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724. The construction concept of magic net

"Magic from beginner to master".

Although he didn't quite believe his eyes, Zhou Changqing did see what was written on it.

Do you really want to learn magic?

He had read other players' reviews of this game before, but there was no mention of being able to learn magic.

Now that I have just entered the game and got the true biography, is there any deviation in this process?

Zhou Changqing originally thought that he was here to engage in communication construction, so why was he suddenly asked to learn magic?

He took a look outside and confirmed that there was no shooting range in the town, and felt relieved.

Taking this book, Zhou Changqing left the Baron's Mansion.

He didn't hesitate, opened the book and started reading.

The text has been translated by the game, so understanding the surface meaning is not a problem.

But Zhou Changqing couldn't quite understand them when they were put together.

"It's true that magic is knowledge, but what does it mean that knowledge brings pollution?"

"Magic is the act of eroding the world through the pollution caused by knowledge. Is this some kind of metaphor?"

"Well, because of this characteristic, magic can be taught. Well, of course there is no problem... and because of this, magic can also be taken away? What does this mean?"

Zhou Changqing felt dizzy just after reading the chapter about the definition of magic. He felt as if he had been hit hard on the forehead with a hammer, poured a large amount of muddy water, and finally stirred crazily with an eggbeater.

He glanced at the others, who were also reading ecstatically, with dazed expressions on their faces.

Zhou Changqing found a place under the eaves where there was no sun, and continued

"This magic doesn't feel like a skill, but more like a specific thing?"

While he was reading and thinking, Zhou Changqing felt a little dizzy. He thought this might be due to 3D dizziness caused by playing the game for too long.

He looked up at the lush green forest and rested for a moment before continuing to immerse himself in the world of magic.

After all, being able to achieve this level in the field of communications is more or less a top student. Zhou Changqing's desire and curiosity for knowledge far exceed that of ordinary people.

"So, the essence of magic is knowledge. As long as humans acquire knowledge, certain changes will occur. And mages can influence and change the world through this specific knowledge?"

Zhou Changqing finally finished reading the introduction. He turned over a page and saw several commonly used magic compositions and analysis in the book.

After reading the first fire magic for half an hour, Zhou Changqing put down the book.

"What is this?"

He could understand each word separately, but he couldn't understand them when they were put together.

And the more I looked at it, the more dizzy my head became.

Zhou Changqing feels that his cognitive and understanding abilities are quite excellent. At least before his Ph.D., he had never experienced the kind of dizziness that would make him dizzy while reading. But he knew that some of his classmates were like this.

Once you encounter something you don't understand while reading, you will get more and more headaches and eventually give up studying.

But this magic book really made him feel like a scumbag reading the analysis of the last question of the last big question in the college entrance examination every year.

Zhou Changqing secretly glanced at the others. They all looked embarrassed and could only continue to look.

He felt a little relieved.

After watching it for an hour, Zhou Changqing felt it was amazing that he had actually learned magic in a game for an entire hour. He exhaled and thought that it was really difficult to learn magic by relying on the words in the book.

He flipped back to see if there was anything else.

As a result, Zhou Changqing saw a chapter.

[Construction Concept of Magic Network]

"Magic Network?"

When Zhou Changqing saw the word "net", he subconsciously became energetic.

He read the text above carefully and quickly understood that this was an idea of ​​a magic system.

Precisely because magic is knowledge and can be stripped away, this idea was created.

To put it simply, let the mages connect to the magic network, and then the magic and corresponding knowledge are not directly transmitted to the mages, but the interface is opened after the mages apply for calling permissions. The pollution of magic is realized remotely, and the mages can themselves

Use magic without being too contaminated.

It is similar to the popular cloud computing function in the real Internet.

Zhou Changqing flipped through the contents here, and from time to time he looked back at the concept of magic. The more he read, the more ingenious the idea became.

Not only can it protect the mage, but it can also make the use of magic more free.

Translated into the real world, this effectively reduces the dependence of applications on mobile phone performance and transfers this pressure to network speed.

"This is interesting."

After reading this part, Zhou Changqing finally understood why people like him were needed in the game.

Although this chapter puts forward various assumptions, it is different from the previous ones that are well-founded. Although it is not easy to understand, you can still feel that it is a quite complete magic theory from qualitative to quantitative. It is only qualitative.

The analysis does not involve specific parameters and structural details.

To put it simply, it is just a relatively specific idea. Just like Zhou Changqing and his colleagues said that we are going to build a communication base station here, it is better to build it on this mountain. It did not say how to build it, what equipment to use, and how to debug it.


Obviously, according to what the young man said, this is what Zhou Changqing and the others came to do.

Use things from this world to build a magic network.

Zhou Changqing suddenly felt an epic feeling.

When he was supporting remote areas and backward countries, he often had similar feelings. He saw that the originally barren and backward places gradually came into contact with the new world because of the Internet connection, sold his products, and even opened up new ones.

Industry, this feeling of changing the world is very intoxicating.

However, Zhou Changqing didn't know if there were similar semiconductor materials in this world, nor did he know how to use magic. He felt very distressed and had nowhere to use his power.

Thinking of this, Zhou Changqing found that he did not necessarily have to solve the problem alone.

He found a safe place to exit the game, then hurriedly turned on his computer and clicked on his work group.

[Zhou Changqing]: There is an urgent need for a solution for building a network communication system!

Today is a working day, but it is already night, and there are not many people working on software online. Therefore, Zhou Changqing waited for a while before someone answered.

[Lao Zhou, didn’t you go to take part in some game test? Why are you still focused on work? 】

[That’s right, the boss gave you a day off, I’m so envious.]

Zhou Changqing looked at his colleague's ridicule, smiled bitterly, and typed again.

[Zhou Changqing]: Stop talking, there is a magic network to be built in this game, and I have to work overtime in the game.

[What, establishing a network in the game, is this game so real? 】

[Isn’t it just a click? Do you really need communication knowledge? 】

[Is what is written about the recruitment of testers for the co-authored game true? Does Lu Jian really want to have something real in the game? 】

[Zhou Changqing]: Stop talking nonsense. I can't handle it alone. Please help me.

He thought, he has a professional team, but he is worried that he cannot handle your small magic network?

Thinking of this, Zhou Changqing thought that he should show the contents of the book to these colleagues, otherwise they might not be able to understand what magic is.

He went back and forth with the game several times, and finally compiled the introduction to the book and uploaded it to the work group.

This chapter has been completed!
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