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760. Smart treasure

The TV seemed to be playing news intermittently, like an old color TV with signal interference.

But the problem is, this is a new type of LCD TV, and it stands to reason that there won’t be snowflake dots, a product of the last century.

Lu Jian could only think that this was a video being played.

He watched the performance inside carefully.

"...Welcome to watch the Jiangcheng evening news..."

Following the host's words, the TV became much clearer, and you could see a very period studio layout, which made people feel like they were back several decades ago.

"The following is the main content of today's news. Jiangcheng City Mental Health Center held a large-scale gala today. Medical staff and patients sang and danced to celebrate the festival."

Along with his words, the TV screen turned, and the familiar scene of No. 900, Xicheng North Road appeared, but the Jiangcheng Mental Health Center here was obviously much newer, like an image from the early years.

Lu Jian saw that a stage had been set up in the center of the hospital courtyard, and on the stage were performers singing and dancing.

It's just that these performers were wearing patients' clothes and seemed to be performing a skit, but their movements were very forceful, as if they were being beaten.

The audience sitting below were people in doctor's white coats. They clapped numbly and watched the performance on the stage without any emotional fluctuations, like wooden people who had lost their thinking.

The sound of joyful music was interspersed, but the scene seemed very strange and disturbing.

"Next news, our city's primary school opened yesterday, and students returned to campus to start the new school year. Please read the reports from the reporters ahead."

As soon as the scene turned, there was a reporter standing at the gate of the primary school campus. The students next to him were coming and going. They looked quite ordinary. However, Lu Tiao noticed that these students were a little dodgy to the reporter and did not dare to speak.

Like a hostage being monitored.

"Let's interview the new students who just enrolled today."

As the reporter spoke, he suddenly reached out and grabbed a lone primary school student on the side. The primary school student immediately burst into tears.

"This classmate, what are your prospects for the new school year?"

The reporter asked relentlessly, seemingly unaware that the student was crying.

"Don't eat me, don't eat me, don't eat me!"

The student kept yelling and tried hard to struggle away, but the reporter's hand firmly grasped the student's shoulder, as if it was not a hand but a paw.

"It seems that this classmate is looking forward to the new school year."

The reporter said and suddenly opened his mouth.

His mouth opened like a fake, and soon turned into a bloody mouth as tall as a person. In just a moment, the student was swallowed in one gulp, and the reporter's mouth returned to its normal appearance, and he smiled.

"Let's interview the next classmate."

Hearing the reporter's words, the primary school students who had just suppressed their classmates and watched them being eaten immediately began to run away. The reporter calmly grabbed another one, followed the same pattern, and ate it again.

"Jiangcheng Grand Theater performed a new play today, and many audiences bought tickets to watch it, and the atmosphere was enthusiastic."

Accompanied by the newscaster's voice, the scene turned again. It was the Jiangcheng Grand Theater that Lu Jian was familiar with. However, this theater had obviously been burned down due to Du Danping's fire. Even on TV, the theater was in a mess.

Meanwhile, the place is still burning.

Just like the fire that year had not been extinguished, the theater was burning with flames, and the atmosphere could indeed be said to be lively.

On the stage, several actors were performing. Their clothes were burned by the flames and gradually festered. Their skin also blistered and burned continuously, but these people continued to perform as if nothing was wrong.

The audience below the stage were also bathed in the flames. Many of them had been burned to nothing but withered skeletons, but they were still applauding and making hoarse sounds from their throats, cheering for the actors on stage.

The whole scene looks extremely weird and makes people feel sincerely uncomfortable.

As the news ended, the TV fell into snowflakes again.

Lu Tan waited for a while, then the screen jumped, and a child with rosy cheeks appeared.

The child took a closer look and saw that he was one of the primary school students who had been eaten by the reporter just now. His skin was pale, and only his cheeks were unnaturally rosy, as if they were painted on with death makeup.

Moreover, his eyes had no whites and were pitch black. He was wearing a school shirt and uniform, and had an unnatural smile.

"My favorite drink is Smart Baby. Smart Baby helps me grow healthily and learn happily!"

As he spoke, he picked up a small brown bottle of medicine and drank it in one gulp. Some medicine seeped out from the corner of his mouth. The color of the medicine was bright red, like blood.

After drinking the potion, the student's lips turned a bright red color, which matched the blush, which was weird and strange.

"I also drink Smart Baby. My mother said that only by drinking Smart Baby can I get into a good school."

Another student also walked up to him. This was the same elementary school student that the reporter just swallowed. His skin was also pale, with only blush on his cheeks. He picked up the medicine bottle and drank it down.

The two finished drinking, looked at each other, and then looked at the screen.

"Smart Baby, your good study companion."

After saying this, the two people's heads split open from between their hairs, like blooming flowers, and their brains burst out, forming a small sapling that bloomed on the screen.

The screen fell into a cloud of snowflakes.

After Lu Tian read these contents, he was not sure whether this had really happened before. After all, in this world, if there were really weird things that could cause such a scene, it is estimated that everyone might not be able to discover it.

He estimated that this was one of the reasons why the neighbors rumored that the lights would be on when no one was around. If ordinary people across the street suddenly started playing these things on the TV in the middle of the night, they would probably suffer from neurasthenia and become deformed.

Got to be suspicious.

Lu Tan came to the TV which was covered with snowflakes. He looked at the TV carefully and found that it was not plugged in at all.

Just as he was playing with the TV, the snowflakes suddenly disappeared again, and a face appeared on the TV.

"Do you want to drink Smart Baby too?"

That face was that of the reporter, ferocious and terrifying, with gnashing teeth, as if he was telling the name of his enemy.

"You also want to drink Smart Baby!!!"

He roared again, and the whole TV shook, as if something was trying to crawl out of the TV.

"Don't worry."

Lu Jian said something, and immediately, the words appeared on the TV like pages from a book.

His right hand materialized into a silver pen [Last Words] and began to read the text on the TV.


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