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798. Look, why not!

Seeing everyone consciously lining up and sitting down, with their hands on their legs, like primary school students preparing for a sports meeting, Lu Jian felt extremely pleased.

It seems that these mentally ill patients are indeed rich and well-educated. As for why they fell to this point, Lu Jian believes that in addition to personal efforts, they are also inseparable from the support of the country.

After tinkering with the machine, Lu Jian was soon ready to start the screening.

The first movie is a folklore theme with horror elements, but the folklore in Europe and America is a bit crude. It is basically a plus version of the dance master. Many of the images are more disgusting than scary.

Eyeballs, plasma, severed limbs, and various restricted scenes emerged.

After watching this movie, Lu Tan felt that its subject matter was somewhat innovative, the plot was relatively plain, and the character performances were pretty good. Overall, it was a movie worth spending time watching.

He wrote down his review comments and looked at the mentally ill patients.

These patients were indifferent, like junior high school students standing on the sunny playground in 35-degree weather and listening to the principal talk about the results of their work and past glories.

It seems they don't like the movie very much.

He thought for a while, maybe it was because many of these mental patients were top criminals. Maybe the number of people who died in the movie was not necessarily as many as those killed by some patients. For them, this kind of thing didn't count at all.

On terror.

Lu Jian recorded it again.

Movies should take into account the experiences and needs of various audiences. Even the most vicious murderers may watch the movie when they are imprisoned. At this time, the movie will not be able to bring them enough feelings. This is


An excellent movie should be able to make people with or without relevant experience feel something different from it and be touched by it.

However, Lu Jian also felt that the special effects part of this movie was indeed very ordinary, and the ghosts were like cheap slides. This was also the point where the movie was discounted.

For a surreal movie, special effects are still very important. It not only requires imagination, but also texture. If the texture is in place, even if it seems a bit crude to the audience decades later, it can still move people's hearts.

Especially now, these rich people may have watched Lu Jian's movies, or at least they may have seen similar clips in those short video apps. The threshold for appreciating special effects is already very high. In this case, clumsy

The special effects will cause the movie's evaluation to drop further.

But if he wants to make the special effects of these movies catch up to Lu Jian's level, Lu Jian may have to prepare them for intubation in the back of their heads without wanting to be too rude.

Thinking of this, Lu Tan felt that he couldn't just watch, he had to take some action.

So, he put his hand on the projector, and countless words appeared.

For ancient projectors, if they can start normally, it is a victory

Don't expect good picture quality, it's good if you can see the colors clearly

It is recommended not to turn it on for too long, as the bulb may burn out

It seems that this projector also has a big problem, the playback equipment is not very good, and the picture of the movie is definitely not much better.

Therefore, Lu Jian added a few strokes to it.

In the blink of an eye, this projector looks brand new, as if it uses some Zenith star technology.

Lu Tan started to show the second movie.

The subject matter of this movie is more popular, it is a serial murder case, there is more blood, and the picture is more violent, but it is not scary at all.

Even halfway through watching it, Lu Jian was still curious as to whether this movie was based on any of the patients here.

However, after Lu Jian's small modifications, this projector already possesses a certain amount of extraordinary power.

For example, when playing, as the perverted murderer wearing a plastic raincoat and holding a chisel dismembers the victim bit by bit on the chopping board, the pain and fear will appear on the bodies of those mentally ill patients as if they are real.


Several people held their hands and trembled, and some wanted to cover their eyes, afraid to watch.

And some simply rolled their eyes and fainted, as if dead memories were trying to attack them.

After watching a movie, there is not even one mental patient out of ten who is sitting upright in a chair.

They are just as miserable as the senior high school students who have been intensively tutoring for a month during the summer vacation and have been studying hard from 6 a.m. to 12 p.m. every day to prepare for the college entrance examination. Suddenly they were told that the college entrance examination has been postponed for three months.

"There are a lot of innovations in the structure of this movie. It is shot from the main perspective of the murder, and misdirection and trickery are added. Although the photography is average, the creativity is very good."

Lu Jian made a comment.

He believed that mentally ill people thought the same way.

After finishing another movie, Lu Jian was ready to continue playing.

Leopard beside him was already drowsy.

"Is this the level of your human movies? It's not funny at all."

She muttered.

"So you were looking for something to laugh about?"

"It's quite fun to see the monsters inside."

Leopard nodded obediently.

"It's more fun to see these people being frightened."

She looked around, and all the mentally ill patients were crouching down with their heads in their hands, shivering, as if they had seen something indescribable and terrifying.

Seeing this, Lu Tiao picked up the gun again and fired a warning shot into the sky.


"Sit down, why are you watching a movie?"

He shouted, and those mentally ill patients were afraid of Lu Kan's gun and sat back obediently.

The third movie started to play. Lu Tan watched it with great interest, but he found that all the audience below were distracted. Some even picked up their mobile phones and were looking at them.

This feeling is just like when taking elective courses in college, one or two students below are either sleeping or playing with their mobile phones. They do nothing but listen to the lectures anyway, while the teacher stands on the podium and interacts seriously to finish the lecture.

"Look, why don't you look at 1

Lu Jian reminded.

He came to a patient who was looking at his mobile phone. He didn't make a sound, he just looked at what the patient was looking at.

Then, Lu Tian discovered that the patient was not distracted, but was sending a message to his lawyer.

Quickly find a way to get me out of this damn mental hospital, to jail, anywhere. Is it okay if I plead guilty? I admit to any crime, and I surrender. This place is too scary?

It seems that he wanted to escape from the asylum by confessing his crime.

Although Lu Jian didn't know why the patient chose to change his ways and admit the sins he had committed, it was a good thing since the prodigal son turned back.

Lu Tian waited for him to finish communicating with the lawyer, and then gently patted his shoulder.

"You did a great job, I decided to treat you to another movie."

After hearing Lu Jian's words, the patient's face turned pale.

This chapter has been completed!
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