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605. Pulled under the bed

When he returned home, Lu Kan saw Laika waiting obediently at the door, sticking out his tongue, as if waiting to show off.

Lu Tiao touched Corgi's head to deal with it, then returned to his room and turned on the computer.

Corgi followed Lu Kan and spun around at his feet.

Lu Tan logged into the chat software and felt the friction on his heels. He lowered his head and looked at Corgi.

Laika was raising her head, looking at Lu Tiao eagerly, her tongue hanging out, and she was gasping for air.

After getting up, Lu Tan glanced at the bowl with dog food. There was a lot of dog food in it, and there was water in the pet water dispenser. Logically speaking, a dog like Laika would not be short of food. If it was hungry, it would

He ran out to find food by himself.

"You want to go out to the bathroom?"

Lu Tan asked, usually when a dog is so close to its owner, it either has nothing to eat or wants to go out to play. Of course, depending on the time, it may also want to go to the toilet.

Laika is not a serious corgi, and he doesn’t actually need to go to the bathroom. He only goes downstairs to flirt with other dogs in the community and look at those beautiful puppies.

Lu Tran was inexplicably excited to see Laika, so he didn't care and let it run around. He opened his computer browser and checked the relevant reviews of "Nine Streams".

For example, on some movie rating websites, most of Lu Jian's movies are rated around eight points. This is not because everyone is very discerning and picky, but because Lu Jian's ratings are very extreme.

Normal scoring will show the characteristics of a normal distribution centered on the roughly reasonable score of the movie. For example, if a work scores six points, then people who give it a seven-point score and a five-point score will be almost the same. Such scores follow an objective


But some movies are different. There are many one points and ten points, but very few in between, resulting in a strange score curve. This kind of movies is usually caused by professional trolls, who either give high scores or low scores.

divided navy.

Lu Tan is similar to this...

In the ratings of many of his films, many people give them a one-point rating.

These people are not all sailors.

Some people were frightened and got off their guard, so they gave a one-star rating and denounced them angrily. Some were fans of actors or directors from other movies who had been defeated by Lu Jian's movie, and came over to criticize Lu Jian for ruining domestic movies.

In fact, the only one that Lu Jian received with outstanding scores was "All Quiet Spring". On a certain rating website, it received over 500,000 points and gave it a perfect score of 10. In the words of the popular review, "I will definitely watch such a good-looking movie."

Recommended to everyone around me!”

Lu Tan browsed the reviews and scores of "Nine Liu".

[Refreshing movie! Director Lu created a troubled world where capable people and strangers are infested. Although the film is about the family disputes of these people, it actually reflects the ups and downs of the entire society, and this is a rare important role for Director Lu.

It’s a movie that almost everyone survives to the end! For this alone, it deserves full marks!]

【10 points】

[It seems that the film is about people with extraordinary powers, but in fact it represents those warriors throughout the era who have the courage to sacrifice themselves and sacrifice their lives for everyone. Director Lu has always been a very humane director. Several of his works seem to be

When filming those weird monsters from other worlds, they are actually filming the beautiful qualities displayed by human beings under such circumstances, and this movie is even more so!]

【10 points】

[There is nothing wrong with the plot, but the picture is too disgusting. When those bugs and elephants came out, I almost vomited out the plain chicken I had for lunch. The evil god who was sealed at the end was also disgusting enough. To be honest, I doubted Lu

What kind of brain does Kizuna have? At least when it comes to hunting for novelties, he really knows how to do it.】

【8 points】

[I can’t accept it! Why can these people survive in the movie? The situation they face is obviously more dangerous than before, but these people can survive. Only Kohaku’s injured world is completed. I can’t accept it! Lu Tan is a rubbish director! 】

【1 point】

[This movie is quite satisfactory, but the character played by Lu Jian died. This alone deserves full marks! Just kidding, this movie starts from the disputes between folk craftsmen and shows everyone's choices in troubled times, using fantasy

The plot reflects reality. Although our world may not have yin-yang eyes or corpse stitchers, these professions are the same for scholars and soldiers. I am glad that Lu Tan has made a film that has left a name in history and is a global hit.

After welcoming the movie, we can return to our original aspirations and show the spirit of our people!]

【10 points】

[There are no big problems with this movie as a whole. I won’t go into details about the spiritual display and plot analysis. Lu Kanda in the movie is so damn good, which is very satisfying. There is another point that I don’t know if everyone has noticed, which is the original one.

Do you know who Xuanjun is? The shots of him in the movie are very blurry and you can’t see his appearance clearly. I seriously doubt that this is an important character who has appeared before and may be involved in the subsequent plot!]

【8 points】

Seeing this rating, Lu Jian remembered something and looked back at his materials.

Indeed, although many scenes of ancestors appeared when the Nine Legends succeeded Xuanjun's position and endured the pollution caused by the seal, the first generation of Xuanjun was always hazy and his appearance could not be clearly seen.

Of course, this situation may also be due to the erosion of time by Xuanjun, who has long since ceased to have personal will and has instead become a conceptual product similar to a god, or combined with weird things in this world, becoming

became a rule.

It is impossible to maintain humanity and fight against the seal of the Old Ones for thousands of years.

Lu Tan secretly noted this doubt.

After getting up, Lu Tan started making lunch.

I made a few simple dishes to lead a healthy life. After lunch, I started cleaning.

In fact, Lu Jian didn't need to clean at all. There were so many people in the house, and even bacteria were not willing to come in. Under normal circumstances, there was no need to clean.

But he has developed a habit.

While mopping under the bed, Lu Tan suddenly felt a little sluggish.

Under normal circumstances, the underside of his bed is very clean and can be easily accessed with a mop, but now, it's as if Coca-Cola has been poured on it and dried up, making it sticky.

He took out the mop, held the edge of the bed, and looked under the bed.

There, on the originally spotless floor, there seemed to be a puddle of gray-white dried mucus.

"What's this?"

Lu Tan looked at the dried mucus and didn't know where it came from.


Beside, Laika screamed happily, making Lu Tran look at it.

"Could it be..."

Lu Tan frowned, thought for a moment, and got the answer.

"Did you pull it under the bed?"


Laika didn't know why and looked innocent.


I've been sorting things out for the past two days, and there are only two updates for the time being. I'll try to restore them over the weekend!

605. Pulled under the bed

This chapter has been completed!
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