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917. Children

The drowned man was white, so the handprints on his ankles were very obvious. They were not bruises. They were like marks on someone's palms after they were stained with ink.

Her breathing had stabilized, her eyes were closed tightly, as if she had a nightmare, and she could see her eyeballs rolling.

There were marks on her left foot, and the rest of her body only had wrinkles caused by being soaked in water for a long time. Lu Tian observed carefully and suddenly felt that the palm prints did not look like human ones.

He put his hand on that position and made a gesture, and found that the palm print was larger and seemed to have six fingers.

"These are not human hands."

Lu Tiao came to a conclusion.

As a professional divine chooser, he dares to make judgments.

"Not human hands?"

Shia was a little surprised, because under normal circumstances, she would only think that it might have been left by some kind of tool. After all, it is impossible for human hands to leave such traces. This force is far beyond what normal humans can do in the sea.

, but Lu Jian’s conclusion was too outrageous.

"As you can see, that thing in the sea is definitely not a diver. Normal humans cannot move in the water like that."

Lu Jian explained.

"According to Occam's razor principle, do not add entities unless necessary. I still believe it is a diver."

Shia said.

"By the way, when I was chatting with them just now, I asked about the children here."

She added another sentence, which was a follow-up to the local children that Lu Jian mentioned earlier who shouted "die" to her.

"They said that they heard children yelling near the beach yesterday, but they only thought it was a prank, and the children did not bother them later, so they didn't take it seriously."

"There are children too?"

Lu Tan felt a little surprised. On the one hand, it was the similarity between the two, and on the other hand, Xia actually remembered what Lu Tan said just now and asked about it again.

"I'll find Uncle Cui later to see who those children are. If possible, we can ask them."

Shia said.


Lu Tan and Xia were about to leave the infirmary when the girl lying down suddenly twitched. The movement was very large, as if she had been hit by a cardiopulmonary resuscitation electric shock device, and it made a sound.

This caused everyone to look over.

The girl suddenly opened her eyes.

However, these eyes have no holes, only the whites of the eyes.

She made a hoarse sound in her throat, like a cat threatening after being attacked. Her whole body convulsed, and her hardened muscles were as shocking as stones.

Her friend immediately came to the bedside and tried to comfort her.


There was a weird sound in her throat, it was like some kind of language from the ancient times, but no one could decipher it, it just felt horrifying.

This is the fear of the unknown, this is the awe of the mystery.

Only Lu Jian could quickly tell that this sound had the same syllables as the sound the murderer made when his body was "seized."

It is almost impossible to completely agree on this kind of chaotic sound without any meaning that humans can understand.

The only possibility is that it is some kind of language.

There is definitely no physical connection between this foreign tourist and the murderer in Jiangcheng City. The possibility that two people would say the same thing without knowing each other is zero.

This further confirmed Lu Jian's guess that even in this peaceful world, there are some indescribable great beings.

But for Lu Tan, not only was this not a bad thing, but it was what he expected.

It's ironic to say that if he wants to break the situation and return to the real world, Lu Jian must rely on the existence of those evil gods. In fact, the heavier the guys involved, the greater the possibility of Lu Jian getting out of trouble.

Therefore, the more Lu Jian comes into contact with those weird existences, the more opportunities he has to return to the real world.

The man and woman quickly held down their friend, but her veins popped out, her muscles hardened, and her whole body was twitching like an electrocuted chicken. It was difficult to calm down.

She continued to make such sounds from her mouth, which was terrifying and terrifying.

Just when the two of them were at a loss, Shia raised her hand and hit her on the back of the neck with a knife. The girl let out a scream and immediately collapsed.

"Go get the doctor. She might need a sedative."

Shia ordered.

The boy immediately went out to find a doctor.

Shia opened the drowning girl's eyelids and took a photo with the flash of her phone's camera. She saw that the boy's eyes were a little dazed and had no reaction to the light. It was obvious that he was in shock.

"You have to find someone to watch her at all times. It is best to use some means to restrict movement. She may hurt herself."

Shia said to another girl.

But the girl was completely at a loss and just pressed her friend hard, as if she had turned into a stone statue.

"Useless stuff."

Shia complained.

At this time, the doctor arrived and saw the girl who had fainted, and then looked at Shia.

"Give her a sedative."

Shia said.

She and Lu Tan handed the scene to the doctor and left the infirmary.

"How about it?"

Amber hurriedly came over and asked. The soundproofing here was not very good. She could hear the screams inside just now in the corridor. It was a bit ferocious and scary.

"It's nothing serious."

Shia replied, seeing the slightly uneasy expressions of the two high school students, she continued.

"I'm starving. Let's go get something to eat. Don't stay here."

She tried to use food to lighten the mood. After all, anyone who encounters this kind of thing while traveling will be depressed, and supplementing carbohydrates can make people feel happy.

"Come on, I'm hungry too."

Lu Tan shook Amber's shoulders and told her not to worry too much.

A few people left the infirmary on the pier. The port was still busy. It was now the time when the fishing boats that went to sea in the early morning were returning from harvest. Some fishmongers were still setting up stalls and displaying some fresh catches in baskets for tourists to choose from. As long as they were very

At low prices, you can buy freshly caught seafood, which is delicious whether steamed or boiled.

There are many tourists gathered here, many of whom have just returned from the beach. They bargain with the fishermen and buy seafood for evening meals.

Lu Tan and Xia picked some seafood, carried it directly to a restaurant in the town, asked the boss to help with the processing, and ordered some side dishes. By the time the four of them finished eating, it was already evening.

The setting sun turned the sea into a golden color, and the evening breeze brought some comfort.

On the way back to the villa, Lu Jian and others also passed by the beach. I don't know if everyone had forgotten what happened during the day, or if a new group of tourists had arrived, and a lot of people gathered there.

As soon as he entered the door, Drizzt greeted him.

"You are finally back. I investigated the situation of the children on the island as Shia said. Please confirm the photos."

He handed a few photos to Lu Jian.

There were not many people on the island, and even fewer children. Lu Tiao quickly looked through all the photos.

Then he discovered that the children he saw did not belong to any of the children in the photos.


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