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644. Uniqueness

Stone touched the revolver in his holster.

He saw the mourning hall on the other side of the corridor.

What surprised Stone was that he had passed by here before, but he didn't realize that there was this hall at the other end of the corridor.

It seems that the change in cognition is indeed difficult to guard against.

Prepared to bind the seal, Stone stood at the entrance of the hall and saw the dark coffin with the cover lifted inside, the black and white photo of Browning's body, and the remains of the coffin that had been eaten to nothing.

A tribute to the chicken stand.

Hmm, there seems to be something wrong with the last one.

He walked into the house. The candles here were always burning, showing a dim light in the stormy evening. The flickering candlelight seemed to be extinguished the next moment, but the swinging flames reflected Stone's deep shadow.

"You're here."

A voice sounded from behind Stone.

He turned back suddenly, instinctively took out his revolver and pointed it in the direction of the sound. Then, he saw Browning.

He looked like a gentleman in his thirties or forties, sitting on a chair with a glass of red wine in his hand, seeming to be soaking up the aroma of the wine.

Stone's pupils dilated slightly. Although he heard what Lu Tan and Xia said, he was still very surprised when he actually saw it. After all, it was too bizarre for Browning to be sitting here alive like this.

Stone had met Browning before, and the Browning sitting here now was almost the same as before, as if he was just an old friend he hadn't seen for a while.

"I heard about you."

Stone turned to Browning and said.

He needs a certain amount of time to wait for the seal to take effect and is not in a hurry to complete the last step.

Even if he agrees with Lu Jian's statement, Stone still retains a glimmer of the possibility that Taoist Heming can really resurrect the people he has lost. Since Taoist Heming here says that he is real, then there is no genuine product.

Although it cannot compare to fakes, he should also be able to master the technique of resurrection from the dead.

"Are you resurrected from the dead, or have you only taken over Browning's body? Is it you or him, the Browning I knew before?"

Stone asked.

"You know, resurrection from the dead is just a false dream. The dead can never be resurrected. This sludge monster is just an imitation of the past."

Browning replied leisurely.

"As for the second question, I'm sorry, but you may have never met Browning. He has been me since he lived here. Does that make you feel better?"

"You once merged yourself with the sludge monster. How did you do it? Since according to you, the sludge monster only simulates other people's personalities, how do you ensure that you are still the same person at that time and not a simulation?


Stone asked again.

Hearing his words, Browning smiled, took a sip of the wine in his glass, and then answered.

"This is the point. Although this is a reward, I am in a good mood now, so I will give you some tips. In a foreign land, if you want to sublimate and become the supreme existence, you must first ensure your uniqueness."


Stone was puzzled.

"Haha, although you have experienced a lot, you seem to know nothing about the nature of a foreign land. In a foreign land, you are not the only one. Anyone can replace you, unless you leave your own mark."

Browning laughed.


Stone vaguely thought of something and asked.

"You should have listened to what your companions said about how to sublimate. The essence of sublimation is to make yourself a concept. This concept can be anything, but if it is an extremely common thing, then you yourself will have to bear a huge amount of pollution. , because the more common concepts are, the more extensive the pollution they carry, and most of these concepts already have owners. You still need to contend with its original owner. If you want to get a concept that belongs to you, you have to leave a mark. .”

"These marks may be legends, miracles, certain families, or even a civilization. Only when you reach this level can you obtain the prototype of the concept. Once you obtain the mark, you will be a unique existence in a foreign land, and you will carry it with you. pollute."

Browning said seriously. He drank the red wine in his glass and then looked at Stone.

"So, the mark I left behind is Taoist Heming. In a foreign land, there will only be me, Taoist Heming. Everything I left behind confirms my existence. I am who I am and will not be usurped by any will." , let alone being deprived of consciousness by inferior beings like the sludge monster."

"If you want to ascend to immortality, then I advise you to leave your mark as soon as possible, otherwise when you bear too much pollution, the mark will also be contaminated."

He looked at Stone with a half-smile, as if trying to persuade him.

"As for what you want, if you can accept that it is just a body that imitates them, a fake from appearance to soul, then I have 10,000 ways to make it happen for you. In fact, at our level , this kind of pursuit is no longer worth mentioning.”

Stone came across from Browning, pulled out a chair and sat down.

"But you still failed. You are tied here and can only survive by usurping other people's bodies. Even the body of your former self has become your enemy."

His words made Browning raise his eyebrows slightly.

"What on earth do you want to say?"

Along with Browning's words, the surrounding air began to tremble slightly, and the candlelight swayed, as if a giant was about to become angry.

Even the storm stopped for a moment, and the lightning spread silently among the clouds, like a grand mime.

The next moment, Stone snapped his fingers.

The moment Browning realized what had happened, he immediately stood up.

The wine glass in his hand immediately shattered, the glass of the entire mourning hall began to buzz, and a thunder exploded outside the window, as if it was about to shatter the window.

Stone saw countless hallucinations appearing before his eyes, including his past sins, past beauties, and possible future scenes.

In these scenes, Stone was either sad or angry, happy, regretful, or painful. Countless emotions surged into Stone's consciousness in an instant. These emotions were not false, but just like real experiences.

It was as if Stone had experienced countless parallel worlds and such a life in a short period of time.

But then, all the worlds, those worlds that flashed across Stone's eyes like meteors, turned into a concentrated bundle.

The seals arranged around the house suppressed Taoist Heming's resistance with a louder buzzer. For a moment, when Stone could not sense, see or capture, it was like a hand holding down Browning's head. Usually, his whole person is frozen in place, his eyes distracted.


Browning fell to the ground, and corpse spots quickly appeared on the surface of his skin.

A polyhedron of indescribable shape fell in front of the portrait, reflecting Browning's black and white photo.


Chapter 2 later

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