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Chapter 296 'List of Strange Insects in Heaven and Earth' and Three Kinds of Demonic Insects

The insect-repelling technique left by Han Yuan of Qianling Sect is indeed very subtle and mysterious.

This so-called insect repellent technique not only includes the secret techniques of driving monster insects to fight, but also includes many secret techniques of breeding insects.

Although beast control and insect repelling seem to have many similarities, in fact, there are still great differences in the breakdown of the two.

For beast control monks, as long as the bloodline of the monster is high enough, there is no need to put much effort into raising the beast.

But deworming is completely different.

Except for a very small number of monster insect species with very strange and powerful individual abilities, most monster insects must rely on numbers if they want to exert their strong combat effectiveness.

How to expand the population of demonic insects and how to drive more demonic insects will test the insect-breeding ability of the deworming monk.

In the history of Qianling Sect, there are many examples of people who relied on their excellent insect breeding skills to take an originally ordinary monster insect and breed excellent offspring through continuous careful selection, and finally cultivated a new powerful monster insect.


Compared to monster beasts, monster bugs are undoubtedly much more capable of reproducing, and the time it takes for their larvae to mature is also much shorter.

In a hundred years, a high-level monster may only be able to give birth to one child, or even one child may not be able to be born.

However, the reproduction interval of most demonic insects does not exceed five years.

In other words, the same one hundred years is enough for the monster insects to reproduce for twenty generations!

In the hands of monks who are proficient in the art of breeding insects, such generations of reproduction are completely enough for them to select the best insect species and use various methods to strengthen them to their strongest state.

Just like Han Yuan, he relied on his excellent insect breeding skills to continuously improve and mutate a kind of monster insect called "Golden-spotted Iron-Eating Insect", and finally cultivated the "Xuanjia Golden Feather" which he named

The golden zerg is the kind of monster that caused Zhou Mingde and the others to suffer a lot.

In fact, Zhou Mingde and the others were lucky at that time. Those "Black Armor Golden Feathers" had been sealed for too long, and their strength had dropped to less than half of what it was in its heyday.

Otherwise, it would be impossible for the three of them, the Zifu Stage monks, to survive the siege of so many "Black Armor Golden Feathers".

At this time, Zhou Chun compared the various experience notes left by Han Yuan and looked through the secret techniques specifically used to breed insects. He saw that his horizons had been broadened and he had gained a lot.

He even had some inspiration and wanted to use some of these methods to cultivate monster beasts.

That's right, compared to monster insects, the bloodline status of monster beasts is more stable, and their reproduction and growth cycles are longer.

But there are still opportunities to change!

If you imitate the art of breeding insects to breed monster beasts, you may not necessarily be able to see the results quickly, but this is definitely a way.

If this road can be opened, the gains will undoubtedly be huge.

However, although he was inspired and had many ideas, he never thought of doing such a thing himself.

I just recorded these thoughts and planned to give them to Zhou Daoquan, the supreme elder of the Zhou family, to try together with the insect breeding techniques in the future.

For Zhou Chun, cultivation is the first priority, followed by how to strengthen his own strength and strengthen his family's power.

Those skills and so on, if he really has talent, that's it. If he doesn't have any obvious extraordinary talent, he doesn't want to put more effort into getting involved.

Unless he stops being the clan leader one day and is not so busy, he might have time to get involved.

Therefore, after looking at the insect-raising techniques at this time, Zhou Chun returned his attention to the insect-repelling techniques that could help improve the combat effectiveness of immortal cultivators.

Qianling Sect's insect repelling techniques have been quite perfected, and different types of monster insects have corresponding secret techniques that can maximize their strength.

For example, monster insects with extremely strong defensive capabilities such as "Black Armor Golden Feather" are suitable for using "Insect Armor Technique" to condense them into a special "insect armor" to protect themselves.

Or use the "Insect Spear Technique" to condense them into an "Insect Spear" and shoot it out, then quickly explode in front of the target, allowing the insect swarm to surround the enemy as quickly as possible.

Another example is moth monsters such as the "Poison Flame Moth". Because the poisonous flames released by them are extremely corrosive, the "Spirit Melting Technique" can be used to melt the poisonous flames released by thousands of "Poison Flame Moths".

They form a torrent of poisonous flames and form a sea of ​​poisonous flames to attack the enemy.

There is also a secret technique called "Insect Explosion Technique", which can be used to inscribe relevant runes on certain demonic insects in advance, causing them to explode themselves at critical moments.

