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Chapter 1,116 The main artifact - Overlord's Gloves! The main artifact - Titan Holy Armor!

[Legal skill name: Fist destroys the great thousand]

[Law Skill Quality: Lord God Superior]

[Introduction to Law Skill Power: The Overlord integrates the Law of Martial Arts, the Law of Hegemony, and the Law of Power into himself and expands the Overlord Domain. The Overlord will enter the 'Overlord Form', causing the original law to descend, making himself one of the three major powers.

The incarnation of the law in all realms, the overlord who enters the state of supremacy, has the power to destroy the world with every punch and kick.

There are very few Lord Gods in the world who can resist the Overlord's attack. In the realm of Lord Gods, the Overlord in the form of Overlord is nearly invincible.]

After Zhou Zhou read it, he couldn't help but take a breath of cold air.

Can one punch or one kick have the power to destroy the entire world?

Doesn't that mean that any casual move by the other party is comparable to the power of a Lord God-level law skill cast by a Lord God-level being with all its strength?

And he also said that Ba Zun is almost invincible?!

What a high rating!

Zhou Zhou was amazed.

The only one who can block or even suppress the Lord God in the Overlord form is the Lord Law Lord God at the Lord God level, right?

"Judging from the legal and technical information."

"The reason why this overlord's overlord form is so strong is because it combines the law of hegemony, the law of force and the law of martial arts."

"Ordinary true gods only need to fully understand one of the laws and use it to build their own world, in order to become the main god."

"And this overlord can actually understand the three laws and integrate them into one."

"There is a reason why this overlord form is so terrifying."

Zhou Zhou sighed.

Then, without thinking too much, he ignored the true god-level law skills and looked at the first high-level artifact of the main god - the Overlord's Gloves!

[Artifact name: Overlord’s Gloves]

[Artifact Level: Lord God Superior]

[Artifact Rule 1-Fists are everything: The Overlord’s Gloves use supreme hegemony to overwhelm most rules.

When attacking the enemy, it can weaken or even invalidate the enemy's law attacks, even the main god's law is no exception, and can even weaken a small part of the attacks at the highest god level.

At the same time, the owner of the Overlord Gloves can change the law attacks he casts into other types of law attacks through the Overlord Gloves, thereby restraining the enemy's attack and defense.]

[Artifact Rule 2 - Overlord of the Heavens: The owner of the Overlord Gloves gathers all his strength and blasts out a full-force punch with the power of the supreme god, which can destroy all existences at the level of the Lord God.

After using the Overlord's Gloves, not only will the owner of the Overlord's Gloves be weak for a long time, but even the Overlord's Gloves will wear out to a certain extent. They need to defeat enemies of the same level or absorb enemies with the same attributes.

Artifact materials can restore its own wear and tear.]

[Artifact Law 3 - The Origin of Hegemony: The Overlord’s Gloves contain the complete origin of the Law of Hegemony. The owner of the main artifact can enter it with his soul and understand the mystery of the Law of Hegemony at any time.]

[Artifact Rule 4 - I am the Overlord: The owner of the Overlord Gloves, when facing the attack of a stronger person and the siege of most creatures, can burst out with stronger fighting power, defeat the enemy as an overlord or die in battle.


[Tip: Only those who have mastered the will of the overlord can recognize this master artifact as its master.]

When Zhou Zhou saw the effect of this main artifact, especially the effect of the second artifact law, his pupils couldn't help but shrink.

Can actually unleash an attack at the level of a supreme god?!

Even if it's just one blow, that's something!

He took a deep breath and murmured: "It is indeed the superior artifact of the Lord God of the Law of Hegemony. Its power is indeed extraordinary."

"This main artifact, even among all the main artifacts, can be regarded as the top-ranked main artifact, right?"

But although this main artifact of the Law of Hegemony is very strong.

But the conditions for its use are also extremely harsh.

"You need to master the existence of the overlord's will in order to recognize this master artifact."

"Will is already very difficult to comprehend. This main artifact also requires the comprehension of a designated will..."

Zhou Zhou shook his head.

I am afraid that this main artifact may not be able to find a suitable owner for a long time.

Even Zhou Zhou, if he relies on the supreme lord's law, should be able to control this main artifact by force.

But it's definitely not today.

After all, this is a top-notch master artifact.

I am afraid that I have to be promoted to the level of a true god to be able to barely control this main artifact with the help of the holy power of chaos and the law skill 'King'.

And I am currently just a small god in the middle-level of lower gods.

I'm afraid this artifact will be buried for a long time.

Zhou Zhou shook his head, put away the high-level artifact of the Lord God, then cheered up and looked at the other two lower-level artifacts of the Lord God.

These two main artifacts... maybe I can use them?

The first main artifact is the Titan Holy Armor.

This Titan Holy Armor is entirely gray and black, with a very obvious statue of a Titan with closed eyes in the center of the armor.

There are ferocious gray-black sharp blades on its surface, which are like personal combat weapons. Even if you don't touch it with your own hands, others will feel their eyeballs sting when they look at it, and they will feel an obvious sense of creepiness.

Zhou Zhou looked at this closed-eyed Titan and felt that it looked familiar, as if he had seen it in the blood inheritance of a certain race.


Then he remembered.

"Is this the first Titan of the Titan Protoss?"

Zhou Zhou hesitated.

The homophone of Titan is Titan.

It is precisely because of the name of their ancestor Titan that the Titans named their race ‘Titans’.

Without any further guessing, he looked directly over.

[Artifact name: Titan Holy Armor]

[Artifact level: Lower level of Lord God]

[Artifact Rule 1 - Titan Ancestral Skeleton: The main material for casting the Titan Holy Armor is the bones of the Titan ancestor ‘Titan’, the first Titan ancestor of the Titan Protoss.

When the owner wears the Titan Holy Armor, it can suppress 30% of the strength of all Titans.

There is a very small probability that the descendants of the Titan Protoss will surrender to the owner of the Titan Holy Armor and support him to become the new king of the Titan Protoss.]

[Artifact Rule 2-Immortal Titan: When the owner of the Titan Holy Armor wears the Titan Holy Armor, he will have an immortal body that is immune to most lower-level attacks by the Lord God, and is also immune to attacks at the intermediate-level Lord God.

weakening effect.

When wearing the Titan Holy Armor at the same time, the owner will have extremely amazing divine body recovery ability, divine soul recovery ability and divine power recovery ability with the help of the Titan's divine power]

[Artifact Rule 3 - Titan Power: The Titan Protoss is the most powerful race among the billions of races in the endless sky. Creatures wearing the Titan Holy Armor will possess the terrifying power of the Titan ancestors.]

[Artifact Law 3-The Origin of Power: The Titan Holy Armor contains the complete origin of the Law of Power. The owner of the main artifact can enter it with his soul and understand the mystery of the Law of Power at any time.]

[Tip: You need will to recognize the master (will is like a light realm).]

After Zhou Zhou read the information about this inferior artifact of the Lord God, he raised his eyebrows slightly.

"Sure enough, it is the main artifact made from the remains of the Titans, the ancestors of the Titans."

"Tsk tsk."

"The effect of this Titan ancestral skeleton is almost comparable to that of a racial artifact."

Zhou Zhou looked a little strange.

I don’t know, what kind of expression will the Titans have on their faces when He puts on this Titan holy armor and appears in front of them one day?

It should be very interesting.

He shook his head and looked at the next main artifact.

This chapter has been completed!
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