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Chapter 67 Blue Moon Company starts construction of factory!

 Chang'an Lanyue New District.

In order to hold this ribbon-cutting ceremony, Daxia, as the organizer, built a large auditorium overnight and installed many high-end decorations, making it very grand.

There is a row of tables and chairs at the top position, which is regarded as the guest seat. There is an open space between the guest seat and a bunch of musical instruments for warm-up performances.

Outside the door, all major media outlets were already in place and began pre-interviews before the ribbon-cutting.

With many well-known local figures standing at the door to personally greet the guests, the guests finally arrived, more than ten minutes earlier than the scheduled time.

Those who could watch the ribbon-cutting ceremony were all elites from all walks of life, and they were quite familiar with each other. Before the ceremony even started, they walked back and forth to communicate with each other.

"Hey, everyone, please take your seats. The ribbon-cutting ceremony will begin soon..."

On the stage, two hosts who are often active on Xiadu Radio are already in place.

After hearing this, the guests were very obedient and returned to their seats one after another.

People looked at the row of seats in front of them, curious about Blue Moon Technology and who would be coming.

The guests near the front row are the chairman of the major financial groups. Their sharp eyes have already seen the sign on the main seat.

"What does it mean that there is a brand in the middle but no name?!"

"Look, Congressman Chu is on the right side of the center..."

According to custom, the left side is bigger than the right side. The chairman of the board leaned forward one after another to look at the name on the left side of the center.

"Zhao Yu?!"

Several people looked at each other and remembered that when Congressman Chu had specially held a meeting with them to explain the agency rights of Blue Moon Technology Company, he mentioned Zhao Yu.

"Why is this Zhao Yu sitting one level higher than Congressman Chu?"

"I don't know, how do they arrange the seats?!"

The people present have countless factories under their control, and have participated in many ribbon-cutting ceremonies.

This is the first time I have seen something like this.

Amidst the murmurs of everyone's discussion, a group of people walked in from the backstage, walked straight to the main seat, and sat down corresponding to the names on the sign.

"That's Zhao Yu, he looks very young..."

"He is from Blue Moon Company, it doesn't say anything on the sign..."

As Zhao Yu and others took their seats, the host also officially announced the start of the ribbon-cutting ceremony.

"Deng Deng~Deng Deng~~"

The band members in the open space in the middle began to play music, and at the same time, various salutes were fired outside the door.

After the three-minute warm-up, the band members evacuated and entered the introduction session.

The host started from the middle position and introduced Zhao Yu first.

"This is the representative of Blue Moon Technology Company, Mr. Zhao Yu!"

Zhao Yu stood up in response, waved to the thousands of guests, and then sat down.

After introducing him, the supporter introduced the local sponsors such as Colonel Chu, as well as the important guests present.

Then it was the turn for the speeches, this time from the left to the right of the main seat.

They are basically local units, and the content of their speeches is to congratulate Blue Moon Technology Company for cutting the ribbon, and at the same time express that they will strongly support Blue Moon Technology in the coming time and jointly benefit mankind.

When it was Zhao Yu's turn, he did not stand up. Colonel Chu stood up beside him.

After some conversation, Colonel Chu changed the topic.

"I would like to take this opportunity to read out the contents of Daxia's "Robot ****"."

Some guests at the back were just surprised, they didn’t expect this step to happen.

The big bosses in the previous position were shocked.

This is the second time that the plan has been read out at the ribbon-cutting ceremony. The last time was when foreign investors were welcomed to invest in Daxia for the first time.

That was equivalent to an important turning point, which showed the world the business environment of Daxia and represented a new beginning for Daxia.

For this kind of thing to happen again is enough to show that Daxia attaches great importance to Blue Moon Technology Company.

"...(too real to be displayed)"

Many pieces of content are related to promoting people to buy robots into factories.

When Colonel Chu finished speaking and it was the next person's turn to speak, the guests below started talking in low voices.

"Is it too hasty to fully promote robots to replace human labor?!"

"It mentions limiting the proportion of robots purchased by manufacturers. Is this asking us to give profits to ordinary people?"

"Is this too fast? Can robots replace all human workers?"

"I'm a little anxious. Today's robots don't have such high intelligence..."

Almost no one listened to the speeches of the following few people. They waited until it was over and the host announced that the ribbon-cutting ceremony had officially begun, and people came back to their senses.

In the middle of the venue, there are already staff members carrying red ribbons and flower bouquets.

When all the ribbon pullers are in place, the guests below are curious about who will be the one to cut the ribbon.

A robot with a big red flower on its chest walked out from the background.


The guests were in an uproar.

Unexpectedly, the ribbon-cutting person turned out to be a robot.

At this time, the host also picked up the microphone and introduced.

"Blue Moon Technology Company adheres to the concept of benefiting mankind and has come step by step to where it is today..."

