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The bandage man and the fishman moved towards the direction of returning to the deck, the ship's hull trembled slightly, and the huge steel monster let out a deep roar, making the two of them excited.

"You are still very powerful!"

The bandaged man's single eye flashed with light as he looked at the fish man.

"It's not a big deal. I should be glad that the career I chose was [Engineer]."

The fishman said modestly.

"[Engineers] can analyze and understand all man-made items and make them start in their original state. As long as I think it can start, then this ship will definitely be able to move."

"A very convenient power."

The bandage man commented.

It's just that the combat effectiveness is slightly lacking.

The kind of monster in the engine room just now, if this fishman guy were to encounter it alone, he probably wouldn't be able to survive for five seconds.

Fortunately, I have the advantage over this kind of monster and can deal with it without any damage, otherwise the two of them would have to deal with it here.

"Is this the difficulty of [Alienation]? It feels like this."

The bandaged man sighed in his heart, and suddenly thought of a question.

"What if something goes wrong with that equipment after we leave?"

In connection with the strange situation he encountered before, the bandaged man felt that in addition to those shadow-like monsters, there might be other monsters on the ship.

"Don't worry, after I repair it and start it up, even if it is damaged, those things will operate normally. What I repaired is the existence of the thing itself, that is, no matter what it looks like, it can still function according to my settings.

If it's running, it won't be a problem even if it flies away."

As soon as the fishman finished speaking, he heard a loud noise coming from downstairs.

"What sound?"

He listened attentively.

"It seems to be coming from the room just now... Are there other monsters?"

Gray mist flowed from the fingertips of the bandaged man and drifted along the road they came from. About two minutes later, the gray mist arrived at the engine room.

There is no one here, but all the main control equipment has flown to the other end of the room. The entire engine room is in a mess, as if it has been eaten by creatures.

Despite this, the turbines of the Stars were still turning, and the speed of the entire ship increased, as if it was about to reach the island.


The bandage man told the fish man what he saw and heard, and the two looked at each other, not knowing what to say.

There really is an invisible and intangible monster on this ship!

Suddenly, the bandaged man felt as if his gray mist had touched something.

In an instant, he immediately gathered all the gray fog to the location of all the feelings.

The gray fog was like a bloody mouth, covering everything at that location. It could be seen that those things scattered on the ground, no matter what they were originally, immediately dissolved and disappeared, becoming part of the gray fog.

However, the bandaged man did not feel relieved.

Because those are very common things that can be seen everywhere, and there is nothing among them that can turn the engine room into such a mess.

In other words, I failed again.

Looking at the corridor that became darker and darker as the cruise ship moved, the bandaged man felt that something was coming towards him.

This was some kind of spontaneous, unexplainable inspiration.

"Let's go!"

The bandaged man patted the fish man, and the two immediately started running towards the deck.

After running for a while, Lu Tiao stopped.

"So tired..."

The physical fitness of those two people far exceeded that of ordinary humans. Lu Tan couldn't keep up after a while, and stayed where he was, panting.

"It's time for you to exercise."

Feng Yu sneered.

"Both of them are not human. No matter how hard I train, I can't go beyond human limits."

Lu Tan retorted.

But he rested for a while and recovered after the grass on his body disappeared.

The essence of physical fatigue is the damage caused to the body by strenuous exercise. Muscle soreness is caused by the lactic acid produced by anaerobic respiration of muscles. Therefore, fatigue and discomfort caused by exercise is also a kind of pain.

The grass in Lu Jian's body just now crazily devoured these substances that would make him feel uncomfortable while he was resting, quickly dispelling Lu Jian's fatigue.

I also did photosynthesis by the way.

Lu Tiao now returned to his invisible state and walked onto the deck along the way.

He found that there was one person missing on the deck.

The four-eyed boy is missing.

In other words, the four-eyed boy who was still alive has disappeared.

There was only a ball of rotten flesh and blood left on the ground, and lying next to the rotten flesh and blood, a group of squirming flesh and blood was gradually shrinking.

There are countless eyes on the flesh and blood, currently staring at the bandage and the fish-man.

Tentacles made of flesh and blood spread quietly, like hunters waiting for an opportunity, ready to kill the two people in front of them at any time.


The bandaged man made a surprised sound, as if he had never imagined that there would be such a monster in this place.

No, he quickly realized that this was the challenge that a [Alienation] difficulty mission should have.

But this challenge is a bit too exciting.

"As long as you are targeted by hounds, even if you return to your own world, you will be chased by these guys who can travel through time and space... If you want to survive, you can only kill the opponent completely or seal it!"

The fingertips of the bandaged man turned into gray mist, the bandages on his body spread out, and the whole person turned into a dark gray mist. The one eye turned scarlet and flickered dimly in the center of the mist.

The fishman jumped into the sea without saying a word.


The bandaged man was stunned.

Is this guy selling himself out and planning to run away?

How could he be so decisive?

The bandaged man would never have thought that he would be regarded as a "friend" to block the gun by a newbie who didn't know much about it.

While thinking, the hound's tentacles had already stretched out, and the mist around the bandaged man suddenly shrank, and then allowed the tentacles to penetrate into it.

He wanted to devour the dissolving tentacle, but the eyes that opened on the tentacle made this idea come to nothing.

The bandaged man found that the extraordinary power he was most proud of was like a little baby trying to block the progress of the big ship under the attack of the hound. Those flesh and blood tentacles quickly wrapped the gray mist, dripping from the tentacles.

Some strange substances fell, making the gray fog become darker and darker, almost ink-colored.

In front of the gray mist, the hound opened its layered mouth with millions of teeth and tentacles.

In just one mouthful, the gray mist and its tentacles were swallowed, and the hound suddenly expanded several times in size, then quickly shrunk.

The hound's body trembled slightly for a few times, and soon there was no movement.

It came to the pool of flesh and blood of the four-eyed boy that was slowly squirming and trying to escape, and licked it clean like a dog eating rice from a plate.

He also burped.

After sniffing the air on the cruise ship, the hound came to the edge of the deck.

It saw the fish-man wandering wantonly in the sea, and inexplicably looked at the sea with a little ripples behind the fish-man.

The hound moved its short legs and jumped into the sea.

This chapter has been completed!
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