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Chapter 26 The consequences of failure to use gene potion!

 "Zhou Xi, have you read the alien information?!"

In a certain conference room, a middle-aged man with white hair sat on the boss's chair and said to a woman in her twenties wearing a tight black silk suit.


Zhou Xi had a heroic look on his brows, not like a purebred vase. He frowned slightly and said, "Master Butler Bai, can something like this created by Rizhao really break the upper limit of human lifespan?!"

"There is a high possibility, if they can really develop a way for humans to retain their own sanity when being parasitized, or parasitizing others..."

Butler Bai shook his head and said: "Their progress is already ahead of us..."

"Ninth level genetic enhancement, we have been stuck here for several years..."

"The Research Institute stated that if you can break through the ninth level, any subsequent realms will be able to break the upper limit of human genes and gain a longer lifespan..."

Zhou Xi heard that it was related to gene potions and asked tentatively: "Master Butler Bai, is there any progress at the scientific research institute in breaking through the ninth-level genetic enhancement?"


Deacon Bai sighed, "The executive in charge of this area now is that old man, and he implements conservative plans..."

"You mean...shooting the loser?" Zhou Xi asked.


Butler Bai nodded and said: "All existing examples are the 1% of survivors..."

"According to the Research Institute, the remaining 99% of losers also have a certain chance of mutation in another field..."

"No matter what kind of mutation it is, it is highly likely that it will eventually break through the ninth level limit. Even if the mutated thing is irrational, it will be of great help to us in studying how to make living people control the limit breakthrough..."

"It's a pity that there are regulations set by the old man, and every loser will be killed..."

Zhou Xi was a little confused and didn't quite understand what the boss meant by what he said today.

She smiled charmingly and twisted her butt, "Do you want to eat fish today?"

Butler Bai glanced at her black stockings, curled his lips and said: "I'm tired of it, if you can help the group share the worries..."

Zhou Xi seemed to understand, suppressed his smile, and asked, "What are your plans?"

"Where is the place where Rizhao Group conducts experiments on aliens?"

"Near Blackstone City?"

"What's the time to deliver the gene potion to Black Rock City?"

Zhou Xi quickly took out the memo, read it over, and said: "Today, in an hour..."

She seemed to understand something, "You mean, sacrifice Black Rock City?!"


Butler Bai was speechless, "The destruction of Black Rock City will attract the attention of the executive..."

Zhou Xi bit his finger, "Then pick a wild force?"


Seeing Butler Bai nodding, Zhou Xi was a little worried, "What if it spreads out of control, will we become sinners?"


Butler Bai sneered, "Are you still afraid of this?!"

Zhou Xi suddenly raised his voice and said in a coquettish tone: "Oh, I'm just a little girl. In history, at best, she is a disaster. I'm afraid it's you, Mr. Bai, who will get the real infamy..."<


A smile broke out at the corner of Butler Bai's mouth, and he said: "Infamy? What I do is a good deed to make mankind immortal. I may be a sinner at the moment, but in the entire history of mankind, if I succeed, I will be an immortal saint.

It is human faith..."

"Yes, yes, can the little lady invite the saint for a drink?"


The top floor of a school.

Several students who were patrolling suddenly heard a buzzing sound.


"The logo of Luwei Group!"

"They should be sending gene potions to Black Rock City..."

"Boy, don't be surprised. We see this thing every day. You didn't know it when you first came..."

Just when a man who is pretending to be mature is putting on a show for another person.

The student's eyes widened and he pointed in the distance, "It's... it's fallen!"

Everyone turned around, and sure enough, a helicopter began to circle in mid-air. It seemed that the aircraft had lost control and the pilot was trying to correct it.

As if drunk, the helicopter danced in the air and staggered towards the ground.


With a loud noise, the whole school was alarmed!

"What happened?!"

"The helicopter crashed!"

"Luwei Group's helicopter!"

Soon, the news spread to the leader of the school, a boy with thick eyebrows who looked to be in his early twenties and had a square face.

He hurried out of the door and asked: "What's going on?!"

A student quickly said: "Brother, the Luwei Group's helicopter crashed outside the school!"


