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Chapter 21 The situation in the inner circle!

 "Who are you and why did you attack us?!"

Zhao Yu came to the two prisoners and asked in a deep voice.

"We are from the Bahuang Alliance..." The two of them had no loyalty at all, so they directly told their details.

The so-called Bahuang Alliance is a force in this inner circle.

The main purpose is to follow the groups that come here to trade around Wangfeng Valley and carry out tracking and robbery.

The first ones to be targeted were not them, but the members of the bandit group.

Because the bandit group was wiped out by them, this group of people paid attention to them.

"What's the name of the person you're following?!" Zhao Yu asked, remembering the Qinggong master he was chasing in the afternoon.

"His name is Guo Yang, a threshold-level expert, but his Qing Gong is very good. It is said that he has reached the proficiency level..."

Then, Zhao Yu asked about the situation of the Bahuang Alliance.

Only then did we know that there are eight teams in the Bahuang Alliance, and each team has at least two extreme experts, and the top three teams have more than three extreme experts.

In addition, people in the Bahuang Alliance have many martial arts secret books.

"You have so many martial arts secrets, why don't you two know martial arts?!"

Zhao Yu asked with some confusion.

In the previous battle, he found that except for the white-armored leader who knew martial arts, most of the other threshold-level people did not use martial arts very much.

The corners of the two prisoners' mouths twitched, saying that martial arts is very difficult to learn, and it would be difficult for normal people to even get started.

Those who can master a martial art are extremely talented people.

However, the two said that learning martial arts in the camp would be faster and many times better than learning from secret books.

They don't know exactly what the quick method is, it's just a rumor circulating among the people.

Then, Zhao Yu learned about some situations in the inner circle.

There are many forces that hunt other groups around Wangfeng Valley, and their Bahuang Alliance is considered one of the stronger forces.

"Aren't you afraid of offending Wangfeng Valley by doing this?!"

Zhao Yu asked with some confusion. According to what they said, Wangfeng Valley is one of the five overlord-level forces outside the camp.

I don’t know exactly how strong it is, but it is far from what the Bahuang Alliance can compare to.

One of them laughed sarcastically and said: "The captain of our first team in the Eight Wilds Alliance is from Wangfeng Valley. With him taking care of things, everything will be fine..."

"Of course, we will only attack wealthy groups, such as individuals or small teams with a few or dozens of zero-coin transactions. We generally don't bother to attack..."

"Wangfeng Valley also has its own specialized law enforcement team to severely crack down on those hunting teams that target small teams and individuals..."

Zhao Yu almost understood what they meant. Large hunting teams like the Bahuang Alliance basically have interests in collusion with Wangfeng Valley, and the two sides rarely conflict.

Most of those targeted by Wangfeng Valley are small hunting teams with little background, or wild hunting teams that have not turned in their harvest.

Li Hongwei on the side was a little confused and said: "Since Wangfeng Valley is a trading place, why does it sound so short-sighted?!"

Zhao Yu nodded slightly. He thought so too. He felt that looking at the Wind Valley was a bit of a waste of money.

This seems to reveal that even in Wangfeng Valley, it will be very difficult if you don't work hard to make money.

The two prisoners seemed to know something and quickly said: "The five overlord-level forces are not determined by the camp..."

"The rules of the camp are that whoever gets the five first-order coins can go to the camp to trade..."

This was not the first time that Zhao Yu heard about the campground and quickly asked about the relevant content.

"We don't know the situation over there in the camp either..."

"However, I have been in the Bahuang Alliance for almost a month. In the past week, our alliance has indeed been hunting quite frequently..."

A prisoner said mysteriously: "When I was drinking with the boss, I overheard him mention that the people in charge of the camp seemed to be leaving for a more advanced place..."

"There seems to be some opportunity here. The five overlord-level forces are all ready to make a move..."

Zhao Yu was confused when he heard this, and felt that the information blockade here was too severe.

A good camp has been turned into a private domain. Even to purchase goods in the camp, you need to become one of the five overlord-level forces.

Otherwise, without those five first-level coins, anyone who enters the camp will die.

Zhao Yu felt a headache just hearing about the five overlord-level forces.

There are nearly twenty extremely powerful people in the Bahuang Alliance alone, and all of them have learned martial arts.

What's more, what about the five overlord-level forces such as Wangfeng Valley that are stronger than them?!

