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Chapter 105 Zhao Changshou is on the eve of the test of the loyal lord!

Chapter 105 Zhao Changshou is die-hard! The eve of the novice lord’s test! (Please subscribe)

"Report to the lord!"

"The thickened sand crystal city wall consumes more than 3 million units of basic materials and all the sand crystals currently in stock."

"The horse track is made of sand, all of which are made from local materials."

"As for the seven newly built Aurora Towers."

"A total of 96,000 units of basic materials were consumed, 600 Bronze-level Mist Hearts, 600 Bronze-level Aurora Crystals, 10 Gold-level Mist Hearts and 10 Gold-level Aurora Crystals!"

Reported by Zhao Changshouhui.

"It doesn't matter."

"It doesn't matter how much you consume."

"What I want is these things that Mr. Zhao built for me."

Zhou Zhou smiled.

Resources and Mist Hearts are meant to be spent.

There is no point in saving.

Especially when the novice lord test is about to come.

It is even more important to spend them and replace them with things that can increase the probability of passing the novice lord test and competing for the only supreme reward.

That makes sense.

He still knows this.

When Zhao Changshou heard this, a smile appeared on his face.

To be able to meet a lord like Zhou Zhou who trusts and understands them.

To them.

Isn't it a blessing?

"Mr. Zhao."

"Thank you for your hard work these past two days."

Zhou Zhou said to Zhao Changshou sincerely.

Come down in these two days.

It is entirely due to Mr. Zhao's non-stop work day and night, coupled with the efforts of all the people in the area, that we have achieved the current results.

In this.

Mr. Zhao definitely deserves the most credit!

"This is just the duty of my subordinates."

"Lord, you don't have to be like this."

Zhao Changshou said.

"Mr. Zhao."

"Go back and have a good rest."

"Tomorrow's test."

"I, Sun City, will not be defeated."

Zhou Zhou said seriously.

Zhao Changshou looked at Zhou Zhou.


A pleased smile appeared on his face.

"It's rare to see such a confident promise from the lord."

"This time."

"The efforts of my subordinates and all the people in the territory in these two days are truly meaningful."

he sighed.

The words just fell.

A line of text prompt appeared in front of Zhou Zhou's eyes.

[The loyalty of your subject Zhao Changshou has been increased to 100 points and he has become your die-hard subject!]

Zhou Zhou was startled.

Then he saw Zhao Changshou saluting him respectfully.

"Then my subordinate will go back and rest."

He said respectfully.

Zhou Zhou nodded.

Zhao Changshou turned around and left, with a faint smile on his face.

Zhou Zhou watched him leave.

After seeing him return to his residence, Zhou Zhou also returned to the lord's courtyard, put on the Suo Feng Ritual suit, and then found a deserted place to practice flying with it.

This situation did not stop until Wu Tu came back with the reconnaissance soldiers.

Zhou Zhou flew down from the sky and landed in front of Wu Tu, who was covered in dust.

Wu Tu looked at this scene with some surprise.

However, he did not forget his responsibilities. He immediately took out a map from his arms and handed it to Zhou Zhou respectfully with both hands.

"Lord Lord."

"My subordinates have led the team members to scout the entire deserted Gobi."

"And a map of the deserted Gobi area was drawn."

"This is a regional map of the deserted Gobi!"

Zhou Zhou took it and took a brief look.

Then he raised his eyebrows.

Because he saw it.

In addition to a few scarlet lords, there is actually a kobold tribe in this desolate Gobi.

Zhou Zhou looked at the special note next to it.

After knowing that the overall strength of this kobold tribe was not strong, I stopped looking at it further.

Ignore them for now.

Naturally, tomorrow’s novice lord test is more important now!

But with this regional map of the deserted Gobi.

Wait until the novice lord test is over.

He could lead his troops to conquer this black iron level territory.

To clear the surrounding safety hazards for Desolate City, a commercial city under his command in the future.

"well done."

Zhou Zhou praised Wu Tu.

Wu Tu laughed twice.

"My subordinates will draw a map of the Thorny Sand Dunes area tomorrow!"

he said.

"Something big will happen in the territory tomorrow."

"Just don't go out."

"After tomorrow's things are over."

"It's not too late for you to go out."

Zhou Zhoudao.

Wu Tu was stunned.

Then I didn’t ask any more questions and just agreed.

After that, he and Wu Tu chatted for a while, and Zhou Zhou asked Wu Tu to take the soldiers back.

Zhou Zhou practiced flying here for a while. After feeling that he could fully control the flying ability of the Shuo Feng Ritual, he returned to the Lord's Courtyard with satisfaction.

It was getting very late at this time.

Zhou Zhou had no intention of continuing to be busy.

He lay on the bed, thinking quietly about tomorrow.

"Tomorrow there will be a novice lord test."

"The opportunity to examine the results of my development over the past few days is coming."

He thought calmly in his heart.

Think back on the developments over the past seven days.

He can already pat his chest and say that he has tried his best.

Even if something unexpected happens.

He doesn't blame himself or anyone else.

"have a rest."

"Gather enough energy to face tomorrow's novice lord test!"

When Zhou Zhou thought of this, he closed his eyes and fell asleep quickly.

the next day.

The sun hasn't fully come out yet.

It's still a little dark.

Lord's Courtyard.

In the master bedroom.

Zhou Zhou opened his eyes.

The look in his eyes soon changed from waking up to being full of energy.

All fatigue is swept away.

Zhou Zhou opened the World Channel.

[Current countdown: 2 hours: 12 minutes: 7 seconds!]

"Two hours left."

Zhou Zhou said softly.

Then he looked down at the lord and spoke.

Although it is still early at this time.

But there are already a large number of Blue Star Lords online.

The number of lord speeches that appear frequently on the World Channel is already overwhelming, with tens of millions of speeches being refreshed every second.

Zhou Zhou had to slow down the refresh rate to see clearly what they were saying.

[Brothers and sisters, it’s the eighth day! In more than two hours, the novice lord test is coming!]

[Suddenly so nervous!]


[I was thinking about the gesture of death for a moment.]

[As long as I can pass this novice lord test, I will definitely be able to soar into the sky!]

[Brothers and sisters, I thought I would not be afraid before, but now I am really afraid. I want to give up my status as a lord and change my job to an adventurer. I wish all brothers and sisters a bright future and prosperity in the future. I will go

Brothers and sisters, I will be an adventurer thug. When the time comes, I hope you brothers and sisters will not dislike me.]

[Sigh, it’s not certain who will be prosperous in the future.]

[If you have a dream in life, let’s go out on our own!]

[Brothers and sisters of the lords in the alliance, please stay calm. The big guys will come to help everyone after they have solved their novice lord test.]

[Jackie Chan, let’s take a look at today’s novice lord test!]

[Come on! Brothers!]

[Stop rushing, I'm panicking now.]

Zhou Zhou didn't see any valuable news, so he turned off the World Channel.

He got up and washed, then put on the Shuofeng Ceremony and walked out of the lord's courtyard and came to the summoning door, ready to summon today's subjects.

A text prompt appears.

[Prompt: Do you want to summon immediately?]


Zhou Zhoudao.

The words just fell.

The summoning door suddenly lit up with a brighter white light, and then 66 people walked out of it.

"I've met the lord!"

After the 66 people came out and saw Zhou Zhou, they immediately knelt down and said respectfully.

"Welcome to join Sun City."

Zhou Zhou smiled and nodded.

Then check the personal information of these 66 people.

(End of chapter)

This chapter has been completed!
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