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332. Thunder and Flash

"What's the matter?"

Lei Lei kept a solemn and indifferent tone and asked the other party.

Under the influence of this statue, his voice will be automatically transformed into some kind of mysterious gibbering. Normal people will become mentally disturbed and fall into madness and irritability after listening to it. This is very convenient for the job of pretending to be a ghost.

Of course, the disadvantage is that he is not so clear when listening to the other party's words, but it is not a big problem. Lei Lei only needs to tell the other party how to use the statue. As for real prayer, he is not a god, so why does he care so much?

After waiting for a while, Lei Lei felt a little strange when he saw no response from the other party, so he spoke again.

"You can go back and everything you promised will be fulfilled."

Typical magic trick, specially used to deceive those ignorant believers.

But the other party still didn't stop contacting me.

A little troublesome.

The trouble with this statue is that if the prayers don't stop, there is no way for Thunder to turn off the communication.

Generally, there are two ways to deal with this situation, either to use some tough words to scare the other party and end the contact, or to find the other party and physically interrupt the communication.

Just when Lei Lei was wondering if something went wrong, layers of words finally came from the magic circle.

"My great Lord, please forgive me for being rude. I just want to get more gifts."

The vague sound echoed, making Lei Lei frown slightly.

"There will be gifts, but it's not the right time. Don't be greedy."

he responded.

Although the idol can release mist that causes food to rot, it has only been one day since leaving the sea. If the people on the ship find that the food and water are rotten, they will definitely return directly. This day is completely late.

What Lei Lei needs is to kill Kohaku halfway. If she stays on the island, although Kohaku may not be able to arrive at Wajima Taisha Shrine on time, she will be strictly protected. It will be much more difficult for Lei Lei to kill her.

He didn't want to stay in this foreign land for too long.

What's more, according to the system prompts, Lei Lei knew that there was another enemy in this mission. What kind of methods the opponent had and what he looked like, Lei Lei had no idea at all.

Do your best to leave no traces.

"My Lord, I feel very uncomfortable. Maybe my gifts are not enough. Can you give me more gifts?"

The other party is still unwilling to give up.

"It's hard?"

Lei Lei was secretly confused. Could it be that he was infected by the mist and contracted the plague?

But this mist should bypass the praying people to a certain extent, but it shouldn't.

"I will give you more gifts, as long as you are pious enough."

Lei Lei decided to let him leave first. If he continued to stay in the fog of the plague, even people who were fine would get sick. If this guy fell, Lei Lei's plan would go into trouble.

"My great lord, I wonder if it's because you need blood. I think this magic circle is almost dry. You need new blood. I know that I should get it from those guys, hehe."

The other party's voice came again, and this time, Lei Lei couldn't sit still.

Has this guy been influenced by the idol and gone completely crazy?

It seems like he wants to kill other people?

"No, you don't have to do that. Those people have their own value in life. You just need to do what I say."

Lei Lei hurriedly dissuaded him.

If this guy really can't think about it and kills people, then wouldn't his previous arrangements be in vain?

"I understand, my lord, I will use their blood to exchange for your gift, I understand."

But the other party didn't seem to hear Lei Ting's words clearly, and insisted on killing the others.

"No, wait a minute, calm down, I don't need blood, don't act rashly."

Thunder emphasized again.

"Hey, my lord, hey, I understand."

After saying that, the other party cut off contact.


Lei Lei had a question mark on his face.

What did he understand?

Is he going to kill other people in exchange for some blood?

This idiot!!!

"What's wrong?"

A voice of inquiry came from the side, and another bandaged man held a Wajima-style short knife in his hand and was stroking the blade on it.

"There's something wrong. The chess piece seems to have been contaminated by the idol, and it's a little unclear."

Thunder stood up.

"I told you that you can't do it. When we are at the dock, we should just go up to it and get rid of that miko."

The bandaged man said that his name is "Flash", and unlike Lei Lei who focuses on sealing techniques and the use of extraordinary abilities, Flash is good at fighting. He is very skilled in using the ability of the bandaged man's body to change. He can kill people invisible and cooperate with himself.

Obtain extraordinary items and become extremely confident in frontal combat.

"No, our enemies this time are not only the guards of this foreign land, but also the chosen ones from other foreign lands. Who knows what weird abilities he has. If he attacks rashly, we may be the ones who suffer!"

Lei Lei is quite stable. He has suffered losses in previous missions and knows that he cannot underestimate the natives of any foreign land, let alone the other chosen ones.

The fact that he was able to get that statue was all due to the other party's carelessness.

"You are too careful. I don't want to stay in this deserted place for too long."

Flash scoffed.

"If that guy goes to kill someone, my arrangement will be discovered soon. We need to find another way to induce them into the trap."

Lei Lei looked at the chart.

They were hired by the government in this mission and received a lot of resources. In addition to these ships with good combat capabilities, they also had corresponding terrain maps, data support, etc.

According to the current progress, in about five days, the witch's fleet will sail into the sea close to a dangerous area. As long as certain means are used, the thunder can cause these ships to stray into it. However, this depends on the sky.

He didn't want to use the means of eating, because no one could guarantee that the witch would die if she entered those dangerous sea areas, and Lei Lei was unwilling to put himself in danger and followed the fleet into the dangerous area.

"Oh, until then, let me go. I still believe in myself more than relying on others."

Flash laughed.

"You won't survive long in a foreign land like this."

Lei Lei couldn't help but retort, after all, he is still a shining senior. There are only a few people who have completed more than a dozen missions in this foreign land and still escaped unscathed. If he had not been more steady and cowardly before, he would probably have been killed several times.

Not his teammates but himself.

Of course, Lei Lei doesn't mind flashing over to kill someone while testing the opponent's Chosen One, so that he can design according to the enemy's abilities.

Thinking of this, Lei Lei took another look at the magic circle.

"It worked fine before, so why did something go wrong this time?"

He decided to wait and see the situation tomorrow when the other party contacted him.

This chapter has been completed!
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