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944. Alarm clock

At this moment.

The endless sky.

In the vast sea of ​​​​stars, the bright stars are silent, and there is only one planet floating in this lonely universe.

Its trajectory does not follow any known or unknown astronomical laws. Its own mass causes the distortion of space and changes the fate of countless planets.

When it passes outside some stable structures of galaxies, the huge gravitational force causes changes in the trajectories of the planets orbiting the stars. Some planets are pulled and collapse, while others deviate from their original orbits and become colder or hotter.

There are also some binary and triple star systems that were originally extremely chaotic, but due to its arrival, they have undergone tremendous changes, either becoming stable or directly destroyed.

But this planet is just passing by quietly.

It doesn't care about the birth and destruction of all these related civilizations on the planet.

From the perspective of the universe, it has a rust-red appearance. It seems that large areas of the planet are deserts. On those brown-red wastelands, there stand huge hills that are beyond imagination.

These deserts will move from time to time, like cocoa powder floating on coffee. They float, collide, and reorganize in a messy manner. Only then can you get a glimpse of what is under the huge land.

It was a pale, glowing sea of ​​ashes.

Beneath the ashes lies fiery, rolling liquid iron.

These flowing irons rush under the continent, sometimes forming the shape of a huge eye. Even in the infinite and deep universe, it is conspicuous enough and gives people a huge sense of oppression.

Staring at it and observing it carefully will always give the observer the feeling that this is not a planet, but a living creature.

This is indeed the case.

The Star of Judgment, the Pioneer of Destruction, the One Abandoned by the Gods, many names have been attached to it, and it is probably not liked among those indescribable evil gods of the past.

Wherever He walks, everything wakes up, like an annoying alarm clock, waking up those beings that have been sleeping for a long time, causing the positions of the stars to change, and even the seals of blindness and ignorance to loosen.

At this moment, a certain sound attracted him, causing him to change his original trajectory.

He flew towards the source of the sound, regardless of what disasters happened to the planets along the way. Some planets may have produced tsunamis, earthquakes, and volcanic eruptions under the influence of gravity. Some planets may have fallen into stars due to changes in gravity.

The corona of the sun has evaporated completely, and some planets may be smashed into pieces on its path, turning into a piece of debris on its surface.

Along the way, this strange rust-red planet awakened many old rulers who were sealed in the void and hidden deep in the planet. Countless civilizations were destroyed because of this, and countless civilizations sprouted under this influence. Countless civilizations sprouted under this influence.

The story ends here, and countless stories begin here.

And at his end, on an ordinary planet.

In the middle of the typhoon that covered half of the planet, under the calm sea, in the deep and dark temple of ancient ruins.

Dark yellow tentacles wrapped around the body of [The Man of Darkness], but these tentacles immediately became dry and began to wither, as if they had lost their vitality.

[The Dark Man] turned around and saw a woman covering her face with a fan and wearing a gorgeous cheongsam standing on the steps. She had a graceful figure that made people's blood surge, but the [Dark Man] didn't show any expression.


"what you up to?"

The tentacles around this handsome man with dark skin faded and fell.

"So you hid it here."

Woman, Charlotte's eyes turned to the musical instrument on the altar behind [The Dark Man].

"It was meant to be here."

[The Dark Man] glanced back and said.

"Now that both of us may be under His gaze, are you sure you want to continue arguing?"

"Isn't this interesting?"

Charlotte asked back.

"As His incarnation, shouldn't what we pursue be the ultimate chaos and chaos? If you are not willing to be a part of Chaos yourself, then I think you will not be able to truly reach His position."

Faced with this doubt, [The Dark Man] chuckled.

"Have you ever thought that even your rebellious heart is the arrangement left by Him? Sometimes I can understand His thoughts. When the world becomes dull, sometimes danger is the real chaos."

These two incarnations of foreign gods are like old rivals who have not seen each other for a long time. Every word you say, I say, tit for tat.

To them, this kind of petty quarrel is not a waste of time. Their time is infinite and endless. Staying here for thousands of years is no different than staying here for a few minutes.


There were squirming tentacles wrapped around Charlotte's ankles. The woman in the cheongsam looked down and frowned slightly.

The next moment, the huge Lu Jian's body suddenly shrank, shrinking rapidly like a punctured balloon.

After a while, the bloody Lu Trip turned into a human form and lay down at Charlotte's feet.

"Wake up."

Charlotte said something, and at the same time stepped on Lu Tan's cheek, turning his face to her side.

But Lu Tiao didn't react at all, as if he was still in a nightmare.

"never mind."

Charlotte didn't pay attention, but looked at the [Dark Man].

"You almost broke my toy. There's no way I won't hold you accountable for this."

"You are becoming more and more human."

[The Man of Darkness] sneered, but the next moment, he felt that his surroundings were engulfed in perverse, twisted, bizarre and colorful colors.

He didn't care. This level of pollution would not affect the existence of his personality in any way. He didn't understand Charlotte's purpose of doing this.

Taking a step forward, he found that the front was like a deep well, falling infinitely downwards, as if he could not reach the end.

In the center of the deep well, there is a black sun, just like the one created here by the "Dark Man".

In this regard, [The Dark Man] only finds it interesting.

He snapped his fingers, and everything around him immediately dissipated. In the deep void, [The Man of Darkness] looked around, raised his hand, and turned the doorknob as if there was a door in front of him.

If there were a physical performance grand prix now, [Dark Man] would definitely take the top spot.

As if he really opened a door, he walked into the void in front of him and suddenly disappeared.

The next moment, [The Dark Man] returned to reality.

He was curious about the meaning of this simple method of delaying time, but Charlotte was no longer in her original position.

This graceful woman wearing a cheongsam stood in front of the blind and foolish statue.

He reached out and picked up the instrument that was placed on the altar.


At the same time, the bell rang.

This chapter has been completed!
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