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Chapter 1,256 The Dragon of Time - Qiaodu takes action! Super large-scale time counterflow!

After Qiaodu finished writing this editor's preface, he closed the book.

The next content is the main text, and He had to think carefully before writing.

He looked up at Zhou Zhou with a faint smile on his face.

He is now becoming more and more interested in this common emperor who has a close relationship with the dragon clan.

If it were said that before he came, he had the mentality of being entrusted by his friends and helping his friends to write his autobiography for the common emperor.

So now, He really wants to see the future of this existence for himself.

Can such a human emperor who is full of "childish dreams" really do what he wants to do and become who he wants to be?

Time Shenlong is very interested.

In fact, whether it is naive or not depends on the facts.

If someone says it but can't do it, then you can call the other person's idea "childish".

But if someone not only says it, but also does it, no matter how naive or unbelievable it is, then this person is awesome!

However, Qiaodu did not forget his business at this time.

"Your Majesty, I can actually help resurrect the soldiers."

Qiaodu pointed at the corpses of the fallen soldiers and said with a smile.

"If your majesty can take action, I will certainly be happy to do so."

Zhou Zhou was stunned for a moment, then smiled.

Naturally, he believed his Majesty's words very much.

According to the records of the dragon blood in his body, the other party is said to have even accomplished the feat of resurrecting the legendary dragon.

In terms of resurrection power, He is not even much inferior to the two main gods of life and death.

Qiaodu nodded, and then flew over the Lanlu Scarlet Empire and the Unicron.

Seeing this, Zhou Zhou also ordered the soldiers who were carrying the corpses to put down the corpses of the soldiers.

All the soldiers obeyed the orders and immediately put down the bodies of their comrades, waiting for subsequent orders.

Seeing this, Qi Aodu couldn't help but admired in his heart, what a well-disciplined legion!

Then he looked serious and recited the mantra silently.

As low, complex and mysterious spells were recited from Qiaodu's mouth, a long miraculous river reflecting countless phantoms of time and space, spanning all realms of time and space, quietly reappeared from space, and around this magnificent river,

It is a crimson floating continent with no boundaries.

"The long river of time and space, the eternal continent..."

"It is said that the Dragon of Time and Space was born in the long river of time and space. It should be true."

Zhou Zhou saw this scene and said to himself.


After the time and space river and the Eternal Continent appeared, the time and space river began to flow slowly in the Eternal Continent, as if what Qiaodu summoned was not a phantom, but a real existence.

And just then.

The spell in Qiaodu's mouth suddenly became rapid and high-pitched.

The next second.

Something happened that shocked countless living beings.

At that time, the long river of space and time actually began to flow back slowly under Qiodu's spell. Although it only flowed backward for a moment, a large amount of time and space power was still generated at this moment!

At this time, the power of time and space descended on the Blue Dew Scarlet Empire within a radius of hundreds of millions of kilometers.

Within these billions of kilometers, all the dead soldiers were resurrected in the blink of an eye;

The injuries of the injured soldiers also quickly reversed until the injuries disappeared;

Even the terrain that was changed due to the war and the buildings that were destroyed were turned back in time and quickly returned to normal.

Moreover, the power of time and space can still be restored selectively. For example, those scarlet soldiers killed by the soldiers of the Sun Empire did not recover with the flow of time, and were still in a dead state.

Seeing that everything had been restored, Qiao Du stopped casting spells with a smile, and then said to Zhou Zhou:

"I hope your Majesty is satisfied."

"Satisfied, already satisfied can no longer be satisfied."

Zhou Zhou looked at Qiaodu with eyes full of surprise.

This reversal of time not only resurrected His soldiers, but also restored all the buildings damaged by the war.

Now, they can directly send residents and professionals to the capital of the Blue Dew and Scarlet Empire, and they don't even need to carry out any repair work.

This saves them a lot of trouble.

You must know that for the victors of the war, restoring urban facilities damaged after the war is the most troublesome and expensive thing.

Even Zhou Zhou is no exception.

He doesn't care about spending money. What he cares about is that repairing damaged urban facilities will consume some manpower and time.

Now that this time and space dragon is here, this trouble simply disappears.

He secretly looked at His Majesty Qiaodu, and found that after he had just used this trick of time reversal, he looked like he had no use at all.

Zhou Zhou was heartbroken.

His Majesty's accomplishments in the Law of Time are much more terrifying than he imagined.

"Your Majesty, how many times can you use a law technique with this kind of range in a day?"

Zhou Zhou asked.

"It's just time within a billions of miles of countercurrent. For me, I can use it however I want in one day."

Qiaodu smiled lightly and said: "I can reverse the time flow of a whole world at most. For me, this small-scale time reversal is very easy for me to use dozens or hundreds of times a day. Your Majesty does not need to worry."

His words were considered modest.

As someone who likes to travel through time and space, one of the things he often does, which is also his greatest skill, is to travel through various timelines and even restart the timeline of the entire world to reach the time point he needs.

Although the worlds where those timelines are located are all subsidiary small universes attached to the supreme universe, and countless births and deaths can occur within the time of a single thought, for many true gods, this is an astonishing method that is far beyond their reach.

"That's great." Zhou Zhou said with a smile, "Then please ask your Majesty Duoduo to follow the army and use this post-war time counterflow technique."

"This kind of law technique is very important to our Sun Empire."

"I am already your Majesty's subject. Your Majesty doesn't need to be so polite. Just give me whatever you want."

Qiaodu said with a smile.

Naturally, he has not forgotten that although the humble emperor in front of him is young, he actually already possesses a main god-level combat power comparable to his own.

Once the two of them fight, even if he has many methods, he may not dare to say that he will win.

In addition to his current status as Zhou Zhou's subject, he now truly treats Zhou Zhou as his majesty.

After hearing this, Zhou Zhou knew what Qiaodu meant, thought about it, and nodded.

After a while, after cleaning the battlefield, Zhou Zhou thought for a while. In order to allow the lords of the Star Alliance to use their rebellion as quickly as possible, he simply divided the army of more than 600 trillion into more than 300 branches, allowing the stars to

The lords of the alliance each led more than two trillion soldiers and their own soldiers to carry out independent rebellion among the hostile forces surrounding the territory of the Sun Empire.

In this way, you should be able to use up your own rebellion in the shortest possible time.

After Zhou Zhou thought of this, he immediately sent troops to convey his thoughts. Within a short while, the Sun Empire's army was divided into more than 300 branches and headed for the hostile lords in various frontiers.

The efficiency of this method is indeed extremely high.

In less than an hour, all the Star Alliance lords and their soldiers successfully instigated rebellion and returned.

This chapter has been completed!
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