The boy with thick eyebrows was startled and hurriedly led people towards the school.

When a group of dozens of them arrived with various types of firearms and rescue supplies, the crashed helicopter had been broken into pieces, wreckage was everywhere, and there were several charred bodies on the ground that were stained with strong flames.

"Put out the fire!"

Thick eyebrows gave the order.

"How to destroy this..."


"We are short of water too!"

"Then use sand..."

Seeing that the people he brought were quarreling, his thick eyebrows showed a helpless expression, and said loudly: "Stop arguing, take action, whether it is water or sand, put out the fire first!

Seeing the leader speaking, the others finally stopped moving and divided into two waves. One wave ran back to get water, and the other wave dug sand nearby to put out the fire.

After more than twenty minutes of struggling, the fire was finally put out.

"Let's see if there are any survivors!" He said with a solemn expression with thick eyebrows, and his eyes seemed a little sad.

Others have different expressions, ranging from sad eyes like his to faintly excited ones.

Soon, a group of people dispersed and started searching the area where the helicopter wreckage was scattered.

"This is what I saw first..."

"Damn it, whoever meets me has a share, give me half..."

Most people did not take Thick Eyebrow's words to heart, but instead competed for valuable items in the helicopter.

At this moment, someone suddenly shouted excitedly.

"Gene Potion!"

This voice directly attracted everyone's attention.

Even the thick eyebrows couldn't help but put down the corpse in their hands and looked sideways.

Over there, several people are holding a box that is as burnt as black coal, and you are fighting for it.

Seeing this, Thick Eyebrows hurried over.

"What's going on?!"

"Brother, I discovered this first, and he snatched it from me..." A boy who was hunched over and holding the black box tightly in his arms shouted anxiously.

"I saw the fart first..." Another boy said reluctantly.

When other people saw this, they all spoke up, saying that they had also seen it and should get a share of the pie.

Hearing everyone's chattering, Thick Eyebrows suddenly became extremely irritated, but he reluctantly persuaded: "Stop making noise..."

I said it several times, but no one listened, and my thick eyebrows felt a little helpless. I could only go back to the corpse again and try to see if I could revive the person.

After a while, people didn't argue and came up with a result, and they found the thick eyebrows again.

"Sister-in-law, this thing is too valuable. You are the most fair. Please share it with us..."

Seeing this, Thick Eyebrow put down the body again, stood up, looked around, and asked: "How many gene potions are there?!"


The man holding the box said.

"Are there any others around?!"

"Some of them have been broken. I don't know if they can still be used..." Another man was also holding a broken box, and many people surrounded it.

In his hand, there was an injection needle with broken glass.

"Then it definitely can't be used!"

Thick eyebrows shook his head and reminded: "Everyone, please stop going. There is a risk of death when injecting gene potions. Not whoever gets it can become an enhancer..."

As soon as these words came out, everyone calmed down and were no longer as noisy as before.

"Brother Yi, what do you think we should do?!"

"Let's do this. According to the regulations of our school, credits will be awarded based on different contributions..."

"As for these three gene potions, Sun Hao, you found the box first, and you have the right to first choose whether to inject the gene potion..."

"The rest will be auctioned based on credits..."

Following Thick Eyebrow's words, others gradually accepted this distribution method and began to concentrate on looking for other supplies.

Only then did Thick Eyebrow finally get this black charcoal box.

When he opened it, he found, sure enough, three syringes that were exactly the same as the gene potions he had injected before were lying inside.

"Yi Ge, if I don't take the injection, how many credits will be counted towards me?!" Sun Hao asked excitedly from the side.

"We'll talk about this later when we get back. It depends on the bidding results..."

Soon, everyone over there had swept through the helicopter wreckage. After getting all the useful things, they were ready to go back.

But Thick Eyebrow stopped everyone and said: "Wait a minute, take these corpses and bury them in the mountain behind the school..."

Everyone was stunned and said hesitantly: "Brother Yi, this is the body of an outsider. Isn't it appropriate to bury it in our school?!"

"That's a human being too!" Thick Eyebrow said with rare anger.

Seeing this, the rest of the people could only follow his instructions and take the bodies of the people who died when the helicopter crashed with them.