"We almost wiped out seven of your teams. What will the Bahuang Alliance do when they find out?!"

"I'll come after you..."

The prisoner hesitated for a moment, then told the truth truthfully.

The group of people suddenly became nervous and looked at Zhao Yu, waiting for him to make a decision.

"Brother Yu, the Bahuang Alliance is so strong, we can't resist..."

"How to run now?"

"How about running away?!"

"Why are you running? The large army is still behind. They might be here soon..."

"But, what if when they come, people from the Bahuang Alliance also come?!"

The group of people were all talking.

Only then did the two prisoners realize that this group of people had just come out of the novice area.

This shocked them greatly, and they didn't understand how Zhao Yu, an extremely powerful person, became so powerful.

"Brother Yu, how about we go back..."

"Yes, let's go back first and find the main force before we discuss the next move..."

Several people suggested to go back and find the main force first, and then plan the next step.

Unexpectedly, as soon as these words came out, the two prisoners were shocked and said quickly: "We can't go back!"

Cai Shuying was furious, "You two guys, do you really think that after saying so much, I won't dare to kill you?"

"Can you two interfere in our internal affairs?!"

The two people suddenly showed panic expressions and hurriedly expressed that they didn't mean it.

"That's not what we meant..."

"Those who leave the novice area and return to the novice area will be chased by a large number of monsters..."

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"Especially if there are extremely powerful people among you, you might provoke king-level monsters..."

Everyone was stunned, and after some questioning, they learned that the area south of the dividing road is a novice area. Once you leave, you cannot easily return.

Otherwise, a large number of monsters will emerge, and the strength of these monsters is far beyond normal, especially the extremely powerful ones, which will attract king-level monsters.

"What level is a king-level monster?!" Zhao Yu asked with some confusion.

"A king-level monster is said to be as powerful as a first-level monster, and cannot be matched by any extremely powerful person..."

The two recalled: "When we first came to the inner circle, it was said that one of the five overlord-level forces once planned to hunt a king-level monster..."

"The result is that the overlord-level force is directly destroyed..."

"Later, the first-order token they lost caused many forces to fight for it, and was finally taken by the Bloody Rose..."

Bloody Rose is the only one among the five overlord-level forces that is composed entirely of women.

It is said that the leader Blood Rose was once captured by other forces and suffered inhuman treatment like more than 20 female students here.

After a lucky escape, he began to search and rescue women who were arrested by various forces, and gradually became bigger and stronger.

Hearing this, Zhao Yu frowned.

There were more than twenty overlord-level forces and extremely powerful people, but they were destroyed by king-level monsters.

One can imagine how strong that king-level monster is.

Judging from this, he definitely cannot return to the novice area south of the dividing road, otherwise he will cause trouble for everyone.

Xiao Xiaolong suddenly stood up and said nervously: "Then if a threshold-level expert returns to the novice area, what kind of monsters will it attract?!"

"At least there will be leader-level monsters appearing..."

Xiao Xiaolong quickly asked: "What is the strength of a leader-level monster?!"

"The strength of boss-level monsters varies, depending on their race. The weak ones are only equivalent to our threshold level, but the strong ones can stand up to the extremely powerful..."

Before he finished speaking, Xiao Xiaolong looked at Zhao Yu with a look of fear, "Oh no, if we returned before, didn't we bring trouble to the army?!"

Everyone immediately realized that when Xiao Xiaolong returned with dozens of people, he might attract a large number of powerful monsters.

The strongest of them happened to leave again, so wouldn’t the remaining people have to face this alone?!

If there really is a monster among them that is comparable to the most powerful person, the consequences will be disastrous!

"No, I have to go back and save them!"

After Xiao Xiaolong suffered this incident, his temperament changed drastically. He felt that he owed his classmates too much and was eager to make up for it, even if it cost him his own life.

Zhao Yu quickly stopped him.

"If you go back now, you are just causing chaos and increasing the number of attacks by monsters..."

Xiao Xiaolong reacted and immediately jumped up and down anxiously.

Others are also a little uneasy and worried about the situation with the main army.

"According to what the two of them said, there is a positive correlation between the people who return to the novice area and the monsters they attract..."

"So, we can send one person back to report the situation and prevent them from coming here..."

After Zhao Yu finished speaking, he came to the two prisoners and asked them about the terrain and situation around them.

