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Chapter 9 We are the Chinese Universe Federation

 "Sir, they can't be trusted!"

"I know!"

Zhao Yu nodded. Everything he had was given by the system. Since the system said that the law of the dark forest prevailed in the universe, he believed it.

"This Moro fleet must be trying to confuse us and send a spaceship to communicate at close range. Does it want to use the miniature black hole that comes with the spacecraft to blow up the Blue Star?"

"Sir, how should we reply?! Or not reply?!"


Zhao Yu stood up and paced back and forth in the command room, thinking about how to respond.

The enemy spacecraft must not be allowed in, even if they expose them or tear each other apart. If the other party becomes angry and attacks directly, he cannot bear it.

For the current plan, we can only continue to delay and find ways to frighten them.


Near Pluto.

"Brother, if we do this, can they believe it?"

"It doesn't matter whether they believe it or not. What matters is whether they can see the true face of the universe..."

"You mean neutrinos?"

"Not bad!"

Moro nodded and said: "Before we entered the level 2 civilization, we also kept dreaming about whether there was a federal family in the universe..."

"It wasn't until I could actually observe and read the information in neutrinos that I realized that the civilizations in the universe were in a state of perpetual death..."

According to the law of the dark forest, someone must have fired the first shot, which puts everyone in danger.

The time when the Glenn civilization entered the second level civilization is considered very late in the scale of the universe's nearly 20 billion years.

By the time they observed the information attached to the neutrinos, the dark forest law of the universe had already taken shape.

Just from the observation of neutrinos, more than 10,000 civilizations have been destroyed by other civilizations.

"Whether you can observe neutrinos and extract the cosmic information contained in them is an important sign of level 2 civilization..."

"If they don't know the truth of the universe and the laws of the dark forest prevailing in the universe, then they must be a civilization below level 2..."

Milo had a rare moment of wisdom. He scratched his head and said, "Brother, what if they can observe neutrinos, know the laws of the dark forest, and deliberately pretend not to know?"

"That's why I mentioned at the end that I am willing to send a harmless small warship to their planet for negotiation..."

Moro smiled confidently and said: "Like neutrinos, particle black hole technology is also the iconic technology of Level 2 civilization. If they are Level 2 civilization, they will definitely not dare to let us go to their home planet..."

"That's it..."

Milo said excitedly: "Then we only need to wait for them to reply to the message, and we will know their details..."


Moro shook his head and said: "They may not reply..."

"However, it would be better if they didn't reply. I have other better ways to know whether they are level 2 civilization..."


In the outer space of Blue Star, a robot is inspecting the canopy and laser defense system.

When the signal from the Moro fleet was sent, a chip on the sole of the robot's foot suddenly flashed and then disappeared quickly.


Moon base.

"We belong to the Chinese Universe Federation..."

"The Chinese Universe Federation is composed of 19 civilizations..."

"We are one of them, called Pangu Civilization..."

"We have not heard of the Universe Federation to which you belong..."

"But based on the concept that everyone who comes is a guest, we are willing to reach peaceful exchanges with you..."

"At the same time, we have contacted the Chinese Universe Federation to explain the situation of your visit..."

"However, we are restricted by the laws of the Chinese Universe Federation and cannot invite you to come to our home planet for the time being..."

"To express our apology, we are willing to send a peace envoy ship to communicate with Pluto with the highest courtesy..."

After Zhao Yu finished speaking, he added: "Also include the names of the eight planets in the solar system..."


Uncle Da nodded, and then asked: "Where should the positions of the other 18 civilizations be chosen?"

"It goes without saying..."

The Moro fleet obviously knows more than they do. It would be a bit stupid if someone happened to have visited any of the star systems they came out of.

"But what if we don't tell them and they don't believe that we are the Chinese Universe Federation?!"

"It's not important!"

Zhao Yu shook his head and said: "I am not saying this to use the name of the Chinese Universe Federation to pretend to be powerful..."

"Their purpose is to test whether we will let the warships come to the home star..."

"Particle black hole technology is a sign of Level 2 civilization. They probably want to take this opportunity to test whether we are a Level 2 civilization..."

Having said this, Zhao Yu couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, I spent 10,000 technology points to exchange for the technology tree of the Moro battleship.

Otherwise, if they rashly let the opponent's spaceship come over, Blue Star may be destroyed and their true identity will be exposed.

"Sir, as mentioned in the message, would it be too hasty to send an envoy spacecraft to Pluto..."

Uncle Da worriedly said: "What if they really let our warships pass by?!"


Zhao Yu shook his head and said: "They don't dare to bet on whether there is a particle black hole on our spacecraft..."

"This can be considered a false pretense, just taking advantage of their temptation to make them mistakenly think that we are a level 2 civilization..."

"In addition, we can also..."

Zhao Yu paused, frowned, and after thinking for a moment, shook his head and said no more.

He originally planned to make a few more specious moves to scare the other party, but he was afraid that it would be counterproductive, so he simply played it safe.

After editing the information, Zhao Yu checked it carefully and made sure there was no problem before asking Uncle Da to send it over.

The Moro fleet is 7 billion kilometers away from here, and it will take six and a half hours for the information to be transmitted at the speed of light.

Zhao Yu thought for a while and asked: "Uncle Da, what technologies can we still trade and return?"

"Only second-generation nuclear fusion, third-generation nuclear fusion and Hall thrusters can return technology points in total..."

Zhao Yu called out the system panel.

[Base: Level 1]


【Technology point:9121】

I took a look at the remaining technology points. I saw that there were 8,500 technology points left last time. In the past twenty days, it has naturally increased by more than 600 points. If you trade those three technology products, you can get technology points.
Using all these technology points can almost push the experience value to the point.

There is only 1079 experience points left to reach level 2.

According to the natural growth rate of science and technology points, it will take 44 days to reach level 2.

"Then trade!"

Zhao Yu continued: "After the transaction, I will have about 25,000 technology points. Is there anything I need to exchange for?"

"The mothership can be redeemed..."

"In addition, many life-related technologies can be redeemed..."

"No, I only want war-related technologies, and you can take a look..."

"There is still a big gap in life science technology that can be related to war, and it can consume at least 20,000 technology points..."

Zhao Yu nodded and asked Uncle Da to prepare these things. He got up and walked towards Yue'an City, intending to finalize the transaction first.

This chapter has been completed!
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