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771. Statue

In the early morning, the surroundings finally became a little brighter.

Although the fog is still shrouded, at least the visibility has improved a lot.

Lu Tan glanced at the time, it was already seven o'clock in the morning.

It was very cold outside the window, and the fog itself was formed by water vapor condensing after encountering tiny particles in the air. At this moment, these white fogs seemed to be made of ice crystals, crackling against the car window glass, making a small sound.

He was about to check the Internet, but suddenly found that there was no signal.

"Do you have a signal on your cell phone?"

Lu Tan asked Scott next to him. The driver was waiting for others to wake up so he could change his shift. After yawning, Scott decided to park the car on the side of the road.

"No, it seems there is still some distance from Miskatok."

Scott looked at his phone and shook his head.

"I'm going to drink some water and wait for them to wake up."

He took a bottle of water from the car refrigerator, took a big sip, wiped his face with water, and seemed to wake up a little.

Lu Tiao also got out of the car.

He took a breath of the foggy air and felt his lungs burning.

Scott did not smoke, but took a camera and was filming the surrounding environment.

Lu Tan looked at him alone and moved his eyes further away.

He saw that the gray mist seemed to be dissipating.


Lu Jian saw that there seemed to be buildings appearing in the fog.


He pointed forward, causing Scott to turn his head.

In the fog, a pointed house emerged as the fog receded. It looked like a church, with a pointed roof and colored glass.

It's just that this church looks like it has been abandoned for a long time.

"What's wrong?"

At the door of the RV, Wes yawned and slowly walked out of the car.

"There's a church there and there's a street sign."

Scott said that on the road next to the church, there was a highway sign, which reminded that this place is less than 20 kilometers away from Miskatok.

"This church looks nice."

Weiss raised his head and glanced at the church. If a serious church is full of sacred meaning, then this church is obviously more dilapidated and has a bit of a weird flavor.

"Hey, wake up, James, we found something good."

He immediately went back and woke up his companions, but the other three were still sleepy and unresponsive.

"Let's go in and take some pictures, then let's go."

Wes shouted, and he quickly pulled Scott on.

Lu Tan followed them into the church.

Facts have proved that this church is indeed abandoned, because except for the part seen from the front, the rest has collapsed. It is not known whether it is due to disrepair or natural disasters.

In this kind of wilderness, it is easy for tornadoes to occur. Those strong winds can sweep through farmland, pastures, and even houses can be easily destroyed.

The dilapidated benches are weathered, the wood has been mottled, the prayer platform has collapsed, and the faith is no longer there.

Scott's camera lens moved quickly towards the statue of God behind the pulpit.

Normally, such a church should not have statues of gods.

Those used for prayer in churches are usually either crosses or some objects, and specific idols rarely appear.

But this church has a tall statue of God.

This statue seemed to have been damaged by wind and rain. The originally gray statue had become a little dirty and slightly damaged. The camera looked down and captured the face of the statue.

This was supposed to be a statue of the Virgin Mary, and she was supposed to be holding the Son in her arms, but now the arms of the statue are empty. That is not because it was damaged by the baptism of time, because the cross-section of the statue is very neat, and it looks like,

The things in her arms came to life and crawled away on their own.

There is nothing wrong with the statue's face and facial features. Only the eyes are covered by a black cloth.

This black cloth was obviously put on later. It covered the eyes of the statue, adding a dark and strange feeling to the originally holy statue.

"Fuck, this statue is so cool!"

Weiss shouted, he came closer, stepped over the collapsed pulpit, came to the statue of the god, stretched out his hand to touch, and felt the rough texture.

"Why is she blindfolded?"

As he spoke, he was about to climb up the statue.

"Wes, what are you doing?"

Scott still held the camera to record everything. He shouted, even though he was not a devout believer, this behavior of climbing the statue was still a bit taboo, which made Scott feel uncomfortable.

"This place is abandoned."

In a blink of an eye, Weiss had climbed to the shoulders of the statue. He held the Virgin Mary's neck and stretched his hand towards the black cloth covering the eyes of the statue.

"Hey, what are you doing?"

At this time, James, who had just stepped on the rubble into the church, shouted, causing Wes to stop his hand for a moment.

"Look what this is."

As he spoke, he had already grabbed the piece of black cloth.

The black cloth was rough in texture and didn't look like cloth. It gave people a strange feeling. Wes didn't think too much and just tried to pull off the black cloth.

However, the black cloth was wrapped very tightly, and Wes had to exert strength, but at this moment, the black cloth suddenly loosened. He lost his balance, lost his balance, and fell backwards.


Scott was about to help him, but Weiss had quick eyes and quick hands and quickly grabbed the Virgin Mary's arm. His foot slipped and he could only hang on that arm.

Fortunately, it wasn't too high here. Wes glanced down, then let go and jumped down, landing smoothly.

"Scared me to death."

Weiss shouted, glanced at the black cloth in his hand, then raised his head and looked at the face of the Virgin Mary statue.

There is a pair of eyes there.

Different from the gray and freehand style of the statue of the God, the pair of eyes of the Virgin Mary are very realistic, as if they have been carefully carved and inlaid.

These eyes were filled with colorful starlight, as if they contained the Milky Way. On the gray stone statue, these eyes were enough to be called charming, and Weiss fell into a daze for a time.

Scott was also stunned. His camera faithfully recorded the image of those eyes. For some reason, he felt that the eyes were staring at him.

James was also attracted by these eyes. He took a breath, his voice trembling.

"This shouldn't be like this, how could it be like this?"

"It seems that it was these eyes that made them cover the statue."

Lu Jian said that these eyes were not human, but seemed to belong to some indescribable great being, or at least, it might have witnessed some.

"I think we'd better get it back to the way it was."

Lu Tan took the black cloth from Weiss's hand and rubbed it carefully with his fingers to roughly judge the material.

"This is not cloth, but some kind of treated leather, like cowhide or deerskin."

Thinking of this, Lu Jian had a guess.

He did not say anything, but climbed up the stone statue and covered the Virgin Mary's eyes with black cloth again.

"Let's go quickly, we will arrive at Miskatok soon."

After Lu Tan finished doing this, James, who was still immersed in those eyes, said in a trance.


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