize and distribute the forces in the court, and the appointments and rewards of each person were gradually implemented.

This is Li Suining's first large-scale promotion and reward as an emperor. It does not depend on family background or path, but only on ability and merit.

Cui Lang was assigned to the Ministry of Rites, and was appointed as a doctor under Wang Yue, the new minister of the Ministry of Rites. He was a fifth-rank official, and his official position was not very high, and he was not as good as other appointed members of the Cui family. This also indirectly shows that in the past, Cui Lang

The privileged status of the heads of aristocratic families is truly gone forever. If you want to occupy a high position in the future, you will have to rely on your true abilities.

Cui Lang was very satisfied. He was still so young. He was ranked in the fifth rank when he first entered the officialdom. If he works hard in the future, how can he become a prosperous officialdom?

Song Xian was promoted to Minister of Justice, and Tan Li left his job in the Ministry of Personnel, which had been the busiest lately.

Zhan Mian is still the Minister of Household Affairs, but fortunately his hair loss situation has improved a lot.

Wu Chunbai entered Honglu Temple and was appointed as the Prime Minister of Liupin Temple. Honglu Temple was in charge of foreign guests, and the affairs of the court ceremony fell under the Ministry of Rites of Shangshu Province. Wu Chunbai's father was once the minister of Honglu Temple. For Wu Chunbai, this meeting was

is a good starting point.

The Menxia Province was still headed by Wei Shuyi, the left prime minister.

The position of Right Prime Minister of Zhongshu Province was temporarily vacant, and an adjutant and minister was appointed, who came from the eldest son's family. In addition, six people from Zhongshushe were assigned to the six departments. Among these six people was Yao Ran, who was mostly responsible for daily work.

He was responsible for writing and drafting imperial edicts. Historically, the position of Zhongshu Sheren was the most important position in the Qing Dynasty that was coveted by scholars in Dasheng Dynasty. Those who held this position had to accompany the king, and even join the cabinet to worship the prime minister in the future.

Best springboard.

Taifu Chu officially retired. Although he barely saved his life during the Taimiao Rebellion, the old man's body was difficult to return to normal. Although the old Taifu retired, he recommended dozens of people to the new emperor, which shocked many officials.

What is surprising is that half of them are the Taifu's own descendants.

The descendants of the Chu family had never entered the officialdom before, not because they were all incompetent. There were also celebrities in the literary world among them, but they were not allowed to enter the officialdom by Taifu Chu.

Now, Master Chu seemed to be giving a handful of melon seeds that had been peeled for a long time to his students.

Between the two teachers and students, one "stuffed" his own family in a grand manner, while the other took all the orders without hesitation.

When she learned that the old lady would soon move to a Shanshui Villa on the outskirts of the city to fish and retire, Qiao Yang was so jealous that her eyes almost started to bleed.

He had been idle in the Imperial Academy for these years, and he had planned to retire early, but now his old owner took him out of his comfort zone and stuffed him into the carrot pit of the Minister of War.

The father became busy, and the son no longer had leisure. Qiao Yubai entered the Six Chronicles as a supervisor, and began to learn and experience from the history of Shuling, which was a low-level official position.

Like Wang Yue, Wang Changshi also failed to return to Jiangdu. Wang Changshi was no longer a Changshi, but was promoted to Luoyang Prefecture Yin. He had left for his post a few days ago. Before leaving Beijing, he visited his teacher.

With a lot of gratitude and tears, he said goodbye and left.

Shao Shantong really envied Wang Yue. He also wanted to stay in the capital, but he was unable to do so. However, he still set off back excitedly and joyfully - he was transferred to the position of Jiangdu governor, and that was the governor of Jiangdu! The seat that His Majesty once sat in! Haha! Who knows?


Li Suining personally selected a long history official for Shao Shantong, who was from the Chu family.

The layout of the first seven halls in Jiangdu remains unchanged, and everything remains as before.

In addition, Kang Zhi was also transferred back to Jiangdu. She was awarded the title of General Mingwei. This time she was appointed to join the Jiangdu army and command the Jiangdu army. She was also given the power to supervise the military affairs of Huainan Road - this appointment edict served as an official.

After the ministry issued the message, many people were keenly aware of the message: His Majesty no longer wants to establish another military envoy to Huainan Province.

Not only Huainan Road, Henan Road and Hebei Road, Jiangnan East-West Road, and Shannan East-West Road... there was no sound of appointing Jiedu envoys.

Except for Pinglu, Longyou Road and Guannai Road, which continued to be governed by the original Jiedushi, the new emperor only appointed two more Jiedushi.

This chapter has been completed!
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