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045. Dying Green

"Hey, are you okay?"

Lu Tan saw the fresh green on "Hound's" hand, and his heart beat subconsciously.

"Hound" looked at Lu Tiao blankly, as if he still didn't know what was happening.

The two of them had just emerged from the maze of wild grass and came to the bus.

The weeds that were originally crushed by the wheels had now stood upright, trying to wrap around the bus.

Shitou and Mary returned to the car, only opened the door, and waited for the landing trip and "Hound".

The two got into the car one after another and closed the door tightly.


"Hound" looked at his left hand.

That hand no longer looks human.

Bones, blood vessels, and muscles no longer exist.

Only hard wood, green grass, and twisted vines remained.

His arm is gradually changing towards the plant.

In the blink of an eye, "Hound"'s entire left hand had turned into wood, and it quickly spread towards his shoulder.

"Cut it off, chop it off quickly!"

"Hound" barked hastily.

Compared to turning the whole person into a tree, it is obviously more acceptable to have a broken hand.

Lu Tuan didn't hesitate. He directly picked up the knife he had used to process rat meat and slashed it towards the "hound"'s upper arm.


The knife sank into the flesh and blood, cutting into the bone joint connecting the shoulder and upper arm, but it was difficult to penetrate further.

The "Hound"'s face was livid, and he was chewing on the cloth wrapped in his torn clothes, only letting out a thin whimpering sound from his throat.

Lu Tiao pulled out the knife, picked up the crowbar, and smashed it hard before the bark-like plant structure spread up.

Without any aim, the hook of the crowbar was accurately inserted into the wound of "Hound", and the sharp end smashed the joint, making "Hound"'s left hand completely limp.

Lu Tan continued to use the knife and quickly cut off the "Hound"'s arm.


The arm that had hardened into wood fell to the ground, and the little remaining flesh and blood gradually dimmed, and even the blood that flowed out quickly dried up and turned into green grass.

Lu Jian now knew how this grassland was formed.

I'm afraid that as long as those creatures stay here for a period of time, they will be eroded and infected by green plants, and eventually become part of the grassland.

Some of those creatures will be preserved as bait to attract other prey. This grassland is like a skilled hunter, quietly waiting for the prey to come to the door automatically.

The grass, the land, and even the air are all part of the hunt.

That's why there is no sound at all in this meadow.

"We need to leave as soon as possible."

After Lu Tian said this, he came to the driver's seat and checked the condition of the vehicle.

Before he checked whether the engine could still start, Lu Tiao noticed that green shoots were beginning to sprout from the broken glass next to the driver's seat.

"Will even inanimate machines be infected by this grass..."

Lu Jian truly realized the seriousness of the matter.

He stepped on it and the engine roared to life.

Lu Tan put his hands on the steering wheel, preparing to break through the confinement of the grass.

Lu Tiao's arm felt itchy, and he scratched it, but could not get any relief.

He looked over and suddenly found that something was growing on the inside of his arm, where the veins should have been.

The thing was like a long and thin worm, crawling between blood vessels and muscles.

Through the skin, he could clearly see the green thing trying to break through the barrier of the skin and come out. Lu Tiao felt extremely itchy and wanted to scratch, cut open his own flesh and blood, and dig out the things inside.

He turned around while stepping on the accelerator, and could see that the blood on the shoulder of "Hound", which had lost one of its hands, had stopped.

But no one helped him stop the bleeding.

"Oh shit!"

Hound looked over his shoulder.

The cross-section of the wound has been covered by green plants, and those plants exuding vitality are now clinging to the shoulders of the "hound", forming a strange scene.

He could see something bulging and sunken on his chest and stomach. "Hound" opened up his clothes. His abdomen, which was originally a muscle, seemed to be disturbed by countless bugs inside.

The unknown green protrusions spread even on his neck and face.

"Damn, damn, damn."

"Hound"'s right hand scratched his neck and face, trying to relieve the uncontrollable itching, but his nails left bright red blood marks, but he could not get any relief.

He kept scratching and scratching, his nails were stained with blood and his skin was ulcerated, but the raised worm-like thing was always hidden further down.

The wheels of the bus were covered with green grass and almost leaked, but it finally started to spin.

The raised dirt drove the bus forward. Lu Jian tightened his grip on the steering wheel and turned in the direction where the bus was rolling.


Lu Tan glanced back again.

Shitou and Mary were at a loss. The "bugs" seemed to have begun to appear on their bodies, and the most serious "hound" had begun to twitch.

The bulge on his face seemed to have finally found a breakthrough. "Hound's" eyes became cloudy, and a certain green color spread under his eyes.


With a slight sound, a new sprout grew out of the "hound"'s eyes.

Immediately afterwards, a little blood oozed from his nostrils, and another sprout sprouted.

From his eyes, nose, mouth, and ears, more sprouts finally found a place to vent, and the bulges under the messy skin squirmed toward these places, and finally broke out of his body.


When Lu Tan heard the sound, he turned around and saw that "Hound" had lost all his agility. Several weeds were growing out of his belly with his clothes open, as if it was the most perfect soil.

"Throw him down."

Lu Tiao shouted and turned towards Shi Shi and Mary.

The two people's symptoms were not serious yet. After hearing Lu Jian's words, they looked at each other and finally made up their minds and opened the bus door.

The weeds outside suddenly seemed to have real life, and began to sway and grow wildly. The grass in front of the bus was even higher than the roof of the bus.

The two threw the "Hound"'s body, which had become a bonsai, out of the car. In an instant, the body was swallowed up by the swaying weeds and could no longer be seen.

Lu Tan felt that the restless plants in his body seemed to calm down for a moment.

"These plants, they are not just the parts we can see...the air here is also a part of it."

Lu Tiao probably guessed why they were like this, and why the "Hound" was reduced to that level just because he was injured.

In the air of this grassland, seeds have already spread all over. As long as the air is inhaled, those seeds can enter the human body and continue to grow magically. For injured people, these seeds will merge with the blood faster, so they will also grow faster.

The earth grows into a monster capable of taking human life.

Lu Jian even guessed that the land was a mimic of plants, and the entire area existed solely for hunting.

In this meadow, plants are the real masters.

"Almost there."

When Lu Jian saw the road outside the high beam, he said something, and his heart finally dropped to the ground.

At this moment, a white hand with sharp claws stretched out from the broken front windshield.


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