The group of people returned to the school in a grand manner. As soon as they entered the school gate, another large number of girls came to greet them.

"Brother, what's going on?!"

The thick eyebrow shook his head and sighed, "It's the Luwei Group's helicopter, there are no survivors!"

At this time, Sun Hao on the side said quickly: "I found three gene potions!"

"What!?" Everyone was shocked and asked about the situation.

"Go back first, then we'll talk after we get back!" Seeing that everyone was about to make a fuss again, Thick Eyebrows quickly dissuaded him and pointed to the teaching building in the distance.

This time, no one made any more trouble, and followed Thick Eyebrow all the way to the cafeteria hall.

The black box containing the gene potion was reluctantly placed on a table against the wall by Sun Hao.

The thick-browed man stood in front of the table, looking at the cafeteria full of people and the people who were crowded at the door and unable to get in. He said, "Everyone, the biggest gain from this trip is the three gene potions..."
"Because of the rarity, importance and particularity of this item, we choose to bid by auction this time..."

"I took a look and found that these three gene potions should be the same as the agility potions I have used, which enhance agility..."

"But I would like to remind everyone that the mortality rate of using genetic potions is not low, so everyone must be cautious in auctioning..."

Sure enough, as soon as he said these words, everyone who was originally excited suddenly became hesitant.

The crowd below also began to whisper to each other again, seeming to be considering whether to auction.

Thick eyebrows are not in a hurry and are waiting patiently.

After a long time, many people thought about it clearly, and most of them withdrew from the auction, giving up their front row seats.

And some bold and confident people stood in the front row under the gaze of everyone.

"I, Ye Fan, have been very lucky since I was a child. I have never had any illnesses or disasters. If I use the gene potion, there will be no problem!" A boy walked up carelessly and said with confidence.

"You, Huang Zhengyi, are the only first-level enhancer in our school, and you are a boy, so I want to use this gene potion on behalf of the girls..."

Another girl, Zheng Lingran, said: "Female compatriots, if I don't have enough credits later, you have to help me..."

"That's necessary, we women must rise up!"

"What women? We are girls!"

A bunch of warblers and swallows were chirping at the bottom, causing the boys to laugh.

The thick-browed man on the stage also smiled and said: "I hope you girls will come up with an enhancer..."

After waiting for a while, three people came out of the crowd again, two men and one woman. Together, there were a total of five people participating in the bidding, three men and two women.

Seeing this, Huang Zhengyi said: "Is there anyone else who wants to participate? If not, I will start..."

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"Yi Ge, hurry up!"

"Yeah, let's start quickly!"

Huang Zhengyi shouted twice, and it wasn't until someone urged him below that the bidding started.

"The starting price is one hundred credits..."

"101" Ye Fan shouted a price first.

"102" said a girl not to be outdone.

"I'll give you 130 credits!" The girl who finally joined said very domineeringly.

This voice immediately heightened the atmosphere of the scene.

People started making noises, causing Huang Zhengyi to shout for silence repeatedly, and then he controlled the situation.

After a period of fierce bidding, three gene potions were finally won by two boys and one girl.

Seeing this, Huang Zhengyi immediately nodded and said: "Okay, I announce that the three gene potions will belong to Ye Fan, Zhang Han, and Cai Shuya..."

"When do you plan to start?!"

"Just go here, get the injection earlier, and become an evolver earlier!"

Ye Fan said directly, looking at the gene potion on the table full of desire.

The other two people also looked like they would take the injection now.

At that time, the three of them were impatient, and other viewers naturally wanted to see the evolution process with their own eyes.

Huang Zhengyi hesitated for a moment and then said: "When I used the gene potion in Black Rock City, I tested my body in advance. If you use it so rashly, will it..."

"Yi Ge, does Black Rock City test the body of everyone who uses gene potions?"


"That's it, there are quite a few who have died after the test. It doesn't matter if there is no test. Anyway, everyone just depends on their fate!" Ye Fan said with a relaxed look, and a trace of nervousness could be seen on his face.

The other two were not as free and easy as him, and their palms and backs were sweaty.

"Okay, I've said all the risks that need to be mentioned, and then it depends on your fate..."

