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Chapter 1,145 Nine Nether Underworld Spear! Inherited by the Lord of Underworld!

Zhou Zhan took a quick look at the amount of these trophies.

Under the influence of 150% of the amount of loot, there are already more than 15,000 pieces of loot here.

He didn't look at the items below the true god level, but looked directly at the main god level treasures among them.

[Law skill name: Netherworld Underworld]

[Law Skill Quality: Lord God Superior]

[Introduction to Law Skills 1: After the user activates Netherworld Underworld, a netherworld realm will be formed around the user. The underworld realm is divided into two parts, one part is the river of underworld, and the roads on both sides of the river are called underworld roads.

The overall strength of creatures covered by the underworld domain will be reduced by 20%~100% (depending on the strength), and the strength of will will be reduced by an additional 20%~100% (depending on the strength).]

[Law Skill Power Introduction 2-River of Underworld: If a creature within the realm of underworld has less than one-tenth of its total lifespan left before the end of its lifespan, then the river of underworld will usher in its exclusive ferry spirit

, immediately lead the creature to the underworld, and the moment it officially enters the underworld, it loses its life and body and becomes a true dead.]

[Introduction to Law Skill Power 3 - Huangquan Road: If the creatures within the coverage of the Huangquan Domain still have a life span of more than a hundred years, then the Huangquan Road will activate the power of Huangquan's will, allowing all such creatures to unconsciously wander on the Huangquan Road and gradually lose themselves.

Until the end of his life, he will be noticed by the passing ferry spirit and be sent to the underworld in person.]

[Law skill name: Ten Thousand Ghosts Roaring Souls]

[Law Skill Quality: Lord God Superior]

[Introduction to law skills: The user controls the law of ghosts, summons billions of ghosts in the underworld, attacks the enemy's soul, and has a high probability of directly killing the opponent's soul. The souls of the surviving creatures will also be damaged and left behind.

Serious sequelae.]

After Zhou Zhan read it, he couldn't help but marvel.

Of these two main god-level law skills, one is a main god-level law skill that directly attacks the soul, and the other is an extremely rare life-span-reducing law skill.

This was the first time he saw the latter.

He didn't think much about it. After studying it, he looked at the only main artifact that Yan Jun exploded.

This main artifact is in the shape of a spear, and there is no connection at all as a whole. It is completely integrated.

It was dim and yellow, exuding the aura of terminal decay.

The creature looked over and seemed to be able to see a vast dim river from the gun. The river seemed to reflect his old age and dying appearance, and there seemed to be countless dead souls and bones buried under the river that were unwilling to be lost.

[Artifact name: Nine Netherworld Spear]

[Artifact level: Lower level of Lord God]

[Artifact Rule 1 - Underworld Sacred Weapon: The Nine Nether Underworld Spear was originally a strange stick left in the underworld by an extraterrestrial being. Then it not only miraculously survived the corrosion of the underworld water, but also absorbed

It obeyed the rules of the underworld's water and became a holy object with the characteristics of the underworld's rules.

The Nine Nether Underworld Spear has a very high ability to restrain ghosts. Using the Nine Nether Underworld Spear can cause a hundred times damage to any ghost;

For living creatures, when the Nine Nether Underworld Spear stabs the opponent, it can also dissolve the vitality in the opponent's body, greatly reducing the opponent's life span. Even gods will have their own life span out of thin air after being stabbed by the Nine Nether Underworld Spear.

The end of the Yuan Dynasty, and the life span is greatly reduced;

On the day of death, an exclusive underworld ferry spirit will appear in front of the other person, leading the other person to the underworld, ending his life and becoming a member of the underworld.]

[Artifact Rule 2 - The Fall of Underworld: The user summons the shadow of the real underworld through the complete underworld law contained in the Nine Nether Underworld Gun. Any creature above the underworld will be affected by the indulging characteristics of the underworld and fall uncontrollably.

Entering the shadow of the underworld, during this process, the shadow of the underworld will erode all the vitality, divine power, body, soul and other erodible things of the addicted person, until the addicted person is completely eroded and falls to the bottom of the underworld river.

, become part of Huangquan.]

[Artifact Rule 3 - Underworld Domain: The user uses the complete underworld law contained in the Nine Nether Underworld Gun to summon the phantom of the real underworld, surrounding himself, forming a underworld domain.

Any attempt to attack the user will be severely eroded when entering the underworld, and the attack power will be weakened by 10% to 50%;

At the same time, the strength of the living beings in the underworld will be weakened by 20%, and the strength of the dead in the underworld will be weakened by 50%.]

[Artifact Rule 4-Avoid Ten Thousand Ghosts: The Nine Netherworld Gun is famous in the underworld. Most of the dead will choose to avoid the creatures who possess the Nine Netherworld Gun. There are also a few fanatics who will follow the Nine Netherworld Gun.

The owner; the powerful deceased may choose to snatch the Nine Nether Underworld Spear and take action against the user.]

[Artifact Rule 5 - Law of Underworld: The Nine Nether Underworld Gun contains the complete origin of the Law of Underworld. The owner of the main artifact can enter it with his soul and understand the mystery of the Law of Underworld at any time.]

[Tip: You need will to recognize the master (will is like a light realm).]

After Zhou Zhan read it, he nodded in surprise.

"He has extremely high ability to control both the living and the dead."

"This is the ultimate offensive main artifact."

He sighed.

Among the main artifacts in his possession, I feel that only the Taiyin Exterminating Inanimate Demonic Blade can outshine the opponent.

However, the Taiyin Exterminating Inanimate Demonic Blade is an intermediate artifact of the Lord God, and there is actually no comparison between the two.

"When I advance a step further and am able to pass the 'King' and use the main god's lower-level artifacts normally, you will most likely be my first main artifact."

Zhou Zhou looked at the Nine Netherworld Spear with fondness in his eyes.

Then he looked at it for a while, then reluctantly put it away, and then looked at the two fragments of the main god's godhead.

After reading it, he nodded slightly.

The "Yellow Spring Crossing" godhead fragments and the "Yellow Spring Water" godhead fragments contain the main god-level law skills "Yellow Spring Crossing" and "Yellow Spring Water". They are both very powerful main god-level law skills.

But Zhou Zhou saw a lot of powerful master-god-level magic skills, so he didn't feel much about them.

He looked at the "Secret Code of Heroic Heritage" and the "Book of Gods" written by the superior god.

[Treasure name: "Heroes' Secret Book of Inheritance"]

[Level: Lord God Superior]

[Treasure ability: After using it, you can get the heroic inheritance of the Patriarch of Huangquan, Naraku.]

[Introduction: My children, lead the guests to [eternity]. - Patriarch of Huangquan - Naraku]

[Treasure name: "Book of Spirits"]

[Treasure Level: Lord God Superior]

[Treasure effect: The mythical book that records the path of Naraku, the Lord of the Underworld, to becoming a god. After using it, you can embark on the path to becoming the Lord of the Underworld.]

[Introduction to the treasure: The book of inheritance of gods, after use, you can embark on a smooth road to becoming a god, but whether you can truly become a god in the end depends on the user himself.]


"Looking at the previous introduction of law skills, I guessed that the following "Book of Gods" and "Secret Code of Heroic Inheritance" are the inheritance of the Lord of the Underworld."

"Now that I see it, it is indeed like this."

Zhou Zhan nodded.

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