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453. Cognitive impairment

Hearing Xia's words, Lu Tiao suddenly became alert.

Du Danping is a chosen one who has penetrated deeply into the secrets of foreign lands. At least his traces have been left in the ruined capital and this world, and collecting his melody fragments is also one of Lu Jian's tasks.

But currently, Lu Tan only has two of them, one is staying at Nanhua Private Renji Hospital, and the other is in that strange town in the abandoned capital.

Just like completing the mission left by Hong Ye and peeking into Hong Ye's life, if we can obtain all the melody fragments of Du Danping, can we peek into the life of this chosen one who Lu Jian has only seen corpses?

And according to Drizzt, he was guided by Du Danping, so does the Du Danping of the past really exist in a foreign time and space in the future at this moment?

"Tell me carefully."

Lu Tan asked hurriedly.

When Qin Tiantian heard Du Danping's name, she felt it sounded familiar, but her desire to survive kept her from eating and ignored what was going on outside the window.

Anyway, her memory only lasted seven seconds, and she forgot about it after eating this meal.

Feng Yu frowned slightly, she glanced at Lu Tan, and then also set her sights on Xiya.

"After we left the abandoned city, I went through three more missions. In the last mission, I returned to the wasteland and followed a caravan. I saw the real humans and their city-states there. Then, I

I met a Chosen One who was performing other tasks in the city-state, and received a lot of help from him. At first, I thought he was a local Chosen One from the wasteland, but yesterday, after I watched your movie, I discovered

, that person seems to be Du Danping."

Shia recounted her mission experience with emphasis.

"Will the Chosen One come to the same foreign land as a non-traveler?"

Lu Tan felt a little strange.

If they are all the Chosen Ones of the Quiet Land, then when they go to the same exotic scene, they will most likely be traveling as companions, and everyone will have the same goal.

If there are two groups of chosen ones in the same time and space, conflicts may arise if their goals are inconsistent.

Just like when we were with Hejima, the two bandages and Lu Jian were the same.

But the two sides at that time obviously belonged to different gods, and the opposite side was not even from the Land of Silence.

Therefore, Lu Jian believes that this situation will probably only occur when two or more gods want to affect a certain period of time and space.

They are both the chosen ones of the Quiet Land. Why are Du Danping and Xia not fellow travelers?

Why does Du Danping hide his identity again?

"It's not necessary. A Quiet Place pursues efficiency and will put the most suitable people in the most suitable scenes."

Feng Yu shook his head.

"Du Danping is already dead in reality."

She confirmed.

"Yes, I personally crushed his ashes."

Lu Tan said matter-of-factly.


Feng Yu was silent for a moment.

"Du Danping's state may be very special. Maybe he has found a way to escape from the Silent Land, or he may be able to freely choose the foreign land he comes to."

She continued.

"At the same time, I can also confirm one thing. Du Danping in the past is still alive in a foreign land. Perhaps he has many missions going to the future. If there is a chance, you may still meet him."

"One more thing, there may be a piece of Du Danping's melody fragment in the wasteland."

Lu Tan said reluctantly.

The bugs in the wasteland that want to have bugs with him are a bit unacceptable to Lu Tuan, but according to Shia, there are at least living people there. If there is a chance next time, Lu Tuan will definitely go to the wasteland to inquire.

"By the way, what is the name of the city-state you visited in the wasteland?"

Lu Tan asked again, preparing to inquire. Next time he went to the wasteland, he could look for an opportunity to look for that city-state.

"I don't know the specific meaning of the name of this city-state, but judging from their pronunciation, it should be called Utopia, and the name of the leader of the city-state is Plato."

Shia said while recalling.

"Utopia, Plato"

Of course Lu Jian knew these two terms.

Utopia is a fictitious social state, which is usually used in a bad way. Plato is a philosopher, and his work "The Republic" describes a social system with the prototype of utopia.

The utopia led by Plato has a sense of surrealism.

After learning that the name of the previous saint's remains was Achilles, Lu Tian strongly doubted whether the famous people in the wasteland were all names he was familiar with.

And the reason why this foreign land has such a name is because a divine chosen one traveled to the early wasteland and had an impact on society. The saint system was even created by this divine chosen one?

"By the way, why didn't you call me Lao Cui this time?"

Lu Tuan decided to put these things under control.

"I sent an invitation, but he didn't respond."

Shia replied.

"Did something happen to Lao Cui?"

Lu Jian had a bad premonition.

The invitation from the Quiet Place is not real-time, but will be delivered at the right time. If Drizzt does not respond, it means that he either does not want to participate in this difficult task, or he has encountered some problem that is difficult to escape.

Unable to resolve.

For example, in the simplest way, if Drizzt died after Lu Tiao and the others left the waste city, then it would be impossible to receive the invitation, and it would naturally be impossible to come over.

Shia and Lu Tan did not respond to the messages they left in the Quiet Land. It seemed that Drizzt had indeed encountered something.

"If there is a chance to go to the abandoned capital, we will look for him."

Lu Tiao could only hope that Drizzt was just trapped and did not encounter any accident.

Right now, their goals should be on missions.

"From those reports about the amusement park, it can be inferred that the weirdness in this amusement park may have appeared recently, and it affects a lot of people, and has a certain degree of cognitive impairment."

Feng Yu concluded.

"Cognitive impairment?"

Shia obviously didn't understand the meaning of this word, she asked.

"It will affect your cognition, making you think that red is blue, that turning left is turning right, and that stones are food."

Feng Yu explained.

"So you can't eat rocks?"

Shia was surprised.

"Ahem, in short, cognitive impairment is an extraordinary ability that is quite scary for ordinary people, but for those who have seen extraordinary power and endured pollution, such as us, there are certain ways to avoid it."

Feng Yu cleared his throat and said.

"First of all, the effect of cognitive impairment is to confuse your understanding of the things around you. Therefore, you need to establish a baseline, that is, confirm a concept. When this concept is different from what you know, it means that you have been recognized.

Obstacles of knowledge.”

"We need to establish some baseline concepts for amusement parks."

This chapter has been completed!
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