Cai Shuya quickly said: "Brother Yi, did you have any experience when you used the gene potion?"

Huang Zhengyi scratched his head and said: "In Black Rock City, everyone is injected in a separate room, and their hands and feet are tied. How about I tie you up too?"

"I don't want it!"

Cai Shuya shook her head and said: "The kidnapping must be to prevent us from moving around in pain. I'm not afraid of pain..."

"Haha, it's just pain, not worth mentioning," Ye Fan also said with a proud look.

Another boy, Zhang Han, wanted to be tied up, but seeing that the other two were unwilling, wouldn’t it make him appear timid if he said so??!

After thinking about it, he finally said nothing.

"Hurry up, stop inking!"

"That's right, hurry up and get the injection. Let's see what happens!"

The people around them were impatient and started urging them to watch the three people injecting the gene potion.

"Okay, let's start!" Seeing this, Huang Zhengyi stopped insisting and nodded for the three of them to start.

Soon, three gene potions were injected along the arteries on the three people’s arms.

"How is it?!"

The people around him immediately gathered around with curious faces.

“Very cool!”

Ye Fan said with a stinking look on his face: "I feel a force growing in my body, I will become a superman soon!"


Everyone burst into laughter, thinking that Ye Fan was still in the mood to joke at this moment, so that should be good.

Huang Zhengyi also looked at the three of them nervously. He did have a painful experience when he injected the gene potion.

Sure enough, after a while, the three of them began to suffer.

"It hurts, it hurts~~!"

Ye Fan immediately fell to the ground and kept shouting in pain. Another boy, Zhang Han, also collapsed on the ground like him, with a ferocious face.

On the contrary, Cai Shuya, although her expression was also very painful, she still stood and did not fall.

"Why don't you also lie down, it can alleviate the pain a little..." Huang Zhengyi saw this and quickly comforted him.

"I...it's okay!" Cai Shuya gritted her teeth and said, while several little girls around her wisely supported her shaky body.

"Huang Zhengyi, don't underestimate our sister Ya, she is strong!"

"That's right, don't underestimate us girls..."

"Damn it, don't talk, it hurts~~!" Ye Fan couldn't help but screamed after hearing these words.

When several girls saw this, they instinctively wanted to refute, but seeing Ye Fan rolling on the ground, they held back.

"Yi Ge, let's just watch like this?!"

The three people who had been injected with the gene potion were all in terrible pain, which made the people around them a little intolerable and asked Huang Zhengyi if there was anything he could do.

"No way, that's how I came here in the first place!" Huang Zhengyi shook his head. What really worried him was whether any of the three people would fail. If they failed, they would die!


Ye Fan's screams became louder and louder, his body kept struggling, and he even started to hit the ground with his head in pain, which made the people around him shudder.

The previous mentality of watching the excitement has dissipated, and many people are glad that they did not bid.

When Huang Zhengyi saw this, he quickly said: "Everyone, hold him down quickly!"

He was afraid that if Ye Fan hit him again, the gene potion would not kill him, but he would just hit himself to death.


When everyone heard this, a few people who were close immediately rushed forward, and four or five people worked together to control Ye Fan's arms, legs, and limbs.

After a while, Zhang Han couldn't help it anymore and started to hit his head with his fist.

"Hold him down!"

Several more people came forward and held Zhang Han down.

"Sister Ya, are you okay?!" The condition of the two boys at the scene scared many people. Several girls who were supporting Cai Shuya quickly asked her about her situation.

"I'm fine..." Cai Shuya said with her teeth almost broken, holding back the pain.

This made everyone look at her differently. They didn't expect that Cai Shuya could actually endure the pain that two boys couldn't bear.

Could it be that a woman’s body is more suitable for taking gene potions?!

"Damn it, a few people are coming, I can't hold you back anymore!"

At this moment, the person pressing Ye Fan suddenly felt that Ye Fan's struggle was getting stronger and stronger.

Suddenly, several more people joined in, turning into a dozen people suppressing Ye Fan alone.

Zhang Han on the side quickly experienced all this.

"It must succeed..."

Some people in the crowd have already begun to pray.