This secret technique is very suitable for use on those monster insects whose body fluids and blood are poisonous. After their group self-destructs, they will be very powerful.

There is also a secret technique called "Insect Puppet Technique", which can refine monster insects into puppet clones, which can be used for reconnaissance or combat.

To be honest, compared to the Zhou family's not very mature beast-controlling skills, Han Yuan's inheritance of Qianling Sect's insect-repelling skills undoubtedly needs to be improved a lot.

If they can make good use of these insect-repelling techniques, the Zhou family may not have the chance to become a force like the Qianling Sect in the future.

Of course, although the art of deworming has many benefits and advantages, its shortcomings are also obvious.

First of all, just like the art of controlling beasts, if the art of expelling insects wants to exert sufficient power, it must have some outstanding monster insects as the targets.

Secondly, supporting the growth of a large number of demonic insects requires the consumption of a large amount of resources. This resource consumption will be far greater than supporting the growth of demonic beasts, much more.

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Third, except for some extremely rare and rare insects and bugs, most monster bugs are not very strong.

Even those demonic insects carefully cultivated by the Qianling Sect's Golden Core monks can hardly resist the power of the magic weapon.

When the Golden Core Stage monks of Qianling Sect compete with monks of the same realm, few can win simply by relying on the art of expelling insects.

No matter how large the number of insects they raise is!

Similarly, the monster insects that can threaten Yuanying stage monks basically only exist in certain records of Qianling Sect, and most of them have been declared extinct long ago.

In other words, the art of expelling insects is a very powerful fighting art below the golden elixir stage.

But after reaching the golden elixir stage, if there are no particularly powerful insects as the target, the effectiveness of this insect repellent technique will be greatly reduced.

Perhaps it is precisely because of this flaw that Qianling Sect Golden Core monks like Han Yuan are obsessed with the study of forbidden techniques, trying to use forbidden techniques to cultivate the kind of people who can threaten the lives of Golden Core monks.

Powerful monster.

In a sense, he really did it.

The demonic insects that are currently ravaging Yang Country are the products of his experiments.

But Zhou Chun knew that the current situation of this kind of monster insect was actually not what Han Yuan wanted.

The reason why today's demonic insects can form an insect plague that even the Nascent Soul stage monks cannot extinguish is because of their unlimited expansion of the huge population, and because of the powerful insect king born among them.

But if any immortal cultivator wants to drive this kind of monster insect as a target, he will definitely regret it.

Because the monster insect population driven by immortal cultivators has no chance of giving birth to that kind of true king of the race.

At the same time, the spiritual consciousness of the immortal cultivators themselves is limited. Even the golden elixir stage cultivators can only control hundreds of thousands of first-order demonic insects at the same time.

But hundreds of thousands of first-order demonic insects cannot pose any threat to a Golden Core Stage monk.

Therefore, the monster insects that can truly satisfy a Golden Core-stage insect cultivator like Han Yuan should be those that are powerful individually and can reproduce into small-scale insect swarms.

It's like the alien insect recorded in the Qianling Sect's classics, an alien insect called "Sky Fire Purple Centipede".

When this kind of insect reaches its mature state, it will be nine feet long and can fly to the sky and escape from the earth. The purple flames spewed from its mouth cannot even be contaminated by Golden Core monks, and can even burn magic weapons!

If any Golden Core cultivator could cultivate hundreds of mature "Sky Fire Purple Centipedes", he would definitely be invincible against all the Golden Core cultivators. One against ten would not be a problem!

It's a pity that not to mention the zerg that don't know whether they still exist in this world like the "Skyfire Purple Centipede", even those zerg that are even less powerful are now as hard to find as finding a needle in a haystack.

Han Yuan even wrote directly in his personal autobiography that the biggest regret in his life was not being able to return to the Qianling Sect before it was destroyed, and the second biggest regret was not being able to truly find a "List of Strange Insects of Heaven and Earth"

The zerg above.

The so-called "List of Strange Insects of Heaven and Earth" is also a strange book left by Han Yuan. The compiler of this strange book is said to be a Nascent Soul monk named "Baichong Zhenren".

The founder of Qianling Sect received part of the Taoist inheritance from the "Master Bai Chong".

Through what he saw with his own eyes and the information collected from various classics, the "Banzong Zhenren" recorded a total of one hundred powerful strange insects in the world, and ranked those strange insects based on his own opinions.


