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Chapter 59 The Moro fleet is destroyed!

 "This is space!!"

"This is my first time in the universe!"

On the transport ship, people crowded around the windows, peering into the cosmic environment, and exclaimed in admiration.

In just four hours, tens of thousands of transport ships brought a total of nearly 4 billion people into the universe.

Nearly half of them are still staying at Blue Star either because they don’t want to come or because they haven’t caught up.

Colonel Chu was sitting on a shuttle ship, constantly coordinating to move some people on the transport ship to other transport ships so that they could go back to pick them up.

On the other side, the last seven warships led by Seth have arrived at the second line of defense.

Looking at the densely packed bases in front of him, Seth's heart sank to the bottom.

"They actually set up another layer of defense..."

"Are you going to lose?!"


Seth's face became ferocious, "We have put in so much effort, how could we fail!"

"Shuttle Ship No. 5, attack at full speed to create a gap in this defense line..."

"Cruiser No. 8, return the same way and kill all the pursuers..."

"Other warships, come with me and withdraw to a safe distance. When the defense line is broken, it will be time for us to make a contribution..."

At this point, Seth no longer feels sorry for the dead, and even has the idea of ​​​​sacrifice in his heart.

Even if everyone dies here, as long as the mission can be completed, he will be satisfied!

Having said that, Seth and the other four warships quickly retreated to a safe distance. Shuttle Ship No. 5 and Cruiser No. 8 also started taking action according to the instructions.

Shuttle ship No. 5 was the fastest and reached the critical point of 30,000 kilometers of the second line of defense in a short time.

"Captain, if we can explode, if we keep going forward, our probability of being hit will be highest..."

"We can't blow it up yet. Let's see how far away the command ship is from us..."

"250,000 kilometers..."

"Still within the affected area..."

The captain of the No. 5 shuttle fleet said: "Stand around for a while longer, wait until the command ship withdraws to a place 500,000 kilometers away from us, and then explode!"


In the universe, the first one to explode with fireworks was Cruiser No. 8, which led more than a thousand chasing battleships into hell.

For a moment, the entire universe was filled with scenes of more than a thousand warships exploding.

500,000 kilometers is a very large number within Blue Star, but it is not that large in the universe.

There is no shortage of spectators for this dazzling fireworks.

On the more than 10,000 transport ships, the originally noisy crowd suddenly became quiet.

Everyone stared intently at the fireworks that were so close at hand.

"Are we going to die?!"

Someone's Adam's apple squirmed and asked with a bitter look on his face.

"I don't know..."

"Mom, I'm afraid..."

Children are the most sensitive. They were disturbed by the atmosphere of the scene and burst into tears.

At this moment, everyone knows that mankind is on the verge of destruction.

What conspiracies, what hurdles that could not be overcome, are not important at this moment.

The only important thing is whether you can still survive?!

"Everyone, don't panic. In addition to the Mars defense line, there is a second line of defense 700,000 kilometers away from Blue Star..."

"See those white lights that keep flashing?"

"That is our laser defense system. It is sniping at the enemy at this moment. Victory belongs to us!"

At this juncture, Councilor Zhou and others kept calming the people.


Just when people feel relaxed.

The second line of defense, which was sniping at the enemy one by one, was torn apart in an instant.

"It's over..."

People panicked again.


"It's done!"

Seth showed a forced smile again and ordered: "Everyone is here, follow me to kill the enemy!"

The last five battleships rushed towards the breach in the second line of defense.

When they reached the defense line, thousands of warships suddenly appeared in front of them, blocking the entire way.

"Commander, what should I do?!"

Seth was silent.

After a moment, he said: "Battleship No. 6, you go and destroy them. Other battleships, follow me and withdraw!"

The plan is happening again.

The four battleships retreated, leaving only one battleship to rush in.

Two minutes and twenty-three seconds later, there was another bright fireworks, and there were nearly 5,000 battleships buried with the No. 6 battleship.


"It exploded. More than five thousand of our warships were destroyed..."

"What to do?!"

On the transport ship, all mankind was paying attention to the frontline battlefield. Seeing so many of their own warships exploded, they panicked again.

In the universe, human eyes can even see stars 2.5 million light-years away, let alone a battlefield 800,000 kilometers away?

"Don't panic, everyone. This war is commanded by the Pangu people stationed on the moon. They have rich experience in space operations and there will be absolutely no problems..."


Once again, when Seth led the remaining three warships back to the defense line, a scene that made him desperate happened.

At the gap, there were once again five thousand warships.

The enemy's warships seem to be free of charge. You can have as many as you want.

What was even more desperate was that around them, warships began to appear from all directions.


At such a close distance, Zhao Yu naturally discovered Seth and others and would not let the enemy attack.

When the opponent implemented the same plan for the second time, he asked the other spacecraft to leave from a distance and conduct a detour to surround them.

Due to the other party's use of large-scale electromagnetic interference, the reconnaissance equipment on both sides was basically ineffective and could only be seen with the naked eye. This allowed the encirclement to be formed smoothly.

Seth looked at the warships slowly approaching from up, down, front, left, and right from multiple directions. He felt a sense of sadness in his heart and gave the last order.

"Everyone has it, charge!"

The four battleships, as if they were not afraid of death, also rushed towards the group of battleships that covered the sky and the sun.

Naturally, Zhao Yu would not let them get close. The five thousand warships spared no effort and kept attacking with full firepower.

"Energy shield dropped to 50%..."

"Energy shield dropped to 30%..."

"Warning, the energy shield has dropped to 10%... Please replenish energy in time..."

Electronic sounds kept coming to his ears, but Seth turned a deaf ear.

Even his command ship is like this, let alone other battleships?


At this moment, the battleship rushing at the front finally couldn't hold it anymore and was hit by an attack that looked like lightning, instantly turning it into pieces.

"Keep rushing!"

In just one thousand kilometers, another battleship was destroyed.

Before they died, they did not press the red button.

Everyone places their hopes on the command ship.


The last battleship in front of the command ship that blocked a lot of damage was blown up.

"Warning, the energy shield remains at 1%, please abandon the ship and flee..."

"Didi didi~~!"

An attack has been locked on the computer. According to calculations, when that attack hits the spacecraft, the command ship will be destroyed.

"How far are we from Blue Star now?!" Seth turned and asked.

"780,000 kilometers..."

"It failed..."

Seth murmured to himself, watching the roaring final blow, and slapped the red button.


The tens of thousands of besieging warships were all turned into funerals at this moment, and together with the Moro fleet, they were wiped out in ashes.

At this point, all spaceships in the Moro fleet, except the mothership, have been destroyed.

(End of Volume 2.)

Summary at the end of the volume:

There are too many limitations of the laws of the universe, and it is difficult to write the plot in a fun way. With the speed of 20,000 updates in the past, I can only update 4,600 per day after racking my brains to write this book, which is somewhat unsatisfactory.

The third volume, "Defend the Solar System," should make the plot as enjoyable as possible under reasonable circumstances.

Thank you readers for your support.

I wish all readers here good health, all the best, and all their wishes come true.

This chapter has been completed!
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