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Chapter 1028: Holy Dragon of Light - Ingersoll is promoted to a lower level god!

Zhou Zhou then looked at the list of gods and troops at the back.

He first looked at the list of gods.

After today's war, a full 25 legendary superior soldiers were promoted to become lower gods and lower gods.

This brings the number of gods under Zhou Zhou’s command to 621!

In terms of instigating rebellion:

First of all, Zhou Zhan used two instigations on the battlefield today on his behalf. Although they were only instigations against two alien forces with a size of 2 billion, the results of these two instigations also brought Zhou Zhou 1.6 billion.

17,869,630 alien soldiers!

As for the Lords of the Star Alliance, after following the army to participate in the alien war yesterday, they instigated 2.1186 million 1,780 alien soldiers for Zhou Zhou!

The total force under Zhou Zhou's command now is 112.84281114 soldiers!

If you include the Star Alliance's current total strength of more than 24.112 billion, Zhou Zhou's total strength has reached more than 136 billion soldiers!

When Zhou Zhou saw this, he frowned slightly.

"The benefits of instigating rebellion have become smaller."

"It's far less than what it was at the beginning, and the benefits surprised me."

Zhou Zhou shook his head.

The reason why the benefits of this lord talent are so small is mainly because the target range of his rebellion is limited to a specific lord force.

For example, he wants to fight a certain lord force alliance, and this lord force alliance has five lord forces under its command.

Then when he uses incite rebellion, he can only use incite rebellion against one of the opponent's lord forces, rather than against the entire alliance of lord forces.

This greatly affects the income of this lord talent.

Zhou Zhou originally planned to use the billions of bronze lord talent crystal fragments he had accumulated to improve this lord's talent, but now that he saw the income, he hesitated.

This benefit seems a bit unworthy...

But he thought about it and decided to upgrade it.

First of all, this lord's talent has been with me for a long time, and I have used it the most. Even though the effect of instigating rebellion has become weaker now, the 'infighting effect' produced in the war is still very good, and I also want to continue to upgrade it.


Secondly, generally speaking, when a lord's talent reaches the mythical level and the only level, there will usually be a qualitative change. After the qualitative change of Instigating Rebellion, it may make up for its shortcomings.

Third time, Zhou Zhou had a vague feeling.

This mythical level, the only lord talent to instigate rebellion will be very important to your future.

This feeling is very unreasonable.

But when it comes to Zhou Zhou, a strong man who can sense the level of destiny, he begins to value this premonition similar to a 'whim', so he chooses to continue to upgrade the lord talent of Instigating Rebellion.

As for the number of newly promoted gods reaching an astonishing 25, although this was somewhat beyond Zhou Zhou's expectation, considering the effects of the newly promoted mythical level and sole lord talents, it seems to be beyond reason.

Then he looked at the force list.

Although many members of the Moon Demon Clan are very hard-nosed and unwilling to accept the Sun Kingdom's persuasion to surrender, and were not successfully instigated to rebel, there are still a small number of Moon Demon Clan members who feared the Sun Kingdom's powerful strength before and after the war.

And joined the Kingdom of the Sun.

These Moon Demon Clan members are divided into two parts.

Naturally, some of them are ordinary Moon Demon clan members who do not possess extraordinary powers.

Their number is about three hundred trillion, and they are currently arranged in the original territory of the Moon Demon Clan. They are not allowed to immigrate. They are treated the same as the Huoming Clan.

The other part are the military professionals of the Moon Demon Clan.

Their number is approximately 2.5 billion.

After Zhou Zhou saw this number, he didn't bother to let them bring them back and let them stay where they were to protect the Moon Demon Clan's territory.

And just by doing this, naturally it does not count as completely dominating the territory of the Moon Demon Clan.

Zheng Yuanqi has already discussed with other officials to send a large number of officials and soldiers to the Huoming Clan and Moon Demon Clan territories to garrison the Huoming Clan and Moon Demon Clan territories.

Then they will manage the alien territory according to local conditions.

For example, designated governance and management policies tailored to local conditions.

Increase the relationship between the Huoming tribe and the Moon Demon tribe and the human race.

Coupled with Zhou Zhou's own undoubted prestige and strength as well as his good policies towards the domestic subjects.

All races are strong and like to live a good life.

At that time, even if other alien forces say that the Fire Man Clan and the Moon Demon Clan should be sentenced to the Sun Kingdom and fight against the Emperor of the Living and the Sun Kingdom with them, they will not hesitate to fight back and feel that the other party has ulterior motives.



There is also the lord talent - the effect of hundreds of millions of points in the peaceful age.


The current number of troops under Zhou Zhou's command (not counting the Star Alliance) totals 112.84281114!

Among them, there are 1,279,699,252 black iron-level soldiers!

There are 5,780,129,593 bronze-level soldiers!

There are 21,393,452,845 Silver-level soldiers!

There are 47,231,029,800 gold-level soldiers!

There are 10,763,159,862 platinum-level soldiers!

There are 8,696,058,770 diamond-level soldiers!

There are 6,610,698,780 extraordinary level soldiers!

2,517,893,900 epic-level soldiers!

There are 10,259,650 legendary level soldiers!

As for the gods under his command, their strength has also improved to varying degrees after today's battle.


Guo Qiao, Chi Xuantian, Yuan Chong, and Zewu were promoted to upper-level god superiors, and have reached the threshold for promotion to true gods!

Vicki, Bai Yun, Wu Xin, Feng Luo, Xu An, and Luo Sheng were all promoted to the lower level of superior gods!

Neltharion, Jilong was promoted to the lower level of the middle god!

The Holy Dragon of Light, Ingersoll, was promoted to a lower-level god and a lower-level god, and was suspected to have combat power close to that of a true god.

He can endure for a period of time in the confrontation with the true God. Although he will be at a disadvantage, his life will not be in danger.

The strength of other gods has also been greatly improved.

Zhou Zhou's face suddenly showed joy when he saw the promotion of the gods.

Although he had long expected that the gods under his command might receive a huge increase in his strength due to the protection of the Ten Divine Blessings - Lord War God Tris, a mythical and only lord talent.

But he didn't expect the improvement to be so huge.

There are actually many gods who have reached the threshold of becoming true gods.

That is to say.

As long as they meet the legal requirements for promotion to true gods, they can be successfully promoted to become true gods.

And what makes Zhou Zhou most satisfied is that the Holy Dragon of Light, Ingersoll, who was a little guy at the beginning, has finally been promoted to the level of a god.

His talent did not disappoint Zhou Zhou.

As soon as he was promoted to the lower level of a lower god, he had the strength to fight against the true god.

Although there is no way to win the battle, I can only barely protect myself in the battle.

But this is also an extremely amazing achievement.

It can be said that he is somewhat charming as a master.

Worthy of being the legendary dragon clan!

This chapter has been completed!
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