After some understanding, I found that the monsters in the inner circle are not weak in strength. The worst ones are leader-level monsters that are comparable to the most powerful ones, and the strongest ones are even king-level monsters.

Fortunately, these monsters have their own territories, and as long as they don't invade their territories easily, they rarely come out.

"So, the closer the monsters are to the dividing road, the weaker they are, and the closer they are to the camp, the stronger the monsters are?!"

"That's right..."

Zhao Yu was a little confused, "Then according to your statement, why are the five overlord-level forces staying away from the dividing road?!"

According to the descriptions of the two people, the powerful forces are basically far away from the dividing road, with the closest ones being dozens of kilometers away, and the far ones even hundreds of kilometers away.

"That's because the king-level monsters south of the dividing road will kill indiscriminately..."

After explanation, Zhao Yu finally understood the whole story.

The king-level monsters north of the dividing road rarely leave their territory under normal circumstances. For the most powerful of the major forces, as long as they do not provoke these king-level monsters, the most common danger is humans from other forces.

The king south of the dividing road is different. As long as he is lured out, he will not stop until he is killed in a river of blood.

Moreover, once these king-level monsters are lured out, there are very few restrictions. The most exaggerated record is that it is said that there were once king-level monsters that were hunted down from the novice area to outside the camp.

Wherever he went, not a blade of grass grew, and countless extremely powerful people died in vain.

"So, under normal circumstances, overlord-level forces would not dare to stay near this dividing road. If there is an extremely powerful person who cannot imagine it, run to the south of the dividing road and attract a king-level monster, everyone will die..."

Zhao Yu thought about it, and it was indeed true. Near this dividing road, even if the overlord-level forces have more than twenty extreme experts, they still have to be polite when facing the extreme experts of Sanren.

Otherwise, they will most likely break up and go directly to the south of the dividing road to die together with you.

Finally, after some discussion, Zhao Yu and others decided to leave here first and go to a place 20 kilometers east.

It's in the middle area between two boss-level monster territories, so it's a good place to go.

As for the person who tipped off the information, he chose a student who had been strengthened twenty times.

Let him return to the novice area, follow the mark when he came, find the large army, and have them go directly to a place 20 kilometers away to meet up to prevent being blocked here by the people of the Bahuang Alliance.

Fortunately, only the extremely powerful can elicit king-level monsters.

Twenty times of strengthening can at most lead to weaker, boss-level monsters equivalent to the threshold level.

The two sides did not dare to stay longer, so they split into two groups and left.

The two prisoners were not killed. They knew a lot of things and kept them for questioning.

Of course, Cai Shuying also exerted her strength. She defied all opinions and said: "Leave these two people to me, and I promise not to let them escape..."

Everyone knows exactly what she wants to do.

This woman is a bit perverted, just ugly, I heard she also likes to torture people.

The people who followed her before were all classmates after all, so she didn’t dare to go too far.

At this moment, there are two prisoners who can be treated as human beings, which is very suitable for her.

After a brief discussion, everyone decided to hand over the person to Cai Shuying.

However, Zhao Yu mentioned that if people are given to her, she can do whatever she wants, but she cannot harm their lives. After all, these two people know a lot, and keeping them can still be of some use.

Cai Shuying immediately said that there was no problem and she would never let the two of them die.

At this point, everyone took action again.

Start heading east.


On the other side, Guo Yang has excellent qinggong and is the first to return to the headquarters of the Bahuang Alliance.

"Where is the leader?!"

As soon as he entered the door, he started shouting loudly.

The person stationed at the station glanced at him and said calmly: "Are you able to inquire about the whereabouts of the alliance leader?!"

Guo Yang had no time to quarrel with them, and said quickly: "I have something important to report, and I must tell the leader..."

"Hmph, what's the matter? Just tell us. The leader is busy with everything, so how can he find the time to see you?!"

Guo Yang became angry and scolded: "Seven teams were wiped out together. Can you handle this kind of thing?!"

The man on guard was shocked and said angrily: "Guo Yang, you can't joke about this kind of thing. If you talk nonsense, be careful about your life..."

"Damn it, do I need to tease you? Go and inform the alliance leader!" Guo Yang said angrily.

Only then did the garrison realize that what Guo Yang said was true. They dared not delay and left in a hurry to find the leader of the alliance.

This chapter has been completed!
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