"The emergence of robots will completely replace human labor, free up hands, and allow everyone to live a life of support and dependence in old age..."

"Everyone can pursue their dreams..."

"This is a new era, a beautiful era in which everyone can survive without working..."

The host was very eloquent, even Zhao Yu was very moved after hearing it, and wanted to buy two robots to work for him...

Under the focus of long guns and short cannons, the robot picked up the scissors very steadily and cut the red silk.


The colored balls are placed on the tray.

The audience burst into warm applause.

Zhao Yu also clapped along.

On the side, Colonel Chu came over and whispered: "Mr. Zhao, after the visit, there will be cultural performances, dining and social activities, etc., will you participate?!"

Zhao Yu glanced at the gray-haired old men in the front row and didn't think he had anything in common with these people.

Just as he was about to speak, a robot walked up to Zhao Yu and whispered a few words.

Zhao Yu's expression changed, his brows furrowed slightly, and then he turned to Colonel Chu and said, "Forget it, you go ahead. I have something else to do, so I'll leave first!"

"Okay, then I will take the guests to visit the factory!" Colonel Chu agreed on the surface, but deep down he was wondering what happened to make Zhao Yu react like this.


Next, Colonel Chu took many guests to visit the factory under the full attention of the camera.

Along the way, many people discovered a situation.

"Have you noticed that the people from the top ten financial groups don't seem to be here..."

"I really didn't see it. Logically speaking, they should all be in the first row..."

"Could something happen?"

"I don't know. Let's go find out after it's over..."

There are also people who don’t pay attention to this.

"Compared to the top ten consortiums, I am more concerned about robots entering the factory..."

"What proportion can we take, and what is the profit we want to make?"

"If ordinary people can buy robots without interest, what will they do if they don't work anymore?!"

"Yes, how can ordinary people live without their jobs?!"

Everyone's face is full of sadness. This change seems to be a good thing for ordinary people, but for them, it is not so good.

But they know that when the content of Blue Moon Technology's ribbon-cutting event is broadcast on TV media, the world will be completely shocked.


Even before the ribbon-cutting ceremony of Blue Moon Technology Company started, there was already overwhelming publicity.

Almost everyone in the world is waiting in front of the TV to see the true face of Blue Moon Technology Company in Lushan.

Among them, Gao Qi and others were naturally included. They all went to He Jingxuan's home and gathered together to watch the ribbon-cutting ceremony.

"Next, I would like to invite a representative from Blue Moon Technology Company, the organizer of this event..."

Following the host's introduction, everyone's eyes widened. The moment they saw Zhao Yu appear on the stage, they were all dumbfounded.

"Zhao Yu?"

"Isn't he a technician?"

"Can he represent Blue Moon Technology Company?!!"

After looking at the screen, Zhao Yu was the only one representing Blue Moon Technology Company, and the living room gradually became quiet.

The whole process was silent until the robot cut the ribbon and Zhao Yu disappeared from the screen, and everyone came back to their senses.

He Jingxuan turned around and glanced around. Every student's eyes were full of shock and confusion.

"Who do you think Zhao Yu is?!"

"Being able to attend the ribbon-cutting ceremony on behalf of Blue Moon Technology Company..."

No one dared to pick up the second half of the sentence, it seemed too difficult to say.

He Jingxuan took a deep breath and said slowly: "He may be one of the founders of Blue Moon Technology Company..."

These words were like a bolt from the blue, making everyone dizzy.

The truth was before their eyes, and everyone recalled that in the hotel, when they talked about Zhao Yu's overestimation of his own abilities and his ill-informed remarks, it was like a slap in the face, and they only felt hot.

Wang Qian was a little unwilling to give up, "Even if he is one of the founders of Blue Moon Company, how dare he offend the top ten financial groups?!"

There was no one there to talk to.

From their perspective, there is no comparison between the top ten consortiums and Blue Moon Technology Company.

But no matter which side they are, it is not something they can talk about easily.

He Jingxuan thought of Zhao Yu's calm behavior when he saw him the last few times.

She not only sighed: "Zhao Yu, he is no longer from the same world as us..."


At this time, Gao Qi interrupted: "He is not from the same world as you, but he is still from the same world as you!"

The surrounding students responded to the call and shook their heads to persuade.

"Gao Qi, didn't you say before that you and Zhao Yu are not from the same world?"

"Yes, you are already in the past tense..."

Some people are disdainful, we are all classmates, why are you pretending to be stupid?!

"Huh, just watch, Zhao Yu will definitely come back to me..."

After Gao Qi finished speaking, he didn't know whether he was ashamed or angry, so he turned around and left.


Three hours later, after taking the guests to visit the factory, Colonel Chu hurried back to the base.

He wanted to report to Xiadu about Zhao Yu's sudden change of expression and sudden departure at the meeting.

Unexpectedly, as soon as the call was connected, I received a shocking news.

This chapter has been completed!
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