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Chapter 27 Take advantage of the situation!

 "Report, the Pioneer Army sent a combat plan..."

Moro quickly took the plan and checked it. The content showed that the Pioneer Army planned to let the shuttle ship go in first, go straight to Blue Star, and destroy the opponent's base camp.

"Import the relevant data of their plan into the simulator and see what happens..."

Soon, columns of simulation results appeared on the big screen.

After a hundred times, they were all successful.

After a thousand times, they are still successful.

Until 10,000 times, they are still successful.


Moro was overjoyed and said with a smile: "Tell Seth to reward the crew of shuttle ship No. 10 and tell them that if they succeed, they will enter the Hall of Valor..."


"The distance is 820 million kilometers. According to data calculation, it will be time to launch the attack in 5 minutes..."


Seth nodded and said: "Just follow the plan!"

Five minutes later.

Twenty of the sixty battleships of the Pioneer Army were separated and began to attack the Hades Fire Line.

One day later, the twenty warships ceased fire, the supply ship approached to replenish fuel, and the other twenty warships opened fire.

Another half day later, a shuttle ship left the fleet, moving ahead at a speed far exceeding the normal speed of the fleet.


The fifth base of the first line of defense.

Li Zongheng had one hand on the control room interface and was constantly calculating various data. When he discovered that the enemy shuttle ship had left the team, he frowned slightly and quickly began to simulate the situation.

"Thousands of simulations, there is a situation that can create a 20-second defense vacuum..."

"In 20 seconds, it would be difficult for an ordinary warship to get in, but if it's a shuttle ship, it's really possible for him to break in..."

"This should be the enemy's battle plan..."

The matter was so important that Li Zongheng did not dare to make his own decision and transmitted all the simulation data back.

Eight minutes later, the moon base received the information.

Uncle Da quickly informed the situation.

"So, their plan is to create an opportunity to let the shuttle ship come in first, and then directly blow up the Blue Star?!"

"That's right!"

Zhao Yu nodded slightly and continued: "Simulate the spacecraft equipped with a Hall thruster to see if we can intercept the shuttle ship midway..."


Uncle Da quickly began to calculate.

After a moment, he shook his head and said: "It is very difficult. At least 120,000 frigates need to be in position in advance to have a certain chance of success..."

"Is there any way to destroy this shuttle ship without revealing that we are equipped with particle black hole thrusters?"

"Sir, do you want to..."

Zhao Yu nodded and said: "I want to take advantage of the enemy not knowing that we already have the particle black hole thruster to expand some results. A shuttle ship is really not worth it..."

"If that's the case..."

Uncle Da restarted the calculation and simulated on the premise that the particle black hole thruster would not be exposed.

Half an hour later, Uncle Da suddenly said in surprise: "Found it!"

Zhao Yu suddenly became energetic and quickly asked about the situation.

"The most important reason why we are worried about exposure is that the enemy has gravitational wave detectors and can conduct detection regardless of distance in the solar system..."

"But gravitational wave detectors also have a shortcoming, that is, when the gravity of large-mass objects covers small-mass objects, only large-mass objects can be seen on the detector..."

"Between Blue Star and Mars, there is a comet of considerable size..."

"We can force the enemy's shuttle ship close to the comet, and then hit it with the shuttle ship..."

Zhao Yu interrupted: "If the enemy knew that our warships were on the comet, would they still go there?"

"We have a large number of spaceships rushing to the fifth base every day. We can adjust the route a little..."

"When the transport ship passes the comet and there is only a 1-second window for gravitational waves to contact and merge, just leave the shuttle ship behind..."

"In this way, we will not expose the fact that our shuttle ship is equipped with a particle black hole thruster, but also allow them to find the reason why the shuttle ship was destroyed afterwards..."

As Uncle Da spoke, he unfolded the star map and conducted a simulated blockade to pursue the enemy's shuttle ship.

Tens of thousands of frigates were operating in advance to support the front line, and responded in sequence just when the enemy shuttle ships arrived.

So everything seems to be just a coincidence, but it just happens to be able to force the shuttle ship near the comet.

Zhao Yu checked the simulation carefully and found no flaws. It was as if the enemy shuttle ship arrived near the comet accidentally or on its own initiative.

"Okay, let's do what you said and start deploying now!"

As he spoke, he paused again, "In addition, prepare a plan to ensure that the shuttle ship does not arrive here in case it is not intercepted near the comet..."

The distance between the moon and Blue Star is too close. At the speed of a shuttle, it can go from Blue Star to the moon in 57 seconds.

If the other party doesn't want to blow up the Blue Star, but blows up his moon first, that's the end of it.


"The energy at base point 177 is exhausted, and 100 frigates are filling in..."

"The energy at base point 192 is exhausted, and 100 frigates are filling in..."

On the vanguard fleet, Seth stared at the screen tightly, not daring to relax for a moment.

The 20-second counterattack vacuum period may seem simple, but it requires careful planning to ensure that every step is correct in order to allow shuttle ship No. 10 to pass safely.

"The rotation period of the first batch of fleets has stopped, and we are preparing to increase the attack power..."

Although the instructions issued by Seth may seem vague, in fact, the details have been issued in advance, and every warship clearly knows what it should do at what time.

The matter is of great importance, and everyone is nervous and operating meticulously.

"Shuttle Ship No. 10 is 10 million kilometers away from the Hades Fire Line..."

"8 million kilometers..."

"6 million kilometers..."

On the screen, shuttle ship No. 10 looked like a salmon, constantly dodging under countless laser attacks.

His dodge was planned in advance, taking advantage of the one-second gap when the base point energy was exhausted and the frigate replaced the position to find a safe space.

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At the fifth base, Li Zongheng originally planned to adjust the order of frigate replacement, but suddenly received a secret order from the moon base.

After careful inspection, he gave up adjusting the order and continued attacking according to the previous attack frequency and habits.

At the same time, he inserted his other hand into the console, and after a while, he calculated a position that would force the enemy shuttle ship to leave.

"You can't penetrate their shuttle ship here, otherwise the opponent will detonate the particle black hole collapse bomb and the entire defense line will fall..."

"It's best to let him leave in a dangerous way, so as not to arouse suspicion..."

According to raw data calculations, their fifth base really has no way of hitting the enemy's shuttle ship.

However, not long ago, the lunar base sent him a batch of new frigates and shuttle ships, equipped with particle black hole thrusters, which can easily intercept shuttle ships.

"Sir, I don't want to reveal that our spacecraft also has a particle black hole thruster so early. It seems that I want to take this opportunity to annihilate as many enemy warships as possible..."

With Li Zongheng thinking like this, he also began to think about any way to lure the enemy deeper. It would be best if all 60 vanguard fleets were put into the urn.

After thinking for a moment, I couldn't figure out the reason, so I simply stopped thinking about it and concentrated on dealing with the matter at hand.

On the screen, the enemy's shuttle ship No. 10 has broken through to a point 1 million kilometers outside the defense line.

At the same time, the enemy warships launched all kinds of attacks, instantly increasing the energy consumption of the base point laser.

Li Zongheng nodded slightly. He understood that the enemy's plan had officially launched. Next, it would depend on whose plan can succeed.

Thanks to uncle for the reward of 500 for Malatang

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