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080.【Underwater breathing】

Sitting on his bed, Lu Tan still had an unreal feeling. The small town in the fog, the fish-headed monster, the unpalatable dinner, the sludge that exuded the stench of metal, and the white statue of the god were all just like that.

Like a nightmare, as long as you close your eyes, those pictures that torture your mind will appear in front of you.

He looked at the morning sun and felt for the first time how quiet and peaceful the world was.

But Lu Jian knew that beneath the calm was an even stronger darkness.

At the Jiangcheng Grand Theater, Lu Jian was illuminated by the brilliance of distant stars, which was enough to wipe out his reason. This means that there are also weird, powerful and unspeakable evil existences in this world.

At least as far as Lu Jian knows, there are already more than four great beings who surpass the power of mortals.

"Not safe..."

Although in this world, there is the Internet, electricity, and various modern facilities, people do not need to twist into strange monsters or sacrifice their families in order to gain peace, but is this really the case?

He thought of Du Danping.

To be honest, when Lu Tian heard Du Danping's name from Drizzt's mouth, he didn't even react.

But after thinking about it carefully, he realized something was wrong.

Du Danping died twenty years ago, and his soul was bound to the Jiangcheng Grand Theater to compete with the great existence of Aldebaran.

But Drizzt said that the last time he got information about Du Danping was two missions ago. According to the situation in the Quiet Land, the interval between the two missions would not be twenty years. Drizzt himself looked to be in his early thirties.


Did Drizzt meet someone other than Du Danping, but some kind of being disguised as Du Danping? Or is it that the flow of time in the Quiet Land is very different?

Thinking of the fact that every time you enter a foreign land, the Quiet Place will prompt you to calculate the time flow rate between the two worlds. Can you think that the time in the foreign land is faster than the reality where Lu Tiao lives?

In other words, can the place of silence travel through time and go to foreign lands in the past or future?

Lu Tan couldn't understand.

Of course, he didn't tell Drizzt that the boss who had led him had been burned to death, and his soul's head had been smashed to pieces by Lu Trip.

This is for Drizzt's own good, leaving him with a little bit of hope can increase his motivation to survive in the Quiet Land!

Lu Tian also asked Drizzt about the information he had learned about Du Danping before. According to Drizzt, when Du Danping last contacted him, he was in the foreign land of Hedao, and there was no news from him again.

And Lu Tian knew that Du Danping should have returned to reality after that, and then encountered an accident and died.

"So, if you have the opportunity in the future, you can go to Hejima to look for clues about Du Danping. By the way, [The Sigh of the Uncertain Mist] is also a material produced by Hejima. If you can get it at once, you will make a profit."

Lu Tuan made up his mind that if he wanted to choose a foreign land in the future, he could give priority to Hedao.

Facing a world that may make people crazy, Lu Jian must strengthen himself. At least, if he meets his fellow travelers again in the future, he can help them to a certain extent, just like Drizzt helped him this time.

Putting Du Danping's matter aside, Lu Jian began to sort out what he had gained from this mission.

"Nearly thirteen thousand Silence Points, making a fortune."

Lu Tan sighed.

Calculated based on the normal completion of 9,000, this is almost an increase of 40%, which is a sudden gain of one more mission.

If he hadn't explored those stone statues and those weird-looking walking corpses in the fog, if he hadn't explored the Black Queen Mother's beliefs, and if Lu Tan and Drizzt hadn't understood the connection between the Hai family and the Black Queen Mother, they probably wouldn't have been able to achieve this level.

High degree of task exploration.

Of course, this is on [Erosion] difficulty.

Lu Tiao was very suspicious that if he chose [Mortal] difficulty, he might not even be able to enter the main gate of the Hai family, so he just watched the wedding reception group on the street and joined in the fun.

"The last five percent should be the cause of death and true identity of the Hai family who died in the cave, right?"

Lu Tuan wondered, although the information obtained from that person indicated that the essence of the monster with a fish head and a human body was the alienation of human beings, and the reason for the alienation was the sludge that exuded the stench of metal, who was the fish-headed man and why did he die?

There, none of these people know how he died there. There must be some secrets that have not yet been revealed.

But this shouldn't have anything to do with the final outcome. The Hai family is doomed to destruction, that's all.

The regular video materials have already entered Lu Tian's computer.

"It's so big...it's going to burst."

Lu Tan looked at his 2T hard drive. There was obviously a lot of space before, but now it was red.

How big is this material?

If I have to work on the next mission for a few more days, might I really burst the hard drive?

Lu Tian quickly went online and bought several large-capacity hard drives for backup.

What if the system decides that its hard drive is not enough and it forcefully deletes some movies for him?

Lu Tiao did not check the contents of the hard drive for the time being. He first looked at his balance.

16836 Silence Points.

The cumulative number of silence points obtained is also close to 30,000. After completing the career development task and completing another task, it is estimated that the accumulated points will exceed 50,000 and the next stage of the store will be opened.

If you are lucky enough to harvest materials in each mission, Lu Jian will be able to unlock the next stage of the essence of [Last Words] after about three more missions.

"...Thinking about it this way, I'm so poor."

The essence alone would cost 50,000 points. If Lu Jian didn't save it, he might not even be able to afford [Madman's Knowledge].

Lu Tan doesn't plan to spend money for the time being, at least until he completes his career development tasks and faces his next choice.

He checked the skills he had acquired again.

【Underwater Breathing】

"The ability to breathe underwater means that you can breathe underwater, or does it have other functions?"

Lu Tiao went directly to the bathroom, blocked the hole in the sink, opened the faucet, and a pool of water quickly flowed out.

Lu Jian seemed a little confused in the mirror. He saw Lu Jian burying his head directly into the sink.

At this moment, Lu Tiao felt something strange.

Human beings generally cannot see clearly in water, but now, Lu Jian could clearly see the tiny cracks on the ceramic of the sink.

The sound came through the water and was exceptionally clear.

Lu Tan, who was still holding his breath, let go of his breath.

He first felt the smell of bleach flowing into his nasal cavity, followed by ice-cold water.

This water flows into his lungs, and the alveoli extract the oxygen from the water, convert it into the energy needed by Lu Jian, and then expel the water with breathing.

Lu Tiao knew clearly that as long as he was in water with oxygen, he could breathe continuously, just like he was on the shore.

At the same time, complete knowledge of swimming emerged in his mind, and he could sway in any complex water at a speed that exceeded that of an athlete in a sharkskin swimsuit.

This feeling was wonderful, like opening the door to a new world, and Lu Tiao was immersed in it.

Until the oxygen in the pool is exhausted.

"Bah, bah, bah -"

After almost becoming the first Chosen One to master underwater breathing to be drowned in the water in his own sink, Lu Tan raised his head.

Lu Jian's appearance was reflected in the mirror, and he saw that there were cracks in the skin next to his cheek and near his throat. The crack was like a shark's gills, slowly opening and closing, and gradually opening and closing as he left the water.

Soothe and disappear.

"I can be a breath-holding champion from now on!"

Lu Tan said excitedly to Lu Tan in the mirror.

This chapter has been completed!
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