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818. Price

Axiang swallowed, knowing that if he rashly asked about the scene he just saw, Shia might silence him.

But Axiang was still curious, so he asked.

"Is there nothing wrong with your body?"

He regretted it when he asked it, because it was definitely not without problems. It was like asking a dying person how long he could live. How stupid it was.

"Sorry, I meant..."

A Xiang wanted to explain, but Xia pursed her lips and smiled, and she directly took off her gauntlet.

Under the silver armor, what was found was not the girl's slender white hands, but a ball of rotting flesh.

The meat ball trembled slightly with the beating of the heart. Among them, soft tentacles were climbing on it. Shia opened her five fingers. The bones were twisted in some strange way. They looked more like human limbs than

It's the body of some kind of monster.

Within that arm, there seemed to be some kind of pure flame burning, making the skin transparent and the entire palm showing brilliant colors.

Such marks spread all the way to the upper arm, and were eventually hidden in the armor.

Axiang doesn't know how many parts of Shia's body are the same as ordinary people, but the current situation is obviously not considered "normal".

Just seeing that appearance, Axiang felt his scalp numb and some hallucinations appeared in his field of vision, giving him a dizziness that he hadn't experienced in many years.

Seeing this, Shia put on the gauntlet and patted A Xiang on the shoulder.

"Sober up."

She said, making Axiang calm down a little.

"Is this a wound?"

Axiang hesitated for a moment and finally asked.

"This is the price."

Shia replied.

"In this world, the more you know, the unlucky you are."

"The more you know, the more unlucky you are?"

Axiang adjusted his glasses and looked extremely confused.

"The more things you witness, the more your rationality will be challenged. In many cases, you will lose your humanity. Don't pursue knowledge beyond your own limits, otherwise you will only face something more terrifying than death.

The end.”

Shia looked at the calm sea and said.

"It's a good thing that you have curiosity, but excessive curiosity can also put you in danger."

Perhaps it was because Axiang's appearance was too similar to a certain mage that Shia once knew, so she couldn't help but say a few more words.

"But this is a risk that comes with acquiring knowledge."

Axiang was a little reluctant and tried to argue.

"Without those navigators who ventured deep into the sea to cross the sea in storms, we might not know the new continent on the other side of the ocean until now, and we would not be able to find safe passages to avoid windless zones and thunderstorms, and the world would not develop."

"Miss Shia, I know very well that if you want to obtain knowledge, you will inevitably put yourself in danger, but if it can benefit future generations and pass on this precious knowledge, then I think that even if I sacrifice my

Life is worth it."

Hearing Axiang's words, Shia sighed.

"You don't know the nature of this world. Even if you can control everything for a short time, you will eventually end up in destruction."

Just like a long night, even if there are bright fireworks in the middle, it will eventually fall into silence, waiting for the dawn that will come without knowing when.

Axiang did not refute Shia, because he knew that he certainly did not know as much about the world as this young lady.

And in many matters, without investigation, there is no right to speak.

For a child who was born on an island, the world is just a sea. He has never seen the vastness of the land, mountains, rivers, grasslands, and lakes. He will form his own independent world view, although

That may be far from the real world.

On the sea level in front of the bow, the golden color became brighter and brighter. A ray of morning light lit up the entire sea area. The calm mirror-like sea reflected the brilliance of the morning sun, like a magnificent ensemble.

"Rest for a while, the rest of the journey may be very hard."

Shia patted Axiang. For some reason, Axiang suddenly felt sleepy. He returned to his cabin numbly, fell down and lay down. When he closed his eyes and woke up again, the sky outside the window had already entered.

It's dusk.

"How long have I been asleep?"

Without dreaming or being disturbed in any way, Axiang woke up and felt that his mental state had never been better.

He asked the sailors coming and going, and one of them answered him.

"It's almost dinner time, Brother Xiang."

After hearing this answer, Axiang felt very hungry.

When he came to the deck, he saw Shia and Lu Tan holding bowls and drinking soup made from salted fish.

Thinking of what he saw in the morning, he originally wanted to ask how Shia was doing, but felt that this was really unnecessary.

"Come and have some soup. Here comes the fresh fish soup. It's such a beautiful thing to have fish soup."

When Lu Tan saw A Xiang, he immediately called him over for a drink.

Axiang picked up the bowl. The fish soup was no different from what he had seen before. Although he lost his appetite when he recalled the scene he saw in the morning, when the soup fell into his stomach, he felt that it was the most delicious thing he had ever tasted.


Three times five divided by two, Axiang finished the fish soup.

At this time, the sun was just sinking below the sea, and the last ray of afterglow was fleeting, making it impossible to capture the brilliance of that moment.

The sea fell into night again.

It's like playing games all night long until early morning on a weekend off, looking at the rising sun and saying that I must relax this weekend, only to wake up and find that it's already dark.

There is a feeling that time has been stolen.

"We will reach that island soon."

Standing behind the rudder, Nagamasa looked at the treasure map in his hand and said.

The stars lit up at night, and their arrangement was different from the original starry sky. Nagamasa relied on the positions of those stars to find his direction. Soon, he saw an island emerging on the other side of the sea.

The island is very large, roughly the size of a city. There are low mountains on it, covered with vegetation, but there are no traces of any living things. From a distance, it looks like an isolated mountain standing on the sea.

According to what was said before, the monster that only existed at the 42nd second should have noticed the people who landed on the island.

"Xiya and I will go check out the situation first. If there are no problems, we will inform you."

Lu Jian said.

Although for Nagamasa, it is his ideal and pursuit to personally explore the island and discover the buried treasures, but after witnessing the strange situation on the passenger ship, Nagamasa also knew that he would only lose his life if he rashly landed on the island.

That's the kingly way.

He stayed on the boat honestly.

Since the island has no port, when the boat arrived in the waters near the island, Lu Tian, ​​Xia, and Baobao took a small boat and rowed to the island.

Soon, the boat ran aground on the beach, stepped into the cold water, and set foot on the island.

For a moment, Lu Jian felt the solid air around him begin to flow.

This chapter has been completed!
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