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180. Remains of saints

Lu Jian had never been to the desert before.

In his impression, the desert is not a beautiful and beautiful natural scenery, but a dangerous, dry and forbidden land where disasters may occur at any time.

When he was a child, he watched documentaries that mentioned that members of scientific expeditions went deep into Lop Nur and disappeared, and there were stories of quicksand traps in some movies, so Lu Tiao has always had a psychological shadow on the desert.

Now, the silver desert stretches as far as the eye can see. Everywhere you look, there is nothing but desert. There are no buildings, trees, or other people in sight.

There are no birds in the sky, and the world is completely silent.

In this world, Lu Tiao heard a buzzing sound.

It's like the sound of a certain metal vibrating under the pressure of the atmosphere. In layman's terms, it's like the vibration of a fighter jet's wings flying across the sky.

The buzzing sound came from the front, and at the same time, Lu Tiao also saw a beam of light that shot straight into the sky.

"What's this?"

He asked the giant man next to him.

"It seems that there are indeed treasures buried in this ruins."

Juzhi did not answer directly, but said something rather excited.

"That's the light of the saint's remains. We have to speed up. When this light appears, other wilderness hunters will definitely see it. In the wilderness, sometimes humans are more terrifying than monsters."

"The remains of a saint!??"

Lu Tan pretended to be surprised, but actually he was a little excited inside.

I didn't expect that I would be able to directly access the remains of the saint during this mission. It was really profitable.

"After the death of famous people, they often do not decay, but continue to walk on the earth for some reasons. Those of us in the wilderness know very well that ruins with the remains of saints usually have very precious treasures.


Flame Heart on the side explained.

"Famous person?"

Lu Tan heard the words he had never heard before and became interested.

"Haha, that is an existence that we can't reach. You don't need to pay attention. You just need to know that famous people are all saints. There is a saying in the wasteland that all saints are ants. Those guys will crush you to death.

It's easy to crush an ant."

The eyes of the giant wrist flashed with excitement.

"Then why are you so excited? Logically speaking, shouldn't we avoid them?"

Lu Tiao was curious again.

"Dead saints are different from living saints. Most dead saints act according to a certain special pattern. As long as we know the name of the other party, we can avoid danger to a certain extent."

Flameheart explained again.

"Moreover, we have obtained the names of the saints stationed here on our treasure map. It seems that those people have done a lot of research beforehand."

Juzhu patted the map on his chest.

"What's his name?"

Lu Tiao vaguely felt that this world has some special emphasis on names. Hunters in the wilderness do not use names but use nicknames, and saints are all famous people. Although it is not like in some novels, there is a power that will be controlled by knowing the real name.

But perhaps in the wilderness, names are even more important than life.

After all, even if a named saint is dead, he can still act as a corpse and possess great power. Even if many people are alive, they are as humble as ants.


Lu Tiao was stunned.

He didn't expect to hear this name from someone from a foreign land. Although the pronunciation was a little different, it was true that Lu Tiao knew very well that the name Ju Zhan said was the name that was popular in Lu Tiao's world.

Hero of the Trojan War, legendary warrior.

Are there such legends in foreign lands?

"What's this name?"

Shia asked on the side. She also looked a little curious. After all, it involves such a high-level concept as a saint. For a mage, understanding foreign gods and extraordinary powers is also a part of learning.

"I don't know. The names of famous people are all strange. It's just that it is recorded on this drawing that this saint is a very powerful and warlike guy."

The giant hand shook his head.

"These saints, where did their names come from?"

Lu Jian developed a strong curiosity.

Does being called Achilles really mean he has extraordinary fighting ability and is brave and good at fighting?

If his name were Einstein, would he be incomparably smart and intelligent?

Lu Tan felt that he could change his name to Invincible, and maybe he could pause time.

"I don't know. When the famous people were alive, no one knew what their names were. They could only be discovered after they died. No one knew where their names came from. Maybe they were ruins. There were rumors in the past.

, an ordinary wilderness hunter entered the ruins, found the treasure and became a saint, that's what everyone said."

Giant Wrist is also very interested in these, but for him, saints and the like are too far away and can only be adventure stories around the campfire.

"That's why the ruins on the moor are so desirable."

Flameheart smiled.

"And more importantly, becoming a saint can alleviate the symptoms of nucleosis. It is already difficult for people like us to live to the age of twenty-five, but saints can live for decades, even older than


For a moment, everyone fell silent.

Several people speeded up, as if they were trying to get to the ruins before others found out.

However, the position of the light was still a certain distance away from them. It was not until dusk fell that Lu Jian saw something out of the ordinary in the vast sand.

It was an abandoned city. The buildings had long since collapsed and the ruins were weathered. Only the bustling appearance could be vaguely discerned.

The city was so large that the entire horizon Lu Jian saw was occupied by the city. He roughly estimated that it was at least the size of an urban area in Jiang City. For a world hundreds of years after the end of the world, being able to preserve such a large urban area would be a big success.


The buzzing and light had long since disappeared, but Lu Jian knew very well that the light radiated at least a few hundred kilometers around it. It was a bit naive to expect that they would be the only ones in such a large area.

Therefore, it is imperative to enter the ruins as early as possible and race against time.

Riding a camel into the ruins, everyone had no time to appreciate the style of the old era. The giant wrist took out the blueprint in his arms and guided the team forward.

The sky darkens and the stars rise, illuminating the world.

Without lighting torches, a few people placed the camels under a relatively solid-looking wall, packed their luggage, and prepared to explore deep into the ruins.

Lu Tiao found that the technological level of the wasteland seemed to have regressed to a very backward level. Of course, it may also be because of the emergence of the superpower of the nucleosis, so people did not pay attention to the development of science and technology.

The five-person team had no thermal weapons and almost no bows and arrows. They used torches to explore the city and calculated time by looking at the position of the sun and stars. From these people, there was almost no trace of modern civilization.

In the darkness, as soon as they left the camel, they saw a firelight appearing in a corner of the city.

That must be other wilderness hunters.

This chapter has been completed!
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