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801. We Elbow

What appeared in Lu Jian's hand was a human skull, which seemed to be filled with black flames.

This made Lu Tian feel a little strange, and he didn't know what it contained.

The Tenth Company could obtain information directly, so Lu Tiao chose this mission without hesitation.

After crushing the skull, black flames suddenly rose up and completely enveloped him.

In Lu Tiao's ears, murmurs accompanied the flames lingering in Lu Tiao's ears, layer upon layer.

"Have you ever heard that there is an area of ​​sea where there is no wind at all? It is an absolute windless zone. Once all the ships sail into that area of ​​sea, they will never be able to escape."

"There are singing mermaids on the sea. If you are attracted by their songs, you will never be able to leave and get lost in the sea."

"Have you ever seen a real storm? A storm that stretches for dozens of miles and confuses the sea and the sky. Thunder is like a spider web connecting the sea and clouds. Waterspouts are like pillars, supporting the sky. In such a storm

If you can survive, you are the greatest luck.”

"I saw some weird monsters. They gathered under the water like shadows. In the blink of an eye, they covered the entire ship. Then, right before my eyes, the ship disappeared. It disappeared."

"Can you hear that voice? That voice from the deep sea. It seems to be calling me. Yes, it is calling me to go back. Where should I go? Who am I?"

Lu Tan closed his eyes slightly, digesting the knowledge from a foreign land.

This level of knowledge will no longer cause him to have any special reaction.

"This doesn't seem to be the earth."

Lu Tiao thought.

The pictures he saw were not the ancient earth, but a place mostly surrounded by water. There were only a few islands scattered in the sea, and there were many monsters. It didn't look like this harmonious and loving world.


When thinking of a foreign land with lots of water and islands, Lu Tiao thought of Wajima.

However, if the previous mission was to go to Wajima, then related elements would definitely be mentioned, but this time there was no information such as Sakura, Jinghuo, and Miko, which made Lu Tian very confused.

Even so, Lu Jian had no choice.

Anyway, he has [underwater breathing], so he won't drown anyway, so it's not a big problem.

After getting ready, Lu Tiao purchased another pack of seeds online.

It is said that this kind of seed can go to space. In the future, if conditions permit, it can even take root and sprout on Mars to grow potatoes.

Since the task is to sprout, it is reasonable for Lu Jian to bring some seeds to plant.

He sent another message to Feng Yu.

After the last farewell in Miskatok, Feng Yu disappeared again. He seemed to be traveling somewhere and did not reply to Lu Tiao's message.

He sent another message to Bao Bao.

Although I don’t know if that woman can check her phone.

Unexpectedly, Baopao actually replied.

[Charcoal-grilled salt and pepper seal]: Are you going to Hedao? I’ll come too, together.

She seemed quite interested.

The next moment, Lu Tiao found a girl sitting next to him.

Leopard was wearing a pink pajamas with a seal patting its belly and sunbathing on it, and was sitting on Lu Jian's sofa.

"We elbow."

She said, it seems that she has been surfing the Internet a lot recently.

"You really want to go?"

Lu Tan asked suspiciously.

He didn't know if Hedao had a clone of Leopard, and was curious about what would happen if the two met.

"If there's fun to see, I'll definitely go."

Leopard said matter-of-factly.

Lu Jian didn't stop him.

Anyway, if she wants to go, she can definitely go.

And seals really go well with the sea.

Thinking of this, Lu Jian pressed the button on the remote control.

[Whether to enter a quiet place]


He chose [Yes].

In an instant, the images on the TV overflowed like overflowing water. Quickly, the distorted and chaotic colors enveloped the room, wrapping Lu Jian in it.

Quickly, Lu Jian disappeared from the living room as if fading.

Upon seeing this, Leopard felt something in the room as soon as he stood up.

She glanced at where Lu Tan was sitting just now, raised the corners of her mouth, and revealed a mysterious smile.

"Don't worry, I will make him come back intact."

After saying that, Baopao snapped his fingers, and her figure quickly dimmed and disappeared.

As the world was spinning, Lu Tiao saw a cloud of yellow mist coming toward him, but soon, the light of a crimson planet occupied his field of vision. The planet was covered with rust color, but it also looked like a giant star.

The meat ball exudes the agitation of life.

Dark tentacles spread in the void, and were torn apart by a ray of green light. The ancient melody echoed in Lu Jian's ears. The nameless mist swallowed the stars in the universe. Millions of civilizations were nurtured and multiplied in the darkness.

, Destruction, like morning dew, changes rapidly.

All of this will quickly go away, and in the strange eternity, even death will disappear.

He came back to his senses and found that the world was still shaking.

No, to be precise, it's a boat.

Lu Tiao found himself in the cabin, which was filled with the smell of dampness and decay, like wearing socks that had been in water and had been stuffed in leather boots for several days. It was very strong.

Those wet pieces of wood gave people a very bad feeling. Lu Jian looked around. This was his cabin, with a simple bed. The bedding was also wet and had a rancid smell.

There is food in the wooden bowl on the table, which is of course fish.

The fish soup made by boiling several types of fish whose names I don't know was thrown into the water, and a few pieces of seaweed were added as decoration. It didn't look appetizing at all.

Lu Tan picked up the spoon and took a sip.

The taste reminded him of Shia's favorite delicacies from the Kingdom of Darkness. Even if it couldn't be called a delicacy, it could at least be regarded as sloppy pig food.

The cup was full of wine, as if it had been mixed with water, and the taste was unflattering.

Sea voyages take a long time, and fresh water is prone to decay. Therefore, in the Age of Discovery, sailors usually reserved wine. At least the wine has been distilled and has a certain sterilization and antiseptic effect, so there is no need to rely too much on the taste.

There were voices outside the cabin, as if they were shouting. Lu Tian opened the door and saw busy sailors.

These sailors did not say hello to Lu Jian, nor did they even look at him.

Lu Tiao walked along the stairs to the deck.

The sun was shining brightly, the sails were raised, and the ship was sailing through the waves.

He saw a lady wearing armor standing at the bow of the ship, looking ahead.

"It turns out to be you."

Lu Tan said hello, and Shia turned her head.


But Xia didn't respond to Lu Tan's greeting, but said directly.

"This mission is very dangerous, you may die here."


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