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897. As expected

After adding friends on WeChat and finishing the meal, Qin Tiantian said goodbye to Lu Tian and the others and went back to the dormitory.

Lu Tan and the girls packed up their plates and left the cafeteria, walking on the university campus.

This feeling is very strange, even though Lu Jian was sure before that this place was an illusion and false.

But he thought about it and realized that his experience of time travel was also very wonderful. Who in the right mind would believe in time travel?

Compared to time travel, the explanation of mental illness seems more normal.

The girl on the side looked at her phone, replied to the message, and then said to Lu Tian.

"I have a classmate who is coming over later. You have also met her, Yang Hongye."


When Lu Tan heard this name, he had an unexpected feeling.

He and the girl waited outside the small north gate of the school for a while, and then saw a girl in a long skirt waving hello.

Lu Tian saw that her face was indeed Hongye.

It's just that she is a little more immature than the Hongye in Lu Tran's memory. Although she is a little more mature than the girls around her, she is still just a teenage girl.

When the two of them walk together, they look quite like sisters.

"What, is there something on my face?"

Hong Ye was just like a girl. When she saw Lu Jian's gaze, she subconsciously touched her cheek.

"No, I just didn't expect you to show up here."

Lu Tan said.

"Appear here?"

Hongye is puzzled.

"It's nothing, let's go and talk about it after we go back."

In order to prevent Lu Kan from saying anything strange again, the girl took Hongye's hand.

Two little girls walked in front, talking and laughing.

It's just that girls will pay attention to Lu Kan behind them from time to time, and talk to him using some interesting topics to prevent him from walking alone behind and looking out of place.

The three of them returned to the girl's home.

The house is clean and tidy, but it lacks some sense of life.

My parents are majoring in archeology, and girls are probably not very good at cooking by themselves, so they rarely open fires.

Lu Tan watched the two girls chatting and gossiping, and had a subtle feeling.

In the real world, they definitely wouldn't be able to live such a daily life.

They will rush to their own destiny and eventually wither.

Pain and sorrow turned into crowns and were placed on their heads, heavy and unable to be abandoned.

At least in the fantasy world, they are just ordinary girls with their own lives and a promising future.

He took out his mobile phone and started surfing the Internet again.

This world seemed different from the one he was familiar with. More importantly, Lu Jian wanted to find someone he was familiar with who could help him get out of his predicament.

The first thing he thought of was Charlotte and Leopard.

These two people are similar in strength to the [Man of Darkness]. If this is really an illusion created by the [Man of Darkness], then the two of them should be able to come up with some countermeasures.

Moreover, Bao Bao's clone is also in the wasteland. There is a problem now, and it is impossible for her not to know about it.

Lu Tan first searched for names he was familiar with, but these names were very common. After searching tens of thousands of results, they didn't seem to be related.

He also searched for his own movies, but naturally, they did not appear in this world.

Searching the Jiangcheng Grand Theater, the fire did exist, but there were no casualties. It is quite prosperous now and is an art industrial park.

Websites such as the Old Video Network do not exist, there are only a few regular video websites that Lu Jian is familiar with, and his account is also a LV5.

He also searched for the names of the Old Ones that he knew, but found no relevant results.

In other words, being able to type out those names is already an abnormality in itself.

In Lu Jian's perception, these names have powerful pollution, and just knowing them is enough to drive people crazy.

But now, these names can be typed out casually, and even become the names of pets.

"This is indeed an illusion."

Lu Tiao murmured to himself.

He raised his head and saw that the two girls had finished washing and put on their pajamas.

Both of them have cute styles, one is pink and blue with a cat head, and the other is light pink with a cat pattern.

They all look like this girl's pajamas.

"Hongye sleeps with me tonight, and you can't eavesdrop on the whispers between the two of us."

She said, giving Lu Tian the key to her home, and also took a key to Lu Tian's house.

Of course, it was impossible to stay overnight with Lu Jian, so Lu Jian still returned to his home.

Lying on the newly made bed, the familiar yet unfamiliar ceiling occupied Lu Jian's field of vision.

He was a little unaccustomed to nights where he didn't need to play songs.

At twelve o'clock, Lu Tan closed his eyes and started the heartbeat counting game according to his previous memory.

However, this time he did not experience any changes, did not feel chest tightness, or could not move his body.

After counting his heartbeats, he looked under the bed.

The bottom of the bed was sealed.

"All right."

Lu Tiao got up, opened the cabinet, and looked at the empty interior. There were a few pieces of clothing, but there were no Lanlanlu dolls or strange eyes.

He went to the bathroom, turned on the faucet, and looked in the mirror.

Lu Tiao in the mirror looked exactly like him, imitating Lu Tiao's movements perfectly.

He whistled again, trying to summon a hound that could travel through foreign lands. Naturally, there was no response after waiting for a long time.

At this time, Lu Tiao suddenly had a whim.

Although he cannot melt or grow grass, these are his essential attributes. If he suffers fatal damage, will these abilities take effect automatically?

After all, this is an illusion, just a realm of consciousness, and it will not cause any changes to Lu Tiao's own state.

Therefore, as long as Lu Jian causes harm to himself, he can try to return to reality.

Thinking of this, Lu Tan immediately went to the kitchen.

Fortunately, there is a kitchen knife in the kitchen, although it has not been used for a long time.

Lu Tiao took out a kitchen knife and checked the sharpness. It was pretty good.

He thought about it and realized that he really wasn't good at using a knife.

Taking out his cell phone, Lu Jian searched for how to kill someone with a kitchen knife and kept it in his mind.

Lifting the knife, Lu Tan gestured and prepared to strike.

Just as the blade was about to fall, he suddenly felt that the incision was not suitable.

Lu Tiao adjusted it and was about to call it out again.

As the knife pressed against his skin, Lu Jian remembered that the browsing history on his phone had not been cleared yet.

Although I don’t know if I will die from this stabbing, I still have to ensure that I won’t die socially.

After checking his cell phone, he also cleaned up his computer.

After getting ready, Lu Tiao raised his sword and dropped it.

But just when the knife was raised, a cry of surprise came from behind Lu Tiao.


Lu Tan was so frightened that his hand shook and he almost dropped the knife.

Before he could turn around, his wrist was grabbed and his whole body was hugged from behind, making him unable to use the knife again.

"Didn't I say you can't hurt yourself? What are you doing, Lu Tiao!"

The girl's voice came from behind, making Lu Tiao hesitate.

At least there is no way to try it now.

He slowly put down the knife.

Under the moonlight, he saw a cold glow in the tears shed by girls because of anxiety.


Today we are open to Xumiru, and we can travel to Tevat again.

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