"What happened to his eyes?!"

A boy who was pressing Ye Fan suddenly discovered that the black holes in Ye Fan's eyes were draining away.

"Yi Ge, what's going on?!"

Huang Zhengyi looked confused. When he took the gene potion, there was no mirror facing him. He didn't know if Ye Fan was the only one like this.

"Why are his eyes gone?!"

"That's called Tong Kong..."

Sure enough, as everyone exclaimed, the black holes in Ye Fan's eyes completely disappeared and turned into gray-white.

"Ye Fan, are you okay?!"

"Ye Fan!

Just when everyone was a little anxious, Ye Fan suddenly raised his hand and bit the neck of the nearest boy.

"Ah~~!" The boy screamed, feeling that his neck was about to break.


Blood splattered everywhere, shocking everyone.

But he didn't finish it, he turned around and bit another person.

"Ye Fan is crazy!"

Everyone yelled, and the movements that originally suppressed him slowed down.

"Quickly, control him!" Huang Zhengyi said quickly.

Just as everyone was in a hurry, "Ah~" another scream sounded.

Zhang Han on the side also followed in Ye Fan's footsteps, his eyes turned gray, and he bit at the people around him.

"Damn it, can't it be rabies?!"

On Zhang Han's side, a boy had already been pounced on, lying on his body and biting him crazily.

"Stop him quickly!"

The girls in the cafeteria screamed loudly.

When Huang Zhengyi saw this, he didn't care about anything else. He hurriedly separated from the crowd and rushed to the front. He grabbed Zhang Han's shoulders and tried to push him open.


Behind them, after seeing the two men in the field going crazy, the other girls who were still supporting Cai Shuya immediately let go and let her fall to the ground.

"Quickly, find a rope!

"Damn it, who brought the medical kit? My hand was bitten by the mad dog Ye Fan..."

There was a rush at the scene, and everyone spent a lot of effort, and at the cost of about ten people being bitten, they tied up Ye Fan.

On the other hand, Huang Zhengyi suppressed Zhang Han to the ground with just three men.

Although he is a first-level enhancer of the agility system, his strength has been slightly enhanced, making him much stronger than ordinary people.

"Damn it, Zhang Han, are you crazy?!"

Huang Zhengyi was a little angry. The boy who had just been bitten by Zhang Han was already lying on the ground, spitting blood, and was about to die.

"Hurry and save people!"

The scene became increasingly chaotic, with people grabbing medical kits and looking for ropes.

In addition to the two crazy parties, there were more than a dozen people who were bitten, all of whom were seriously injured. They were taken to the back and began to bandage their wounds.

"What the hell is going on!?"

Feeling Zhang Han's increasingly stronger struggle, Huang Zhengyi was completely stunned.

Did he succeed in strengthening or failed? If he failed, why didn't he just die?!

"Ah, what are you doing?!"


At this moment, there was a commotion from behind.

"What's wrong!?" Huang Zhengyi suddenly felt irritated. When he turned his head, he found that the crowd began to commotion, and a large number of people dispersed.

Immediately afterwards, he discovered that a classmate next to him who was having fun was chasing several girls.

"Damn it, when is it, you still have thoughts..."

But soon, Huang Zhengyi realized something was wrong. After the boy pounced on the girl, he bit her neck directly.

It can be seen from the splattered blood that the boy seems to be crazy!

Not only him, but everyone who had been bitten by Ye Fan and Zhang Han before was now in a state of chasing others.

"Madman's disease!"

"Run quickly!"

I don't know who shouted, and people in the cafeteria fled in all directions.

Most of the crazy people chased the crowd, while a small number came towards the few people who were still suppressing Ye Fan and Zhang Han.

"Sister-in-law, what should I do?"

Several people were shocked. Anyone could understand the situation at the scene. After being bitten, it seems that they will be infected and become crazy.

"Run, I'll cut off the queen!"

Huang Zhengyi had no time to think too much and quickly let the others escape, leaving him to deal with these crazy classmates alone.



Zhao Yu just woke up. After seeing the new daily tasks, his penis shrank suddenly.

[Daily mission: Clean up all the zombies in this campus]


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