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279. Did you pretend just now?

When Bai Qiquan saw the picture appearing on the big screen in the screening room, he took a deep breath.

Because this is a scene from "The Cry"!

For a moment, the cold and eerie feeling in the hospital, the air mixed with disinfectant, and the faint sound of a baby crying lingered around Bai Qiquan.

Back, all back. On this day, Bai Qiquan finally recalled the fear of being controlled by Nanhua Private Renji Hospital, and the humiliation of not even daring to walk back to the dormitory at night.

But because he had watched the movie several times, he finally had some patience.

No matter how scary the clip is, if you have watched it several times and can recite the subsequent plot with your eyes closed, then there is nothing scary about it!

The unknown is the scariest thing!

For horror works that already know the route, just change the map and open Wushuang.

Just like some games played by Bai Qiquan, some games will provide small maps and large maps for players, for fear that players will not be able to find the way, while some games do not even have small maps, let alone large maps, and players will not be able to walk on the road at all.

There is no sense of security. I don’t know if I will suddenly enter a dead end, fall off a cliff, run into a pile of monsters, or be killed by a train on the tracks.

Now Bai Qiquan is like an old player who has played thousands of times in games that hide the malicious intentions of the producers. Everyone on this street has killed me, and he is already very familiar with the routines of short films.

He subconsciously looked around.

The other interviewees all had livid faces and stared straight at the screen, unable to look away. Only fear emanated from their pupils. Their hands were holding on to the armrests and their legs were straining.

I stepped on the ground and my whole body tensed up, like a dead grasshopper.

"It turned out that I had this expression when I was watching the movie."

Bai Qiquan had some realization. He rubbed the armrest with his hand and suddenly found that the originally brand-new armrest already had deep finger prints.

During this period of time, I don’t know how many interviewees have sat here, feeling the fear of being dominated by Lu Jian’s horror movies, leaving this mark.

When he thought of this, Bai Qiquan suddenly felt quite interesting.

Does it turn out that the creators of horror movies have this kind of mentality?

Realizing something, Bai Qiquan suddenly looked at Lu Jian sitting in front.

By the light of the movie, Bai Qiquan could see Lu Jian in the dark corner, watching them quietly, like a calm and understanding killer observing his target.

Just the look in Lu Kan's eyes gave Bai Qiquan a sudden chill, and he quickly turned his eyes and continued to look at the screen.

In comparison, the movie clips don't seem so scary.

After ten minutes of screening, the screening room was completely silent.

Bai Qiquan saw that the people around him were trembling and their eyes were bloodshot. They looked like social animals who had not had a good sleep for a long time, or like the security guards keeping watch at the crematorium.

He thought about it and pretended to be scared.

He saw Lu Tan stand up, came to a few people, and took a look.

"It seems that no one is qualified."

He said something to himself and waved his hand.

"Can you still stand up?"

Several people stood up tremblingly and walked out of the screening room under the leadership of Lu Jian.

There seemed to be no interviews after them, and the office was empty.

Bai Qiquan pretended to be frightened and tried to remember his previous behavior when he was frightened by the movie.

Although he came for an interview, now it seems that staying here may be more terrifying.

Several people walked to the stairs and went downstairs one by one. When Bai Qiquan arrived, Lu Tan suddenly stopped him.

"Wait a moment."

Bai Qiquan's body suddenly stiffened, and his heart beat faster than when watching a horror movie.

"Yes, what's the matter?"

He turned his head and showed a forced smile.

"You weren't scared just now, were you?"

Lu Tiao said in a deep voice.


The hair on Bai Qiquan's head stood up. He really felt scared. His eyes widened and he looked at Lu Tiao, not daring to breathe.

Lu Tan came closer step by step, and when Bai Qiquan heard his footsteps, he became increasingly uneasy.

"Should I admit it? Or deny it?"

"What is he going to do?"

"The short movie on my computer hard drive has not been deleted. If it were discovered, wouldn't it be a social death?"

Countless thoughts flashed through Bai Qiquan's mind, and then he saw Lu Tan coming to him and patted his shoulder.

"You passed the interview."


"So you've been interviewed?"

In the school cafeteria, Bai Qiquan and his girlfriend Pang Zhen were having dinner.

"Yes, and then he asked me to stay in the office all afternoon. I took the high-speed rail this morning and packed up my things so that I can go there for an internship. I can join the job after I get my diploma."

Bai Qiquan picked up the rice bowl on the dinner plate and explained casually.

"So what did you do this afternoon? Did you see his new movie?"

Pang Zhen seems more interested in Lu Tan's new movie than her boyfriend finding a job.

"How is that possible? I just sat at my desk all afternoon. Well, it's actually a bit strange."

Bai Qiquan said while recalling.

"Obviously there are only two people in the office, me and him, but his eyes always glance at the workstation next to me, as if there is someone there. Sometimes Director Lu will talk to himself as if he is talking to someone, and even

It’s quite strange.”

"Is this some kind of second-round interview test? It's like the boss sweeping the floor to test you. Did you say anything?"

Pang Zhen came closer and asked.

"How is that possible? He works there himself. He only showed me the contract and there are some things that I don't understand."

Bai Qiquan scooped up the last bit of donburi with a spoon and put it into his mouth, chewing and thinking about it.


"I'm not very impressed. There seem to be pictures of wolves, and some people in armor, shadows, and so on. Mainly, I don't know what the meaning of these pictures is."

Bai Qiquan put down his plate and spoon.

"What about the salary?"

Pang Zhen asked again.

"The salary is very high! I took a look, and the salary for my internship period is the same as that of a master who has been working for several years."

Bai Qiquan is quite satisfied with his salary. His classmates who graduated from the same class only paid a few thousand yuan for a month of hard work on the set, but when he graduated, it rose to 20,000 yuan, and Lu Tian also said that he would have food for free after graduation.

It’s really not that satisfying to wrap it up.

As long as you live frugally, you can afford the down payment for a house in Jiangcheng in just five or six years!

Thinking about it like this, it seems that I suddenly became sad again.

"I'm so envious..."

Pang Zhen couldn't help but said.

"How about you go for an interview too?"

Bai Qiquan said casually.

"I'm not going. Who wants to work with a neurotic person who likes to make disgusting movies... Well, I'm not talking about you."

"No, although Director Lu looks weird, he is actually a good person. He even sent a message today saying that he had found a dormitory for me so that I could have time to check it out."

Bai Qiquan opened WeChat and showed his girlfriend the photos of the dormitory that Lu Jian sent today.

Pang Zhen took the phone and saw that it was a quite secluded community and the house was well-decorated, with two bedrooms and one living room, and was very spacious.

However, when she looked at the photo carefully, she always felt that something was wrong.

"Look, why is there a person hiding behind the curtains here?"

She pointed to the picture of the living room window, above the drawn curtains.

Bai Qiquan turned over and looked carefully, only to realize that there seemed to be something on it.

That's...a human face.

This chapter has been completed!
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