And even a powerful demonic insect like the "Skyfire Purple Centipede" can only be ranked fifty-three on the "Rank of Strange Insects of Heaven and Earth".

Most of the monsters and insects listed in this strange book have been confirmed to be extinct in this world, and most of the remaining ones are on the verge of extinction. Even Nascent Soul Stage monks like "Master Bai Chong" have never seen them with their own eyes.

Only a small part of them are confirmed to still exist, and there have been traces of them in some inaccessible wilderness and forbidden areas.

Zhou Chun also read the "List of Strange Insects of Heaven and Earth", and the powerful strength and strange magical powers of the various strange insects recorded in it opened his eyes to the point where he even doubted whether they really existed.

For example, the above-mentioned strange insect called "Void Crystal Cicada" is said to have the ability to become invisible in space, making it difficult for even Yuanying-stage monks to detect its existence.

But this kind of strange insect has a pair of cicada wings, but it has the sharpness to cut through space, and can cut off the head of a Nascent Soul monk without even realizing it!

There is also a strange insect called the "sky-eating dragon spider". It is said that the spider webs it weaves can trap even dragons, thereby killing and devouring them.

Every time these extremely powerful strange insects appeared, they would cause a huge tragedy in the world of immortality, killing and injuring many high-level monks.

Unfortunately, I don’t know if it’s because they are too powerful, so powerful that they have destroyed the balance of heaven in this world, making this world unable to tolerate them.

Gradually, their figures disappeared, and it was difficult to see their living existence. Only some classics about them were passed down to later generations, allowing future generations of monks to know that such powerful monsters had once appeared in this world.

When Zhou Chun was watching "The Strange Insects of Heaven and Earth", he was just reading it as a story.

He knew in his heart that no matter whether the various strange insects above existed or not, he would probably never have the chance to verify them, let alone encounter them.

And with his current level of cultivation, he doesn't even have the time to worry about those strange insects above.

"Fortunately, my cultivation level is not high now. These insect eggs left by Senior Han Yuan should be enough for me to use before the Golden Core Stage!"

Zhou Chun's mind moved and he looked at the jade boxes in the storage bag.

Zhou Mingde valued him very much, and gave him all the insect eggs he obtained at that time, so he could use them as he pleased.

Probably in Zhou Mingde's heart, he had no intention of distracting himself from studying the art of deworming.

But Zhou Chun didn't mind using one more method.

At this time, he compared the demonic insect illustrations left by Han Yuan and easily identified the origins of all the insect eggs left behind.

There is no doubt that these insect eggs that Han Yuan left behind on purpose were the finest products he had in his hands at that time.

They may seem a bit useless to a Jindan stage monk like Han Yuan.

But for a foundation-building monk like Zhou Chun, it is a valuable treasure.

Among them, the most precious eggs are undoubtedly the unique demon insect "Black Armor Golden Feather" bred by Han Yuan himself, and a demon insect called "Silver Silk Silkworm".

Needless to say, "Xuanjia Golden Feather", after being cultivated and matured, has the power to harm the monks in the Zifu stage. If thousands of mature "Xuanjia Golden Feather" can be cultivated, Zhou Chun will be the foundation-building stage cultivator.

Because, he is also powerful enough to rival the monks in the Zifu period.

The "Silver Silkworm" is an economical monster insect.

The silk spun by this insect is extremely tough and is not afraid of water, fire and strong acid. Just weaving it into a robe is equivalent to a second-level low-grade robe. If it is refined by a monk who is good at weaving robes, it can easily become a second-level high-grade robe.


Thousand Spirit Sect monks like Han Yuan, in order to support the huge insect swarm they raise, often raise some economical monster insects such as "Silver Silkworms" to earn spiritual coins.

Zhou Chun had other ways of making money, but he didn't need to raise this "silver silkworm" himself to generate income.

But for the Zhou family, having this "silver silkworm" is undoubtedly another special product and an additional point of economic growth.

At this time, after he identified all kinds of demon insect eggs, he put away those that he could not use for the time being, leaving only three kinds in front of him.

These three kinds of demon insect eggs are "Black Armor Golden Feather", "Flying Fire Scorpion", and "Blue Moon Butterfly".

These three kinds of monsters have their own characteristics, and if cultivated properly, they will greatly improve his combat effectiveness.

ps: It’s snowing today, which affects the speed of typing, so I write a bit late. I’m going to have a housewarming dinner tomorrow, and I won’t ask for leave. I’ll try to do two updates the day after tomorrow!!

This chapter has been completed!
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